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Module control 6

Grammar: Appendix 19 | Product and Pricing | Product and Pricing | Grammar: Appendix 20 | MODULE CONTROL 5 | Channels of Distribution | Channels of Distribution | Grammar: Appendix 21 | A deep desire for respectability. | Forms of Trade |

Читайте также:
  1. A (Statistical Process Control (SPC), moderate)
  2. A brief survey of control statements.
  3. A good thesis sentences will control the entire argument.
  6. Are we in control of our own decisions?

Units 13 -14

Assignment 1. Translate the following word combinations into English. Make up the sentences of your own:

отримувати значну частку ринку; фінансувати шляхом надання кредиту; приваблива перспектива; купувати на виплату; традиційний метод розповсюдження; платити комісійні; розташування зручне для споживача; допоміжні послуги; широко рекламувати товари; магазин самообслуговування; першочерговий намір; створювати ринок збуту; подолати проблему просування товару; смаки та уподобання, процес ціноутворення, сувора конкуренція.


Assignment 2. Fill in the gaps with the words given below:

window shopping; self-service; manufacturing marketers; tastes and preferences; aids to trade; browsing; by post; sales area; cost-plus pricing;

1. The pricing technique used by most retailers is …. 2. Commerce involves trade and … which help in the exchange of goods and services. 3. … see the process of retailing as a necessary part of the overall distribution strategy. 4. Customers have their likes and dislikes, their special …. 5. All transactions are carried out …. 6. Recreational shopping often involves … and …. 7. Supermarkets are defined as a … food store with a … of more than 2000 square feet.


Assignment 3. Put the verb in the correct tense form:

1. He said he (to sign) the contract with foreign partners. 2. We realized that auditors (to look through) our documents for more than an hour. 3. We knew that the top manager (to arrive) from business trip with Polish guests. 4. We understood that partners (to cancel) our order. 5. It was clear that we (to send) goods by next week. 6. I saw that the manager (to try) to explain everything to clients. 7. The manager of the event asked me if I (to invite) new partners to the presentation. 8. She was disappointed that she (not to get) the job on TV. 9. She promised that she (to study) delivery terms by tomorrow. 10. I knew he (to pass) his Master degree examination by July.


Assignment 4. Open the brackets using the Perfect Continuous Tenses (Present, Past or Future):

1. They (to wait) for the new product mix for more than three months. 2. Our team (to improve) our product capacity for several weeks before they got a result. 3. This enterprise (to practice) a direct marketing since 1999. 4. My colleagues (to think) over the small business lately. 5. Our managers (to discuss) trade discounting and quantity discounting for three hours tomorrow until they realize the situation. 6. We (to analyze) market saturation for a long time. 7. I (to reevaluate) my opportunities for more than a year. 8. The accountant (to count) expenses of our firm for new equipment for more than two hours when partners come. 9. They (to discuss) our benefits on the international market for half an hour. 10. We (to negotiate) for more than three hours before the decision was made.

Assignment 5. Translate into English:

1. Маркетологи вважають, що процес роздрібного продажу є невід’ємною частиною стратегії розповсюдження. 2. Роздрібний торговець каже, що він ретельно виконує всі свої обов’язки. 3. Дистриб’ютор стверджує, що він зможе допомогти нам у просуванні товару. 4. Я запевнив головного менеджера, що я здійснив всі платіжні операції поштою. 5. Ми дізнались, що методика самообслуговування дає змогу роздрібним торговцям отримувати гарні прибутки у виробництві. 6. Ми знаємо, що оптова торгівля допоможе нам вирішити основну проблему розповсюдження. 7. Директор пояснить кандидатам на посаду, що місцеві агенти отримують замовлення та збирають платежі від клієнтів. 8. Начальник відділу кадрів сказав нам: «Ми можемо запропонувати вам роботу тільки на основі неповного робочого дня». 9. Генеральний директор запевнив своїх експертів, що вони повинні здійснювати постійний контроль над виробництвом. 10. Однією з вимог для конкурентоспроможного супермаркету є наявність відповідних зручностей для паркування автомобілів.


Assignment 6. Choose the definition for each term. Use the glossary to help you:

1. trade (commerce) is …

a) how the consumers see the brand: the values they associate with it.

b) the voluntary exchange of goods, services, or both.

c) a division of trade or production which deals with the exchange of goods and services.

