Unit 1 | To be / Pronouns...................................... | |
Unit 2 | There + be.................................................. | |
Unit 3 | Possessive’s………………………………… | |
Unit 4 | Noun plurals Countable / Uncountable Nouns……………....................................... | |
Unit 5 | Have / Has (got) / Present Simple............ | |
Unit 6 | Present Continuous / Present Simple…… | |
Unit 7 | Past Simple................................................ | |
Unit 8 | Past Simple / Past Continuous…………… | |
Unit 9 | Present / Past Perfect Present / Past Perfect Continuous..……………………… | |
Unit 10 | Past Simple / Present Perfect…………….. | |
Unit 11 | Future Simple / Present Tenses for the Future……………………………………….. | |
Unit 12 | Passive Voice.................................…....... | |
Unit 13 | Some / Any / No........................................ | |
Unit 14 | Comparisons..................................…........ | |
Unit 15 | A / An / The................................................ | |
Unit 16 | Prepositions of place, movement and time…………………........................…........ | |
Unit 17 | Modals....................................................... | |
Unit 18 | Conditionals …………………………….…. | |
Bibliography | ………………………………… |
1.1 Put in am, is or are.
1 The weather... is... very nice today.
2 This box...... very heavy.
3 These boxes...... very heavy.
4 The cat...... asleep.
5 I...... cold. Can you close the window, please?
6 This house...... very beautiful.
7 I...... a student. My brother …… an economist.
8 Your friend ….. on the phone.
9 ….. everybody coming to the party?
10 People ….. the same all over the world.
11 My trousers ….. too big.
12 The police ….. asking a lot of questions.
1.2 Write full sentences. Use am / is / are each time.
1 (my boots very dirty)........ My boots are very dirty.......…….............
2 (my flat very cosy)............................................................….............
3 (your notebooks in your bag).....................................................…...
4 (I not very busy today)...........................…..................................…..
5 (the museums not open today).........................................................
6 (the houses in this street very old)............................................…....
7 (these flowers very nice)...........................................................…....
1.3 Write positive or negative answers. Use am / am not / is / isn’t / are / aren’t.
1 (Paris / the capital of France).... Paris is the capital of France.......
2 (I / interested in basketball)...... I’m not interested in basketball...…
3 (it / warm / today).............................................................................
4 (London / in Great Britain)................................................................
5 (I / afraid of mice).............................................................................
6 (my hands / cold)..............................................................................
7 (Russia / a very big country).............................................................
8 (the Mississippi / in Africa)................................................................
9 (bears / small animals)......................................................................
1.4 Write questions from these words. Use am / is / are.
1 (your father at home?)...... Is your father at home?........…….........
2 (your parents at home?).......................................................….........
3 (you interested in geography?).........................................................
4 (the laboratories open today?)..........................................................
5 (the library open today?)..........................................................….....
6 (why they late?) ………………………………………………………….
1.5 Write questions with What / Who / How / Where / Why....? Use am / is / are.
1 (what colour your car?)...... What colour is your car?....……..........
2 (where my bag?)..................................................................…........
3 (where my keys?)............................................................….............
4 (how old your uncle?)......................................................….............
5 (what colour her eyes?).....................................................…...........
6 (why Mary angry with me?).................................................….........
7 (why you always late?).......................................................…..........
1.6 Write positive or negative answers (Yes, I am / No, he isn’t, etc.)
1 Are you married?... No, I am not.... 4 Is it dark now?.......…....
2 Are you tall?.................................... 5 Are you hungry?......…..
3 Are you an engineer?...................... 6 Is your father tall?...…...
7 Are you tired?................................... 9 Is it sunny?............…....
8 Is it winter now? ……………………. 10 Are they travellers?......
1.7 Put in am / am not / is / is not / are or are not.
1 David’s new bicycle … is … blue.
2 My children ……… 8 and 6 years old.
3 I ……… interested in baseball. I think it’s boring.
4 We can walk to the supermarket. It ……… far.
5 A: Are these your books?
B: No, they ……….
6 A: Are you a teacher?
B: Yes, I ……….
