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Director J.J.Smith | CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN BUYERS AND SELLERS | Aluminium Alloy Co. Ltd. Birmingham | Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit for £625 No.1 | DOCUMENTS USED IN INSURANCE | Instructions to insurance agents | COMPLAINTS AND REPLIES TO COMPLAINTS. | REPLIES TO COMPLAINTS | Replies to complaints of poor quality | LETTERS OF SYMPATHY, CONDOLENCE |

Читайте также:
  1. Enabling Commerce
  2. For more information, look at the Office of Government Commerce at-, www.ogc.gov.uk/ and the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution at: www.cedr.co.uk/.
  3. Sales and Marketing Using Electronic Commerce
  4. Text B. Gene Study Suggests Goats Got Around Through Early Human Commerce


5 January 1978

The Secretary

The Western Trading Co. Ltd.


Dear Sir

In accordance with the instructions contained in your letter of 3 January, we have obtained the following shares for your company:

1,000 Ordinary Grand Union Steel, @ 153

500 Preference Western Plastics, @ 172

The contract notes are enclosed, together with the forms authorizing the payment of dividends to this bank. We shall be glad if you will sign the latter and return the forms to us

We have noted your instructions regarding crediting of dividends and forwarding of share certificates.

as you will see from the contract notes, the total amount due to us in respect of these transactions is £2,390, including our charges and stamp duty, and we should be glad Co has your cheque for this amount.

Yours faithfully







The adjective competitive, which means favourably comparable with rival o ffers, occurs very frequently in enquiries and letters replying to them, as do the verb to compete and the nouns competition and competitor., Here are some examples of how these words are used:

Competitive prices and terms are essential if this article is to sell on overseas markets ('конкурентные цены').

These products will have to compete with mass-produced equip­ment from Asian countries (‘ конкурировать').

Competition in the textile trade has never been keener; our competitors are offering lower prices all the time ('конкуренция'; 'конкуренты.').

catching on: Becoming popular or fashionable ('входящий в моду').

"drawback: Disadvantage ('недостаток'').

condensation: Drops of liquid forming, in this case, in tropical climates ('конденса­ция влаги., напр. на ткани'). associates: People the writer does business with, or people in the same line of business as the writer ('партнеры, компаньоны').

let us down: (in this letter) Failed to execute our orders properly (зд. noдвeл.)

getting into arrears: Falling behind schedule ('задерживать выплаты/платежи').

hard-wearing: Strong, able to stand up to a lot of use (‘прочный, износостой­кий').

Abbreviations used to indicate to what extent charges for freight, insurance, etc. are included in the price quoted

ex-works; ex-factory; ex-mill/mills: Price without any transport ('с завода, франко-завод’).

•f.o.r. (free on rail) 'франка-рельсы; франко-вагон,; f.o.t. (free on truck) 'фран­ко-вагон' (Am), 'франко-грузовик': Price includes delivery to the railwayandloading on a truck.

f.a.s. (port named): Price includes delivery to loading point ''alongside' ship ('франко вдоль борта судна').

f.o.b. (export port named): Price includes deliveryto docks and loading onto a 28 ship ('франко-борт, фоб').

f.o.b. (import port named) (particularly used in U.S.A. trade): Price includes all costs up to arrival in the importing country, but not insurance or unloading ('франко-борт судна').

c.&.f. (destination named): Price includes all costs up to the named destination but not insurance ('стоимость и фрахт').

c.i.f. (destination named): Price includes all costs including insurance, up to named destination ('стоимость, страхование, фрахт - СИФ').

ex-ship (import port named): Price includes delivery to the named port of destina­tion; the seller is responsible for the goods until the ship arrives ('франко-строп судно, с судна').

franco quay; ex-dock (import port named): Price includes all costs, unloading, cus­toms duties, etc. ('Франко-причал; с причала').

franco domicilium; free delivered: Price includes delivery to the premises of the buyer or consignee, customs duties paid by seller or consignor ('достaвка франко’).

The following are used for home trade, in Great Britain:

carriage paid home: All transport paid by sender ('перевозка оплачена').

carriage forward: Transport to be paid by buyer (‘перевозка должна быть оплаче­на покупателем').

franco; free delivered: All costs paid by sender (‘доставка франкo’).

