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Parents of a 9-year-old boy complain about permanently open mouth of the child. External

examination revealed elongation of the lower face part, non-closure of lips. Examination of the

oral cavity revealed early mixed dentition. Relationship of the first permanent molars is neutral,

vertical space is 5 mm. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A Distal occlusion

B Open bite

C Mesial occlusion

D Deep overbite

E Cross bite

A 12-year-old female patient was diagnosed with open bite and dentoalveolar elongation of

lateral part of mandible. What construction of apparatus is required?

A Angle's sliding face bow

B Extraoral face bow

C Upper jaw appliance with occlusal rest seats

D Herbst appliance

E Upper jaw appliance with a face bow

An 18-year-old patient complains about an aesthetic defect. Objectively: the lower teeth are set

forward and overlap the upper antagonists. This symptom is typical for the following bite


A Cross bite

B Distal bite

C Deep bite

D Open bite

E Mesial bite

An 8-year-old boy complains of improper arrangement of teeth. Examination at an orthodontic

clinic revealed broad, tight, low-attached upper lip frenulum. Broad frenulum and its low

attachment may cause:

A Diastema

B Shortening of the upper dentition

C Elongation of the upper dentition

D Narrowing of the upper dentition

E Protrusion of the upper front teeth

Analysis of a 10-year-old boy's jaw models revealed that occlusal plane of the frontal maxillary

teeth was of concave form, its lateral parts were convex. Form of the alveolar process also

represents deformation of dental arches. The upper jaw is of saddle-like form with abrupt

narrowing in the region of premolar teeth. What type of bite is it?

A Deep

B Distal

C Open

D Mesial

E Cross

Examination of a 9-year-old child revealed protrudent chin, the lower lip overlapping the upper

lip. There are diastemas and tremas beetwen the lower incisors, the lower incisors overlap the

upper ones by 2/3 of crown height. Sagittal fissure is 3 mm. Specify the treatment tactics:

A Bynin's guard

B Brueckl's appliance

C Schwartz' quard

D Angle's sliding appliance

E Myogymnastics complex

Preventive examination of a 4,5-year-old child revealed untimely missing of all the upper molars.

The lower incisors contact with mucous membrane of palate. What is the tactics of choice?

A Fabrication of an orthodontic appliance for deep overbite correction

B Fabrication of a removable lamellar prosthesis

C Annual examination till cutting of the permanent teeth

D Half-yearly examination till cutting of the permanent teeth

E Medical intervention is not required

A 10-year-old boy consulted a dentist about pain in the palate during eating. Objectively: the

lower third of his face is shortened, mouth opening is not limited. By joining the teeth the cutting

edge of inferior incisors contacts with the mucous membrane of palate. Mucous membrane in

the contact point is hyperemic, slightly edematic. Lateral teeth exhibit Angle's class I

malocclusion. What is the most appropriate plan of treatment of the lower jaw?

A To impact frontal part

B To impact lateral parts

C To widen the lower jaw

D To protract frontal part

E To protract lateral parts

A 10-year-old girl complains of an aesthetic defect. She has a history of sucking her right thumb

till the age of 7. Objectively: the height of the lower third of face is somewhat reduced. There is a

9 mm gap in sagittal direction between the upper and lower incisors, Engle's class 2. As a result

of Eschler-Bittner test the girl's face appears at first better, then worse. What clinical form of

occlusal anomaly is most likely?

A Mandibular micrognathia

B Maxillary macrognathia

C Maxillary macrognathia and mandibular micrognathia

D Maxillary prognathism with lateral compression

E Mandibular retrognathia

A teenager applied to an orthodontist complaining about tooth malposition. Objectively: the face

is without pecularities. Occlusion of permanent teeth is present. There are no abnormalities of

jaw correlation in three planes. The 23 tooth is vestibularly over the occlusive plane; the space

in the dental arch is less than 1/3 of crown size. How is it possible to make room for the

malpositioned 23 tooth?

A To remove the 23 tooth

B To enlarge transversal jaw dimensions

C To enlarge sagittal jaw dimensions

D To remove the 24 tooth

E To enlarge vertical dimensions

A patient is 12 years old. He has been undergoing orthodontic treatment for pseudo

prognathism with Angle's fixed appliance for 10 months. What is the optimal duration of the

retentive period?

