Crop farming - land is used for growing crops only; barley, wheat, corn, rice, rye, soybeans, etc. are just a few of the more popular grain crops that are grown on a grain farm
Hay farming - land is used for hay production only, where grass and legumes are grown to be harvested and sold to livestock owners. Sometimes hay is also grown to be exported to other countries.
Livestock farming involves raising and caring for livestock ranging from cattle to chickens. Each livestock farm has its own way of raising livestock. However livestock must be fed, and often raising livestock involves having a breeding operation as well.
Mixed farming involves two or more types of farming in one farming operation. The most common one is livestock and grain farming, where livestock are raised and cared for, and other land is used for crop and/or hay production. The most common mixed farming is cattle and grain.
Collective farming is an organization of agricultural production in which the holdings of several farmers are run as a joint enterprise. A collective farm is essentially an agricultural production cooperative in which members-owners engage jointly in farming activities.
Typical examples of collective farms are the kolkhozy that dominated Soviet agriculture between 1930 and 1992 and the Israeli kibbutzim. Both are collective farms based on common ownership of resources and on pooling of labor and income in accordance with the theoretical principles of cooperative organizations.
Factory farming is the practice of raising livestock in confinement at high stocking density, where a farm operates as a factory — a practice typical in industrial farming by agribusinesses.The main product of this industry is meat, milk and eggs for human consumption.
crop farming - зерновое хозяйство
legumes – бобовые
livestock farming – животноводческая ферма
care for – заботиться
factory farming – индустриальное сельское хозяйство
holding – участок земли
run a farm – вести хозяйство
to pool – объединять
in confinement – при содержании в помещении, при безвыгульном содержании
stocking - концентрация скота (на единицу площади)
pest control – борьба с сорняками
сrop rotation - севооборот
Text 3
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