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Кафедра иностранных языков



Иностранный язык (английский)

Методические указания по обучению чтению

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Рекомендовано к изданию методической комиссией Башгосагроуниверситета, протокол № 7 от 16 апреля 2014 года.

Составитель: старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Р.А. Исмагзамова

Рецензент: к.филол.наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков БГАУ А.Р.Габдуллина


Ответственный за выпуск: заведующий кафедрой
иностранных языков БГАУ, д.филол.н., доцент О.Н. Новикова



г. Уфа, БГАУ, кафедра иностранных языков



Данные методические указания предназначены для бакалавров заочной формы обучения всех направлений подготовки. Методические указания созданы для выработки навыков самостоятельного чтения текстов с целью извлечения информации. Методические указания состоят из двух частей. Предлагается выбрать тексты для чтения из обеих частей равномерно. Тексты взяты из аутентичных источников и адаптированы составителем для более легкого понимания. Тексты содержат полезную информацию и просто интересны для чтения.


1.1 English

English is the language of international communication in many areas of life: trade, air and sea transport, tourism, sport and entertainment. More and more people also need English for studying at universities and colleges. New ideas in science, technology and medicine happen so quickly that it is impossible (and very expensive) to translate everything into different languages. So most things are published in English, and if you want to keep up with the latest ideas in any subject, you need English.

Millions of people around the world want to learn English. Many of them come to Britain (and other English-speaking countries) to study at language schools, especially in the summer. There are thousands of different schools. They offer courses for children, teenagers and adults. There are courses in General English, Technical English, Business English and so on.

You should always try to find out as much information as possible before you choose a school. In particular, you should try to talk to other students from your own country who have been to a language school to find out what you should expect.

If you go to a language school, you should try to speak English as much as possible. Students usually stay with a local family. This is a good opportunity to improve your English and to learn a lot about everyday life. You should also try to mix with students from other countries. This will help you with your English, and will also show you how important English is for international communication. (1267)


Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Why are most things in science and technology published in English?

2. What courses do language schools suggest?

3. Where do students of language schools usually stay?

4. What methods will help you to learn English more efficiently?


1.2 Going to University

If you want to go to university, you usually apply during your last year at school, when you are 17-18. You can apply to study at any university in Britain and most people choose a university that is not in their own town. So, university students usually live away from home. Students get a grant or a loan from the government to study.

At the beginning of your last year at school you receive an application form. On this form you choose up to five universities where you would like to study. The form is sent to those universities with information from your school about you and your academic record. If the universities are interested in your application, they will ask you to attend an interview. If they are still interested after the interview, they will offer you a place.

Any offer, however, is only conditional at this stage. Applications and interviews take place several months before students do their A-level examinations. These are the exams that you do at the end of your time at school. So, when a university makes an offer, it will tell you the minimum grades that you will have to get when you do your A-level exams. If you don't get those grades, then you will not be able to accept the place. It will be offered to someone else and you must apply again to another university.

You don't have to accept your place immediately. Some students don't want to go straight from school to university, so after they have taken their A-levels, they take a year out to work or travel. (1241)


Скажите, верны или нет следующие утверждения. Неверные утверждения исправьте:

1. Students can apply to universities in their home towns only.

2. Students can apply to five universities to study.

3. A-level is the highest level of your university exams.

4. If you don’t want to study after you enter the university you can take a year out of the university and start studies next year.


1.3 International Organizations

Almost every country is a member of the United Nations (UN). Most countries also belong to other smaller international groups. Britain belongs to three other international organizations: the Commonwealth of Nations, the European Union (EU) and NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

The Commonwealth consists of most of the countries that were once parts of the British Empire. There are 53 members. Some are very large countries like Canada, India and Australia. Some are just small islands like Barbados and Tonga. The head of the Commonwealth is the Queen. There is also a Secretary-General, who is chosen from any one of the 53 countries. The Commonwealth promotes educational programmes and exchanges between the different countries. Every four years they hold the Commonwealth Games.

Britain is one of the fifteen countries of the European Union. It joined in 1973 at the same time as Denmark and the Republic of Ireland.

Joining the EU brought many changes. Previously, Britain had bought a lot of food from the other countries in the Commonwealth, but after joining the EU, she had to buy it from European countries instead. This caused some problems for Commonwealth countries like New Zealand.

NATO is a military organization. It consists of most of the countries of Western Europe together with Canada and the United States. Its headquarters is in Brussels. (1183)


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. Name the member-countries of the Commonwealth.

2. What are the tasks of the Commonwealth?

3. How many countries are members of the EU?

4. According to the text what must Britain do as a member of the EU?


1.4 An Event on the Road

It was a wet cold Saturday in November, and I was driving home from work when I saw a young girl standing by the side of the road. It was terrible weather, so I stopped and offered her a lift. "Tanks a lot", she said. "You are the first person to stop and I have been here for hours!" "Where are you going?" I asked. She laughed and replied "Somewhere very cheap - I don't have much money."

