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CHN University of Professional Education (CHN)

V. Read and translate the text. Be ready to discuss it with your partners. | V.Read and translate the text. Be ready to discuss it with your partners. | IX. Agree or disagree with the statements. Give your reasons for or against. Begin your sentences with the following opening phrases and develop them further. | XV. Ask questions for which the following statements may serve as answers. | THE INTERNET DISTANCE EDUCATION | HIGHER EDUCATION IN GREAT BRITAIN. | IV Read and practise the following. Act as interpreter. | Read the text to yourself and suggest the title | STUDENT LIFE AND CUSTOMS | UNIVERSITY OF STIRLING |

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  5. About the University
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CHN University of Professional Education is located in Leeuwarden, capital of the province Fryslan in the northern part of the Nehterlands. Situated on the North Sea, and partly surrrounded by the famous Dutch dykes, the Frisian country shows the characteristics of a wide clear sky and open countryside with a palette of historical towns and small villages.

In the three universities of professional education in Leeuwarden, over 23,000 international and Dutch students follow a variety of courses. Among a population of 90,000 inhabitants, the students represent an important segment of the Leeuwarden community and thereby have a strong hold on the social, cultural, and economic life of the city. Leeuwarden is a true student town. With its attractive old canals, beautiful 16-th-18-th century houses, and charming city centre, featuring many pubs and outdore cafes, Leeuwarden has a great deal to offer. Every year in May, Leeuwarden is host to the student band festival, and interest for this free festival is still growing. Several times Leeuwarden has been chosen by Ditch and international students as the best and most attractive Student City in the Netherlands.

The CHN is a young, dynamic and innovative University of Professional Educetion. The CHN in recent years has grown into a truly global campus with 5,500 students from over 55 defferent countries. During their studies, students must develop intercultural management skills and acquire international contacts. They strive to offer their students a truly international, educational Grand Tour through encounters with fellow students from several countries and cultures at the CHN and its campuses abroad. The CHN has its own international campuses in the Middle East and South Africa- and soon in other countries- where students may do part of their professional education. In addition to this, CHN offers worldwide internship possibilities and exchange programmes. Although primarily directed at underground, students will still gratly benefit from the international exposure, network and contacts generated by CHN’s Grand Tour initiatives. The CHN is the only Dutch University offering international education through its own network of campuses abroad.


Enterprising Study. The development of the student’s independent problem solving skills within the practice situation is an important educational concept in the study programmes taught at CHN. Also known as “Problem Based Learning” (PBL) and “Case Based Learning” (CBL) in involves the students working independently in small groups. The acquisition of practical knowledge in the work field is further stimulated in their unique laerning companies where students encounter real clients and customers. Some companies for learning experiences are linked to a CHN institute. At ISM students of all programmes may acquire experience in commercial consultancy services and research.


Personal Touch and Attention. As a student, everybody will be assigned to a personal coach on the first day of his/her studies. It is a personal coach, assigned to a student for the whole duration of this/her study programme, who stimulates them to critically think about themselves and their future career. Students will discover their strong and weak points and they will learn how to develop and improve their skills. At SGS the student has centre stage as they work with small group-not larger than 25 students- and the focus is on value creation for their students in the broadest sense.


Value Driven Education. CHN education-while not ignoring the need to make a profit- pays a specific attention to the care for “people and planet”.An open dialogue with all philosophies and religious is central to their philosophy of education. As a future manager and a professional, a student will often have to take a stand on issue in a changing, multi-cultural world. Reflection on a student own personal values or principles is an essential aspect of value driveen-education in all CHN studies and it is aimed at-for example –learning to deal with ethical issues in their professional practice. CHN hopes to add to student personal and professional development in the encounter with others.


State of the Art Facilities. As a young institution,CHN is housed in quite modern buildings and teaching facilities. With the start of the renovation and expansion of the CHN Leeuwarden Campus, their educational facilities and the university’s interior will be further enhanced and improved. Plans include a contemporary and completely modernised library in the shape of a n amphitheatre, a Grand Café with terrace.


International Acceleration and double Degree. The SGS Master’s degree programmes are accredited by the prestigious London Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. This accreditation opens doors and career opportunities worldwide. Holders of a CHN Master’s degree will also receive a Dutch Degree through the accreditation of Master’s degree programmes by the Dutch accreditation authority NAO.


SGS-Schhool of Graduate Studies. CHN- University of professional Education is a rapidly growing university, with over 5500 students, over 900 of which are international students from more than 55 different countries. CHN provides higher professional education, research, and services, in the fields of hospitality, leisure, tourism, career, retail, small business, office management, media and entertainment, social care, and education. In each field, Bachelor’s Degree programmes are offered. Once a student has obtained a Bachelor’s Degree at CHN or elsewhere, a student may continue to study for a Master of Arts (MA) Degree at CHN. Since 1994, The CHN School of Graduate Studies has successfully developed several MA programmes. These programmes provide students with in-depth knowledge to enhance their career perspectives in the Netherlands and the rest of the world.

The service sector, for which they offer MA programmes, is still growing, and has become one of the most important sectors of the economy. These developments require specialists, who are able to meet the challenges faced by the service industry. The CHN-SGS MA programme has a common core segment, which is mandatory for all students, and it also offers specialised segments for different fields of services, and service management.CHN offers the following MA programmes:


-Master of Arts in International Leisure and Tourism Studies


-Master of Arts in International Hospitality Management


-Master of Arts in Iternational Retail Management


-Master of Arts in International Service Management



General Prifile of the CHN-SGS MA Programme. Five main features can be mentioned:


-The CHN-SGS MA is a professional Master of Arts degree programme. The complete programme is related to the concrete practice of services.


