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Checking home task

Читайте также:
  1. But I think we should take the standard checking account anyway.
  3. Exercise 23. Punctuate the sentences (for checking in class).
  4. Exercise 5. Checking facts and ideas. Decide if these statements are true or false.
  5. II. Complete the useful expressions for checking into and out of a hotel.
  6. Глава четвертая. Checking system


- circulatory system – кровоносна система

- digestive system – травна система

- alimentary canal - травний канал

- respiratory system – дихальна система

- urinary system – сечовидільна система

- ureters - сечівники

- urethra – уретра


1. Read & translate the text “Systems of the Body” and try to find the answers for the questions:

There are several main systems of the body: the skeletal, the muscular, the nervous, the circulatory, the digestive, the respiratory, the urinary, he endocrine and the reproductive systems.

The skeletal system consists of the bones of the body and ligaments and cartilages which join them. The chief function of the skeletal system is structural.

The muscular system consists of the skeletal muscles and their associated structures. The main function of this system is to move us about.

The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, nerves and receptors. It is a complex information system with all the necessary means for receiving, processing and communicating information.

The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels and the blood which is pumped through the blood vessels by the heart. Its function is mainly that of transportation system: the nutrients, oxygen, special substances which are required by cells are carried by the blood stream; and the cellular wastes and sometimes other materials produced by the cells are carried away by the blood stream.

The digestive system consists of the alimentary canal and a number of associated glands.

The respiratory system consists of the lungs. Its main function is to convey oxygen to the lungs, where it can enter the blood stream and to remove carbon dioxide, which escapes from the blood into the lung spaces.

The urinary system consists of the kidneys, which produce urine by removing nitrogenous and other wastes from the blood: the two ureters, which convey the urine away from the kidneys; the urinary bladder where the urine is stored until it is discharged; and the urethra through which the urine is discharged.

The endocrine system consists of a number of glands throughout the body which produce regulatory substances called hormones. The endocrine system serves to regulate a large number of activities.

1. Find in the text the English equivalents: головні системи людського тіла, складатися з кісток тіла та зв'язок, основна функція, їх супутніми структурами, рухати нас навколо, головний мозок та спинний мозок, складна інформаційна система, отримання та обробка інформації, серце та кров’яні судини, перекачувати кров крізь судини, які потребуються клітинами, продукти клітинного розпаду, виводитися з кров’яного потоку, кількість пов’язаних залоз, складатися з легенів, видаляти вуглекислий газ, видаляти азотні та інші продукти розпаду, зберігати до виведення, виробляти регулюючи речовини, регулювати велику кількість діяльностей.

2. Complete the sentences:

  1. The chief function of the skeletal ….
  2. The nervous system consists of …
  3. And the blood which is pumped ….
  4. The digestive system consists of ….
  5. The main function of the respiratory system is …
  6. The urinary system consists of …
  7. The urinary bladder stores ….
  8. The endocrine system serves ….


3. Answer the questions in written form:

1. What are the functions of the skeletal and muscular systems?

2. What does the circulatory system consist of?

3. What are the parts of the nervous system?

4. What is the main function of the respiratory system?

5. What does the urinary system consist of?

6. How do the kidneys produce urine?

7. How is the urine discharged from the body?


4. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Наше тіло складається з декількох систем.
  2. Кістки, зв’язки та хрящі складають скелетну систему.
  3. Нервова система це складана інформаційна система.
  4. Серцево-судинна система складається з серця та кров’яних судин.
  5. Травний канал це частина травної системи.
  6. Дихальна система забезпечує легені киснем.
  7. Нирки вироблять сечу, чи не так?
  8. Гормони це речовини, які виробляються ендокринною системою.

5. Match the Ukrainian names of the parts of the body with their English equivalents:

1. bile duct а) товста кишка

2. bladder b) спинний хребет

3. gall bladder c) гортань

4. large intestine d) таз

5. larynx e) сечовий міхур

6. pancreas f) жовчний міхур

7. pelvis g) селезінка

8. spine h) трахея

9. spleen i) підшлункова залоза

10. windpipe j) жовчна протока



6. Match the following parts of the body with the definitions:

1. kidney a. organ in the head which controls thought and feeling

2. lung b. long pipe leading from the stomach which takes waste matte from

3. liver the body

4. heart с two small, fleshy organs in the throat

5. brain d. baglike organ in which food is broken down for use by the body

6. intestine e. one of twenty-four bones protecting the chest

7. appendix f. one of a pair of organs which separate waste liquid from the blood

8. tonsils g. one of two bony parts of the face in which teeth are set

9. rib h. large organ which cleans the blood

10.stomach i. one of a pair of breathing organs in the chest

11.jaw j. passage from the back of the mouth down inside the neck

12.throat k. short organ of little use which leads off the large intestine

1. organ in the chest which controls the flow of blood by pushing it round the body



Our lesson is over, you’ve worked hard & your marks are …

Your home work for next lesson is to learn the topic we’ve spoken today about


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 109 | Нарушение авторских прав

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