She told me her story. Katy was from the USA. The day before, she had set off on her round the world trip. England was her first stop, but as soon as she had arrived in London her money had been stolen. She was going to get some more money on Monday when the banks opened. Until then she had to find cheap accommodation. I believed Katy's story, so I offered her a bed for the night. "Thanks", she replied, "I was getting worried about where I could stay". We arrived at my flat and I made up the spare bed, gave her something to eat, and lent her some money. She thanked me and we spent the rest of the evening talking about the States and places she could visit in England.

The next day I got up fairly late and noticed that the front door was open. "That's strange", I thought, then suddenly I realized. Katy had gone, and so had my wallet. (1012)

Поставьте следующие события из текста в правильном порядке:

1. Katy's money was stolen.

2. The writer offered her a place to stay.

3. Katy disappeared.

4. The writer lent her some money.

5. Katy decided to go on a world trip. - 1

6. She arrived in the UK.


1.5 Getting a Job

You can find information about jobs at a number of different places.

At school During their last years at school, students get advice about further study and finding jobs. All secondary schools have a careers teacher. It's his/her job to provide students with information about study and work. Careers teachers will arrange visits to factories, offices, colleges, etc. They invite people to talk to the students to apply for jobs.

All schools have to organize "work experience" for students in the last two compulsory years of school (aged 14-16). The students go out to work for two weeks. They work in all kinds of places - factories, shops, offices, hotels. Afterwards they have to write about their experience and what it has taught them. (Most students report that school isn't so bad after all!)

Outside schools For people who have already left school, there are a number of places where you can find out about jobs. Local newspapers carry advertisements for jobs, and there is a Job Centre in every large town. Employers advertise jobs here. If you are unemployed, you can go to the Job Centre to look for a job.

More and more young people now continue their studies as long as possible. They go on from school to university or a college to get higher qualifications. There are also several training schemes, where young people can learn the skills to help them get a better job. (1159)


Завершите предложения согласно информации в тексте:

1. A careers teacher’s job is ….

2. During “work experience” students ….

3. You can find out about jobs in: ….


1.6 The Right Job

The students are sitting in a library. One asks the other, "What are you going to do after you leave college?" The reply is, "I'm studying biology at the moment, but I'm not sure what kind of job I want to do". Many students don't know what job to choose. However, if you follow these four simple steps, you'll be closer to finding the right job for you.

Step 1: What do you like? Don't choose a "safe and practical job", choose one you know you'll enjoy doing.

Step 2: Make three lists. First list your abilities and strengths. You'll find it easier to decide if you know your own talents. Next, make the list of all the things you enjoy doing. Write down everything, whether it seems practical or not. Finally, list nine jobs you'd like to do. Don't just list jobs that pay well or that you know you can do, write down jobs you really want to do. Read all three lists and circle your favourite items in each one.

Step 3: Go to the biggest book shop you can find, and start looking at and choosing books and magazines. The things you choose to read for enjoyment say a lot about your interests and possible ideal job. If you have a special interest, you'll discover it now.

Step 4: Finally, ask yourself these questions: 1 What classes am I interested in? 2 What do I most often want to talk or read about? 3 What do my friends tell me I'm interested in? (Ask them.) 4 What talents seem to come naturally to me?

Remember, finding the right job isn't easy. Accept advice from others, but don't be too influenced. You have to decide for yourself. The most important thing is to enjoy what you do and who you do it with.



Предложения, соответствующие тексту, отметьте +, не соответствующие -:

1. Most students decide on their careers at college.

2. It's best to choose a job which is "safe".

3. You should choose a job which you know pays well.

4. In your list of careers, you should only include jobs you can


5. The kinds of magazines that you read can help you decide on your ideal job.

6. Other people can choose your career for you.


1.7 No Place Like Home

Today Vicky Samson came home from school at four o'clock. She watched TV for half an hour. Then she did her homework. She's working hard at the moment, because she' got exams soon. After dinner, while she was helping with the washing up, she talked to her parents about a problem she had at school.

It was a normal day, but it was the kind of day that makes Vicky (and her parents) very happy. "I can't believe it," says Vicky. "Four months ago I was living in a cardboard box under a railway bridge in London."

Last October Vicky had run away from home. How did it all start? "I hated school. We always had so much work to do and I didn't see the point of it all. My mum didn't understand. We only spoke to each other when we were arguing. One day I just couldn't stand it any more."

On that October day, Vicky didn't go to school. She went to the station and caught the train to London. "At first it was really exciting.

There were all the bright lights, theatres and shops and some really interesting people. I had to sleep in the streets, but I didn't mind. I was free - no school, no homework, no parents."

But soon there was no food and no money either. Vicky was cold, hungry and miserable, but she survived until one night about a week before Christmas. "I was walking down a street, when I looked into someone's front window. There was a girl there, just like me. She was decorating a Christmas tree. I thought "If I was at home, I'd be decorating our tree now." Then I couldn't help it. I just sat down on the pavement and cried and cried."