7 A: ……… those birds from South America?
B: The red one ………, but the blue one ……….
8 When ……… your birthday?
9 Kate and Sandra ……… at work today because it is a holiday.
10 ……… this the right bus for the city centre?
11 A: Where ……… my shoes?
B: in your bedroom.
1.8 Complete the sentences. Use one of the question forms below + is or are.
Where / How / What colour / Who / Why / How old / What / How much
1 … Where are …my keys? On the table.
2 ……… the time, please? Half past five.
3 ……… your headache now? Much better, thank you.
4 ……… the holiday photographs? In your handbag.
5 ……… that clock? Three hundred years old.
6 ……… your new shoes? Red.
7 ……… Simon happy today? Because it’s his birthday.
8 ……… Maria from? Spain, I think.
9 ……… these trousers? They’re £40.
10 ……… that man in the car? My uncle.
11 ……… the banks closed today? Because it’s a holiday.
1.9 Write the beginning of the sentences + the correct form of the verb (positive or negative)
Peter’s parents / The Andes / New York / Football / Paul / Britain / All the shops / I / Too many chocolates / Sally’s teacher
Model: Peter’s parents are on holiday.
1 ……… + ……… + at work this week. I’m on holiday.
2 ……… + ……… + the capital of the USA.
3 ……… + ……… + a hot country.
4 ……… + ……… + good for you.
5 ……… + ……… + very high mountains.
6 ……… + ……… + British. She’s American.
7 ……… + ……… + on holiday.
8 ……… + ……… + closed at lunchtime.
9 ……… + ……… + 21 years old today.
10 ……… + ……… + a popular sport in Britain.
1.10 “What nationality are you?” “Where are you from?”
Study: affirmative Yes / No questions Wh-questions
You are American. Are you American? What nationality are you?
Are you from America? Where are you from?
Say: 1 American?... Are you American? What nationality are you?….
2 America?.... Are you from America? Where are you from? …..
3 English? 7 Russian? 11 Spain?
4 England? 8 Russia? 12 Japanese?
5 Indian? 9 Jamaican? 13 Japan?
6 India? 10 Austria? 14 Swiss?
1.11 “My name’s John.”
Study: 1st person 3d person
I’m John. My name is John. = My name’s John.
I’m not Tom. My name is not Tom.= My name isn’t Tom.
Say: 1 John...... I’m John. My name’s John.......................……............
2 Tom...... I’m not Tom. My name isn’t Tom............…..…............
3 Paul 6 Mike 9 Tim
4 Mary 7 Veronica 10 Joyce
5 Jane 8 Ann 11 Tony
1.12 “Is your name John?” “Yes, it is / No, it isn’t”.
Study: affirmative Yes/No questions Yes/no short answers
Your name is John. Is your name John? Yes, it is.
Is your name Tom? No, it isn’t.
Say: 1 John?...... Is your name John? – Yes, it is..........….…...............
2 Tom?...... Is your name Tom? – No, it isn’t.........…..….............
3 Mary? 6 Mike? 9 Jack?
4 Paul? 7 Veronica? 10 Nick?
5 Jane? 8 Tony? 11 Anne?
1.13 “I’m a student”.
Study: affirmative negative
I’m a student. I’m not a teacher.
I’m an actor. I’m not an engineer.
Say: 1 student / teacher...... I’m a student. I’m not a teacher....…......
2 doctor / actor 5 photographer / sportsman
3 engineer / shop-assistant 6 businessman / secretary
4 actress / correspondent 7 singer / manager
1.14 “This is Mr. White...”
Study: This is... He/She/It... possessive pronouns
This is Mr White. He’s my brother. His name’s Bill White.
This is Mrs Green. She’s my boss. Her name’s Jill Green.
This is Miss Black. She’s my friend. Her name’s Ann Black.
This is my dog. It is (It’s) my pet. Its (His) name is Spot.
Say 1: 1 Bill (White) / my brother.……... Who’s Bill? – He’s my brother.
full name?.…..... What’s his full name? – It’s Bill White..…..
