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Key structures and word study

Ex 7 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. | Ex 9 Replace the Russian words and phrases with suitable English equivalents in the correct form. Retell the passage. | Ex 14 Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verb in brackets, retell the passages. | SPEECH AND COMPOSITION | A MEETING IN THE NIGHT | Ех 10 Replace the Russian words by suitable English adverbs. | Ex 17 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian. | Ex 23 Paraphrase the parts in bold type so as to use the infinitive in the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose according to the model. | Ех 37 Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verb. | SPEECH AND COMPOSITION |

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  1. A Study in Scarlet 1 страница
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  7. A Study in Scarlet 7 страница

Ex 4 Give the four forms of the following verbs.

shoot, wear, sing, leave, run, strike, let, hold, wake, shine, drink, beat, sweep, stop, say.

Ex 5 Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model.


Model: He was proud of his garden that was kept in good order.

He was proud of his well-kept garden.


1. I believe he has very nice manners. 2. She always dresses very well. 3. This scientist is known all over the world. 4. Her remark was meant for the best. 5. He was a man of fine build. 6. The girl was wearing a hat that had seen better times. 7. It seems he has read every book that is to be read at his age.

Ex 6 Recast the following sentences, using derivatives (verbs, adjectives) instead of the nouns in bold type.


1. Her disappointment was great when she failed to get what she was after. 2. They spent a lot of time over the arrangement of furniture in their new flat. 3. Though the argument lasted for hours no decision was reached. 4. We came to an agreement in no time. 5. She sat by the fire without movement, deep in thought. 6. The excitement among the crowd rose as the horses approached the finish.

Ex 7 Replace the phrases in bold type by suitable phrasal verbs from the list. Make other necessary changes.


look forward to, look over, look up (2), look for, look down on, look through

1. I've been trying to find you for a long time. 2. He examined the car. It seemed that nothing had been touched. 3. We were expecting their arrival with pleasure. 4. Now that he held an important position his old friends were no longer good enough for him. 5. She had no time to read her notes properly. 6. Any time you come to town come and see me. 7. She promised to see if she had the telephone number in her address book.

Ex 8 Translate the following sentences, using 'learn', 'recognize', 'find out' according to the sense.

1. Он узнал эту новость последним. 2. Она очень изменилась за последние годы. Ее трудно узнать. 3. Узнайте, пожалуйста, когда прибывает поезд из Ленинграда. 4. Я с трудом узнал ваш голос по телефону. 5. Когда вы узнали, что он уже вернулся из поездки? 6. Из статьи он узнал много интересного об этом замечательном ученом. 7. Я не знаю его адреса, но я могу его узнать для вас.

Ех 9 Translate the following sentences.


(A) 1. Are you married? Да, я женат (замужем). 2. When did you get married? Я женился (вышла замуж) в прошлом году. 3. Whom are you married to? Я женат на Анне (замужем за Николаем). 4. How old were you when you married her (him)? Мне было 22 года, когда я женился на ней (вышла за него замуж).

(B) 1. — Я слышал, что Николай и Катя поженились. Это правда? — Да, они женаты уже год. 2. Мой брат женат на моей подруге. Они поженились еще в институте. 3. Она слишком молода, чтобы выходить замуж. Ей еще нет 18 лет. 4. — На ком женат ваш товарищ? — Его жена врач. 5. Когда она вышла за него замуж, он был еще студентом.

Ех 10 Translate the following sentences, using the verb 'do' or 'make' according to the sense.


1. Студент сделал интересный доклад о текущих событиях. 2. Спортсмен сделал еще одну попытку и взял высоту. 3. Бегун сделал все возможное, чтобы выиграть соревнование. 4. Он сделал такие большие успехи в языке. Вы заметили, что он совсем перестал делать ошибки. 5. Ученые в Дубне сделали интересные открытия в области физики. 6. Он хорошо сделал эту работу. 7. Не делайте замечаний, когда он выступает. Вы его перебиваете. 8. Он приятный человек. Он всегда делает людям только добро. 9. Вам предоставляется право сделать свой выбор. 10. Когда читаешь книгу, надо делать заметки. 11. Не сделав усилия, нельзя добиться успеха. 12. Ребенок сделал еще один шаг и упал.

