Читайте также: |
AA | Always Afloat |
AAAA | Always Accessible Always Afloat |
ABT | About |
A/C | Account |
ADCOM | Address Commission |
ADDTL | Additional |
ADV | Advise |
A/E | Accept/Except |
A.F. | Advanced freight |
A/H | Antwerp — Hamburg Range |
A/M | Above Mentioned |
AN | Amonmm Nitrat |
ANCH | Anchorage |
A/O | And/or |
APPR | Approval |
APS | Arrival Pilot Station |
A.R.A. | Antwerp — Rotterdam — Amsterdam Range |
ARAG | Amsterdam — Rotterdam — Antwerp — Gent Range |
ARND | Around |
ARRL | Arrival |
A/S | After Sight |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ATUTC | Actual Time Used to Count |
A/V | According to Value (Ad Valorem) |
AVG | Average |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor. A fuel surcharge expressed as a percentage added or substracted from the freight ammount, reflecting the movement in the market place price for bunkers |
BB | Ballast Bonus |
BBB | Before Breaking Bulk |
B/C | Bulk Cargo |
BDS, BDAYS | Banking Days |
BDEAUX | Bordeaux |
BDI | Both Dates Inclusive |
BE, BENDS | Both Ends (Loads & Discharge Ports) |
BGD | Bagged |
BI | Both Inclusive |
BIMCO | The Baltic and International Council |
BL | Bale |
BLT | Built |
3M | Beam |
3.0. | Buyer’s Option |
BOB | Bunker on Board |
BOFFER | Best Offer |
BROB | Bunkers Remaining on Board |
BSHAPED | Boxshaped |
BSS | Basis |
BSS 1/1 | Basis 1 Port to 1 Port |
BT | Berth Terms |
BUNDLING | This is the assembly of pieces of cargo, secured into one manageable unit. This is relenant to items such as Structural Steel, Handrails, Stairways etc. Whilst this is a very flexible description, a rule of thrumb is to present cargo at a size easily handled by a large (20 tonne) fork lift truck |
BXS | Boxes |
BWAD | Brackish Water Arrival Draft |
C.A.D. | Cash Against Documents |
CANC | Cancelling |
CBM | Cubic Meter |
CBFT (or CFT) | Cubic Feet |
CC | Cargo Capacity |
CFR (or C&F) | Cost and Freight |
CGO | Cargo |
CHABE | Charter’s Agents Both Ends |
CHOPT | Charter’s Option |
CHRTS | Charterers |
CIF | Cost, Insurance & Freight. Seler pays all these costs to a nominated port or place of discharge |
CKD | Completely Knocked Down |
CLSSD | Class (-ified) |
CNFM | Confirm |
COA | Contract of Affreightment |
COACP | Contract of Affreightment Charter Party |
COB | Closing of Business |
COD | Cash on Delivery |
COGSA | Carriage of Goods by Sea Act |
CONS | Consumption |
CONSG | Consignment |
COP | Custom of the Port |
CP (or C/P) | Charter Party |
CPD | Charter Pays Dues |
CY | Container Yard |
CPT | Carriage Paid to |
CQD | Customary Quick Despatch |
CR | Current Rate |
CROB | Cargo Remaining on Board |
CRN | Crane |
CST | Centistoke |
CTR | Container Fitted |
CVRD | Covered |
DAPS | Days All Purposes (Total days for loading & discharging) |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid |
DEM | Demurrage |
DESCR | Description |
DESP | Despatch |
DET | Detention |
DETS | Details |
DHDATSBE | Despatch Half Demurrage on All Time Saved Both Ends |
DHDWTSBE | Despatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends |
DIA | Diameter |
DIMS | Dimensions |
DIR | Direction |
DISH | Discharge |
DISPORT | Discharging Port |
DK | Deck |
DO | Diesel Oil |
DNRCAOSLONL | Discountless and Non-Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost Or Not Lost |
DUNNAGE | Materials of various types, often timber or matting, placed among the cargo for separation, and hence protecton from damage, for ventilation and, in the case of certain cargoes, to provide space in which the tynes of a fork lift truck may be inserted |
DWAT (or DWT) | Deadweight |
DYS | Days |
EC | East Cost |
ECUK | East Cost of UK |
EIU | Even If Used |
ELVENT | Electric Ventilation |
EST | Estimated |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETC | Estimated Time of Complition |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
ETR | Expected Time of Readiness |
ETS | Estimated Time of Sailing |
EXCL | Exclusive |
EXINS | Extra Insurance |
EXW | Ex Works |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship. Seller deliveres goods to appropriate dock or terminal at port of embarkation and buyer coveres costs and risks of loading |
