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American family tradition

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  1. A Family of Scientists
  2. A happy family, as I see it.
  3. A New Form of Advertising Threatens to Crowd out Traditional Commercials
  4. A Place in the Family
  6. A Traditional House or a Modern Apartment

Family Tradition

We teach our children the Principles and Values of Free Individuals in a Free Society. Although at times we may fail, we work tirelessly to be men and women of Integrity, Self-discipline, Proactivity, Humility and Empathy. We believe in the Principle of Human Freedom to ensure we sustain our Free Society. We believe in the Principle of Universal Harmony so we sustain our Families by living in "synch" with the earth and our universe.

Values of A Good Free Individual

Fundamentally, Human Beings expect to be treated fairly. To be fair we must be honest, forthright and sincere with others. This is called Integrity. It means we keep our word; "you can take it to the bank". "Our word is our bond." This is why our Credit Rating is important, it is an "objective" measure of how well we keep our promises in modern society. Remember The Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Human Beings are able to choose; unlike animals and plants who merely react to external stimulus. When we choose we are accepting the consequences of our choices. We must have Self-discipline to choose wisely and grow responsibly. As Free Individuals we must accept responsibility for the consequences of our choices if we are to remain free to choose.

Responsibility is another hub around which American values rotate. An effective family unit strives to teach self responsibility and the goal is providing youth with self discipline, honesty, and a sense of purpose and place now and in the future.

Going about life each day requires us to know where we are and know where we are headed. We are each "Captain of our own ship". Freedom of choice enables us to exercise Proactivity, to go after our goals and visions. We must each take responsibility for our lives and control our own destiny. A Free Society provides the best opportunity to make our dreams come true.

Communication between Free Individuals requires us to give each other a chance. Giving each other a chance requires one Free Individual to understand and have Empathy for another where we "put ourselves in the other's shoes". Their is an old Native American saying: "Do not judge another until you have walked 20 miles in their moccasins".

Interaction with other Human Beings requires us to understand the relationship of one Free Individual to another. As we exercise Humility we demonstrate this knowledge. We understand the worth of each Free Individual, including ourselves, in our Free Society. Coexistence with Free Individuals requires that we respect each other and treat each other with dignity until a Free Individual proves through their actions and words that they are unworthy.


Parental involvement in schools is increasing.

Reality. In spite of our busy and hectic lives, parents are more involved today in schools than ever before. Since 1996, an increasing number of parents report going to meetings at schools, having conferences with teachers, attending school events and volunteering.

Less than 50 percent of our children live with two married parents.

Myth. In 1970, 85 percent of our kids lived with both parents, but that decreased substantially over the years until 1996 when it stabilized at around 68 percent. That figure has not changed much over the past 12 years.

It’s hard to overemphasize the societal, economic and psychological benefits to children when they are cared for by two parents. Youngsters raised by single parents are more vulnerable to all kinds of behavioral and emotional problems.

More unmarried women are having children.

Reality. Since 1960, the percent of births to unmarried women has increased from 5 percent to 37 percent.

Almost every second person has two marriages in life.


The Family

Another aspect of American society that may bewilder non-Americans is the family. The nuclear family structure (parents and children) is so alien to most cultures in the world that it is often misunderstood. The main purpose of the American family is to bring about the happiness of each individual family member. The traditional family values include love and respect for parents, as well as for all members of the family.

One of the common values for modern Americans is the freedom exercised by an individual. It may be termed as individual freedom, independence or individualism, but it is the core value for Americans. It can be seen all over America.

However, the emphasis on the individual and his/her right to happiness can be confusing. It allows children to disagree, even argue with their parents. While in most other cultures such action would be a sign of disrespect and a lack of love, that is not the case in the United States. It is simply a part of developing one's independence.

Children leave home too early, even before they are ready to face the outside world. The notion of having the right to be happy at times drives the children against their parents, which may be considered disrespectful in some cultures. However, it is not in America. It is showing your ability to think and act as an individual. Also, many times parents are not held accountable for their children's behavior, or what should be referred to as the children's misdeeds.

Nonetheless, American family values are based on honesty, trust, love, respect and being there for one another. An American family, therefore, is no different from a family that is living in some other corner of the world.


Home is Where the Heart is

Individuals who had a strong, happy family have warm, comforting feelings about the word, “home.” In ancient times the kitchen fire was the first part of a house constructed because it represented the heart of the home. To this day, kitchens remain a gathering place where people socialize, learn and nourish body and mind from one proverbial platter. Here, and around the dining room table, a family’s ethics, values, convictions and manners get passed along by example and through parental guidance.

The table is no place for arguments; it’s a center for bonding.

It certainly is nice to be treated as an honored guest in someone's home, but one of the highest compliments that an American can give foreign guests is to treat them like members of the family, which means to give them the "freedom of the house" to do what they want, to "raid the refrigerator" on their own, or to have some quiet time alone.


Strong Leadership

American cultural values favor strong leadership roles in a family akin to having an experienced captain on a ship. The ability to inspire, to share insight, to facilitate – family heads often learn these “on the job.” Parents want to bring up their children to be good human beings, but to do that THEY must walk the talk. Respect and love in the American home aren’t simply given, they’re earned and it’s a two way street.

Liberal vs. Conservative Values

There is no question that the American Family values differ depending on which side f the political post you sit. The conservative outlook favors marriage as one man and one woman, prefers a more conventional role for women at home and in the family, support traditional education, and often promote a specific religious set of etiquette and manners too. By comparison liberal family values support universal health care, or single parent homes, social programs for families in needs, educational choices, and individual freedom.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 52 | Нарушение авторских прав

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