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Text В Organization of publishing houses
Publishers are like four different businesses combined under one roof. These four departments of the publishing house are:
1. The editorial department. This department produces the editorial content of the jornal and sets its character.
2.The advertisement or marketing department. This is a sales department which earns income for the publisher by selling advertisement space to advertisers. The cost of the space depends on the circulation figures (number of copies sold) and the readership figures (number and kind of people who read the publication).
3. Production department. This department manages the printing of the journal which contains the editorial and the advertisements. Working with the other departments (including circulation), the production department has to forecast sales and produce the required number of copies.
4. Circulation department. This is another sales department which has responsibility for selling copies through its circulation representatives to wholesalers, newsagents and street vendors, and for organising distribution by road, rail, sea or air.
The PR specialist works with the editorial department. It is not necessary to contact the advertisement side. That is the work of the company advertising manager and the advertising agency space buyer. However, if the PR manager is responsible for both advertising and public relations he or she should remember the distinctions. The PR practitioner should not talk to an editor about advertising or to an advertisement manager about editorial matters. The editor and advertisement manager have separate functions. PR specialist should hot try to buy space if editorial coverage is given or agreeing to buy advertisement space because editorial coverage is offered. The two should be kept apart. A PR story being published because it is worth printing and advertisement space being bought because it is worth buying.
Adapted from F. Jefkins
PR manager or consultant must not pay for the editorial. This would be a breach of the IPR Code of Professional Conduct.
under one roof— под одной крышей
editorial department — редакционный отдел
editorial content — редакционные материалы
to set its character — определяет их характер
sales department — отдел продаж
earns income — приносит (зарабатывает) доход
advertisement space — место для рекламы
circulation figures — цифры тиража
readership figures — данные аудитории
forecast sales — прогнозировать продажи
required number of copies — необходимое число
wholesalers — оптовые покупатели, оптовики
newsagents — сетевые распространители
street vendors — уличные продавцы
organising distribution — организовывать распространение
by rail — по железной дороге
distinctions — отличия
editorial matters — редакционные вопросы
separate functions — отдельные функции
editorial coverage is offered — предлагается журналистское освещение
to be kept apart — держаться отдельно
worth printing — заслуживают публикации
worth buying — достойны (заслуживают) покупки
Questions to the text
1. What are four functions of the publishing house?
2. What is the function of the editorial department?
3. What is the function of the advertisement or marketing department?
4. What is the function f the production department?
5. What department has to forecast sales?
6. What is the function of the circulation department?
7. What department does the PR specialist work with?
8. Can PR manager buy advertising space?
9. What should be kept apart and why?
Exercise A. True or false
1. Publishers are like four different businesses under one roof.
2. The editorial department produces editorial content of the journal.
3. The cost of the advertisement space depends on the number of copies sold and number and kind of readers.
4. Advertisement department can also be called a marketing department.
5. Production department manages the printing of the journal.
6. Circulation department is another sales department.
7. Circulation deparment has the responsibility for selling copies through its circulation representatives.
8. Circulation department organizes distribution of the copies by road only.
9. PR specialist works with all four departments.
10. A PR story is published because the advertisement space is worth buying.
Exercise B. Finish the sentences
1. Publishers are like four...
2. The editorial department...
3. The advertisement or marketing department is a...
4. Production department manages the printing of the journal which...
5. Circulation department organizes distribution by...
6. The PR specialist works with the...
7. The PR practitioner should not talk to an editor about...
8. PR specialist should not try to buy...
9. A PR story being published because it is...
Exercise C. Translate into English:
1. Издательство— это четыре разных организации под одной крышей.
2. Редакционный отдел создает содержание журнала.
3. Отдел рекламы или маркетинга— это отдел продаж.
4. Стоимость площади рекламы зависит от тиража и состава читательской аудитории.
5. Производственный отдел издательства управляет процессом печати журнала.или газеты.
6. Отдел подписки отвечает за продажу экземпляров оптовым покупателям, газетным киоскам и уличным торговцам.
7. Отдел подписки отвечает за организацию распространения (доставки) тиража автотранспортом, железнодорожным транспортом, водным транспортом и воздушным транспортом.
8. Если менеджер по связям с общественностью отвечает также и за рекламу, он не должен разговаривать с редактором о рекламе и с менеджером по рекламе о редакционных вопросах.
9. PR-материал публикуется, потому что стоит того, чтобы быть опубликованным, а реклама покупается, потому что стоит того, чтобы быть купленной.
Exercise D. Discussion
1. What is, in your opinion, the most important department? Please, use concrete examples and arguments.
2. Are the editorial and advertisement sides of publishing kept apart in your country?
3. What information about the media is more important for PR purposes than the other— profile of readers, area of circulation, circulation figures, cost of advertisement space or editorial philosophy? Use examples to support your opinion.
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Exercise 7. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood where required. | | | Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect. |