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The engineering profession

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Engineering is one of the most ancient occupations in history. Without the skills included in the broad field of engineering, our present-day civilization never could have evolved. The first toolmaker s who chipped arrows and spears from rock were the forerunners of modern mechanical engineer s. The craftsmen who discover ed metals in the earth and found ways to refine and use them were the ancestors of mining and metallurgical engineers. And the skilled technicians who devised irrigation system s and erected the marvellous buildings of the ancient world were the civil engineer s of their time.

Engineering is often defined as making practical application of theoretical sciences such as physics and mathematics. Many of the early branches of engineering were based not on science but on empirical information that depended onobservation and experience.

The great engineering works of ancient times were constructed and operated largely by means of slave labor. During the Middle Ages people began to seek devices and methods of work that were more efficient and humane. Wind, water, and animals were used to provide energy for some of these new devices. This led to the Industrial Revolution that began in the eighteenth century. First steam engine s and then other kinds of machines took over more and more of the work that had previously been done by human beings or by animals.

Since the nineteenth century both scientific research and practical application of its results have escalated. The Industrial Revolution began by putting water and steam to work; since then machines using electricity, gasoline, and other energy sources have become so widespread that they now do a very large proportion of the work of the world.

One result of the rapid expansion of scientific knowledge was an increase in the number of engineering specialties. By the end of the nineteenth century not only were mechanical, civil, and mining and metallurgical engineering established but the newer specialties of chemical and electrical engineering also emerge d. This growth in the number of specialties is continuing with the establishment of such disciplines as aerospace, nuclear, petroleum, and electronic engineering.

Engineers design and make machines, equipment and the like. Such work requires creative ability and a working knowledge of scientific principles. The engineer must also have an understanding of the various processes and materials, and could be working in any of the following areas: the organization of manufacture, research and development, design, construction, sales and education.

There are often many different kinds of engineers working on large projects such as the development of nuclear power or new aircraft. Each engineer is a member of a team often headed by a systems engineer able to combine the contribution s made by all the different disciplines.

Another result of the increase of scientific knowledge is that engineering has become a profession. A profession is an occupation like law or medicine that requires specialized advanced education. Today it requires at least four or five years of university study leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. Often engineers get an advanced master’s or doctor’s degree.


Words and phrases to learn by heart from Russian into English:

1. field of engin ee ring – область машиностроения / инженерного дела

2. toolmaker – изготовитель инструментов

3. mech a nical engin ee r – инженер-технолог; инженер-механик

4. craftsm a n (craftsm e n) – мастер; ремесленник

5. to discover; discovery – открыть / обнаружить; открытие

6. mining – горное дело

7. to devise irrigation system – разработать систему орошения

8. civil engin ee r – инженер-строитель

9. practical application of theor e tical sciences – практическое применение

теоретических наук

10. branches of engineering – отрасли инженерного дела

11. to dep e nd on something (smth.) – зависеть от чего-либо

12. observ a tion and exp e rience – наблюдение и практический опыт

13. the Middle Ages – Средние Века

14. to provide energy – предоставлять энергию; обеспечивать энергией

15. steam e ngine – паровой двигатель

16. scientific research – научное исследование

17. to become widespread – стать широко распространённым

18. rapid expansion of scientific knowledge – быстрое расширение научного знания

19. to em e rge – появляться; возникать

20. n u clear – атомный; ядерный

21. petr o leum – нефть

22. equipment – оборудование

23. to req ui re creative ability – требовать творческих способностей

24. the organization of manuf a cture – организация производства

25. research and dev e lopment – исследование и разработка

26. dev e lopment of n u clear power – создание / развитие атомной энергетики

27. aircraft – самолётостроение

28. contrib u tion (to …) – вклад во что-либо; содействие чему-либо

29. specialized adv a nced education – специализированное продвинутое образование



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