C.O.D.: Goods to be paid for by buyer on delivery (‘ оплачивается при. достав­ке').

adaptability: Ability to be used for more than one purpose; (ad}.) adaptable; (v.) adapt (‘пригодность, возможность, приспособления').

balance (it.): Remainder (зд. 'остаток').

bargain (n.): Something obtained at a price below its value ('сделка, выгодная по­купка'); (у.) bargain = negotiate a price ('договариваться о цене1).

become effective: Begin to operate ('вступать в силу, действие').

bulk purchase: Buying in large quantities ('массовая закупка'). - call on: To visit ('нанести визит, посетить').

consignment: Goods packed together and sent from seller to buyer ('груз; партия товара').

condensation: Drops of liquid forming, due to heat, etc. ('конденсация').

contract supplies: Urge quantities ordered under contract ('поставки по контрак­ту/договору’)

demand (n.): Number of orders ('спрос на продукцию: объем заказов').

discount: Reduction in price allowed by the seller ('скидка с цены товара').

Drafts: An order for payment, drawn up by a bank ('переводный вексель, трата').

entail: To cause, involve ('повлечь за собой').

evidently: Clearly, obviously ('очевидно, совершенно ясно').

excessive: Too much ('чрезмерный').

expendable: Short lived, not durable ('быстро расходуемые, невосстанавливаемые в природной среде материалы').

the fashionable trade: Business in high quality clothes ('торговля модной дорогой одеждой').

firm for five days: Open for five days ('действует в течение 5 дней').

firm order: Definite order ('твердый заказ').

grant (v.): To allow ('предоставлять').

if stocks are cleared: If all goods are sold ('если товар будет распродан').

if you could see your way to increasing: If you agree to increase ('если Вы сможете поднять заказ до').

In stock: Available, ready for delivery ('в наличии; на складе').

in strict rotation: In the very same order in which they arrive ('строго в порядке

поступления заказов'). keep pace with: Produce fast enough to meet ('не отставать от, идти в ногу c).

knowhow: Specialised knowledge, expertise ('ноухау').

liberal: Generous (зд. 'щедрый').

lines: Products or groups of products ('товарные группы').

negotiate: Discuss (terms, conditions) ('обсуждать условия купли, продажи').

ousted: Taken the place of ('вытесненный').

overstocking: Ordering more than can be sold ('затоваривание').

premises: Buildings or offices where a business is carried on ('помещение').

pro-forma invoice: Invoice enabling a customer to see how much a consignment will cost ('счет-проформа, предварительный счет').

promote a product: Make the public aware of a product ( 'продвигать товар на рынок').

prospective: Potential ('возможный, потенциальный').

range: Selection of different products ('номенклатура продукции').

replenish: Replace what has been consumed ('пополнять запасы').

robust: Strong ('крепкий, прочный').

sales literature: Advertising material ('рекламные материалы').

settlement: Payment ('расчет, платеж, оплата').

sustain: To keep up, maintain ('поддерживать').

trade terms: Prices paid by the dealer ('условия продажи').

transparencies: Pictures projected onto a screen ('диапозитивы').

ultra-lightweight: Very light indeed ('сверхлегкий').

vintages: Wines from grapes of particular years ('виноградное вино урожая опреде­ленного года').

well up to: At least as good as ('на уровне, не хуже’).

without any obligation: Free from any need to buy ('без каких-л. обязательств').

withstand: Resist ('выдерживать, противостоять').

working to capacity: Fully occupied ('занятый на полную мощность').

alternative: Another possibility ('альтернатива, выбор').

bear in mind: Remember, consider ('иметь в виду, помнить').

content: Proportion, percentage (зд. 'пропорция').

contents: What is contained in something ('содержимое, содержание').

discretion: Judgement ('благоразумие, осторожность').

extend (v.): To make longer or larger ('расширять, продлевать'); (n.) extension; (ad/.) extensive.

indent: Order, one of? series, of orders from a regular customer (' заказ на товар').

in the right frame of mind: Contented, in a good mood (' в хорошем, приятном расположении духа').

keen competition: Hard competition ('сильная конкуренция').

keen price: Competitive price ('конкурентная цена').

we are keen to help you: We are eager to help you ('мы рады помочь Вам').

keep it for further reference: Keep it so that we can consult it later ('сохранять информацию для дальнейших ссылок').

match: Be similar to, harmonise with ('совпадать, гармонировать').

much as we would like: Although we would like ('как бы нам ни хотелось').

observance of: Paying attention to; acting in accordance with ('соблюдение правил).

