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Катя: Is there another reason why many people prefers virtual communication to real one?

Читайте также:
  1. A country and its people
  2. A Process of Communication
  3. A Reason to Go to Brussels
  4. A touch of (cruelty) (there was a touch of cruelty in the mouth — в линии рта, губ была какая-то жестокость.)
  5. A war on Baghdad, vowing to “disarm Iraq and to free its people”.
  6. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the freedom of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.
  7. A) "Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages".

Лена: Of course, the reason lays inthe safety that they feel through use of the virtual images, users can become physiologically the type of person they wish to be. A virtual space gives opportunity to those within to interact with people and situation which they would not normally participate in the real world. Virtual reality is vastly becoming a common meeting place for people to discover others like themselves and this form of communication is easily accessed. Communication with between VR users is appealing on the basis of no judgment, and freedom of speech and expression. People who are shy, self-conscious of themselves, or simply unpracticed in social interactions can use texting as an outlet to develop their communicative abilities with others, in a much more non-personal, anonymous fashion, making them feel less vulnerable and much less likely to be embarrassed or to fail. Used in the manner of a stepping stone, texting can make an introvert more open to the idea of meeting new people.

Саша: But do you agree with the words that virtual communication ruins real one?

Лена: I can’t agree with this statement. Although many people think that texting is the reason for teenagers using shorthand so often, this is simply untrue. This assumption is similar to the concept that playing violent video games or watching violent movies. People think that being exposed to this violence will cause the player or viewer to become more violent itself. But this argument is fundamentally flawed, in the idea that this line of thinking is presented under the assumption that the consumer of these media are unable to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Катя: Thank you Yuri and I think there is someone to support your point of view. Please, meet the teacher of the year, Лещ Tatyana Ivanovna! Tatyana Ivanovna, do you think that the Internet has a beneficial rather than a detrimental effect on teenagers?

Ю. Волкова: The motivation for Internet communication among the deaf and hearing impaired is high. The Internet provides a unique, convenient communication tool that does not require speaking verbally. I think that Internet communication may empower some teens with hearing loss, as in some cases, communicating via Internet helps to level the playing field.

This advantage is not just technical or practical; it is also psychological. On the Internet, a deaf or hearing-impaired person can interact with people and resources in similar ways to a hearing person. This can help foster a sense of ability, control, and independence.

Another reason for the popularity of this type of communication among deaf and hearing-impaired teens is the invisibility and anonymity the Internet provides. Hearing-impaired teens can communicate not just with each other but also with hearing teens in a way that does not require them to disclose their disability. When hearing-impaired teenagers are online, nothing draws attention to that. They simply identify as a teen, not as a teen with a disability.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 39 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Катя: What can you say about the communication on the Internet from the point of view of philology?| Коля выкрикивает чего-нибудь.

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