Luckily for Vicky, the man who lived at the house, Mr Robinson, came home while she was sitting there. He took Vicky into the house and Mrs Robinson gave her something to eat. "They were so kind. I told them my whole story. They offered to pay for my ticket home, but I didn't want that. I thought my parents would be angry."

But the next day she was back home. While Vicky was at their house, Mrs Robinson went next door and telephoned the police in Birmingham. Three hours later, Vicky's father arrived to collect her.

"It was the best Christmas present I'd ever had", said Mrs Samson.


Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why did Vicky run away from home?

2. How did she do it?

3. How did she feel when she first arrived in London?

4. What made her want to go home?

5. When did she go home?

6. How did she get home?

7. How has life changed since then?

1.8 Text

David Forbes has only got one hobby. It's also his job. He spends his whole time monster-watching near Loch Ness in Scotland. Here's David's story...

Nowadays my home is an old van which I park by the side of the loch. Six years ago I worked in a bank and had a nice house, but I wasn't happy. I wanted to find the Loch Ness monster - it's been my life's ambition. So I sold my house, bought a van and came here.

With this type of job, you have to move around a lot. The trouble is, I move the van and the next day someone tells me he's seen the monster in the very spot where I was. As it is, I just have to keep my eye on the water all the time, even when I am eating my dinner or mending something on the van - it's a full-time job, but I enjoy it.

What makes me believe in the Loch Ness monster? All the people I've spoken to who have seen it. Have I seen anything? Well, one evening at about 11 o'clock, I saw something. But my camera didn't work! Usually the animal comes to the surface at night, so I'm going to buy a special infrared camera to help me see it.

People often ask me it I'll ever have proof of the monster. All I can say is: who knows? (937)


Задание 1 Среди трех заголовков найдите самый подходящий тексту:

1. The monster-watcher

2. David Forbes and his hobby

3. Near the Loch Ness lake


Задание 2 Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What was David's old job?

2. What does he do now?

3. Where does he live?

4. Why does he believe the monster exists?

5. What does he need to buy?


1.9 Environmental Groups

There are several groups in Britain which try to protect the environment. The most famous group is Greenpeace, which campaigns in many countries around the world. They have campaigned against hunting whales, pollution in the North Sea, nuclear power, testing nuclear weapons, and many other issues. Greenpeace supporters organize demonstrations and they also take direct action. For example, they block pipes that pour pollution into the sea.

Another important environmental group is Friends of the Earth. They have led campaigns against global warming, the destruction of the rain forest, and the hole in the ozone layer. There is also a Green Party, which is a political party. It regularly fights elections and it has won seats in the European Parliament and on local councils.

There are many other groups which are concerned with protecting the environment, for example, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), which campaigns to protect birds against dangers such as pesticides and hunting. Some environmental groups are very old. The oldest is the National Trust which was set up in 1895 to protect parks, buildings and monuments in Britain. (996)


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What environmental groups are there in Great Britain?

2. What issues do they campaign about?

3. What kinds of things do they do?


1.10 Travelling

Travelling is very popular among students in Britain. They don't have a lot of money, so it has to be cheap, but there are many ways of traveling at low cost.

The cheapest way to travel is hitch-hiking, but this isn't reliable and it can be dangerous, so it's better to use normal public transport.

If you want to travel by train, you can get a student railcard. With this you can buy train tickets at a discount. For international travel in Europe, you can get an Interrail card.

If you want to travel to somewhere more exotic, you have to travel by air, but this isn't as expensive as it sounds. There are a lot of shops which sell cheap airline tickets to countries like the USA, Thailand and Australia. They advertise in magazines and newspapers. A lot of these tickets are standby tickets. This means that you haven't got a reserved seat. You have to wait and see if the plane is full. So, you might have to spend a few days at the airport before you can get on a flight.

Magazines often carry adverts for "overland" tours especially to Africa and India, or Latin America. On these tours, you travel with a group in a mini-bus. It isn't very comfortable and you have to share the cooking, but it's a cheap way to see parts of the world that most tourists never go to.

While British young people are travelling to Africa and the Far East, many young people from Australia and the New Zealand travel to Britain. They get cheap airline tickets to London. Then they usually buy a used van and travel around Europe. You can usually recognize the young travellers from Oz because they often paint a kangaroo symbol somewhere on the van. (1350)


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. Is travelling popular among young people in Britain?

2. Which countries do people travel to?

3. What cheap forms of transport are available?

4. What is a standby ticket?


1.11 Easter Island

Easter Island is a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean. However, despite its location and size (one hundred and seventeen square kilometres), Easter Island is very popular because of its famous monuments, the moai - the huge mysterious statues, which look out across the sea. The moai were originally cut from the volcanic rock, and there are over 300 statues on the island.