FCA | Free to Carrier. A modern equivalent of FAS used in inter- modal transport where goods are transfered at a nominated forwarder premises, depot or terminal but not actually put on board vessel |
FCC | First Class Charterers |
FC, F+C | Full and Complete |
FDESP, FD | Free Despatch |
FDIS | Free Discharge |
FEAST | Far East |
FERTS | Fertilasers |
FEU | Standard 40’Container |
FHEX | Fridays/Holidays Excluded |
FHI NC | Fridays/Holidays Included |
FILO | Free in/Liner out. Sea freight with which the shipper pays load costs and the Carrier pays for discharge costs |
FIG | Free in/out. Freight booked FIG includes the seat reight, but no loading/discharging costs, i. e. the Charters pays for cost of loading/discharging cargo |
FIGS | Free in/out Stowed. As per FIG, but includes stowage costs |
FIOST | Free in/out and Trimmed. Charters pays for cost of loading/discharging cargo, including stowage and trimming |
FIOT | Free in/out and Trimmed. As per FIGS but includes trimming, e. g. levelling of bulk cargoes. FIGS includes seat reights, but excludes loading/discharging and stowage costs. |
FIT | Free in Trimmed |
FIW | Free in Wagon |
FIXING | Chartering a vessel |
FLATPACKING | Cargo to be presented stacked and secured as an integral unit |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commision |
FMS | Fathomes |
FG (IFG) | Fuel Gil/Intermidiate FG |
FGB | Free Gn Board. Seller sees the goods <<over the ship’s rail>> on to the ship which is arranged and paid for by the Buyer |
FGFFER | Firm Gffer |
FGG — | For Gur Guidance |
FGLL | Following |
FOQ | Free on Quay |
FGR | Free on Rail |
FGRCE MAJEUR | Clause limiting responsibilities of the Charters, Shippers and Receivers of cargo |
FGT | Free on Truck |
FOW | First Gpen Water |
FOW | Free on Wharf |
FR | For |
FRT | Rate of Freight |
FREE DISPATCH | If loading/discharging achieved sooner than agreed, there will be no freight money returned |
FREE GUT | Free of discharge costs to Owners. Includes seafreight only |
FWAD | Fresh Water Arrival Draft |
FWDD | Fresh Water Departure Draft |
FYG | For Your Guidance |
FYI | For Your Information |
GA | General Average |
G/B | Grain Capacity/Bale Capacity |
GLS, GLESS | Gearless |
GNCN | Gencon (General Conditions) |
GN (or GR) | Grain (Capacity) |
GG | Gas Gil |
GRD | Geared |
GRT | Gross Restricted Tonnage |
GSB | Good Safe Berth |
GSP | Good Sate Port |
GTEE | Guarantee |
H&M | Hull & Machinery |
2H | Second Half |
HA | Hatch |
HLSS | Harmless |
HMBG | Hamburg |
HMS | Heavy Metal Scraps |
HG | Hold |
HW | High Water |
IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code |
IMMLY | Immediately |
1MG | International Maritime Organization |
IN&/GR GVER | Goods carried below or on deck |
IND | Indication |
INTERMODAL | Carriage of a commodity by different modes of transport, i. e. sea, road, rail and air within a single journey |
lU | If Used |
IUHTAUTC | If Used, Half Time Actually Used to Count |
IWL | Institute Warranty Limits |
KOS | Kilogrammes |
L/A | Letter of Authority |
LANE METER | A method of measuring the space capacity of Ro/Ro ships whereby each unit of space (Linear Meter) is represented by an area of deck 1.0 meter in length x 2.0 meters in width |
LASH | To hold goods in position by use of Ropes, Wires, Chains or Straps etc. |
LAT | Latitude |
L/C | Laydays/Cancelling date |
L/C | Letter of Credit |
LILO | Liner in Liner out |
LIFO | Liner in Free out |
LPORT | Load Port |
LOA | Length Overall of the Vessel |
LOW | Last Open Water |
LP | Length Packages |
LS (or LUMPS) | Lumpsum |
LSD | Lashed Secured (Stowed) Dunnaged |
LT | Liner Terms |
LW | Low Water |
LWR (BALTIC) | Lower Baltic |
LYCN | Laycan (Layday Cancelling Date) |
MAC | Moscow Arbitration Commission |
MB | Merchant Broker |
MDO (DO) | Marine Diesel Oil |
MIN/MAX | Minimum/Maximum (cargo quantity) |
MINS | Minerals |
MOLCHOPT | More or Less Charterers Option |
MOLOO | More or Less Owners Option |
MOS | Months |
MT | Metric Tonne (i. e. 1000 kilos) |
M/V | Motor Vessel |
NAABSA | Not Always Afloat but Safety Aground |
NCB | National Cargo Bureau |
