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Geographical Position of Ukraine

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  5. Articles with geographical names
  6. Assignment 7. a) Fill each gap with a suitable preposition.
  7. August, 2013, Crimea, Ukraine


The Name of the State

1. Read the text bellow. Discuss historical names of Ukraine as a state.

The territory of Ukraine has had many names: Oriyana, Roxolania, Skyfia, Sarmatia, the country of Anths and so on. In IV Century BC the name «Rus» appeared first, although only as meaning the Kniaz and his warriors, but later as including a few provinces.

The name «Ukraine» was used unofficially instead of «Rus». It appeared when referring to different parts of the country at various times. In 1650 French engineer and traveler, De Boplan, published his book «Description of Ukraine», where by Ukraine he meant the regions of Halychyna and Podilliya. His work made the name known in Western Europe. From XVI century «Ukraine» referred to the Cossack lands around the Dnipro river and to the Cossack state under Bogdan Khmelnytskyy, which is confirmed in works of other hetmans like Ivan Mazepa and Pylyp Orlyk.

From XIX century the name «Ukraine» is widely used as referring to the territorial unit occupied by Ukrainians. After the declaration of Ukrainian People’s Republic (1917), Ukrainian State (1918), Western Ukrainian People’s Republic (1918) and Carpathian Ukraine (1939) the name became established officially. Soviet Ukraine was named Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The historical name «Ukraine» was reestablished after the declaration of independence on 24 August 1991.

On 28 June 1994, the name was recorded in the Ukrainian Constitution.

Geographical Position of Ukraine

1. Read the text once and choose the correct answer.

Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Europe. It borders on Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The area of Ukraine is 603,700 sq. km. The territory of Ukraine is mostly flat. There are the Carpathian Mountains in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the south, but they are not high. The main rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Buh, the Donets and others. The Dnieper is one of the longest European rivers and one of the main sources of hydroelectric power in the country.

The coasts of the Azov Sea and the Black Sea are good for ports. We have quite a lot of big sea ports, for example, Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Izmail, Mariupol and Kerch.

The geographical position of Ukraine is very favourable because the country lies on the crossroads of the ways from Asia to Europe. Since the times of Kyivan Rus Ukrainian roads have been used for trade contacts.


1. Ukraine is one of the …. countries in Europe. a) largest b) smallest

2. Ukraine borders on…..countries. a) six b) seven

3. Geographical position of Ukraine is….. a) favourable b) unfavourable

4. The territory of Ukraine consists of….. a) 25 regions b) 24 regions

5. ….per cent of Ukraine is covered by mountains. a) 5 b) 95

6. The Carpathians are ……., the Crimea Mountains are….

a) in the south, in the west b) in the west, in the south

7. Ukraine is washed by…. seas. a) two b) three

8. Ukraine is… in natural resources. a) poor b) rich

9. The main river in Ukraine is…. a) the Bug b) the Dnipro

10. There are….lakes in Ukraine. a) a lot of b) few

2a. Prove that: · Ukraine is a large country. · Geographical position of Ukraine is favourable. · Ukraine is rich in water resources. · Ukraine is rich in mineral resources.  
2. Answer the questions.

  1. Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe, isn’t it?
  2. What is the area of Ukraine?
  3. What countries does Ukraine border on?
  4. What does the territory of Ukraine consist of?
  5. What is the capital of Ukraine?
  6. Are there many large cities in Ukraine?
  7. What is the population of Ukraine?
  8. Are there mountains in Ukraine?
  9. Where is the highest mountain in Ukraine situated?
  10. How many seas is Ukraine washed by?
  11. Is the Dniper the main river in Ukraine?
  12. What are the largest lakes in Ukraine?
  13. What natural resources is Ukraine rich in?
  14. Does Ukraine have a favourable geographical position?


3. Fill in the prepositions.

1. Ukraine is one of the largest countries … Europe.

2. Ukraine borders …. seven European countries.

3. The territory of Ukraine consists….the Autonomy Republic of Crime and 24 regions.

4. Ukraine is inhabited…people belonging… more than 110 ethnic groups.

5. Ukraine is washed…. The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

6. The Dnipro divides Ukraine… Right-bank and Left-bank territories.

7. Our country is rich… natural resources.


4. Translate word combinations into Ukrainian.

1. найбільша країна в Європі;

2. загальна протяжність кордону;

3. по всьому світі;

4. швидкий розвиток;

5. впливати на економічний розвиток;

6. належати до різних етнічних груп;

7. всі сфери життя;

8. природні копалини;

9. великі запаси;

10. культурний розвиток


5. Translate into English.

1. Україна – одна з найбільших країн Європи.

2. Загальна протяжність кордонів України 6,500 км.

3. Географічне положення України сприятливе для розвитку стосунків з країнами Європи та всього світу.

4. Україна населена людьми, які належать до більш ніж 110 етнічних груп.

5. Дніпро розділяє Україну на Лівобережну і Правобережну території.

6. Наша країна багата на природні копалини.

7. Географічне положення будь-якої країни впливає на її політичний, економічний, соціальний і культурний розвиток.

8. Україна може і повинна використати своє сприятливе географічне положення для швидкого розвитку у всіх сферах життя.

9. Україна межує з семи країнами.

10. 5% території України вкриті горами.

11. Україна багата на водні ресурси.

12. Говерла-найвища гора в Україні.


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