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IV. Match a line in A with a line in B.

Читайте также:
  1. Decide what you would say in the following situations. Match the questions with the proper answers.
  2. Find words in Exercise 5 which match these definitions. Consult the glossary if necessary.
  3. Here are 10 aviation terms and definitions to them. Try to match the terms with their definitions, memorize them.
  4. Here are 11 aviation terms and definitions to them. Try to match the terms with their definitions. Memorize them.
  5. Here are 16 aviation terms and definition to them. Try to match the terms with their definitions. Memorize them.
  6. II. Match the type of newspaper with two typical things it contains.


1. To collect evidence 1. Надавати допомогу
2. To provide assistance 2. Головна служба розвідки
3. Law enforcement 3. Збирати докази
4. To provide training free of charge 4. Застосування закону
5. Principal investigation arm 5. Надавати навчання безкоштовно

V. Match the words and expression in column A with their definitions in column B.


1) property 1) anything that provides material or information on which a conclusion or proof may be based
2) fingerprint 2) an impression of a fingerprint left on a surface
3) a wanted person 3) a thing or things owned
4) offense 4) a person being searched
5) evidence 5) an act against the law

VI. Translate the words in brackets into English and then the
sentences into Ukrainian.

1. The agency's (юрисдикція) was limited to five (злочини) including (шахрайські махінації при банкрутстві) and (антитрестові поручения).

2. There are (відбитки пальців) of (злочинців), records on (осіб, яких розшукують), and (вкраденого майна) аt the NC1C.


3. The NCAVC (надає допомогу) law enforcement agencies in investigating (жорстокі злочини) that are (жахливі) in nature.

4. The Laboratory Division (збирає) and analyzes (докази) for its (розслідувань).

5. The FBI is at the head of the (застосування закону) in the community.

VII. Read the text, reproduce it in Ukrainian in 15 sentences and
then make up 10 questions in English.

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