Ех 11 Make up sentences with each of the following word combinations. Translate the sentences into Russian. Give other examples with 'do' and 'make'.


(a) do good (harm); do without; do business; do sb a service; do shopping (gardening, etc); do an experiment; do research.

(b) make a speech; make changes; make fun (of); make up one's mind; make no (little) difference; make a promise; make arrangement; make a decision; make up a quarrel; make an experiment; make a test; make payment; make a search.

Ex 12 Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model.


Model: He interrupted me all the time while I was telling the story.

He kept (on) interrupting me while I was telling the story.


1. He stood at the doors of the theatre and looked at his watch now and again. 2. All through dinner they talked about the experiment. 3. As he drove about the town he watched the traffic lights all the time. 4. On our way home she asked him a lot of questions about his journey. 5. He smiled while reading the book.

Ex 13 Combine the following pairs of sentences into complex sentences, using a construction with the gerund.


Model: He wants to take a course in driving. He has been thinking of it

for some time.

He has been thinking of taking a course in driving for some time.


1. In old times people used to travel about the country by diligence. Now there are many other different ways. 2. He was eager to win first place in the competition but he had little chance. 3. Children like to collect stamps. They are interested in it. 4. I very much want to receive a letter from my friend. I am looking forward to it. 5. She is eager to play the leading role in the new film. She has been thinking of it a long time. 6. My brother likes to climb mountains. He gets much pleasure out of it. 7. He likes nothing better than to drive a car fast. He enjoys it. 8. Don't cross the river at this time of the year. There is great danger in it. 9. She likes to skate. She is fond of it. 10. Don't smoke so much. There is great harm in it.

Ex 14 Study the following phrases and (a) recall the sentences in which they are used in the text and (b) use them in sentences of your own.

in the fields; behind (at) the wheel of a tractor/a car; at the end of (a valley, corridor; story, etc); a long (short) way from the road (house, etc); one after another; be (run, etc) after sb/sth; come into one's head; across the field (room, street, etc); come (climb) over a wall; go (come, call, etc) back; strike sb on (the nose, the head, etc); be afraid for one's life; come to one's mind; get (a) pleasure out of doing sth; look forward to sth; do without sb/sth; wake up.

Ex 15 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. Retell passage (B).


(A) 1. There was nothing in his past to be ashamed —. 2. We like the same book but — different reasons. 3. They were a noisy crowd and she got little pleasure — — their company. 4. I've been after this book — months. 5. Why has it come — your head to invite them both? They'll be quarrelling—each other all the time and our week-end will be spoiled. 6. — the end — the hall was an escalator that led — the street. 7. He was putting one picture — another — front — me and I could see how eagerly he was waiting — a word of admiration. 8. It had suddenly come — his mind that a careless step might ruin his whole career. 9. Looking — the wall she saw children running — the garden, shouting something excitedly — each other. 10. I had the feeling that the secretary was watching me — — the corner — her eye while she was arranging the cards — the desk — alphabetical order. 11. With her brother — the wheel she was not afraid — her life. 12. The doctor looked — the boy's arm and said: "I don't like the look — it — all. He must be taken — hospital — once."

(B) — three weeks Mr Raggett, all dressed up, called — Kate daily. After staying — tea he usually ended the evening by asking — her hand. He knew he couldn't do — her.

One evening when he reached the door and was going out, Kate called him —.

"Sit —, Mr Raggett," she said calmly. Mr Raggett took his seat. — — the corner — his eye he saw the girl come — the room and sit — — the sofa — him.

"You've asked me many times to marry you. I am sure it is very kind — you. And if I have hurt your feelings by refusing you, it's because I have thought that I was not good enough — you. Still, if you are firm — your decision and haven't changed your mind, I agree." Mr Raggett's heart missed a beat.

"I suppose you have a little money," Kate continued.

She heard him catch his breath. "A very little," he said — a whisper.

"I want it to be a small affair: just ourselves and a few friends. We shan't spend much money — it and we'll have three nice weeks — London."

