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The Subjunctive Mood

Читайте также:
  1. Ex. 40. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood.
  2. Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form o! the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (conditional sentences).
  3. Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian (conditional sentences).
  4. Exercise 11. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate into Russian.
  5. Exercise 14. Comment on the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs. Translate into Russian.
  6. Exercise 16. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs where required.
  7. Exercise 2. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences).

A verb is in the subjunctive mood when it expresses a condition which is doubtful or not factual. It is most often found in a clause beginning with the word if. It is also found in clauses following a verb that expresses a doubt, a wish, regret, request, demand, or proposal.

These are verbs typically followed by clauses that take the subjunctive:

ask, demand, determine, insist, move, order, pray, prefer, recommend, regret, request, require, suggest, and wish.

In English there is no difference between the subjunctive and normal, or indicative, form of the verb except for the present tense third person singular and for the verb to be.

The subjunctive for the present tense third person singular drops the -s or -es so that it looks and sounds like the present tense for everything else.

The subjunctive mood of the verb to be is be in the present tense and were in the past tense, regardless of what the subject is.

Incorrect: If I was you, I would run.

Correct: If I were you, I would run.

(The verb follows if and expresses a non-factual condition.)

Incorrect: I wish he was able to type faster.

Correct: I wish he were able to type faster.

(The second verb is in a clause following a verb expressing a wish. It also suggests a non-factual or doubtful condition.)

Incorrect: His requirement is that everyone is computer literate.

Correct: His requirement is that everyone be computer literate.

(Subordinate clause follows main clause with a demand.)

Incorrect: He recommended that each driver reports his tips.

Correct: He recommended that each driver report his tips.

Sometimes we may use the conditional auxiliary verbs of could, should, or would to express the same sense.

Subjunctive:I wish he were kinder to me.

Conditional: I wish he would be kinder to me.

Note: In modern English, the subjunctive is found only in subordinate clauses.

Умовний спосіб виражає дію не як реальну, а таку, щ о могла б відбутися за певних умов, або є бажаною (небажаною) реальною чи нереальною.

В українській мові умовний спосіб виражається за допомогою дієслова у минулому часі з часткою б, би, в англійській мові — багатьма формами.

За однією з класифікацій пропонується ділити форми умовного способу на три групи.

До першої групи належать Present Subjunctive, Past Subjunctive і Past Perfect Subjunctive.

Present Subjunctive збігається з інфінітивом без частки to і вживається для вираження необхідної, бажаної дії:

It is important that she Важливо, щоб вона була be there. там.

It is desirable that Fred Бажано, щоб Фред взяв take part in the meeting. участь у зборах.

Present Subjunctive не має часових форм: та сама форма може вживатись стосовно теперішнього, минулого і майбутнього часів.

The teacher suggested Вчитель пропонує (запро-that the book be read on понував, пропонуватиме), Sunday. щоб книжку прочитали в неділю.

Past Subjunctive збігається за формою з Past Indefinite дійсного способу і виражає нереальну дію, що відноситься до теперішнього або майбутнього часу, при цьому дієслово to be має форму were для всіх осіб однини і множини.

If she were here, she Якби вона була тут, вона

would help us. допомогла б нам.

If I saw her tomorrow, І Якби я побачив її завтра, я

should ask her about it. запитав би її про це.

Past Perfect Subjunctive збігається з Past Perfect дійсного способу і виражає нереальну дію в минулому.

If I had seen him yester- Якби я побачив його вчора, day, I should have asked я попросив би його допо-him to help me. могти мені.

До другої групи умовного способу належить поєднання should (для всіх осіб однини і множини) з Indefinite Infinitive і з Perfect Infinitive.

It is desirable that the Бажано, щоб робота була

work should be ready by закінчена до 7-ї години. 7 o'clock.

I am sorry that he should Шкода, що він так думав, think so.

Why should they think Чому вони так думають? so?

До третьої групи належить поєднання should (для 1-ї особи однини і множини) і would (для решти осіб однини і множини) з Indefinite Infinitive та Perfect Infinitive.

If he had read this book Якби він прочитав цю

yesterday, he would have книжку вчора, він би

answered the question. відповів на запитання.

Вживання та утворення наказового способу

Дієслова у наказовому способі виражають спонукання до дії, тобто наказ, прохання, пораду тощо.

Стверджувальна форма другої особи наказового способу збігається з формою інфінітива, але без частки to:

to write — Write! Пиши! Пишіть!

to go — Go! Йди! Йдіть!

Заперечна форма другої особи наказового способу утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to do, заперечної частки not та інфінітива основного дієслова без to. В усному мовленні замість do not звичайно вживається скорочена форма don't.

Don't (do not) write! He пиши!/Не пишіть!

Don't (do not) be late! He спізнюйся!/Не спізнюй-


Для утворення форм наказового способу першої і третьої особи однини й множини вживається дієслово let у сполученні з відповідним особовим займенником в о б' є к т-н о м у відмінку або іменником у загальному відмінку та інфінітивом основного дієслова без частки to.

Let us (let's) read. Давай(те) почитаємо. /По-


Let him read. (Не)хай він почитає.

Let this boy answer. (Не)хай цей хлопець відпо-


Заперечна форма першої і третьої особи утворюється за допомогою don't let (do not let):

Don't let him go. (Не)хай він не йде./Не дозволяйте) йому йти. Don't let me go. He дозволяй(те) мені йти.