2 Jill (Green) / my boss full name?
3 Ann (Black) / my friend full name?
4 Bruno (Olivetti) / an engineer full name?
5 Tony (Hipkiss) / a manager full name?
6 Joyce (Brown) / a housewife full name?
7 Mike (Townsand) / a lecturer full name?
Say 2: 1 He’s my brother. (Bill White) What’s his surname? – It’s White.
What’s his first name? – It’s Bill.
2 She’s my boss (Jill Green) 5 He’s a manager (Tony Hipkiss)
3 She’s your friend (Ann Black) 6 She’s a housewife (Joyce Brown)
4 He’s an engineer (Bruno Olivetti) 7 He’s a lecturer (Mike Townsand)
1.15 “How old is...?”
Study: Yes / No question How old...? Answer
Is Paul 42? How old is Paul? He’s 42 (years old).
Say: 1 Paul / 42?...... Is Paul 42? Yes, he is.
How old is Paul? He’s 42 years old.
2 Kate / 16? 6 James / 21?
3 Laura / 17? 7 Tony / 63?
4 Ken / 35?. 8 Joyce / 58?
5 Bruce / 39? 9 Tim / 25?
1.16 Ask the questions. (Read the answers to the questions first).
1 (your name?)..... What’s your name? …… Nick.
2 (married or single?) ……………………….. I’m married.
3 (British?)................................................... No, I’m not.
4 (where / from?).......................................... From Austria.
5 (how old?).................................................. He is 22.
6 (a student?)................................................ No, I’m a worker.
7 (your friend / a doctor?).............................. No, she’s a secretary.
8 (where / from?)............................................ She’s Russian.
9 (his name?)................................................ Tony.
1.17 Two tourists, Peter and Maria, are in a café. Put their conversation in the right order.
1 I’m on holiday.
2 Madrid. Are you American?
3 Are you Mexican? √
4 No, business. What about you?
5 No, I am not. I’m Spanish.
6 Hello, I’m Peter. √
7 Are you on holiday, Peter?
8 What part of Spain are you from?
9 Hi. I’m Maria. Nice to meet you.
10 Yes, I am. I am from New York City. √
Peter: … Hello, I’m Peter………………….....
Maria: ………………………………………....
Peter: … Are you Mexican?..........................
Maria: …………………………………………
Peter: ………………………………………….
Maria: …………………………………………
Peter: …Yes, I am. I’m from New York City.
Maria: …………………………………………
Peter: ………………………………………….
Maria: ………………………………………....
1.18 Fill in the gaps. Make the questions and answers.
Model: – … Are … you Mexican? – No, I …am not.
1 A:..... you from Brazil? B: Yes, I …..
2 A: ….you from Australia? B: No, I …..
3 A: …. Maria from Greece? B: No, she …..
4 A:…. Leon on business? B: No, ….., he’s on holiday.
5 A:…. Leo and Sally in Leeds? B: No, …... They’re in New York.
6 A:….. Peter ….. Egypt? B: No, he …... He’s ….. America.
7 A: ….. Peter and Sally French? B: No, …...
8 A: ….. Peter American? B: …...
1.19 Find words for the blanks.
1 “How old are you?” “............ fifteen.”
2 “Are you Japanese?” “Yes,............”.
3 “Is John an electrician?” “Yes,............”.
4............ surname is Brown.
5............ student.
6 My sons are very.............
7 “How old is Mickey Mouse?” “He’s............ fifty.
8 Is Robin a man’s name............ a woman’s name?
9 “How do you spell your name, Polly?” “P,............”.
10............ engineer.
1.20 Change Peter’s to he is or his and Nancy’s to she is or her.
Peter’s a businessman. Peter’s (his) company is in New York but Peter is in London. Peter’s from Chicago. Peter’s not happy in England. Peter’s married and Peter’s wife, Nancy, is in New York. Nancy is in Nancy’s bedroom in New York. Nancy’s near Nancy’s telephone. What’s Peter’s mobile number?
