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Научный подход к управлению организацией

Читайте также:
  1. Ex.10. А. Дополните предложения, выбрав подходящие фразы, данные в скобках. Example: It is late to go to school.
  2. Facepalm от учителя. Пока еще сдерживая себя, она подходит (или отходит, в зависимости как сделаем) от своего рабочего стола.
  3. H. Подходы к измерению деятельности, осуществляемой
  4. III. Контроль за организацией выплаты пенсии
  5. PMCS стала первым Облачным партнером Microsoft по управлению проектами предоставив решение с интеграцией с Office 365
  6. XV. Мы подходим к самой проблеме
  7. XV. Мы подходим к самой проблеме.

The school of scientific management was found by Frederic Taylor, an American engineer in the beginning of the twentieth century at the time of the industrial revolution.

In order to find ways how to improve the productivity in the factories in which Taylor was working he conducted many experiments and wrote the book based on the experience. It was published in 1947 and entitled “ scientific management ”. It was the beginning of the approach of the scientific management. The school was called scientific as the way of doing job was no longer determined by quesswork, and rule of thumb practice.


The new approach included the following

1) Each operation should be studied and analysed

2) Using this information, managers can work out the time and methods

3) Then the work was organized in a logical way and each worker should only do the job in the prescribed manner.

4) Men with the right physical skills were selected and trained for the job.

The management task was to observe, analyse, measure, organize and choose the right person for the work.

His approach produced results, the productivity increased rapidly, which meant great savings for the companies.

Despite obvious success the new approach was critisised. The weakness of this system is that its focused on the work not on the worker who began to be a tool in the hands of the manager, Moreover, the worker was given the same repetitive job. Simple work was the reason the frustration and dissatisfaction.

Despite the fact that his ideas are still of practical importance, its proved that the worker would be more productive being engaged not only in production but also in decision making. Controlling and organizing.

13. Руководство кампанией: стратегия и тактика

Top managers make decisions affecting the future of an organization, determine where company is going, how it will get there, which markets to enter, how to finance an expansion, how to develop new products and so forth. But before making the decision top managers should have clear vision of the mission and purpose of their business, decide what it should be in the future.

As example Mark and Spencer company which decide to provide goods of an excellent quality at reasonable prices for working and middle class. They were developing their company in it direction and have one of the most recognizable store now.

Having decided on the mission and purpose an organization managers can work out more specific objectives, which helps to draw up a corporate plan.

Before deciding strategies the planners should analyze company’s present performance and external factors which can affect the future of an organisation

To do this SWOT analysis can be done, which means assessing its strength, weaknesses. opportunities and threats. First two indicators mean looking at the indicators like market share, sales revenue. It also examines its recourses- financial, human, products and facilities.

From the point of view of opportunities and threats its trying to assess technological, social, economic and political trends in the markets where its competing. It also examines the activities of competitors.

Having completed swot analysis the company can evaluate its objectives and perhaps work out the new one. They should ask the questions like “Are we producing the right goods?” “ Which new markets should we break into”

After that the new strategy should be set and appropriate action should be worked out.

Company planning and decision making are key activities if top management. After that their decisions, new targets and objectives should be divided with lower levels in the organization.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 45 | Нарушение авторских прав

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