NEGOS | Negotiations |
NESTING | Implies that cargo is presented stacked in the contour of similary shaped cargo, it may be likened to a stack of plates. This is particulary relevant in the presentation of tankage strakes for transport |
NON-REVERSIBLE | (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days will not be added to discharge time allowed |
NOR | Notice of Readiness |
NRT | Net Registered Tonnage |
NT YT, TT | Not Yet, That |
NYPE | New York Produce Exchange |
OABE | Owners Agents Both Ends |
Owners Option | |
OSH | Open Shelter Deck |
OWS | Owners |
PASTUS | Past Us |
PC | Period of Charter |
PC, PCGO | Part Cargo |
PCT | Percent |
PDPR | Per Day pro Rata |
PHPD | Per Hatch per Day |
P/L | Package List |
PREF | Preferable |
PWH | Per Workable Hatch |
P&l | Protection and Indemnity Club |
RCVR | Recievers |
REBLT | Rebuilt |
REDEL | Redelivery |
RENEWED | PeHoBl4poeaH |
REVERSIBLE | (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected at load port, then days saved can be added to discharge operations |
ROB | Remaining on Board |
ROT | Rotation |
RQRD | Required |
RT | Revenue Tonne (i. e. 1.0 metric tonne or 1.0 cubic meter, whichever greater). The overall RT is calculated on a line by line basis of the Packing List using the largest amount. The overall freight liability is calculated on the total RT amount, multiplied by the freight rate |
SATNOON | Saturday Noon |
SATPM | Saturday P. M. |
SB | Safe Berth |
SD (or SID) | Single Decker |
SEAFREIGHT | Costs recharged for transporting goods over the sea. This does not cover any haulage or loading! discharging costs but the sea transport only |
SELFD | Self Discharging |
SEMI—TRAILERS | Are actually 12.0 meter flatbed road trailers |
SF | Stowage Factor. Cubic space (measurement tonne) occupied by one tonne (2.249 lbs / 1.000 kgs) of cargo |
SHING | Sundays and Holidays Included |
SHEX | Sundays/Holidays Excluded |
SKIDS | Are bearers (timber or steel) positioned under cargo to enable fork lift handling at port, and for ease of rigging and lashing on board ship |
SOC | Shipper Owned Container |
SOF | Statement of Facts |
SP | Safe Port |
SPIDERING | It is the internal strengthening of circular tanks for transport, this prevents the tanks becoming warped. The tanks are strengthened with steel or wood crossbeams giving a <<spider>> appearance |
S/R | Signing/Releasing |
SRBL | Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading |
SSHEX (or SATSHEX) | Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded |
SSHINC (or SATSHINC) | Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included |
SSW | Salt Summer Water |
STABILITY | It is paramount that a vessel is stable in all respects at all times. When cargo is loaded/discharged, the stability is monitored by a computer, which takes into account the weight and position of cargo within the vessel |
STARBOARD | Right side of a ship when facing the front or forward end |
SUB | Subject (to) |
SUPERCARGO | Person employed by a ship owner, shipping company, charter of a ship or shipper of goods to supervise cargo handling operations. Often called a port captain |
SWAD | Salt Water Arrival Draft, Salt Water Air Draft |
SWDD | Salt Water Departure Draft |
TBA | To Be Advised |
TBN | To Be Nominated |
TC | Time Charter — Owners agree to hire a particular ship for a set length of time and provide technical management, crewing etc. |
TEU | Standard 20’Container |
TLXDD | Telex Dated |
TS | Time Sheet |
TTL | Total |
TW | Twen Decker |
U/O DECK | Under/On Deck |
USC | Unless Sooner Commenced |
UU | Unless Used |
UUIWCTAUTC | Unless Used in Which Case Time Actually Used to Count |
VPD | Vessel Pays Dues |
WCCON | Whether Customs Cleared or Not |
WIBON | Whether in Berth or Not |
WIFPON | Whether in Free Practique or Not |
WIPON | Whether in Port or Not |
WLTOHC | (distance) Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming |
W/M | Weight of Measurement |
WOG | Without Guarantee |
WP | Weather Permitting |
WPD | Weather Permitting Day |
WTS | Working Time Saved |
WWD | Weather Working Day |
WRIC | Wire Rods in Coils |
WWR | When, Where Ready |
