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Читайте также:
  1. What is farming?

Farming is an important occupation in the world. Many people live on small family farms. They raise cattle, chickens, pigs and grow corn, fruit, vegetables, hay, and wheat. Today, each farmer produces food for 80 people. Every day the farmer has to work hard on his farm. The farmer has to feed and water animals, milk cows, fatten pigs, shear sheep, collect eggs, take care of young animals, clean animal quarters.

There are several kinds of farm buildings on the farm. They are a cowshed, a pen, a sheep-pen, a stable, a pigsty, a poultry house, a hay barn, a shed etc. All farms can be divided into two types: 1) specialized farms and 2) mixed farms. Farms and farm products supply food, shelter, clothing, fuel.

Learning activities

Exercise I. Find the English equivalents:

разводить КРС, выращивать овощи, работать усердно, поить и кормить животных, сенной амбар, фермы можно разделить на два типа, коровник, поставлять еду, конюшня, собирать яйца, чистить загоны.


Exercise II. Say if the sentences are true or false.

1. Farming is the best occupation in the world.

2. Each farmer produces food for 80 people

3. The farmer doesn’t have to feed and water animals.

4. There are two farm buildings on the farm.

5. All farms can be divided into two types.

6. Farms and farm products supply only food.

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