1.21 Changethe words in brackets to she / he / her / his / him / they / their / it.
Sandra looked at (Sandra’s) … her … watch. Ten to nine! “Can you go a bit faster?” (Sandra) said to the driver, but (the driver) didn’t answer (Sandra). Finally (Sandra and the driver) arrived. “Nine pounds fifty” the driver said. Sandra took a ten pound note from (Sandra’s) bag and gave (the ten pound note) to (the driver). (Sandra) looked at the road. There was no traffic. “Where are the people?” (Sandra) asked the driver. “Are (the people) on (the people’s) holidays?” (The driver’s) answer surprised (Sandra). (The people) are at home. It’s Sunday,” (the driver) said. “Sunday?!” (Sandra) said, “I don’t believe it!”
1.22 Complete the dialogues using these words: he / hers / him (2) / his (2) / it / mine (2) she / you / your / yours.
1 A: That’s Paul’s book. It’s got …… name in it.
B: I’ll give it to …….
2 A: Is that …… computer, Rachel?
B: No, it isn’t ……. It belongs to my mother.
3 A: Does Peter know the time of the football game?
B: I don’t know. Ask …….
4 A: Is that new CD ……, Myriam?
B: No, it’s not ……. It’s my brother’s. …… plays …… all the time.
5 A: Do …… like John’s new car?
B: No, but his wife likes it. In fact, it’s not ……. It’ is ……. …… likes the colour.
1.23 Fill in the missing possessive pronouns, my, mine, your, yours, etc.
Model: “Is that your writing?” “Yes, it’s mine. ”
1 “Is that Jenny’s writing?” “No, ….. is smaller.”
2 Let’s compare ….. writing. Is yours as big as ……?
3 “Is that your signature?” “No, it isn’t …...
4 Our teachers complain about bad writing, but sometimes we can’t read …..
5 My writing means that I can concentrate well. What does ….. mean?
6 You can find out about your friends’ characters by studying ….. handwriting.
7 “You can write much faster than me.” “But ….. writing isn’t as neat as …..
8 Your capital letters are taller than Jane’s but ….. small letters are bigger than …...
1.24 Fill in the missing reflexive / emphatic pronouns, myself, yourself, yourselves, etc.
Model: “I said to myself, “This will do fine.”
Imagine yourself at sea in a small boat.
1 Ben rebuilt his boat …….
2 He used wood from an oak tree. He said, ”I cut the tree down …….”
3 Ben visited many islands. On one of them he taught people how to make doughnuts. When he left the could make them …….
4 Ben’s journey was very adventurous. During his trip he had to defend …… against pirates three times.
5 When you are alone at sea, you have to do everything …….
2.1 Write sentences with There are... Choose the right number:
7 / 9 / 15 / 26 / 30 / 50.
1 (days / a week) There are seven days in a week....
2 (states / the USA)........................................................
3 (players / a rugby team)..................................................…..
4 (planets / the solar system)........................................…............
5 (letters / the English alphabet)...........................................….........
6 (days / September).......................................................
2.2 What’s in the box? Ask questions with Is there …? and Are there...?
1 (any cigarettes?)....…. Are there any cigarettes in the box?.....…...
2 (any books?) 5 (a man?) 8 (any money?)
3 (any clothes?) 6 (a key?) 9 (a pen?)
4 (any glasses?) 7 (a cat?) 10 (any paper?)
2.3 Complete the questions and answers.
Model: How … many … spoons are there in the picture? There … are … ten.
1 How many cars …….. there in the picture? There ……. only one.
2 …….. tables are …….in the picture? …….. only one.
3 How …….. chairs …….. in the picture? …….. are six.
4 Are …….. any spoons on the table? Yes, …….. five.
5 …….. many books are there in the picture? ……...
6 …….. there any trees in the garden? Yes, …….. eight.
7 How many oranges …….. on the table? Yes, there ……...
8 …….. bananas on the table? Yes, there ……...
9 …….. eggs …….. on the table? There …….. ten.
10 ……… any books on the table? No, there …….. any.
