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Ex. 1 Read and translate the text.
Ex. 2 a) Cross out silent letters in the following words and practice their reading:
government, right, prohibition, vehicle, consignment, design, sign, freight, column, high, whole, wholesale, scheme
Ex. 3 Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:
грузовая декларация; транспортное средство; проверка и регистрация; Товарная номенклатура; метод определения таможенной стоимости; сумма пошлины; условия; личный идентификационный номер; сертификат происхождения товара; международный контракт; причина отказа; отправка или пропуск в страну
Ex. 4 Match to make word combinations and translate:
parking processing
practical preferences
customs area
supporting privilege
paper examination
tax assessment
risk Nomenclature
tariff List
Goods documents
Packing clearance
Ex. 5 Find words in the text that follow the verbs below:
a) to submit _____
b) to classify _____
c) to apply _____
d) to assess _____
e) to ensure _____
f) to release _____
g) to put _____
h) to levy _____
i) to process _____
j) to defer ______
Ex. 6 Insert prepositions.
1) … is subject _____ clearance and control
2) … clearance starts _____ checking and registration
3) … the documents are submitted _____ the owner
4) … it can be done _____ different terms
5) … depending _____ the company’s record
6) …they pass _____ to practical examination
7) … the cargo is stored _____ the warehouse
8) … experts familiar _____ the risks involved
9) … the reason _____ denial
10) … the cargo is released _____ customs control
Ex. 7 Put the actions of customs officials in the chronological order and make sentences using these verbs:
to process, to identify, to clear, to assess, to classify, to examine, to study,
to stamp, to check, to register, to levy, to release, to apply, to use
Ex. 8 Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions:
a) to move things or people from one place to another in a vehicle
t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b) a special right that only a small number of people are given
p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
c) a formal written agreement between two people or companies
c _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d) the things that a ship, plane or vehicle carries from one place to another
c _ _ _ _
e) when people, companies or countries do business by buying and selling things
t _ _ _ _
f) an agreement in which you pay a company money and then they pay the costs if
you get ill or have an accident
i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
g) information that you write down and keep so that you can look at it later
r _ _ _ _ _
h) a large building for storing materials or things that will be sold
w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ex. 9 Answer the questions:
1.Why is cargo together with the vehicle subject to customs control?
2.What does the clearance start with?
3. What documents are checked?
4. How must the documents be submitted?
5. For what purpose do customs officials use the Goods Nomenclature?
6. What is taken into account when they assess the amount of duty payable?
7. Must the duties be paid at once?
8. When is paper processing over?
9. What happens if shipment or entry is not authorized?
10. Where is the cargo examined?
11. How is the examination carried out?
12. What if the goods arrive in bad or damaged condition?
13. When can the goods be released from customs control?
Ex. 10 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. По прибытии в страну любое транспортное средство вместе с грузом подлежит таможенному оформлению.
2. Предъявите, пожалуйста, сопроводительные документы на груз.
3. Транспортные средства и грузы проходят оформление в зоне таможенного контроля.
4. Груз обычно сопровождается следующими документами: Грузовая таможенная декларация, инвойс, сертификат происхождения и др.
5. Таможенники используют Товарную Номенклатуру, чтобы классифицировать товар и установить какой тариф применять.
6. Существуют различные способы определения таможенной стоимости, которые применяются при начислении пошлин.
7. Когда мы оформляли свой груз, таможенники не требовали гарантии проведения платежа.
8, После оформления документов на обратной стороне Грузовой таможенной декларации было пять штампов с надписью «ПРОВЕРЕНО».
9. Товар был досмотрен на таможенном складе, и никаких запрещенных товаров не обнаружили.
10. В случае поставки товаров, не соответствующих по качеству и количеству условиям внешнеторгового контракта, таможенники урегулируют ситуацию с поставщиком или перевозчиком данного товара.
11. Когда начальник таможни поставил на документы штамп «ВЫПУСК РАЗРЕШЕН», груз был выпущен из зоны таможенного контроля.
Ex. 11 Get ready to speak on the topic.
Ex. 12 Render the newspaper article.
Smuggling Attempt Prevented
A 24-year-old woman was arrested by CBP officers after they found two undocumented male migrants hidden in a 2006 Dodge she was driving. The woman accompanied by her young son presented a U.S. passport to the officer.
During the primary inspection the officer reached behind the driver’s seat and felt a person. The officers escorted the driver and the vehicle into the secondary inspectional area for case processing. There officers discovered a 32-year-old and a 22-year-old migrants, who were citizens of Mexico.
The migrants and the driver were taken into custody and the vehicle was seized by CBP. The 32-year-old Mexican will be a material witness in the prosecution case. The driver was arrested and transported to the Correctional Center to await arrangement for federal district court charged with alien smuggling. The driver’s son was turned over to a family member.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 85 | Нарушение авторских прав