Hundreds of years ago Easter Island had a large population. However, by the 18th century, their way of life, the origins of their gods and the meaning behind their statues were no longer remembered. A civil war between the island's two rival groups - the Long Ears and the Short Ears - dramatically reduced the population. During this war, many of the statues were pushed over or destroyed.

Today Easter Island is governed by the Republic of Chile, and the currency is the peso. With a population of only 2,000, there are more sheep and horses on Easter Island than there are people. Most of the island's income comes from sheep farming and tourism.

Although 70% of the people on Easter Island are Polynesian, the official language is Spanish. However visitors don't come to Easter Island to find out about Polynesian culture: they come to see the statues. (1034)


Заполните таблицу об острове Пасхи:

a) Area_____________

b) Population________

c) Official language____

d) Currency__________

e) Sources of income___

1.12 National Heroes and Heroines

All countries have their national heroes and heroines. We usually learn about these people through our history lessons at school.

Heroes and heroines are often leaders who fought against a more powerful enemy. The earliest leader in British history was Queen Boadicea, who led a rebellion against the Romans. There is a statue of her on Westminster Bridge in London. Boadicea was defeated, but a later hero, King Alfred the Great, won his fight against the Vikings.

Alfred is the only English king called "the Great". In Scotland, the most famous leader is Robert the Bruce. He defeated the English in one of the many wars between England and Scotland which took place before the two countries were united. The most famous British national leader from modern times is Winston Churchill, who was prime minister during the Second World War.

Not all national heroes and heroines are leaders. Some are inventors, explorers or pioneers in a particular field. British schoolchildren learn about George Stephenson, who invented the first railway engine; Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin; Florence Nightingale, who founded the nursing profession; and David Livingstone, who explored Africa.

National heroes are not always international heroes. Very often people in other countries have never heard of them. And one country's hero can be another country's villain. For example, British schoolchildren learn that Sir Francis Drake was a great hero who fought against the Spanish king Philip II, but in Spain it is Philip II who is the hero, while Drake was nothing more than a pirate. (1361)


Завершите предложения информацией из текста:

1. National heroes and heroines are 1) … 2) ….

2. The Scottish hero Robert the Bruce ….

3. The British national leader Sir Winston Churchill ….

4. Names of other British heroes and heroines are: ….


1.13 The Girl on the Motorbike

In the early hours of 5 April 1989 a motorbike was speeding along the road A20 in Kent.

As he approached Wrotham Hill, Clive Taylor looked at his watch. Exactly two o'clock. Five minutes later he reached the bend at the top of the hill. It was a dangerous place for accidents.

Suddenly, he saw a girl. She was standing in the middle of the. road. Clive had to swerve to avoid her, but she didn't move. When he had stopped, the girl calmly walked up to him and asked him if he could give her a lift. He asked her what she was doing there. She said that there had been an accident. Clive looked around, but he couldn't see a car or any other people.

Clive told the girl to get on the pillion and to hold tight. As she climbed on, Clive suddenly felt very cold, but he noticed that she was only wearing a light dress. She looked as if she was on her way to a party.

At the bottom of the hill there was a telephone box. Clive pulled off the road and stopped. But when he turned round, he froze in horror. The girl wasn't there.

Had she fallen off the pillion? In a cold sweat, he rode back up to the place where he had first seen the girl. But he couldn't see her. He rode down the hill again as slowly as he could. There was no sign of her. She had simply disappeared.

Clive rode to the nearest police station. He told the policeman at the desk what had happened, but to his surprise, the policeman didn't seem very worried. Then he told Clive that ten years before, there had been an accident on Wrotham Hill. A girl and her boyfriend had been on their way back from a party, when she had fallen off the pillion of the motorbike and been killed. Since that time several motorcyclists had seen the girl. The accident had happened at exactly five past two. (1437)

Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы:

1. What time of day did the incident happen?

2. Where is Wrotham Hill?

3. Where was the girl when Clive first saw her?

4. Why was he surprised to see her?

5. What happened at the phone box?

6. What was surprising about the policeman's attitude?

7. In what year had the accident happened?


1.14 Strange but True

A It was a hot summer night and I was walking along the beach with a friend. We had just had a meal at a restaurant nearby. I remember that it was very still and quiet, not even the birds were singing. We walked down to the sea, discussing our plans for the weekend.

В Suddenly a blinding white searchlight lit up the beach. The ship was scanning everything - including us. I remember feeling a vague burning sensation. After a few seconds it was all over. I opened my eyes and the ship had gone.

С Ed Kramer used to work as a lifeguard in Australia. One evening he had a strange encounter.

D We were both silent for a long time afterwards. It took us a while to fully understand what had happened. We never really talked about our strange encounter, but I will never forget it.

E By this time my friend had noticed it too. We both looked out to sea, fascinated by this small ball of light. As it got closer we could see that it was a type of ship and it seemed to be changing shape. It was strange, but I didn't feel frightened. All I could think was " What is this thing? What is it doing here? Where is it from?"

