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Ex 14 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

HOW EINSTEIN DISCOVERED THE LAW OF RELATIVITY | WORD COMBINATIONS | Ex 11 Translate the following sentences into English, using a different phrasal verb in each. | Ex 18 Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. | The Story of the Discovery as Told by Mrs Einstein | Passive Voice (contd) | Ex 29 Study the following chart. | Ex 37 Study the chart. | SPEECH AND COMPOSITION | LETTERS FROM COLLEGE |

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  1. A) Fill in the blanks with corresponding synonyms.
  2. Assignment 3. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the list.
  3. B) Read the argumentative essay. Fill in the blanks with transition expressions from the list. Then answer the postreading questions.
  4. Choose the right words to fill in the blanks.
  5. Complete the following letter of enquiry with the correct prepositions.
  6. Complete the sentences with the prepositions below.
  7. Complete this letter of enquiry with the correct prepositions.


(A) 1. We expect to hear — him — the end — the month when the ship has reached Kamchatka. 2. Have you heard — the latest discovery made — the physics laboratory? 3. Why take his words seriously? I am sure he said it all — fun. 4. If you are not sure — the spelling, look the word — — the dictionary. 5. I am — — him, I've had enough of his empty promises. 6. The trouble—that fellow is that he is interested — many things but good — nothing. 7. I don't advise you to mention the news — her, it will be all — the place — once. 8. Why remind him — something he is trying so hard to forget? 9. They hadn't been warned — the change and missed the first report. 10. He had missed a lot of lectures — the beginning — term and was working hard now to catch — — the rest—the group. 11. Ann didn't stay — the end but rose to go long before the picture was —. She just couldn't stand it any more: — her right sat a man who had been smoking all the time, — her left was a woman who had slept — the greater part — the film. 12. I am not sure I'll ever get used — his strange ways, but working-— him is a pleasure. 13. We'll be looking you — one of these days. 14. She didn't see how greatly disappointed we were — her work. 15. It's impossible to keep all these facts — the head, I must make some notes. 16. As — Grace, her parents didn't want her to take part — their long trip because that would mean missing a semester — college and be — the other students when she returned. 17. — first I called him Mr Blake, but very soon he said: "Leave — the 'Mister', just call me plain Blake." 18. As — the price he mentioned, no good businessman could make such an offer.

(B) Every time a circus used to come — our town, I and my friend Joey thought — nothing else but the circus and we were no good at all — school.

The circus was everything to us. When we heard that the circus was — its way we ran all — the town — excitement, we just couldn't keep quiet. And when the circus was — last — town we liked nothing better than to watch the workers, the acrobats and the clowns, the animals. We tried to join the workers, we used to carry water — the elephant; we showed the smaller boys — the place. It was great fun.

This time the whole trouble started when Joey ran — the classroom one day, ten minutes late, and without taking — his hat and explaining why he was late cried:

"Hey, Aram, what are you doing here? The circus is — town!"

I needn't mention here what I felt when I heard the news, I jumped — — once and ran — — the room while I heard the teacher shouting —, me, "Aram, stay — this room. Do you hear me, Aram."

I heard her very well and I knew what my not staying would mean. It meant a good beating* from old man Dawson and catching — — the class. The minute the circus arrived — town we were — — school.

(After "The Circus" by W. Saroyan)

Ex 15 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.


imagine, imagination, disappoint, disappointment (2), fail, failure (2), warn, warning, remind, sound v, found, luck, lucky, fun, funny, past, fault


1. Life among strangers was something she couldn't quite — to herself, she had never yet spent a day away from home. 2. We laughed till we were weak. I still believe it's the — story I've ever heard. 3. The visitors were — not to smoke in the laboratory. 4. You didn't really hear anything. It was only your —. 5. The story goes that University College, the oldest at Oxford, was — in 1163. 6. Fishing is great —. 7. The loud cry of — came just as the car was turning the corner. I hardly had time to jump out of its way. 8. He couldn't get used to the thought that he was a —, he still believed in his — and hoped that some day he would be making a name for himself. 9. The singer's voice — strong and deep. 10. The experiment had — and he was doing his best to hide his —.11. You can safely take him on the trip. The fellow has many —, but I'm sure you'll like him. 12. Everything in the boy strongly — me of his father. 13. He was wondering if next time he would be as — in his choice of the lottery ticket. 14. Like all fathers he had high hopes for his son and used to take his — very hard. 15. All her troubles and — were in the —. A new career must mean a new start in her life, she thought. 16. We were all bitterly — with the results shown by the Institute team during the summer University Games.

Ex 16 Replace the Russian words and; phrases by suitable English equivalents in the correct form. Retell the passage.


І (сдал все остальные экзамены) at my University, but I always (проваливался по) botany. This was because all botany students had to (проводить несколько часов в неделю) in a laboratory looking through a microscope, which was something I couldn't (привыкнуть). I could never see through a microscope. It wasn't my (вина) really, but it (бывало расстраивало) my professor. He usually walked around the lab extremely (довольный) the progress of the students, until he came to me. "I can't see anything," I said. He (очень хорошо умел) explaining and he did all he, could to make me see through a microscope. І (едва) understood what it was all about. I couldn't (даже предcтавить себе) what he wanted me to see. І (всегда отставал от) the others. І (честно делал все возможное) but I felt I would never (догнать остальную группу).

I took a deferred pass as they called it, and waited a year and tried again. I had no (выбора). You had to (сдать экзамены по одной из биологических наук) or you couldn’t (получить диплом об окончании). The professor had come back from vacation (полный желания объяснять) cell-structure again to his classes. "Well," he said to me hopefully, when we met in the (самый) first laboratory hour of the semester, "We're going to see cells this time, aren't we?" "Yes, sir," I said. Students to right of me and to left of me and in front of me were seeing cells. (Что касается меня) I only saw what (было похоже на) a lot of milk.

The professor was extremely (разочарован). Не (переживал) it real hard. He (предупредил) me that it was my last (шанс).

I had been looking through the microscope for some time when to my great pleasure and (удивлению) a lot of different coloured dots (появились) on the glass. They (напоминали мне что-то) but I couldn't (точно) remember what. (Мне очень повезло.) I (протянул руку за) my notebook and (начал делать заметки). The professor (поспешил) to my desk and stood (рядом с) me. He looked at my notes. "What's that?" he cried out (в возбуждении). "That's what I saw," I (объяснил). "you didn't, you didn't, you didn't! (С тобой покончено')" His voice (поднялся) in a loud cry. He (утратил) control of himself. He looked into the microscope. "That's your eye!" he cried. "You've arranged the lens so that it reflects! You've got your eye there!"

(After "University Days" by J. Thurber)

Ex 17 Speak on the following topics. Use the words and phrases given below.

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KEY STRUCTURES AND WORD STUDY| Ex 19 Study the following chart.

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