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W. H. Eccles (1875–1966): the first physicist of wireless

Alan Dower Blumlein (1903-1942): the Edison of electronics | Audio recording | Bending round the Earth | E. H. Colpitts: telephones, oscillators and the push-pull amplifier | Grace M. Hopper: originator of the first compiler and computer language to use English statements. | Irving Langmuir (1881-1957): World's Foremost Scientist | John Ambrose Fleming (1849-1945): The Birth of Electronics | Very happy thought | Karl Ferdinand Braun (1850-1918): Inventor of the oscilloscope | Rectification |

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Задание I. Следующие слова Вам следует выучить наизусть. Это поможет Вам лучше понять текст.

1. Trigger – триггер;

2. contribution – вклад;

3. a name to conjure with – его фамилия имеет магическую силу;

4. to attend lectures – посещать лекции;

5. jigger – трансформатор затухающих колебаний;

6. spin-off – выходить из «штопора»;

7. rectify – выпрямлять;

8. proposal – предложение;

9. eclipse – затмение;

10. to retire – уходить в отставку на пенсию;

11. enigmatic – загадочный;

12. arc – дуга;

13. tuning fork – камертон;

14. request – запрос, просьба;

15. propagate – распространять;

16. occur – случаться;

17. reliable – надежный;

18. obtain – получать;

19. reject – отклонять;

20.to be reluctant – с неохотой соглашаться.

Задание II. Прочитайте текст, найдите в нем следующую информацию и расскажите по-английски.

1. Расскажите подробно биографию Экклз (место рождения, учёба, работа).

2. Расскажите об его основных открытиях.

3. За что Экклз получил степень доктора технических наук и когда.

Задание III. Будьте готовы перевести любое предложение в тексте, если преподаватель попросит Вас об этом.




These days, the name Eccles brings to mind the widely used Eccles-Jordan multivibrator or flip-flop circuit -trigger relay, as they called it in 1919. So it is a little surprising that in a 1965 Wireless World article which commemorated Eccles's 90th birthday and in an obituary published in the journal Nature, no mention was made of the Eccles-Jordan circuit. So notable were his other contributions, mostly to the science of wireless, that there was no room for the circuit which still bears his name.

That name was one to conjure with in the first quarter of this century, said Wireless World, "in the more elevated radio-technical circles." His most sig­nificant work, it added, "was on a subject at the very heart of our affairs — on radio wave propagation." This referred to his early explanation of the origin of the Heaviside layer. His other contributions included those to shortwave radio, radio broadcasting, the study of coherers, and the proposal of what became the standard names for valves: diode, triode, etc. Wireless World, the article said, could "blush with shame" for having stigmatised this proposal as "too academic".

William Henry Eccles was born near Dlverston, near Barrow-in-Furness, on the 23rd August 1875, the son of Charles Eccles, a blacksmith and later an engineer, and his wife Annabella. He died aged 90 on the 29th April 1966.

"Because of many small illnesses in childhood his early education was largely at home," Eccles later wrote about himself. His father taught him about thermodynamics and steam engines, and structural steelwork, which came in useful years later when he came to erect steel radio masts. A more conventional education at a private school won him a national scholarship to the Royal College of Science (now Imperial College) at South Kensington, London, where he graduated in 1898 with a first-class honours degree in physics. Although he once described metallurgy as his first love, his skill as a physicist was to lead to his being regarded by many as the first wireless physicist.

For a short time, he worked as a demonstrator at the college and attended some City and Guilds lectures on electrical engineering. These electrical lectures introduced him to radio telegraphy right at the start of the wireless age. In 1899 he joined the select band of assistants to Guillermo Marconi.

He stayed with Marconi for less than two years, designing and building oscillation transformers, or "jiggers" as they were called, and he "lent a hand", to use his own words, with the design of the towers for the famous transatlantic transmissions from Poldhu in Cornwall. Much of his time, however, was spent at Poole in Dorset at the Haven Hotel, where Marconi had set up an experimental radio station. It was there that numerous demonstrations were given to potential customers.

After leaving Marconi, Eccles spent a short time with a firm making AC machines before becoming the head of the Department of Mathematics and Physics at the South Western Polytechnic, Chelsea, in about 1904. This was his entry into a career in higher education which was to last until his retirement. In 1910, he was promoted to Reader in "Graphic Statics" (structural engineering design) at University College, London, where he also lectured on the theory of machines and the theory of structures.

He moved again in 1916, this time to the City and Guilds College, Finsbury, as Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering. At the age of 51, after a severe illness, he retired to become a private consultant. He was still being consulted when he was in his eighties.


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