F I was looking out to sea when I saw it. It was nothing at first, just a small blue light. "Perhaps a light from a low-flying plane," I thought. I watched it for a couple of minutes, but it didn't seem to be moving. Then I realized it was getting bigger (1114)


Расположите абзацы текста в правильном порядке:

# 1 - C

# 2 -

# 3 - F

# 4 -

# 5 - B

# 6 -


1.15 Text

A In Elizabethan times, choosing the "correct" hairstyle was very important. Hair was a strong symbol of social position and group identity, so people took pride in making their hair look as fabulous as the next person's. For the wealthy customer, cost was not an issue – most people would do anything to get the look that they wanted. Almost everybody changed their hairstyle as fashions came and went.

B During the period of history men took as much interest in their hair as women. They would spend whole days sitting at the hairdresser's listening to music and talking to one another. The Elizabethan hairdressers bleached, perfumed, waxed and dyed the hair. Usually hair was worn shoulder-length and curled with hot irons. This type of style was called "love locks". Women too spent a lot of time and money creating the "look" that was fashionable. Many dyed their hair blonde which was the most popular colour. Some would spend whole days sitting in the sun because they believed it would add a golden shine to their hair. The women also wore wigs, which were either made from human hair or from white and yellow silk.

C For the people of this time, hair, along with elaborate jewellery and clothing, helped to create an image of wealth and success. (1046)

Из трех предложений выберите то, которое лучше всего передает главную мысль каждого абзаца:

A 1) In Elizabethan times only the rich could afford haircuts.

2) In Elizabethan times hairstyle fashions changed very quickly.

3) In Elizabethan times hair said a lot about who you were.

В 1) Men and women were both interested in their hair.

2) Men and women often dyed their hair.

3) Men spent a lot of time at the hairdresser's.

С 1) People thought that their hairstyles were more important than their clothes.

2) Hair helped to show how rich and successful you were.

3) Jewellery and clothing were the things that showed how wealthy you were.


1.16 National Symbols

Countries often have national symbols or emblems. Britain is usually shown as a lion or a bulldog. The USA has an eagle as its symbol. Australia uses a kangaroo.

Countries have their own national colours, too. These are usually the colours of the national flag. The patriotic colours in Britain and the USA are red, white and blue. Companies and political parties often use these colours to create a feeling of national pride.

The different parts of Britain have their own emblems, too. They are all plants. You can see them on pound coins: England has the rose, Scotland has the thistle, Wales has the leek.

In the fifteenth century there was a long series of wars in England, which was called the wars of the Roses. It was fought between the Dukes of Lancaster and the Dukes of York over who should be king. The emblem of Lancaster was the red rose and the emblem of York was the white rose. Eventually the Duke of Lancaster won, so the rose in the English emblem is the red rose.

Each country has its own colour, too. These are used, for example, for football or rugby teams. The colours for the different parts of Britain are: England white, Scotland blue, Wales red. These colours come from the national flags. The English flag is white with a red cross. The Scottish flag has a white cross on a blue background. The Welsh flag shows a red dragon. (1127)


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What national emblems and colours do different countries have?

2. What emblems do different parts of Britain have?

3. What colours do different parts of Britain have?

4. What are the colours of the British Flag called Union Jack?


1.17 Two funny stories about robberies

Story 1

# 1 It was ten o'clock when the two bank robbers stopped in front of the bank. But as they were getting out of the car, a traffic warden arrived. She wouldn't let the men park there, because they were on double yellow lines. So they got back into their car and drove round the corner.

# 2 There was nowhere to park round the corner either, so they had to double-park. They got out and went to the bank. While they were there, an angry motorist got a policeman to call a tow-away team. When the two robbers returned, they saw their car disappearing into the distance on the back of a lorry.

# 4 Unfortunately for the men, the woman was so frightened that she put the car into reverse and crashed into the car behind her. By now the police had arrived and the two men gave themselves up. They were charged with robbery, illegal parking and trying to steal a car.


Story 2

# 2 The assistant watched, as the men rolled up the expensive carpet and carried it to the door. She held the door open for them as they carried it out to their van. With the carpet worth several thousand pounds on board, the men drove away.

# 3 That afternoon the poor assistant was called to the manager's office. Nobody had bought the carpet and nobody had heard of Lord Randal. The assistant shouldn't have let the men take the carpet. The two men had been stealing it.

# 4 Fortunately the story has a happy ending. Before the two men had left, the shop assistant had got one of them to sign a collection note. Without thinking, the man had written his real name. The men were caught and sent to prison for two years. (1717)

Определите, какой абзац пропущен в первой истории, а какой – во второй:

# … By now the men were desperate. They ran down the street. At the corner they saw a woman in a car waiting at the traffic lights. They got into the back of the car and they made the woman drive away.

# … It was a normal day in Carrington's department store when two men in brown overalls arrived in the carpet department. They told the assistant that they had come to collect an Indian carpet for Lord Randal.


