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Переведите следующие слова на русский язык и определите, каким способом они образованы.

Читайте также:
  1. A) проанализируйте модели образования слов, прочтите и переведите слова и словосочетания, созданные на их основе.
  2. Adlinks Слова категории состояния
  4. Ex.4. Поставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке
  5. Glossary: глоссарий (толковый словарь) строительных терминов, применяемых строителями и проектировщиками при возведении фундаментов и оснований зданий, подземных сооружений
  6. I. C. Переведите предложения
  7. I. Вставьте вместо точек глагол werden. Переведите предложения.

1. to transport – transported, transportation; 2. to improve – improved, improvement; 3. to operate – operated, operator, operation; 4. to develop – developed, development.

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы.

1. Cable skidding is not economical except when heavy and uniform stands of timber are to be harvested.

2. The tractor has to be attached to a stump or a tree to withstand the traction effort of the winch.

3. Logs of more than 20 feet in length usually have to be loaded on the semitrailers.

4. The track location should be planned, if possible, in such a way that no earth moving is necessary.

5. When a timber area must be harvested, the first information needed is its exact location and extent with respect to known points (rivers, towns).

Переведите следующие словосочетания.

1. cable skidding, skidding equipment, log hauling, hauling methods, truck road, road construction, spring streams, stream driving.

2. log transportation, transportation facilities, horse power, power saw, chain saw, saw chain, bucking tool, tool handle, ox cart, cart wheel.

3. rough ground, ground skidding, skidding tractor, tractor skidding, timber harvesting, harvesting areas, log rafting, rafting operations.


Choose the proper word in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Ox carts are still used in (log, logging) transportation.

2. Now new (transportation, transporting) means are being introduced.

3. (Growth, growing) rings are called annual, as they are formed annually.

4. Areas along (south, southern) Atlantic coast became available for exploitation.

5. (Log, logging) roads have the total length of more than 30, 000 miles.


12. Переведите предложения с оборотом there + to be

1. There followed a tremendous battle.

2. Did there develop another form of service?

3. There did not remain any technical question.

4. There continues to be a need for methods of thinning.

5. There was not a single man who could decipher the inscription.

State what word has been substituted by ONE (ONES). Translate into Russian.

1. Oxen and high-wheeled carts were the main transportation means. New ones have appeared recently.

2. Tractors are widely used in low-lying district, while in mountainous ones they are less common.

3. Light logs can be easily skidded by hand and animals, while skidding of heavy ones must be performed only with special equipment.

4. Logs move from the upper end of cable to the lower one.

5. Cable transportation being a relatively primitive method, it is a rather cheap one

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