2.4 Dunford is a small town. Look at the information in the box and write sentences with There is / isn’t / are / aren’t.
sports centre | Yes | There is a sports centre in Dunford |
restaurant | Yes (3) | |
swimming pool | No | |
hospital | Yes | |
cinemas | Yes (2) | |
university | No | |
big hotels | No | |
cathedral | Yes | |
theatre | No |
2.5 Put in there is / there isn’t / is there? / there are / there aren’t / are there?
1 Dunford is a very modern town..... There aren’t... many old buildings.
2 Look!............... a photograph of George in the newspaper!
3 Excuse me,............... a restaurant near here?
4......... five people in Nick’s family: his parents, his two sisters and he.
5 We can’t take any photographs................ a film in the camera.
6 How many students............... in your group?
7 Where can we sit?............... any chairs.
8............... a bus from the city centre to the airport?
9............... a lift in the building?
2.6 Read the information and write about the flats.
Jenny lives in a small flat and Sally lives in a big flat
Jenny’s flat | Sally’s flat |
two rooms: | four rooms: |
bed-sitting room / very small kitchen | living room / two bedrooms / big kitchen |
and: | and: |
small bathroom with a shower and a toilet | bathroom / separate toilet |
in the kitchen: | in the kitchen: |
small fridge | big fridge / dishwasher |
in the bed-sitting room: | in the living room: |
black and white TV | colour TV |
● Write about Sally’s flat by completing the following description.
There...... four....... in Sally’s flat: a living room, two........ and a
big.…............ is........... bathroom too, and a separate............ In the kitchen..................... a big............. and a dishwasher................................... colour............ in the...........................
● Now write about Jenny’s flat.
2.7 Match the two parts of the sentence.
1 There aren’t A any dangerous animals in the zoo?
2 Is there B some good computer games here.
3 There is C any milk, please?
4 There are D any computers in our school.
5 There is E some very interesting stories here.
6 Are there F any good films on.
7 There isn’t G any ice-cream in the fridge?
8 There aren’t H some furniture in that shop.
9 Is there I some money on the table.
10 There are J any cheese on the table.
2.8 Put in there or it.
1... There’s... a train at 10.30.... It’ s a fast train.
2 I’m not going to buy this shirt................ ‘s very expensive.
3 “What’s wrong?” “...............’s something in my eye.”
4............... ‘s a car in front of the house. Is............... your car?
5 “Is............... anything on TV?” “Yes,...............’s a film at 8.15.”
6..............’s a letter on the floor. Is................ for you?
2.9 Complete the sentences using there / it / they / is / are.
1 “…….. a police station near here?” “Yes, ……... …….. in East Street.
2 …….. a good programme on TV this evening. …….. about the history of pop music.
3 …….. some envelopes in my bedroom. …….. on my desk.
4 “…….. any beer in the kitchen?” “Yes, …….. in the fridge.”
5 “…….. a man waiting outside. Who ……..?” “…….. Jim Brown.”
6 “Look! …….. a light on in my bedroom!” “…….. somebody in there.”
2.10 Complete the sentences using there + be. Mind tenses.
1 …….. a terrible accident in Western Road yesterday.
2 Look. …….. a policeman over there. Can you see him?
3 How many people …….. at the party last night?
4 I think …….. some snow later this evening.
5 Excuse me. …….. a post office near here?
6 …….. six hotels in this street ten years ago, now …….. only two.
7 …….. a lot of cold weather recently.
8 I hope ……… fine tomorrow.
9 ……… no rain here since June.
2.11 Answer these questions. Use Yes, there is / are; No, there isn’t / aren’t.
1 Is there a bank in your street?
2 Are there elephants in Russia?
3 Is there a swimming pool near your house?
4 Are there tigers in Canada?
5 Is there an armchair in your bedroom?
6 Are there penguins in Brazil?
7 Is there a television in your living room?
8 Are there camels in India?
9 Is there a bus stop in your street?
10 Is there a cat in your home?
2.12 Believe it or not. Read the sentences with a dictionary if necessary.
1 There are only twelve letters in the Hawaiian alphabet: A, E, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, U and W.
2 There is a street in Canada that is 1,900 km long.
3 There are about 790,000 words in English.
4 There are about 5,000 languages in the world (845 in India).
5 There are six different languages in Great Britain and Ireland (English, Welsh, Scots, Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Manx and Cornish).
