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Irregular plurals

Читайте также:
  1. Exercise 4. Complete the sentences by using the simple past of the given verbs. Use each verb only one time. All of the verbs have irregular past forms.
  2. Exercise 5. Complete the sentences by using the simple past of the given verbs. Use each verb only one time. All of the verbs have irregular past forms.
  3. Irregular plural nouns
  4. Irregular Verbs
  5. Irregular Verbs

Nouns of Greek and Latin Origin

Suffix change Pronunciation Example
-is → -es     [ıs → i:z] analysis – analyses (анализ; грам. разбор) axis – axes (ось, опора) basis – bases (основание, базис) crisis – crises (кризис) diagnosis – diagnoses (диагноз) hypothesis – hypotheses (гипотеза, предположение) oasis – oases (оазис) synopsis – synopses (конспект, краткий обзор) thesis – theses (тезис, диссертация)
-um → -a   [əm → ə] agendum – agenda (повестка дня) bacterium – bacteria (бактерия) datum – data (данная величина) erratum – errata (опечатка, описка) medium – media (средство, способ) memorandum – memoranda (дип. нота) stratum – strata (пласт, слой)
-ix (-ex) → -ices   [ıks → ısi:z] appendix – appendices (добавление, приложение) - appendixes (мед. термин -аппендикс) index – indices (показатель степени; коэффициент) – indexes (алфавитный указатель, каталог)
-a → -ae   [ə → i:] formula – formulae (мат. - уравнение) - formulas (формула, формулировка) vertebra – vertebrae or vertebras (позвонок) antenna – antennae (зоол. щупальце, усик) – antennas (теле/радиоантенна)
-us → -i     [əs → aı] cactus – cacti or cactuses (кактус) nucleus – nuclei (ядро) radius – radii (радиус) stimulus – stimuli (стимул, побудитель) terminus – termini (конечная станция, вокзал) genius – geniuses (гений) /genii (дух, джин) But: genus – genera (биол. род, вид, сорт)
-on → -a [ən → ə] criterion – criteria (критерий) phenomenon – phenomena (явление)


For historical reasons certain nouns form their plural differently.


1. Seven nouns form their plurals by changing the root vowel(s):

man - men

woman - women

tooth - teeth

foot – feet

goose - geese

mouse - mice

louse - lice


2. Two nouns have -en to mark the plural:

ox - oxen, child - children.

Note: Brother has two plural forms: brothers and brethren ( old-fashioned, a religious term). Let us pray, brethren.


3. Some nouns have the same form in the singular and plural. Here belong:


A) some animal names:

a sheep-sheep

a swine-swine

a deer - deer

a grouse - grouse

a fish - fish

a trout - trout

a salmon - salmon


This sheep looks small. All those sheep are good.

My gold fish has died. There’re so many fish in the river, they splinter the paddles.


But: He studies the fishes of the Atlantic. She had a big collection of minerals, insects and fishes. (different individuals or species of fish).


B) nationality names, ending in -ese, -ss:

a Chinese –the Chinese

a Japanese- the Japanese

a Swiss – the Swiss,

a Portuguese – the Portuguese, etc.


We met a Japanese. The Japanese are clever and creative people.

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