1.18 Game Shows

Game shows (or quiz shows) are very popular on television in Great Britain. Contestants try to win prizes, such as holidays, money, televisions, cars and so on. The hosts of the shows are often famous comedians. Here are some of the most popular shows.

Catchphrase Two contestants have to complete well-known expressions and proverbs. They get money for each one they complete. The winner can then try for the jackpot.

University Challenge Teams from different universities answer questions. There are four students in each team. Some of the questions are very difficult.

The Generation Game Two people from different generations of the same family, such as father and daughter or aunt and nephew, compete against three other pairs. They have to do different things, such as answer questions, dance, make things or take part in a play. The pair that wins is then shown a lot of different prizes for one minute. They win all the prizes they can remember.

Wheel of Fortune There are three contestants. They spin a large wheel which has prizes and penalties on it. Contestants have to guess the whole expression to win the prizes. If they get one of the penalties on the wheel, they lose all the money they have won sо far. The winner of the first round can try for a jackpot of a car or 20000 pounds. (1085)


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What are the prizes at popular game shows on television?

2. What must the contestants at Catchphrase do?

3. What can contestants at the Generation Game win?

4. What happens if a contestant at the Wheel of Fortune gets a penalty?



1.19 Quiz Show

In the 1950s, the favourite pastime of people in America was watching television, especially game shows. The quiz show "Twenty One" was one of the most popular, and was watched by millions of people. Twice a week at 7 o'clock, TV sets were turned on across the States.

"Twenty One" involved two contestants who played against each other answering general knowledge questions. According to the show's producer, "Audiences wanted to watch the money", and money is what they saw. Each time contestants answered a question correctly they were given $ 100. Prizes could be as much as $2,000 a game and if you won, you went on to play in the next show. The cash prizes were so high, and the chance to be famous so great that everyone wanted to be a contestant. But to qualify you had to pass a special entrance test.

One of the most successful and popular contestants was Charles VanDoren, a clean-cut, good-looking young professor from a rich, important family. He was the perfect winner on "Twenty One", and dramatically increased the show's popularity. VanDoren quickly became the all-American hero. His lifestyle changed and his social life advanced. He symbolized the American dream of fame and fortune.

But the dream suddenly turned into a nightmare - VanDoren was exposed as a cheat. Each week, before every game show, he had been given the answers to all the questions. "Twenty One" was never shown again. (1180)


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. How often was the show broadcast?

2. What did the contestants have to do?

3. What were the prizes?

4. What did you have to do to appear on the show?

5. Why was VanDoren so popular?

6. Why did the show stop?


1.20 Life in the 22nd Century

What will life be like in the 22nd century? Recently there have been many predictions about how everyday life will change. Some of these predictions are already coming true. Today we look at the top five inventions which as scientists say will soon be in our homes.

You'll never need to worry about housework again with the clever home robot. This robot will clean your house whenever it feels it is necessary - and it can tell the difference between things accidentally left on the floor, such as a sock and ordinary rubbish. Sounds too good to be true? Well, scientists at the Future Corporation are already developing a prototype.

The second home innovation is a computerized washing machine.

This machine uses electricity to clean clothes rather than water, so it's good for the environment as well as cheaper to run. In addition, it can clean and dry clothes much more quickly than a conventional machine - and you don't have to iron them!

Have you ever heard of intelligent furniture? Well, the third innovation is just that chairs and tables will adjust their height to make you more comfortable! This intelligent furniture can also select music, send email messages and adjust the lighting in a room.

We've often seen the third innovation in films about the future. Well, now it's going to be in every intelligent home. If you haven't already guessed, it's the virtual reality machine. This three-dimensional "screen" will replace your computer or digital TV screen. You'll be able to use it for hologram meetings at work or to play three-dimensional computer games.

Finally, robot helpers, similar to R2D2 in Star Wars, will soon be protecting your home from burglars, as well as helping with the housework. This versatile robot will be able to recognize spoken commands and can play games with you, too. (1531)


Задание 1 Назовите 5 новинок, которые вскоре появятся в наших домах:

Задани е 2 Ответьте на вопросы:

a) What housework will robots be able to do?

b) What will computerized washing machine use instead of water?

c) What will intelligent furniture be able to do?

d) In what films have you seen anything similar to such robots?




2.1 Tina Turner

A It was January 1988 and at the Maracana Arena in Rio the atmosphere was electric. 180,000 people were waiting to see the star of the show. She was a 49-year-old grandmother, but one of the biggest rock stars in the world. The audience went wild as she stepped onto the stage and they heard the voice of Tina Turner.

B Annie Bullock was born in November 1939 in Brownsville, Tennessee, USA. Her parents abandoned Annie and her sister and the two girls grew up with relatives in St Louis. The two girls became singers and in 1956 Annie joined Ike Turner's band. Ike and Annie were married two years later and Annie changed her name to Tina Turner.

