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Thomas Jefferson

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  6. Thomas Jefferson

Possibly no other man has influenced the institutions of government in the United States as much as Thomas Jefferson has. He was the author of the American Declaration of Independence, supporter of the Bill of Rights, founder of one of the two major political parties through which the people of the United States govern themselves, and third President of the United States.

He was born at Shadwell, Albermarle county, Virginia, on April 13, 1743. His father, Peter Jefferson, was a successful planter who bore an honoured name in the community, and his mother belonged to the aristocratic Randolphs, one of the oldest families in Virginia.

Jefferson graduated from William and Mary College in Virginia in 1762, chose law as his profession, and became extremely successful. Although he was shy and reserved with strangers, his bold mind, gentle manner, brilliant intellect, and friendly attitude made him easy to like. John Adams said of him: ”He was so prompt, explicit, and decisive... in conversation... that he soon seized upon my heart.”

Jefferson began his political career as a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1769. It was here that he became known as a strong liberal with democratic ideas. He believed that political power should remain with the common people, and he supported freedom of religion and freedom of the press. He introduced the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom.

In 1772, when he was 29, Jefferson married Martha Skelton, and proved to be a devoted husband. Of their six children, only two lived to maturity.

Jefferson’s support of the rights of the American colonists led to his appointment to the Second Continental Congress in 1775 and 1776. It was there in Philadelphia that the 13 colonies decided to struggle for their independence. Thomas Jefferson was one of the committee to prepare a declaration. For 17 days Jefferson sat in a room writing, revising, polishing and copying his draft of the declaration. After debate and some changes the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776 - a date now observed annually as the birthday of the United States.

In September 1776 Jefferson returned home where he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. In June 1779 he became Governor of Virginia. In 1783 Jefferson was elected a Virginia delegate to the United States Congress. In 1785 he succeeded Benjamin Franklin as Minister to France. In 1789 Jefferson received an offer from President George Washington to take the job of Secretary of State. During this period Jefferson organised a group of people, who supported his ideas. The supporters of Jefferson’s policy soon called themselves “Republicans”, as opposed to the “Federalists”, who tended to favour more executive control in government.

In 1796 he was recalled to take the job of Vice-President under President John Adams. Four years later, in 1800, Jefferson was elected for the first of his two consecutive terms as President. One of his most important achievements as President was the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon. It doubled the area of the United States of that day and gave the country 17 new states.

At the end of his second term he decided to retire to private life and returned to his family, his books and his lands at Monticello. Jefferson spent there 17 last years of his life. His last public service was the founding of the University of Virginia. He planned its buildings, outlined its course of study, watched its development.

Death came for this architect of freedom on July 4, 1826, at the age of 83 - the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.


to influence - влиять

influence - влияние

institutions of government - правительственные учреждения

to support - поддерживать

a supporter - сторонник

a founder - основатель

major - главный

to govern - управлять

to belong to - принадлежать

to graduate from - заканчивать вуз

reserved - сдержаный

to mind - возражать

mind - мнение, разум

11. attitude - отношение

12. to introduce - представлять

introduction - введение

introductory - вводный

13. to prove - доказывать

a proof - доказательство

14. to devote - посвящать

devoted - посвященный

devotion - преданность

15. to appoint - назначать

an appointment - назначение

16. a committee - комитет

17. debate - дебаты

18. to adopt - принимать

adoption - принятие

19. to observe - наблюдать (соблюдать)

observed соблюдаемый

observation - наблюдение

20. to elect - выбирать

elected - избранный

election - выборы

21. to succeed - преуспеть

a success - успех

22. to receive - получать

23. to offer - предлагать

an offer - предложение

24. to oppose - выступать против

opposition - оппозиция

25. to execute - выполнять

executive - исполнитель(ный)

26. consecutive - последовательный

27. a term of office - срок полномочий

28. to achieve - достигать

an achievement - достижение

29. to double - удваиваться

30. to retire – увольняться, уходить на пенсию

retirement - отставка

31. public service - государственная служба

a public servant - государственный служащий

32. to outline - выделять

an outline - схема

Ex. 9. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What did Jefferson influence so greatly? 2. What is his contribution to the foundation of the United States of America? 3. He was born in a poor family of farmers, wasn’t he? 4. He received only three years of formal education, didn’t he? 5. What qualities of his character won him many friends and supporters? 6. What political ideas did he support? 7. Did he take part in preparation of the draft of the Declaration of Independence? 8. What political offices did he take? 9. Jefferson was the founder of the Democratic party of the USA, wasn’t he? 10. What was the political platform of this party? 11. How did he manage to increase the territory of the USA? 12. What was his last public service?


Ex. 10. Retell Thomas Jefferson’s biography using the following outline:

1. His backgrounds and personal qualities

2. Political convictions

3. Political career

4. Jefferson’s contribution to the formation of the USA.


Ex. 11. Read the text paying special attention to the underlined words:

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