Pending: Awaiting (' в ожидании.').

reject (v.): To refuse to accept ('отклонять, отвергать' ).

Seconds: Goods which cannot be sold as perfect ('второсортные товары, низко­сортная продукция').

Slump: Rapid fall ('резкий спад производства; кризис').

substitute: Alternative offered if the article ordered is not available ('замена’).

vouch for: To express confidence in ('ручаться').

facilitate (v.): To make easier ('облегчать что-л., способствовать чему-л.').

medium (n.): Half-way position, neutral between extremes ('happy medium') ('сере­дина, нейтральное положение').

ordeal (n.): Unpleasant or difficult experience ('тяжелое испытание').

secure (adf.): Safe, not in danger ('безопасный'); (v.) secure ('обеспечить, гаран­тировать безопасность').

unscathed (adj.): Uninjured, undamaged, unmarked (‘невредимый, непострадав­ший').

adjust (= put right) 'согласовывать, приводить в соответствие, выверять данные ';

correct, rectify 'исправлять, выверять, уточнять';

agree, correspond, concur (= be in agreement) 'согласовывать, приводить в порядок (счета)';

calculate, estimate, figure (=to work out), reckon 'вычислять, подсчитывать; калькулировать';

check (examine) (do not use 'control' ' проверять '); extend (зд 'предоставлять').

Also note these arithmetical verbs:

add 'прибавлять, складывать'; subtract (or deduct) 'вычитать'; multiply 'умножать'; divide 'делить'.

Note the-following titles:

accountant 'бухгалтер'; auditor 'аудитор'; book-keeper 'счетовод/бухгалтер';cashier 'кассир'; ledger-clerk 'ответственный за главную книгу (гроссбух)'.

Discrepancy: Error; disagreement (‘несоответствие; ошибка').

carriage: Freight; cost of transport ('фрахт, стоимость перевозки').

warrant: Justify; entitle us to ('оправдывать, давать право на').

to query: To question; raise a question ('задавать вопрос').

to waive: To cancel; overlook ('отказываться; воздерживаться; не применять').

clerical error: Office error (‘канцелярская ошибка').

outstanding: Unpaid ('неоплаченный').

Current liability: Present debt; last account ('краткосрочное обязательство,краткосроная задолженность на данный момент').

60 d/s: 60 days after sight ('60 дней после предъявления документа:).

Meet: pay (‘ оплатить').

punctually met: Paid when due ('с оплатой в оговоренный срок').

without responsibility: No responsibility can be accepted (зд. 'не беря ответст­венности за ее достоверность'). overbuying: Buying more than they can pay for ('закупка в слишком большом количестве, не по средствам').

Kept: (In this case) paid promptly (зд. 'с немедленной оплатой').

Cost (‘ цена, стоимость').

carriage: The word is used for inland transport and freight ('внутренние перевоз­ки; фрахт').

cartage: Short distance carriage ('гужевая или автотранспортная перевозка’).

charges: The price for services; also expenses, costs ('расходы, издержки').

drawback: An allowance granted by the Customs on re-export of goods on which duty was paid on importation ('возврат пошлины при реэкспорте').

dues: Charges made by port authorities: dock dues, port dues ('сборы,налоги, плата').

duty: Thetax levied on the import of goods ('ввозная пошлина').

entry: A word used by the Customs, referring to the particulars entered in a book; can be either entry in or entry out ('таможенная запись об импортируемых или экспортируемых товарах').

freight ('фрахт, плата за транспортировку грузов'): The word is used for cost of transport both inland and foreign, also to mean the goods transported; freight train, air freight. Deadfreight is the cost of space booked but not used ('мертвый фрахт').

lighterage: Charge made for transporting goods by lighter, or barge ('лихтерный сбор').

porterage: Cost of hand transport, by porter ('плата за транспортировкугруза носильщиком, грузчиком').

primage: This is new used to mean a type of bonus to shippers ('прибавка, пре­мия за пользование грузовыми устройствами судна').

tariffs The word used for a list of charges ('тариф').

Documents ('документация')

delivery order: A document from the owner, or holder, of the goods requesting the release of goods held under warrant ('деливери-ордер').

dock warrant, warehouse warrant: These are receipts issued for cargo deposited at dock warehouses ('доковый, складской варрант').

tally: The record or list of cargo loaded or discharged ('учет/подсчет мест гру­за'); it is checked by a tally clerk, therefore to tally means to be correct ('со­ответствовать; сходиться').

