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Urinary organs

Enquiry about a functional condition of all the organs and systems. | Nervous system | Respiratory system | Car­diovascular (blood-circulation) system | Patient anamnesis | General assessment | Auscultation of hearts |

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  1. Element composition of human organs and tissues
  2. Enquiry about a functional condition of all the organs and systems.
  3. Genitourinary system
  4. Maintenance of Peace and Security by Central Organs or with their Authorization
  5. Nervous system and sense organs
  6. Rare earth element in human organs and tissues

Pains in lumbar region — on the right, at the left, from both sides, on the ureter way, in suprapubic areas, character (prolonged — aching, dull, constricting, cause to burst; paroxysmal (attack-like) — sharp, intensity, frequency), radiation (in hypochondrium, on the ureter way, in perineum, urethra etc.), accompanying symptoms (vomiting, the impellent anxiety, often painful urination, bloody urinary excretion, high temperature), aggravating factors (plentiful drink, jolty driving etc.), relieving factors (hot-water bottle, hot bath, bubble with ice, ambulance etc.).

Urination; frequency (in the afternoon, at night), urine quantity for a day (daily diuresis).

Dysuria: sickliness, sharp pain at urination (in the beginning, the end urination), poor urinary stream, intermittence of a stream, necessity of straining effort, urinary retention (ischuria) (impossibility to urinate at presence cause to burst pains in the field of a bladder), involuntary urination (at night, permanently), nocturia.

Urine color; usual, light, dark («colors of beer»), containing some blood («meat slops colors»), bloody (macrohematuria (gross hematuria): in the beginning of urination, in the end, during all urination; the beginning and the termination of seen bloody discharge with urine — sudden, gradual discharge blood by clots), a transparency urine (transparent, nebulous, formation of a deposit at standing, its color).


How often do you pass water?
How many times do you urinate during the day (night)?
Do you have to get up at night to pass water?
What is the quantity of urine for twenty four hours?
Has the amount of water you pass increased (decreased)?
How much urine do you pass each time?
Have you noticed any changes in the colour of your water?
What is the colour of you urine: dark, bright, yellow?
Have your seen any blood in your water?
Does blood in urine appear in the beginning or in the aid of urination?
Were there fine stones, sand during urination?
Do you have any difficulty in passing your water?
Is the difficulty when you start passing your water throughout or afterwards?
Does urine flow in a jet or in drops?
Do you have retention of urine?
How many days have you not urinated?
Does your water dribble?
Does it come away when you cough, laugh, sneeze or strain?
Is urination accompanied by pains (colics, burning) in the suprapubical region in the lower part of the abdomen?
Is it painful to urinate?
Do you have pains in the lumbar region?
What's the character of pain?
What's the intensity of pain?
Does it spread any where else?
Do you have colics?
How did it start?
Did it come slowly or suddenly?
Does anything special bring it on (spicy, salty food, position, exercise)?
Is your pain accompanied by elevated temperature (change of urine colour, a specimen, sand, stones of your water?
Does anything make pain better (position, medicine)?
On what side does the pain become more acute?
What drug relieves colics?

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 67 | Нарушение авторских прав

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