3.1 “Who is Paul?” “He’s Kate’s husband.”
Study: Who...? apostrophe s (’s) possession
Who is (Who’s) Paul? He is Kate’s husband.
Write: 1 Paul? / Kate / her husband..... Who’s Paul? - He’s Kate’s husband. He’s her husband.
2 Kate? / Paul / his wife. 6 Laura? / Paul / his daughter.
3 Laura? / Kate / her daughter. 7 Ken? / Paul / his son.
4 Ken? / Kate / her son. 8 Laura? / Ken / his sister.
5 Ken? / Laura / her brother. 9 Tim? / Pat / his aunt
3.2 Translate these sentences into Russian.
1 John’s coat is on the table. 5 Helena’s car number is LMG 385.
2 Is Ann’s book interesting. 6 Ann’s pen is on John’s book.
3 Susan’s book is French. 7 His friend’s name is Tony.
4 My husband’s family is from America. 8 Where is Polly’s bag?
3.3 Read the text and finish the sentences. Use – ’s.
Liz and Philip are married. They have two children, Charles and Ann. Ann is married to Ted. Ann and Ted have a son. His name is Robert.
1 Philip is.... Liz’s.... husband. 6 Liz is............. grandmother.
2 Liz is..............…......wife. 7 Ann is............. sister.
3 Charles is........... brother. 8 Ted is.............. husband.
4 Charles is.............. uncle. 9 Ted is............... father.
5 Ann is..................... wife. 10 Robert is......... nephew.
3.4 A) Write the names in the family tree.
![]() | |||
![]() | |||
![]() |
1 Eric is Marie’s brother.
3 Mike is Marie’s and Paul’s son.
4 Claire is their daughter.
5 Christine is Eric’s mother.
6 Christine is Hubert’s wife.
B) Complete the sentences.
1 Paul is Hubert’s..................... 4 Marie is Mike’s......................
2 Marie is Eric’s........................ 5 Hubert is Paul’s.....................
3 Mike is Claire’s...................... 6 Hubert is Christine’s..............
3.5 Complete the sentences. Sometimes you need – ’s, sometimes – of.
1 I like...... Ann’s camera................... (the camera / Ann)
2 What is..... the name of this town?. (the name / this town)
3 When is........................................? (the birthday / your sister)
4 Do you like....................................? (the colour / this coat)
5 Write your name at........................ (the top / the page)
6 What is..........................................? (the address / Jill)
7.................... is near the city centre. (the house / my parents)
8....................................is very good. (the spoken English/ Mal)
9 For me the morning is..................... (the best part / the day)
10 The car stopped at......................... (the end / the street)
11................................. are very thin. (the walls / this house)
12 Whose books are these? They’re … (the books / my father)
3.6 Change the sentences as in the example.
Example: Joyce has got a son. He is fourteen. – Joyce’s son is fourteen.
1 Peter has got a sister. She is very pretty. –.......................................
2 My mother has got a brother. He is a doctor. –................…..............
3 Ann has got a boyfriend. He is tall and good-looking. –.......…..........
4 Robert has got a girlfriend. She is not very pretty. –...............…........
5 Mrs Lewis has got children. They are students. –...................….......
3.7 Complete the conversation with the possessive s- form or of.
Jenny: What’s the … name of the shop … (name / shop) where you bought your new trousers?
Jane: …….. (Luciano / Boutique). The owner’s Italian.
Jenny: Where is it?
Jane: Oh, dear. I know where it is, but I can’t remember the …….. (name / street). It isn’t far from …….. (Charly / Café). You turn right and it’s at the …….. (end / street).
Jenny: Well, I suppose I’ll find it. What was the …….. (name / assistant) who served you?
Jane: Angela. She lives next door to us. She usually works in the …….. (men / department) but when it’s busy she works in the …….. (ladies / department) as well.
Jenny: How much were the things you bought?
Jane: I’ve forgotten the exact …….. (price / blouse), but the trousers were £12.99.
Jenny: That’s cheap. I’ll go there this afternoon.
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