Don't let them speak Ukrainian at an English lesson.


This looks exactly the same as a present participle, and for this reason it is now common to call both forms 'the -ing form'. However it is useful to understand the difference between the two. The gerund always has the same function as a noun (although it looks like a verb), so it can be used:

a. as the subject of the sentence:

Eating people is wrong.

Hunting tigers is dangerous.

Flying makes me nervous.

b. as the complement of the verb 'to be':

One of his duties is attending meetings.

The hardest thing about learning English is understanding the gerund.

One of life's pleasures is having breakfast in bed.

c. after prepositions. The gerund must be used when a verb comes after a preposition:

Can you sneeze without opening your mouth?

She is good at painting.

They're keen on windsurfing.

She avoided him by walking on the opposite side of the road.

We arrived in Madrid after driving all night.

My father decided against postponing his trip to Hungary.

This is also true of certain expressions ending in a preposition, e.g. in spite of, there's no point in..:

There's no point in waiting.

In spite of missing the train, we arrived on time.

d. after a number of 'phrasal verbs' which are composed of a verb + preposition/adverb


to look forward to, to give up, to be for/against, to take to, to put off, to keep on:

I look forward to hearing from you soon. (at the end of a letter)

When are you going to give up smoking?

She always puts off going to the dentist.

He kept on asking for money.

NOTE: There are some phrasal verbs and other expressions that include the word 'to' as a preposition, not as part of a to-infinitive: - to look forward to, to take to, to be accustomed to, to be used to. It is important to recognise that 'to' is a preposition in these cases, as it must be followed by a gerund:

We are looking forward to seeing you.

I am used to waiting for buses.

She didn't really take to studying English.

It is possible to check whether 'to� is a preposition or part of a to-infinitive: if you can put a noun or the pronoun 'it' after it, then it is a preposition and must be followed by a gerund:

I am accustomed to it (the cold).

I am accustomed to being cold.

e. in compound nouns


a driving lesson, a swimming pool, bird-watching, train-spotting

It is clear that the meaning is that of a noun, not of a continuous verb.


the pool is not swimming, it is a pool for swimming in.

f. after the expressions:

can't help, can't stand, it's no use/good, and the adjective worth:

She couldn't help falling in love with him.

I can't stand being stuck in traffic jams.

It's no use/good trying to escape.

It might be worth phoning the station to check the time of the train.

В англійській мові існує така частина мови, якої немає в українській. Це — герундій (The Gerund). Він має властивості іменника та дієслова.

Форми герундія Active Passive

Simple preparing being prepared

Perfect having prepared having been prepared

Simple Gerund Active та Passive означає дію, яка відбувається одночасно з дією, вираженою у реченні дієсловом-присудком в теперішньому, минулому або майбутньому часі:

My friend dreamed of becoming a doctor. (Мій друг мріяв стати лікарем.)

Perfect Gerund Active та Passive означає дію, яка передує дії, вираженій у реченні дієсловом-присудком:

I remember having been congratulated by my friends. (Я пам’ятаю, як мене привітали мої друзі.)

Герундій разом з іменником чи присвійним займенником, які стоять перед ним та означають носія дії, утворюють герундіальний зворот, який передає самостійну думку: I remember my friends having congratulated methen. (Я пам’ятаю, що мої друзі привітали мене тоді.)

Конструкція to be worth + Gerund перекладається українською, як «варто щось зробити»: The book is/isn’t worth reading. (Книжку варто/не варто читати.)

All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Unlike otherauxiliary verbs

modals only exist in their helping form; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence.

Be, do, and have also differ from the other auxiliaries in that they can also serve as ordinary verbs in a given sentence.

The modal verbs are:-

Modal Example Uses
Can They can control their own budgets. We can’t fix it. Can I smoke here? Can you help me? Ability / Possibility Inability / Impossibility Asking for permission Request
Could Could I borrow your dictionary? Could you say it again more slowly? We could try to fix it ourselves. I think we could have another Gulf War. He gave up his old job so he could work for us. Asking for permission. Request Suggestion Future possibility Ability in the past
May May I have another cup of coffee? China may become a major economic power. Asking for permission Future possibility
Might We'd better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now. They might give us a 10% discount. Present possibility Future possibility
Must We must say good-bye now. They mustn’t disrupt the work more than necessary. Necessity / Obligation Prohibition
Ought to We ought to employ a professional writer. Saying what’s right or correct
Shall (More common in the UK than the US) Shall I help you with your luggage? Shall we say 2.30 then? Shall I do that or will you? Offer Suggestion Asking what to do
Should We should sort out this problem at once. I think we should check everything again. Profits should increase next year. Saying what’s right or correct Recommending action Uncertain prediction
Will I can’t see any taxis so I’ll walk. I'll do that for you if you like. I’ll get back to you first thing on Monday. Profits will increase next year. Instant decisions Offer Promise Certain prediction
Would Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me? Would you pass the salt please? Would you mind waiting a moment? "Would three o`clock suit you?" - "That’d be fine." Would you like to play golf this Friday? "Would you prefer tea or coffee?" - "I’d like tea please." Asking for permission Request Request Making arrangements Invitation Preferences

!Note The modal auxiliary verbs are always followed by the base form.

The verb used to, which is explained here, can also be used like a modal verb.

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