C Ike and Tina Turner made a lot of records together. Their first big hit was "River Deep, Mountain High". They had successful concert tours in the United States and in Europe. However, the marriage was not happy and in 1976 Ike and Tina were divorced.

D For the next four years Tina had a hard time. She started singing in clubs again on her own. Then in 1981 she joined a concert tour by the Rolling Stones. Recording contracts followed and she had huge international hits with records such as "What's Love Got To Do With It?" and "We Don't Need Another Hero".

E Tina Turner's early life was very hard, but she survived. In spite of her problems she never gave up. This is typical of her. She is always positive and even when things are not going well, she keeps smiling. Now she is one of the biggest rock stars of all time with millions of fans around the world. (1246)


Задание 1 Выберите заголовок для каждого абзаца:

1. Her solo career - D

2. Her early life -

3. Her biggest ever concert -

4. Her career with Ike Turner -

5. Her personality - E


Задание 2 К какому абзацу подходят эти утверждения:

1- She had four children to support and very little work. - D

2 - She had an older sister called Alline.

3 - It was Ike's idea to change her name to Tina.

4 - No singer had ever sung to a larger audience before.

5 - She always laughs and tells jokes.

6 - Her parents left her when she was very young.

7 - Tina and Ike had concerts in Britain.


2.2 A Figure-Skater's Story

Nadia Karamasov was born in 1980 in Moscow. In 1996 she became one of the youngest figure skaters ever to win a gold medal at the Winter Olympic Games. Here's how she started...

I started ice skating when I was three and a half. I didn't have a choice. I was a fat girl, so my father said to my mother, "Why doesn't she learn to ice skate so she can lose weight?" So I started skating and I lost weight.

I won my first competition when I was seven. I've now got about 50 medals, but it wasn't always easy. A few years ago, I had a lot of problems. I had an accident on the rink and I cut my leg very badly, and then I broke a disk in my back.

In spite of the accidents I only stopped skating once. I came home one day and I said, "Mum, I don't want to skate any more." She said, "OK, that's your choice," so I stopped skating and I felt like a normal girl. I went to school, I slept late, I went out with my friends and I ate what I wanted to eat. But then, alter a couple of weeks, I started skating again.

I'm glad I made the decision to start skating again. At the Winter Olympic Games I was so happy I started to cry. My coach said, "Nadia, don't cry. Don't cry. Lots of people are looking at you right now." And then I saw my marks, and my coach said, "You've won." And I started crying again.

Winning the Olympic gold medal was unbelievable. It was something I worked for my whole life, and now I finally have that reward. I have that medal. (1179)

Скажите, верны ли эти утверждения. Неверные утверждения исправьте:

1.Nadia stopped skating several times.

2.Nadia won her first competition when she was seven years old.

3.When Nadia was 18, she won her gold Olympic medal.

4.At first Nadia started to ice skate to lose weight.

5.All her life Nadia lived in Moscow.


2.3 The Greatest

Michael Jordan grabbed the ball from his opponent's hands. He raced down the court and jumped. What did he do? Did he put the ball straight into the basket? Was it just another two points for the greatest basket ball player in the world? No. Michael Jordan wanted to show why he was the greatest. In the air he turned. Then, with his back to the basket, he took the ball in both hands and threw it backwards over his head. Slam! The ball was in the basket.

Michael Jordan was born in New York in February 1963, but he grew in Wilmington, North Carolina. He wasn't a brilliant student at school. "I sometimes got into trouble," he says, "because I didn't do my schoolwork." But he loved sports. He first played basketball in the family's back garden. When Michael was six years old, his father built two basketball goals, and Michael played there with his brothers and his friends.

He played basketball at school, and when he went to the University of North Carolina in 1981 he joined the basketball team. By this time he was 1.98 metres tall. In 1984 he won a gold medal as a member of the United States Olympic basketball team. A few weeks later he left university and became a professional player with the Chicago Bulls. But he didn't forget his education. He returned to the university for two summers and finished his degree in 1986.

As a professional Michael Jordan amazed the crowds with his skill. He earned millions of dollars on the basketball court, and he made millions more from advertising trainers, drinks, cars and many other things. In 1991 the Bulls were the National Association champions. In 1996 Michael starred in the film "Space Jam."

Although he is an international star, Michael Jordan leads a simple life. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Juanita, and their three children. He likes to play golf and to cook. He also does a lot to help children from poor homes. He tells them: "Stay away from drugs and alcohol and get the best education you can." (1635)


Задание 1 Что произошло в эти годы? Напишите по одному предложению к каждому году: 1963; 1969; 1981; 1984; 1986; 1991; 1996.

Задание 2 Выпишите из текста всю информацию по следующим пунктам:

1. Michael's education

2. his family

3. his achievements


2.4 The Race to the Pole

It was October 1911 and in Antarctic Captain Robert Scott and eleven companions were setting off to the South Pole. Nobody had ever reached the Pole before. In front of them lay 1400 kilometres of snow and ice.