-The CHN-SGS MA has an academic level. Relevant scientific theories and practical experiences with reaspect to the different fields of services are studied and critically analysed.


-The CHN-SGS MA has its own special character in accordance with the mission and the educational philosophy of the university. This means that attention is given to human values, social values, environmental and (micro) economic values.


-The CHN-SGS MA programme has a common core segment, which is obligatory for all students, and specialised segments for different fields of service, such as hospitality, retail, leisure and tourism and service management.


-The CHN-SGS MA programme has an international orientation.


Characteristics of the CHN-SGS MA Programme.


-The curriculum highlights the role of values and corporate culture in the service industry. Important items like sustainable economy, business and community development are subjects of study and research.


-The programme is based on constructivist learning principles and focuses on the acquisition and application of knowlwdge in the context of service management, by combining a firm theoretical base with practical case studies.


-Since all services aim at contributing to the quality of human life, the study of this subject is of utmost importance within CHN-SGS MA programme. Differences between cultures with regard to their concept are also subject of study and discussion.


-In addition to the common core segment of the CHN-SGS MA, the programme also offers a specialised preparation for the fields of hospitality, retail, leisure &tourism studies and service management.


-The programme is taught in groups of between 12 and 25 partcipants from a variety of countries, to enhance the exchange of experiences between different cultures.


-Personal coaching and attention for the individual student is considered as one of the major aspects of the study programme.


-All of CHN-SGS programmes are validated and are operated under the auspices of the London Metropolitan University.


Design of the CHC-SGS MA Programme. The CHC-SGS MA programme consists of modules, research projects and a dissertation. The full-time programme stats each year at the end of August. For the starting date and information on the part-time programme a student must contact CHN-SGS. The programme offers students the possibility to opt for a specialisation in one field of services according to their personal preference or work experience: leisure & tourism, hospitality, retail or services. The other units of the programme are mandatory for all students.


The complete curriculum consists of 2,000 credit hours. The programmes are divided into eight units. One unit equals a period of six weeks. Each unit is divided into two or three modules of 80 or 160 hours. The module Personal Value Creation runs parallel to the eight units. The core element of the Master’s degree programme is formed by modules about the service society, service research and value creation. Next to these common modules, much attention is given to the specific field of services: retail, leisure & tourism, hospitality or services. The sevnth and eightth units are devoted to writing a dissertation. In total, the full-time Master’s Degree programme comprises 52 weeks.


Quality Control. The CHN-SGS MA programme strives to offer education of the highest quality to all students. Therefore, the Master’s degree programme is subject to continuous quality control.

The following control methods are used, to maintain the highest possible quality level:


-Student evaluation of the teaching methods, content and effectiveness of the MA programmes.


-Yearly evaluation of the MA programmes by the management of the School of Graduate Studies.


-All SGS MA programmes are validated and accredited by and are operated under quality control procedures of, London Metropolitan University.


-The School of Graduate Studies has initiated the procedure to obtain validation by the Dutch Accreditation Agency.


-Each of the Master’s degree specialisations has an advisory board with experts from the field. This guarantees that the theory offered to the participants is of practical relevance for the field.


Problem Based Lerning. (PBL) PBL is a participatory and an active learning process. As a future manager, a student is expected to possess knowledge of his/her professional work field, but most importantly a student should be able to think and act in a problem-solving manner. Through PBL students will acquire knowledge and learn to develop their professional and personal capabilities


How does PBL work? Partcipants in the PBL system meet in groups of 10-12 students and work under the supervision of a tutor on cases taken from practical work field situations. In the first meeting, the group analyses the case. Students discuss how to approach the problem and what additional information they need. In the multimedia library they can find books, magazines, videos and internet-sites with the required information. Lectures, courses and workshops provide them with even more information. In the next meeting students present their solutions and they supplement and correct one another’s information


Binding Study Advice and Personal Coaching. At the end of the first year of studies, every student receives a binding study advice. This study advice is presented once all of the study results of the first year are known. It is binding and irrevocable. With less than ¾ of the maximum of credits for the first year a student will receive a negative study advice and will not be allowed to continue their studies at IHM. At the end of the second year a student should have completed all academic work and requirements of his/her whole first year. If not, a student will still receive a negative study advice after all. This 2-nd study advice is also binding and irrevocable.


A student is assigned a Personal Coach to guide him/her for he duration of his/her entire studies. The emphasis in the coaching is on his/her personal and professional development. Students will learn to critically reflect on their personal development, their study performance and their future professional career. And students will learn how to undertake necessary actions to improve on weak areas. These actions must also improve their study results and guide them to a positive study recommmendation. The role of coaching and counselling by the personal coaches is especially relevant in the process of establishing the study advice to students.


On the CHN campus students may find all the sevices offered to the Dutch and international students such as:


-International Student Support Srvices

-Student Counselling

-The International Office and Student Service Centre

- The Meeting Centre and Chapel

- Job Centre

- School restaurants

- Institute of Service Management, the Globe

-Hotel and the Convention Centre

-Sports and Fitness

-Student Organisations

-Student Pastorate,etc.

Text IX

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