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Questions to the examination

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  1. A) Look at this extract from a TV guide and the photo and answer the questions.
  2. A) Read the article to find the answers to these questions.
  3. A) Try to answer these questions.
  4. A. Read the extract below and answer the questions.
  5. A. Read the text and answer the questions below.
  6. A. Read the text and answer the questions below.
  7. After reading the essay answer the following questions

“Regional economics”


1. Subject and object of the course, aims and tasks of the course, definition of term «regional economics».

2. Analyze the methods, used by Regional economics.

3. Cartographical method of GIS-technologies.

4. Balance method and it’s usage.

5. Statistical methods in regional economics.

6. Method of SWOT-analyses.

7. SWOT-analyses of Carpathian economic district.

8. SWOT-analyses of regional development of Donetsk economic district.

9. SWOT-analyses of regional development of Pridneprovsky economic district.

10. SWOT-analyses of regional development of Odessa region.

11. ­­ Analyze the main objective laws of regional development.

12. Objective law of territorial division of labor.

13. Objective law of territorial concentration and complexity of production.

14. Objective law of effective placement of production.

15. Describe the essence of laws of regional economics.

16. Law of territorial growth and leveling of socio-economic development of regions.

17. Law of territorial specialization, interregional connections and forming of regional markets.

18. Law of complex development, structural changes and diversification of regional economies.

19. Factors of regional development: essence and structure of factors of regional development

20. Analyze the progressive and conservative factors of regional development.

21. Historical and economic factors of regional development.

22. Objective and subjective factors of regional development.

23. Disclose the essence of natural and resources factors: define terms “natural resources” and “natural conditions”, characterize the components of natural and resources potential, give the classification of regions by the types of natural conditions.

24. Evaluate the natural resources potential of Ukraine: classification of mineral resources.

25. Give the economic estimation of ore and non-metallic resources of Ukraine.

26. Give the economic estimation of fuel resources of Ukraine.

27. Demographic factors of regional development: “labor-intensiveness”, human capital, human resources and human development, index of human development.

28. Factors of economic and geographic location.

29. Factors of market conjuncture.

30. Give the characteristic to social inersectorial complex: essence and definition.

31. Give the characteristic to regional peculiarities of development and structure of light industry of Ukraine.

32. Desribe the essence of recreational complex.

33. Science and technology progress (S&T) in the development of eco­nomy.

34. Components of S&T and their influence at regional development.

35. Forms of territorial organization (TO), which were formed as a result of S&T progress.

36. Connection of S&T factors with innovations.

37. Analyze the essence of regional economic policy: principles, methods, mechanism of realization.

38. Economic regionalization and the territorial organization of economy.

39. Modern net of economic regions and their structure.

40. Elements of settlements and elements of production.

41. Innovative forms of territorial organization of productive forces.

42. Regional economic policy: essence of regional policy.

43. Industrial policy: clusters.

44. Institutional bases of regional policy.

45. Manpower resources of Ukraine: population size, birth rate, death rate, natural growth, sex and age structure, education, level of qualification.

46. System of measures for leveling the demographic situation.

47. Role of human capital in a regional development: define terms “human capital”, “economically active population”, “employed population”, “unemployment”, “hidden unemployment”.

48. Migrations and their types. Regional problems of labour potential.

49. Conditions and potential opportunities of development of intersectorial complexes of Southern economic district.

50. The present condition and potential opportunities of development Central economic region’s intersectorial complexes.

51. The present condition and potential opportunities of development Podil economic region’s intersectorial complexes.

52. The present condition and potential opportunities of development Eastern economic region’s intersectorial complexes.

53. Investment appeal of the Carpathian economic district.

54. Investment appeal of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

55. Investment appeal of the Southern economic district.

56. Investment appeal of the Pridneprovsky economic district.

57. Investment appeal of the Donetsk economic district.

58. Compare the internal factors of development of Odessa and Mykolaiv regions.

59. Compare the internal factors of development of Donetsk and Polissya economic districts.

60. Define the role of fuel and energy complex in the economy of Ukraine.

61. Coal industry of Ukraine (raw material base, peculiarities of placement).

62. Oil and gas industry of Ukraine (raw material base, peculiarities of placement).

63. Electric energy – the main branch of economy of Ukraine: structure of production of electric energy. Ecologic problems of energy sector.

64. Raw materials base of heat power plants and principles of their placement.

65. Characterize the chemistry and forest intersectorial complex of Ukraine: main chemistry and mining chemistry, chemistry of organic synthesis and pharmaceutical industry (structure, development and placement).

66. Forest, woodworking, pulp and paper industries (development and placement).

67. Analyze the problems and prospects of development of agriculture in Ukraine.

68. Describe the peculiarities of development of agriculture in Ukraine: structure of land resources, differentiation of agriculture according to the native zones, analyses of branches of agriculture, ecologic problems of agriculture.

69. Crop production (structure and level of development).

70. Animal husbandry (structure and level of development).

71. Intersecrorial machine building complex of Ukraine: industrial structure of machine building.

72. Analyze the structure of heavy machine building, principles of placement.

73. Analyze the industrial structure and principles of placement of transport machine building.

74. Analyze the structure of food industry.

75. Analyze the sugar industry, oil and fat products industry, fruit and vegetable packing industry (development and placement).

76. Analyze the milk and meat processing industries (development and placement).

77. Комплекс галузей легкої промисловості, особливості його розміщення.

78. Characterize the peculiarities and structure of development of building complex.

79. Cement and brick industry (development and placement).

80. Production of glass and covering material (development and placement).

81. Structure of transportation complex, its importance for the economy of Ukraine.

82. Principles and factors of placement of transportation complex of Ukraine.

83. Make the structural analysis of air transport of Ukraine.

84. Make the structural analysis of water transport of Ukraine.

85. Make the structural analysis of rail transport.

86. Make the structural analysis of automobile transport.

87. Make the structural analysis of main traffic centers of Ukraine.

88. Analyze the international economic ties of Ukraine and its integration to the word structures.

89. Analyze the export potential of Ukraine.

90. Ties of Ukraine with the Baltic States and CIS.

91. International economic integration, prospects of entering of Ukraine to the EU.

92. Forms and prospects of collaboration between Ukraine and EU.

93. Realization of Program TACIS in Ukraine.

94. Realization of Program Eastern partnership.

95. Regional ecologic situation.

96. Factors of influence at the ecologic conditions of regions.

97. Differentiation of regions by the emissions to the atmosphere.

98. Distribution of regions of Ukraine according to the level of pollution.

99. Main sorts and sources of environmental pollutions.

100. Definition and main tasks of ecologic monitoring.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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