2. barter is …

a) the process of transforming something into a product, service or activity which one may then use in commerce.

b) a type of retail where goods are shipped directly to consumer’s homes or workplaces.

c) the direct exchange of goods and services.

3. commercialization is …

a) the direct exchange of goods and services.

b) the process of transforming something into a product, service or activity which one may then use in commerce.

c) the pricing strategy at which the firm essentially ignores costs and market demand.

4. wholesaling is …

a) a distribution channel function where one organization buys products from supplying firms with the primary intention of redistributing to other organizations (but, in general, not to the final consumer).

b) the image of a typical consumer.

c) the process of getting the products to the customer.

5. middleman is …

a) a process when, at a particular market price, the quantity that suppliers want to provide to the market is less than the quantity that demanders want to purchase.

b) a group of people who create something new and start a new trend.

c) any person or firm that enters the distribution process between the manufacturer and ultimate buyer.

6. retailing is …

a) the pricing strategy at which the firm essentially ignores costs and market demand.

b) selling goods and services to the ultimate consumer.

c) a type of retail where goods are shipped directly to consumer’s homes or workplaces.

7. retailer is …

a) the final link from the producer to the consumer that is why this is the most expensive in the chain of distribution.

b) the highest qualification that a person has, such as a diploma or a degree.

c) the function of marketing which involves extending credit to consumers, wholesalers, and retailers.

8. on-line retailing is …

a) theorientation of the whole organization towardsits brand.

b) a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions.

c) adding further items in that part of a product range which a line already covers.

9. cost-plus pricing is …

a) a pricing technique which involves adding a mark-up amount (or percentage) to the retailer’s cost.

b) any arrangement which enables buyers and sellers to transact business in such a way that prices can be established and exchanges take place.

c) the pricing strategy at which the firm essentially ignores costs and market demand.

10. retailing pricing is …

a) the consequence of laws and logical development of the world economy, world market, and regional markets too.

b) a pricing technique which involves adding a mark-up amount (or percentage) to the retailer’s cost.

c) a pricing technique which involves charging the amountsuggested by the manufacturer and usually printed on the product by the manufacturer.

11. counter service is …

a) the location of certain goods and services as well as distribution of them.

b) a type of retail where goods are out of reach of buyers and must be obtained from the seller.

c) a kind of discount which is given to customers who buy in large quantities.

12. delivery is …

a) the function of marketing which involves extending credit to consumers, wholesalers, and retailers.

b) is a type of retail where goods are shipped directly to consumer’s homes or workplaces.

c) a group of people who create something new and start a new trend.

13. direct marketing is …

a) an integratedcommunication-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others.

b) the consequence of laws and logical development of the world economy, world market, and regional markets too.

c) a type of retail where goods are shipped directly to consumer’s homes or workplaces.

14. self-service is …

a) a type of retail where goods may be handled and examined prior to purchase.

b) a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions.

c) a location where product is available and how it is distributed or means of getting the product or service to the customer.

15. door-to-door service is …

a) a kind of marketing research which involves collecting a lot of information by using techniques such as questionnaires and other firms of survey.

b) a change we pay others to make for us.

c) a type of retail where the salesperson sometimes travels with the goods for sale.

16. distribution channel i s

a) the markets dealing mainly with commodities that will be available in the future rather than goods that are available immediately.

b) the set of people and firms involved in the transfer of title to a product as the product moves from producer to ultimate consumer or business user.

c) a middleman who helps to move goods from manufacturers to consumers and then sells them in its turn to the retailer.

17. department store i s

a) the only price at which the interests of demanders happen to coincide precisely with the interests of the suppliers.

b) the most complex element that includes all kinds of communication in marketing: advertising, sales, direct mail, free additions, testers etc.

c) a kind of shop which consists of several special shops under one roof and offer customers the attractive prospect of doing most of their shopping in one building.

18. Hypermarket is …

a) single-storey shop with at least 50, 000 square feet of selling space.

b) the performance of business activities that directthe flow of goods and services from producer to consumer.

c) a group of people who follow the trends that have been tested by the early majority.

19. Mail-order house is

a) the function of marketing which involves extending credit to consumers, wholesalers, and retailers.

b) a kind of shop whichsells a range of goods very similar to those found in a department store.

c) a type of retail including telemarketing and television shopping channels.

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