"Perhaps you want to take a little longer to think everything —," said Mr Raggett. Now that the moment he had been looking — — so much had come, he wasn't sure he wanted to get married.

"I've quite made — my mind," the girl said. "And now I want to marry you just as much as you want to marry me."

(After "A Safety Match" by W. W. Jacobs)

Ex 16 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.


beat v, ruin v (2), recognize, settle (2), be ashamed (2), harm, harmful, harmless, reason, firm, straight, alone (2), ugly (2)


1. Our plans are not definite at all. Nothing has been — yet. 2. I should warn you he's not that easy to — at chess. 3. If she keeps on smoking like this, she'll be — her health. 4. I said what I thought of him — to his face, not that he liked it. 5. She said she was tired and wanted to be left —. 6. It was a perfectly — joke, and it's your own fault if you don't see the funny side of things. 7. He was — in his decision to have his own way in the matter. 8. She was easy to —. She had changed very little since I saw her last. 9. Another mistake like this may — his career at the laboratory. 10. She shouldn't have gone to the South against the doctor's advice; the heat did her more — than good. 11. That was an — thing to say! Aren't you — of yourself? 12. He couldn't explain why he had suddenly changed his mind; he had no — to give, he had just felt that way. 13. She wasn't exactly pretty, some people even said she was —. 14. Too much exercise may be — to a person with a weak heart. 15. She didn't like to go places—, she always took somebody along with her. 16. The old man held his head high. He hadn't done a single thing in his life to be — of. 17. They turned to the professor for help as it seemed he was the only person who could — their problem.

Ex 17 Replace the Russian words and phrases by suitable English equivalents in the correct form. Retell the passage.


With a heavy heart Miss Meadows walked along the cold corridors that (вел к) the music hall.

Forms Four, Five and Six were waiting for her there.

She (ударила по) the piano with her baton. "Silence, please! Immediately!" Her voice (звучал) cold and hard. She (не переставая, думала) of the letter she (получила) that morning. It (наполнило) her with un-happiness. "... I feel more and more strongly that our marriage could be a mistake. Not that I do not love you. I love you as much as it is possible to love a woman, but I don't think I am a marrying man." (Одна) in the world again! Oh, how it (больно). She should have known that nothing would come of it.

Miss Meadows said in a voice of ice, "Page fourteen, please. A Lament."*

What could be more tragic than a lament! How she had always (c нетерпением ждала) their meetings! How good-looking Basil was. And he knew it, too.

"The headmaster's wife (без конца приглашает) me to dinner. I never get an evening to myself."

"But can't you (отказаться)?"

"Oh, well, I can't (обидеть ее), (так не делают). And then it may (повредить) my chances."

The voices were silent, the piano waited.

"Quite good," said Miss Meadows, but still in such a voice that the younger girls (почувствовали испуг).

(Вдруг) the door opened. A little girl in blue (подошла к) her.

"Well, Monica, what is it?"

"Oh, if you please, Miss Meadows," said the little girl, "Miss Wyatt wants to see you."

The headmistress sat at her desk. "I sent for you just now because this telegram has come for you. І (надеюсь) it isn't bad news." (Слишком взволнованная) to say anything, Miss Meadows opened the telegram.

"(He обращай внимания на) letter was mad bought hatstand today Basil." She (поднялась). She half ran towards the door.

"Oh, just one minute, Miss Meadows," said Miss Wyatt (твердо). "I must say I don't like my teachers to (получать) telegrams in school hours."

(Полная) hope, love and joy she ran back to the music hall.

"Page 32," she sang out and (отвернулась) to (скрыть) her smile.

We come here today with flowers and joy...

"Stop! Stop!" cried Miss Meadows. "This is (ужасно). (Что с вами сегодня?) Think, think of what you're singing. Use your (воображение). It should (звучать) warm, happy and eager. (Еще раз.) Quickly. Now then!"

And this time Miss Meadow's voice (зазвучал) over all the other voices — full, deep and rich.

(After "Singing Lesson" by Katherine Mansfield)

Ex 18 Speak on the following topics. Use the words and phrases given below.

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LESSON TWELVE| Ex 20 Study the following chart. Translate the sentences into Russian.

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