A 6 months

B 10 months

C 20 months

D 3 months

E 12 months

A 10-year-old boy complains about missing teeth. Objectively: the face is symmetrical,

disproportional because of shortening of the lower third. In the oral cavity: the 12, 14, 15, 17, 22,

24, 25, 27, 34, 35, 37, 44, 45, 47 teeth are missing. X-ray picture shows partial adentia and

absence of some tooth germs. Choose the most efficient prosthetic device:

A Partial removable lamelalr prosthesis for both jaws

B Bridge prostheses

C Clasp dental prostheses

D Cantilever dental bridges

E The defect should be restored by implants

A child was born with body weight at a rate of 3200 g and body length at a rate of 53 cm, 9

points on Apgar score. It was the first physiological delivery. What position of child's mandible is

usually observed after birth?

A Direct relation

B Physiological progenia

C Central occlusion

D Physiological retrogenia

E Posterior occlusion

Preventive examination of a 5-year-old child revealed half-open mouth, difficult closing of lips,

primary occlusion, 4 mm sagittal gap, homonymous canines and second molars. The upper

dental arch is V-shaped, the lower one is trapezoid. Both dental arches in primary occlusion

should have the following shape:

A Quadrangle

B Semiellipse

C Parabola

D Semicircle

E Triangle

Parents of a 6,5-year-old boy consulted an orthodontist about no contact between the front

teeth. The child has a bad habit of sucking his tongue. Objectively: there is a symptom of multiple

pits in his chin when the lips are closed, speech disturbance, between the front teeth there is a

vertical gap up to 8 mm. Specify the occlusion anomaly:

A Cross-bite

B Open bite

C Distal occlusion

D Mesial bite

E Overbite

The 12, 22 teeth of an 8-year-old child are missing. There is not enough space in dentition for

them. X-ray picture shows no tooth germs. The 12 tooth of the child's father is missing and the

22 tooth is conoid. What is the reason for such pathological changes?

A Extraction of teeth

B Caries

C Hereditary adentia

D Trauma

E Rachitis

Parents of a 6-year-old girl consulted an orthodontist about protrusion of the lower jaw. The child

looks like his father. Objectively: the child has primary bite, there are diastemata and tremata on

both jaws, reverse incisal overlap of front teeth, the sagittal gap is up to 3 mm, the lateral parts

are characterized by mesio-occlusion. Ilyina-Markosyan test for the distal displacement of

mandible is negative. What principle of treatment will be most effective?

A To start orthodontic treatment after the second dentition is completed

B To stimulate the growth of maxilla in sagittal direction

C The treatment is not required

D No to start treatment until the end of transitional dentition

E To delay the growth of mandible in sagittal direction

A 12-year-old male patient consulted an orthodontist about odontoloxia. Objectively: the face is

symmetric and proportional. In the oral cavity: permanent occlusion, occlusal relationship is

orthognathic in the lateral parts, the 13 tooth is located off dentition on the palate, biometric

measurements show that the width of the 13 tooth is 11,4 mm, the distance between the 12 and

14 teeth is 4,6 mm, the width of the 14 tooth is 7,6 mm. Suggest the treatment plan:

A Extract the 14 tooth and move the 13 tooth into it's place

B Open the bite and move the 13 tooth into its due place

C Move the 13 tooth into its due place without bite opening

D No treatment is required

E Extraction of the 14 tooth

External examination of a 9-year-old boy revealed strongly expressed nasolabial and

labio-mental folds, a shortening of the lower third of face. Examination of the oral cavity revealed

late transitional dentition, the upper front teeth completely overbite the lower teeth, the palate

exhibits imprints of the lower incisors. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A Mesial occlusion

B Dentoalveolar maxillary lengthening

C Distal occlusion

D Dentoalveolar mandibular lengthening

E Supraocclusion

Examination of a 13-year-old patient allowed to make a final diagnosis: vestibular position of the

13 and 23 teeth with the total space deficit, narrowing of maxillary dental arch, torsion of the 12

and 22 tooth. To eliminate this pathology it was suggested to widen the dental arch and to

extract some teeth. What teeth have orthodontic indication for their extraction?

