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the secret of success in business. The secret to this is simple and is described in just two words:

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6. Which of the following statements are positive and which are normative? In my opinion the first statement belongs to positive economy because the positive economy – a part of the economic theory which studies and explains observable economic factors, events, processes; establishes connection between them. Positive judgments are judgments that is. That is, they are buttressed up by facts. I would carry the second statement to normative economy as the normative economy – a part of the economic theory which orders, advises, how it is necessary to pursue economic policy, to operate economy. Therefore, she relies on estimated judgments, subjective opinions that as should be.


8. Which of the problems what, how and for whom would you not have to solve? Economic choice – a way of distribution of limited resources which allows to achieve a maximum of the benefits. But a choice – only the strong-willed act. Material force which could realize, carry out this choice is necessary still. Such material force is production. The economy is the production realizing a free choice of each his participant. So, the choice of sequence of satisfaction of requirements turns absolute limitation of resources in relative, and production – into economy. Any society, whether is it completely collectivized communistic state, the capitalist industrial nation, the tribe of Indians mislaid in the jungle of Amazon or even if it consists of one person mislaid on the island should solve in one way or another three fundamental interconnected economic issues (three main issues). what? what of the possible goods and services should be made in this economic system during a certain period of time? how? at what combination of production resources with what use of technology the goods chosen from possible options and service should be made? For whom? who will buy the chosen goods and services, to pay them taking thus benefit. As the gross income of society of production of these goods and services should be distributed. In our family of a problem concerning economy is provided for my parents.

9. Why Kazahstan has conducted privatization process and how many periods were in the privatization? Privatization is part of the wider process of denationalization-economy. Privatization is moving from a predominantly public-policy regulation of production to its regulation is mainly based on market mechanisms.

Since 1991, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time identified the right to private property, then took the first steps towards privatization and decentralization aimed at converting State property into other forms, creation of conditions for the transition to a market economy.

Privatization is aimed at achieving the following objectives:

• reduction of government expenditure

• the formation of a layer of private owners

• creation of competitive environment

• increase the efficiency of enterprises

• promotion of demonopolization of the economy

• attracting foreign investors.

Privatization is the State Committee for State property and its territorial bodies, with the participation of ministries, agencies and local administrations. Privatisation was carried out in stages. At each stage as the primary instrument for the management of these implemented privatization and improving the management of State property in 1999-2000, which was carried out by the transfer of the right of ownership and use of state blocks of shares of sectoral ministries and departments.processes were Government programmes.

The first two phases, covering the period from 1991 to 1992.(1 phase) and the 1993 to 1995 (2 stage), the main objective was to create the necessary conditions for the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy. Privatization was implemented for paid and free of charge. The labour collectives of public ownership enterprises where they worked was transferred on concessional terms through privatization.

At the second stage, in 1993, adopted a national program of denationalization and privatization in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 1993-1995 biennium. This program included privatizing large and unique objects for individual projects, mass privatization of medium-sized enterprises and privatization carried out through auctions, competitions.

The third phase took place from 1996 to 1998, its main distinguishing feature was that privatization was carried out only on a fee basis. The work carried out in accordance with the programme for privatization and restructuring of State property of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the 1996-1998 period. Within its framework have been implemented in the electricity sector programmes; oil, gas and petrochemical, metallurgy and mining, transport and communication communications (ground, air transport, communication), the agro-industrial complexes and social services (health, education, culture, tourism and sports).

10. why did our country accepte market economy system?

The transition to a regulated market economy provides basic directions:

denationalization of property - exclusion of the monopoly of state ownership and the creation of conditions for normal competition and competitive producers. In Kazakhstan, called for the transformation into joint-stock enterprises, collective, cooperative, state-cooperative, private property;

monopolization and antitrust measures (adoption of antitrust law, the creation of parallel production structures and conditions for free enterprise, organization of joint ventures with the active involvement of foreign capital);

financial recovery and the stabilization of the economy;

pricing policies (prices for consumer goods and services generated by market conditions, with the exception of food).

The concept of transition to a market economy regulated lay down the guidelines:

the rule of law in the territory of the Republic;

free development and competitiveness of various forms of ownership, including private;

implementation of an independent financial, tax and credit policies;

independent pricing policy, free movement of purchase price;

full autonomy in the conduct of foreign policy.

Organization of markets, and the mechanism of their regulation include:

formation of market infrastructure (commercial banks, commodity and stock exchanges, market centers, transport services, business information centers, etc.);

market for consumer goods and services (increasing the production of consumer goods g. "B");

market for capital goods;

labor market - market implies the existence of competition in which the incentive for high performance and efficient work is the value of the workplace;

freedom of choice of economic behavior of the population.

11. Why does economic theory takes special attention to the learning of the production forces?

If we consider the structure of the productive forces, its elements, common to all the socio-economic structures, are the means of production and the people who own production experience and actuating the means of production. The main productive force is human. This is due to the fact that, first, people - the creator of all the other elements of the productive forces, and secondly, no human work they do not turn into the factors of production (eg, cutting-edge technology without human action becomes a pile of metal and non-performing computer systems), in- Third, the needs and interests of the individual - the driving force of social and economic progress of society. Comparison of the means of labor, labor and human subjects suggests an active role in the labor process and the passive role of means and objects of labor. This indicates a failure of the theory of factors of production, which proclaims the equality of capital (which is identified with the means of labor), and human rights.

As the productive forces express the relationship of man to nature, the one side, they turned to the forces of nature, the geographical environment, and the other - the system of public, particularly economic, relations, composed of a technical, economic, organizational, economic, and socio-economic, t. is industrial relations. It follows another important difference between the subject of economic theory from economics.

Since political economy studies the relations of production, in collaboration with the development of the productive forces, the subject matter of economics is a broader objective. The economic theory of industrial relations than pays considerable attention to the study of technical and economic relationships (ie, specialization, cooperation, integration of production. Levels found, etc.), which, together with the industrial and organizational and economic (ie, management, marketing and etc.) are economic relations. Economic theory is focusing more attention on the problems of effectiveness of technical and economic relations, and therefore a greater degree than political economy, should summarize the results of the study of branch economies.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 193 | Нарушение авторских прав

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