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A surveyor is more than one of those guys you see out in the road. Surveying is a vital part of the design and construction process. We perform boundary surveys to tell people where their property is, map the topography of land for engineering design, establish elevations of homesites for flood insurance, perform title surveys for real estate transactions, certify that structures are built according to design, lay out buildings, subdivisions and other construction projects so the construction companies can relate the engineering plans to the real world, and build control networks that all land parcels can relate to in a given area. We also map slopes and areas, map river bottoms for dredging, lay out photo control for aerial photography and photogrammetry, write legal descriptions that are used to describe pieces of property, map and layout corridors for tunnels, roads, airports, pipelines, cellular networks and railroads, and split up properties into new lots, such as subdivisions.

ü Using the following expressions tell why your are going to become a professional surveyor and what skills you are to obtain while studying at the University.


· I'm going to become a surveyor because it is interesting to...

· As a professional surveyor I'll be able to...

· Studying at the University we learn how to...

· When we get practice our teaching instructors teach us to...




Study the Vocabulary.

1. GPS (Global Positioning System) ['glqb(q)l pq'ziS(q)niN 'sistqm] GPS система, глобальная система навигации и местоопределения
2. tool [tHl] инструмент; оборудование; приспособление
3. precise [pri'sais] точный; определённый
4. to operate ['Op(q)reit] работать, действовать, функционировать (о приборах, механизмах)
5. satellite ['sxt(q)lait] спутник
6. receiver [ri'sivq] ресивер (электронное устройство, распознающее передаваемые сигналы и представляющее их в соответствующей форме)
7. data ['deitq] данные, информация
8. data collector ['deitq kq'lektq] блок сбора данных; центр сбора данных
9. to transmit [trxnz'mit] [trAn'smit] передавать, транслировать
10. total station ['tqut(q)l 'steiS(q)n] тахеометр
11. to incorporate [in'kLp(q)rat] соединять, объединять в себе
12. distance meter ['distqns 'mJtq] дальномер
13. theodolite [Ti'Odq"lait] теодолит
14. beam [bJm] луч
15. coordinate geometry [kqu'Ldi"neit GiOmitri] аналитическая геометрия
16. to figure out ['figq aut] вычислять, высчитывать
17 stake [steik] веха; пикет, столб

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 37 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents from your active vocabulary to these Russian words.| Study the vocabulary.

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