A Second incisors

B Canines

C First premolars

D Second premolars

E First molars

An orthodontist monitors a 4-year-old child with mouth breath. The child has a history of

adenotomy. Objectively: primary dentition occlusion; the upper incisors overlap the lower ones

by 1/3; distal surfaces of the second temporary molars are situated in the same vertical plane.

What preventive device will help the child to give up the habit of mouth breath?

A Vesibular and oral Kraus' screen

B Standard Schonherr's vestibular screen

C Frankel's function regulator

D Andresen-Haupl activator

E Rudolph's appliance

A visiting nurse examined a newborn child. Examination revealed that lower face part is shorter

than median one, chin is retrodeviated, teeth are missing, lower jaw is retrodisplaced. What is

the name of such mandible position of a newborn?

A Physiological occlusion

B Mesial occlusion

C Physiological infantile retrogenia

D Distal occlusion

E Edge-to-edge occlusion

A 17-year-old patient consulted an orthodontist about improper position of an upper canine.

Objectively: permanent occlusion, class I Angle's relationship of the first molars, the 13 tooth

has vestibular position above the occlusal line, there is a 6,5 mm gap between the 14 and 12

teeth. What period of orthodontic treatment will reduce the time of lidase phonophoresis therapy?

A Active period

B Retention period

C Preparatory period

D Passive period

E -

External examination of a 7-year-old child revealed: thickening of nose bridge, semi-open

mouth, dry lips. Mouth corners are peeling. Anamnesis data: the child sleeps with open mouth.

Examination of oral cavity revealed no changes. What dispensary group will this child fall into?

A The second

B The first

C The third

D The fourth

E -

Preventive examination of a 5-year-old child reveals the infantile swallowing. The bad habit of

thrusting the tongue between the teeth may cause the following complication:

A Broadening of the lower dental arch

B Broadenning of the upper dental arch

C Incomplete eruption of the front teeth

D Narrowing of the lower dental arch

E Narrowing of the upper dental arch

After a preventive orthodontic examination a 9-year-old child was diagnosed with mesial

occlusion. The treatment of this pathology involves application of an apparatus with mechanic

action. What working element is to be applied in the apparatus intended for the correction of this


A Inclined plane

B Occlusal applications

C Elastics and buccal shields

D Screw or spring

E Screw and bite plate

A 14 year old patient applied to an orthodontist. Objective examination revealed that on the site

of the second incisor a canine tooth had cut out, and on the site of the canine - the second

incisor. The same pathology has also the patient's father. Make a diagnosis:

A Superocclusion of incisor and infraocclusion of canine

B Distal position of lateral incisor

C Palatine position of lateral incisor

D Mesial position

E Transposition of lateral incisor and canine

Parents of an 8 year old boy complain about a cosmetic defect, inability to bite off food. The

child often suffers from acute viral respiratory infections. Objectively: chin skewness, mental fold

is most evident. The lower lip is everted, superior central incisor lies on it, nasolabial fold is

flattened. In the oral cavity: occlusion period is early exfoliation period. The upper jaw is

narrowed, there is gothic palate. Frontal teeth have fan-shaped position. Sagittal fissure is 6

mm. In the lateral parts contact of homonymous teeth is present. What is the most probable

cause of dentoalveolar deformity?

A Endocrinal diseases

B Missing of Caelinski ledge

C Pathology of upper airways

D Untimely sanitation of oral cavity

E Gestational toxicosis

An infant was born full-term with body weight at a rate of 3200 g and body length at a rate of 53

cm. It was the first physiological delivery. What position of child’s mandible is usually observed

after birth?

A Deep overbite

B Physiological progenia

C Direct relation

D Physiological retrogenia

E Open bite

A 5 year old girl with crossbite was referred to an orthodontist. Objectively: between frontal teeth

there are diaereses and diastems, canine tubera have no signs of physiological wear out.

Central line between incisors doesn't match. What is the doctor's tactics?