However, Scott had a rival - the Norwegian explorer, Roald Amundsen. Amundsen had originally planned an expedition to the North Pole, but he changed his plans and sailed south to the Antarctic.

The two expeditions were very different. Scott had chosen horses to pull his group's sledges. He also had a few motor sledges. Food and fuel for the expedition had already been placed along the first part of the route. Amundsen, however, set off with only four companions and 52 dogs to pull their sledges. They didn't take a lot of food with them. When the men and the dogs needed food, they killed one of the dogs and ate it.

Scott's expedition started badly. The motor sledges broke down and the horses couldn't survive in the cold weather. Scott sent most of the team back to the base. Then he and four companions walked the rest of the journey pulling their own sledge.

Amundsen reached the Pole first and when Scott's group finally arrived, they found a Norwegian flag there. Bitterly disappointed, they started the journey back to the base, but they never reached it. Just 18 kilometres from the base they were trapped in their tent by a terrible snowstorm and died there.

As for Amundsen, he returned home as a hero. Then in 1928 he learnt that his friend, Nobile, an Italian explorer had disappeared in the Arctic. Amundsen set off by plane to look for him. Nobile was later found alive, but Amundsen was never seen again. (1366)


Задание 1 Ответьте на вопросы:

2. How far did Scott travel?

3. Why didn't Amundsen's team put food and fuel on the route?

4. Why did Scott change his plans?

5. How did the second group know that they had been beaten?

6. How did Scott and Amundsen die?


Задание 2 Отметьте, какое утверждение относится к какому исследователю:

1. He travelled much faster, because he decided to use dogs. - Amundsen

2. Not many of the dogs came back, because the men ate them.

3.His men pulled their own sledge, because he sent the rest of the party back to base. – Scott

4.When he learned that his friend disappeared, he tried to find him.

5.He had been to the Antarctic twice before 1911.

6.When he and his companions reached the Pole they travelled 1400 kilometres. He was the first to reach the Pole.



2.5 Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was the greatest writer in the English language. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older than himself. A few years later he moved to London, where he worked as an actor and a playwright.

Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays and 154 sonnets (a kind of poem). His most famous plays are the four great tragedies - Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, and King Lear. He also wrote several historical plays. Eight of these plays were about English kings, including Richard II, Henry V and Richard III. Others dealt with Roman history and included Julius Caesar and Anthony and Cleopatra. But not all of Shakespeare's plays were serious. He also wrote comedies, such as A Midsummer Night's Dream and Twelfth Night.

Shakespeare died in Stradford on 23 April 1616, but his plays are still very popular today. They have been translated into several different languages and many of them have been made into films, both in English and other languages.

Shakespeare's plays are about the greatest issues of life - love, hatred, jealousy, ambition, death and so on. So, his plays are just as relevant today as they were in 16th century. To show this, modern directors sometimes stage his plays in a modern way, and one of Shakespeare's plays has even been turned into a modern musical. His romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet, was the basis for the musical West Side Story. (1215)


Задание 1 Поставьте пункты плана в правильном порядке:

1.Popularity of Shakespeare’s plays.

2.Shakespeare’s early life.

3.Shakespeare’s most famous plays.

4.Acute topics of Shakespeare’s plays. – 4


Задание 2 К какому абзацу можно добавить следующие утверждения:

1.Young generation likes the modern version of Romeo and Juliet. -4

2.Shakespeare was born on the 23d of April.

3.The Russian actor Smoktunovsky played Hamlet, the prince of Denmark.

4.Shakespeare died at the age of 52.

5.Tourists visit the house where Shakespeare was born.


2.6 Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise's career is an amazing Hollywood success story, although his early life wasn't easy. Cruise, who has made millions of dollars during his career, has established his reputation as a serious actor in films such as Top Gun, Rain Man and Born on the Fourth of July.

Tom Cruise was born on July 3, 1962 in Syracuse, New York. He had a difficult childhood. The family moved from place to place as his father was looking for work. Tom and his three sisters lived in at least ten different towns. When he was at high school, Tom was interested in sports and athletics. However, as he changed schools regularly, school work was always a problem: he found reading and spelling difficult.

During his teenage years, Tom spent most of his time playing sports. However, a knee injury ended his dreams of becoming a professional wrestler, so he decided to try acting instead.

After leaving school, Tom went to New York where he studied acting in night classes. Life was hard; he found it difficult to find parts because he wasn't “pretty enough” for television. Finally, he got a part in the movie Taps. The rest is history.

Nowadays, Cruise's life and career seem perfect. He has his own production company. The first film that he produced was Mission Impossible.


Расставьте следующие события в правильном порядке:

1.Tom injured his knee.

2.He found it hard to get parts on television

3.He went to night classes.

4.He appeared in Taps.

5.He changed schools frequently - 1
6.He produced a film.


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