Names of various kinds of vessels ('названия судов разного типа'),

coaster A ship on the coastal trade only ('каботажное судно').

collier. A ship that carries only coal and coke ('судно для перевозок угля).

craft: Any kind of ship but usually means a small vessel ('небольшое судно).

launch ('баркас, катер, моторная лодка'): A small vessel for river and harbour transport; to launch is to float a newly-built ship for the first time ('спускать судно на воду').

lighter ('лихтер'). Used in shipping for barges ('баржи'): cargo-carrying vessels on rivers and canals; lighterman is the name for the owner of lighters or the man in charge of a lighter ('владелец или капитан лихтера').

motor-ship: A vessel driven by a motor ('теплоход').

steamer, steamship: A vessel driven by steam power ('пароход').

tanker A ship that carries bulk liquids, chiefly oil; the name is used also for road and rail vehicles that carry oil and bulk liquids ('танкер').

tug: A small but powerful vessel that is used for towing ('буксировка) other ships, either large or small (the word used as a verb means to pull hard) ('буксир­ное судно').

Dock terms ('термины, относящиеся к док/)

berth ('якорное место, причал'): A place at the quay, jetty or docksidc where the ship may load, discharge or lie; the verb is to berth ('ставить судно на якорь').

bonded warehouse: A store where goods are kept until the duty has been paid ('таможенный склад для хранения грузов до оплаты пошлины').

bunkers: The parts of the ship reserved for carrying the fuel needed;if the fuel is oil the name is oil tanks ('топливные отсеки').

crane, derrick: Names used for lifting machinery in docks and on ships; also hoist and tackle ('деррик-кран; подъемная стрела').

granaries: Stores for grain, especially used in connection with the discharge from grain-carrying ships ('зернохранилища').

Lock: A construction used for altering the level of the water in a dock, river or canal; it is also the space so controlled ('шлюз').

quay: The dockside where ships berth and goods are loaded or discharged ('причал, набережная, стенка для причаливания').

shed. Store ('депо, склад'): The building where the goods are kept (stored) before loading or after discharge; transit shed for goods to be transported to another place, refrigerator store for the storage of perishable goods.

wharf, wharves: Another name for a quay or quays, also including shed or sheds, etc. ('пристань: причал'). Wharfage is the charge for storing ('плата за ис­пользование причала').

Chartering terms ('термины, связанные с фрахтом')

demurrage: The money paid to the shipowner if the charterer delays the sailing of the vessel ('плата за простой судна; демерредж').

despatch money: A bonus to the charterer for loading or unloading inless timethan has been stipulated ('премия фрахтователю за ускоренную погрузку или разгрузка).

lay days: Days allowed for the loading and discharging of a ship ('сталийное. стояночное время').

knot: The speed of a ship, calculated as nautical mile per hour ('узел, мера скоро­сти').

tonnage ('тоннаж'). (1) Calculated as 100 cubic feet per ton to measure the ship's capacity, as (a) gross tonnage ('валовой тоннаж'), and (b) net registered ton­nage (N.R.T.) ('чистый регистрационный тоннаж') being the ship's cargo-carry­ing capacity, (2) Also used to mean all the ships belonging to a country.

Names of firms and persons connected with transport ('термины, относящиеся к транспорту')

common carriers: Firms or organisations that undertake to carry goods for the gen­eral public ('транспортные агентства').

hauliers, haulage firms: Contractors undertaking the transport of heavy goods by road ('владельцы грузовиков; транспортные фирмы, конторы').

ship chandlers: Suppliers of all the requirements of ships ('судовые поставщики').

stevedores ('портовые грузчики'): (1) Contractors who arrange for the labour to load and discharge ships; (2) The men who actually do the work of loading and unloading, etc. (Dockers ('докеры') are all workers at docks.)

Vehicles used on the roads and railways ('авто- и железнодорожные средства перевозки')

containers ('контейнеры'); lorries ('грузовики'); tankers ('танкеры'); trailers ('трей­леры, автоприцепы; товарные вагоны'); trucks ('грузовики (Am.); vans; wag­ons ('автофургоны').

Air ('воздушные транспортные средства')

airliner ('воздушный (авиалайнер');

passenger plane ('пассажирский самолет');

freight plane ('грузовой самолет').

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