A To administer jaw massage

B To remove unworn tubera of canines

C To make a screw plate for the upper jaw

D To wait for autoregulation

E To disconnect occlusion

Preventive examination of a 6-year-old child revealed temporary teeth bite. Upper and lower

dental arches are trapeziformed. Upper incisors overlap lower incisors more than by 2/3.

Incisors and second molars are in the same relation. There is no space between frontal teeth.

Upper dental arch is bigger than lower dental arch by the cheek tubercle size. Bite abnormality is

observed in the following planes:

A Sagittal and occlusal

B Sagittal and lateral

C Sagittal and vertical

D Sagittal and nasal

E Sagittal and frankfurt

Preventive examination of a 9-year-old girl revealed broad bridge of nose, narrow nasal

passages, half-opened mouth, problems with lip joining, elongated lower third of face. The child

presents with transitional occlusion. There is vertical gap 4-5 mm large from the 53 to the 64

tooth in the frontal region. Relationship of the first permanent molars complies with Angle's class

I. The child pronounces hissing sounds indistinctly. Specify the most likely factor of occlusion


A Infantile swallowing

B Tongue parafunction

C Tongue sucking

D Nasal respiration disorder

E There is no correct answer

Parents of a 12-year-old child consulted an orthodontist about improper position of the child's

upper teeth. Objectively: the face is narrow, elongated; the developing occlusion is present

(temporary second molars). The 13 and 23 teeth are located beyond the dental arch, they

deviate to the lips above the occlusal plane, there is a 2,5 mm gap between the 12 and 14 teeth,

and a 1,5 mm gap between the 22 and 24 ones, 45orotation the 33 and 43 teeth is present.

Choose the most rational method of treatment:

A Extraction of temporary premolars and expansion of dental arches

B Expansion of dental arches in the region of canine apices

C Extraction of the premolars and relocation of the canines

D Compact osteotomy and expansion of dental arches

E All the answers are wrong

Preventive examination of a 5-year-old child revealed a habit of lower lip biting. What

malocclusion may develop if the child keeps this habit?

A Prognathic bite

B Anterior bite

C Open bite

D Deep overbite

E Cross-bite

A 7-year-old child has protruding chin, the lower lip overlaps the upper one. There are diastemas

and tremas between the lower incisors, the lower incisors overlap the upper incisors by 2/3 of

the crown height. First permanent molars demonstrate Angle's class III relation. Sagittal gap is 3

mm. The correct doctor's tactics will be to:

A Use Bruckl's appliance

B Recommend a complex of myogymnastic exercises

C Use Angle's apparatus

D Use Bynin appliance

E Use Schwartz appliance

A child is 2,5 year old. The parents complain about thumb sucking during sleep. What tactics

should the doctor choose?

A Removable device for suppression of bad habit

B To talk with a child about harm from thumb suction

C Medical intervention is unnecessary

D Non-removable device for suppression of bad habit

E To recommend an ulnar fixator

A 5-year-old child was found to have missing upper molars. Lower incisors are in contact with

the mucous membrane of palate. Specify the doctor's tactics:

A Fabricate an orthodontic appliance for the treatment of closed bite

B Examine the child every six months until the eruption of permanent teeth

C Examine the child once a year until the eruption of permanent teeth

D Fabricate a removable laminar denture

E Medical intervention is not needed

A child is 7 years old. He has early transitional dentition. There is overcrowding of the lower front teeth: the 42 and 32 teeth erupted orally with a complete lack of space. Make a plan of treatment:

A Extraction of the 42 and 32 teeth

B Serial consecutive extraction by Hotz method

C Extraction of the 41 and 31 teeth

D Extraction of the 83 and 73 teeth

E Extraction of the 84 and 74 teeth

A 14-year-old girl complains of indistinct pronunciation that developed at the age of 14 after the

acute respiratory viral disease. Examination revealed normal face and normal teeth alignment,

occlusal disharmony was not found. Palpation didn't reveal cleft palate. Uvula doesn't move

during pronunciation of sounds, its palpation does not cause gag reflex. What is the reason for

indistinct pronunciation of sounds?

A Paresis of the soft palate and uvula muscles

B Adenoid vegetations

C Palatal slit

D Hypertrophy of lingual tonsil

E Deformation of the bite

A 12-year-old patient complains about an aesthetic defect. Objectively: the lower third of face is

shortened, upper frontal teeth overbite the lower teeth by 3/3 of height, exhibit oral inclination,

lateral parts all along exhibit cusp-to-cusp relationship between the antagonists; Angle's class II

malocclusion (joining of the upper permanent molars) is also present. Malocclusion is observed

in the following planes:

A In transversal and vertical

B In transversal

C In sagittal and vertical

D In vertical

E In sagittal

A 12-year-old patient presents with abnormal position of the upper jaw canine. The 13 tooth is in

the vestibular position, above the occlusal plane. Space between the 14 and the 12 tooth is 6,5

mm. Choose a rational treatment method:

A Surgical and myogymnastics

B Surgical and instrumental

C Surgical and physiotherapeutic

D Instrumental and myogymnastics

E Instrumental

An 11 year old girl has adentia, the 35 tooth is missing, it was proved roentgenologically.

Between the 34 and 33 teeth as well as between the 34 and 36 teeth there are diaereses, the

34 tooth is turned by 30orelative to its glossobuccal direction. What abnormal position does

the 34 tooth have?

A Distal

B Tortoocclusion (rotation of teeth) and distal

C Mesial

D Vestibular

E Oral

A boy is 10 years old. His face is symmetric and proportional. He presents with mouth breath.

Examination of the oral cavity revealed saddle-like shape of dental arches and high arched

palate. Upper first molar relationship (Angle's key to occlusion) remains intact. What is the most

likely diagnosis?

A Elongation of dental arches

B Distal occlusion

C Mesial occlusion

D Widening of dental arches

E Narrowing of dental arches

A 12-year-old child presents with missing 31 and 41 teeth, the gap between the 32 and 42 teeth

is 10 mm. Choose the most rational denture construction:

A Clasp denture

B Interdental wedge

C Partial lamellar removable adjustable denture

D Dental bridge

E Adjustable microprosthesis

A 6,5-year-old child has a gap 2,5-3 mm large between frontal teeth from canine to canine.

Relationship of the first permanent molars complies with Angle's class I. Specify the severity

degree of bite deformation:

A I degree

B II degree

C III degree

D IV degree

E V degree

Mother of a 3 year old child brought the child to an orthodontist and complained about total lack

of crown part of the 51 and 61 teeth. What tactics should the doctor choose?

A Metal-ceramic crown

B Thin-walled cap

C Stump tooth

D Inlay

E Tooth extraction

An 8-year-old child is found to have convex facil profile, forced closing of lips, sagittal gap of 7

mm. Eschler-Bittner test produces some face improvement. This abnormality can be eliminated

by means of Frankel type regulator. What is the mechanism of action of this device?

A Maxillary expansion by means of a screw

B Inhibition of maxilla growth in the sagittal direction

C Normalization of labial, buccal and lingual pressure as well as of mandible position

D Normalization of mandible position and growth by means of intermandibular traction

E Normalization of upper front teeth position by means of a vestibular bar

A 9-year-old boy presents with face asymmetry due to the chin displacement to the left. When

the third Il'ina-Marcosian diagnostic test is performed, face asymmetry disappears. What is the

most likely clinical form of this occlusal abnormality?

A Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint

B Habitual displacement of mandible

C Unilateral hypoplasia of mandible

D Bilateral narrowing of the maxillary dental arch

E Unilateral narrowing of the maxillary dental arch

An 11-year-old child complains about missing crown of the 12 tooth as a result of a trauma. The

tooth root is well treated. What prosthetic construction is indicated for elimination of this defect?

A Partial removable replacing prosthesis

B Cantilever prosthesis supported by the 11 tooth

C Cantilever prosthesis supported by the 13 tooth

D Bridge-like prosthesis supported by the 13 and 11 teeth

E Il'ina-Marcosian's pivot tooth

Intraoral examination of a 5-year-old child revealed primary occlusion, tremas and diastemas,

worn tubercles and cutting surfaces of teeth. The distal surfaces of the second lower molars are

anterior to the distal surfaces of the second upper molars. This stage of primary occlusion is called:

A Eruption

B Stable occlusion

C Formation

D Aging

E There is no correct answer

Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 152 | Нарушение авторских прав

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