WWWW | Wibon, Wiccon, Wifpon, Wipon |
YAR | York Antwerp Rules |
English | Русский |
Account of charges | Счет расходов |
Act of God | Стихийное бедствие |
Ad valorem | Ад валорем (по стоимости) |
Advice of dispatch /advice of shipment | Извещение об отправке |
Air transport | Воздушный транспорт |
Air waybill (AWB) | Авианакладная (воздушная накладная) |
Bale | Кипа, тюк |
Bank draft | Банковский чек, драфт |
Bill of lading (B/L) | Коносамент |
Bonded warehouse | Таможенный склад |
Border | Граница |
Box rate | Ставка фрахта за контейнер |
Break bulk agent | Агент по деконсолидации сборных отправок |
Bulk cargo | Насыпной, навалочный или наливной груз |
Bunker Adjustment Factor B. A. F. | Поправочный коэффициент на бункер к ставке фрахта |
Cargo agent | Грузовой агент |
Cargo unit | Единица груза, грузовое место |
Cargo volume | Грузовой объем |
Carriage and Insurance paid to (CIP) | Перевозка и страхование оплачены до... (CIP Инкотермс) |
Carriage forward | С оплатой доставки получателем |
Carriage paid to (CPT) | Перевозка оплачена до... (CPT) |
Carrier | Перевозчик |
Cartage | Автоперевозка, перевозка автотранспортом |
Cash on delivery (COD) | Оплата при доставке, наложенный платеж, оплата после сдачи груза |
Certificate of origin | Сертификат происхождения |
Certificate of Shipment | Свидетельство об отгрузке |
Charge (vb) | Грузить/погружать груз |
Charges collect | Расходы подлежат оплате |
Charges for consignee’s account | Расходы за счет получателя |
Charges prepaid | Заранее оплаченные расходы |
Clearance | Очистка от пошлин |
Collection | Сбор, получение денег, совокупность |
Combined transport | Смешанная перевозка |
Combined Transport Operator (CTO) | Оператор смешанной перевозки |
Commercial invoice | Счет-фактура |
Commodities | Товары |
Commodity code | Товарный код |
Commodity rate | Единая тарифная ставка |
Common carrier | Контрактный перевозчик |
Complete delivery | Завершенная поставка |
Confirmation | Подтверждение |
Consignee | Грузополучатель |
Consignment | Отправка, груз, партия товара |
Consignment note | Транспортная накладная |
Consignor | Грузоотправитель |
Consolidated shipment | Сборная отправка |
Consolidation | Организация сборной отправки, консолидация |
Consolidator | Экспедитор, организующий сборные отправки |
Container terminal | Контейнерный терминал |
Container yard | Контейнерный двор |
Contract | договор, соглашение, контракт |
Conversion rate | Обменный курс |
Cost and Freight (CFR) | Стоимость и фрахт (CFR) |
Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) | Стоимость, страхование и фрахт (CIF) |
Costs and risks for consignee | Стоимость и риски на получателя |
Country of destination | Страна назначения |
Country of origin | Страна происхождения |
Currency Adjustment Factor (C. A. F.) | Валютный поправочный коэффициент |
Customs | Таможня |
Customs agent/ Customs broker | Таможенный агент / Таможенный брокер |
Customs authorities | Таможенные органы |
Customs clearance | Таможенная очистка |
Customs declaration | Таможенная декларация |
Customs duties | Таможенные пошлины |
Customs entry | Таможенная декларация |
Customs formalities | Таможенные формальности |
Customs house | Таможня |
Customs law | Таможенное законодательство, права |
Customs procedure | Таможенный режим |
Customs tariff | Таможенный тариф |
Customs union | Таможенный союз |
Customs warehouse | Таможенный склад |
Dangerous goods | Опасные грузы |
Dangerous goods declaration | декларация об опасных грузах |
Dangerous goods Note | Извещение об опасных грузах |
Date of issue | дата выдачи; дата выписки |
Date of receipt | Дата получения |
Date of shipment | дата отправки |
Deck cargo | Палубный груз |
Declarant | декларант |
Declaration of origin | декларация о происхождении |
Declaration of the consignor | декларация грузоотправителя |
Delay | Задержка, опоздание |
Delivered at frontier (DAF) | Поставка до границы (DAF) |
Delivered duty paid (DDP) | Поставка с оплатой пошлины (DDP) |
Delivered duty unpaid (DDU) | Поставка без оплаты пошлины (DDU) |
Delivered ex quay (DEQ) | Поставка с пристани (DEQ) |
Delivery date | дата поставки |
Delivery note / delivery order | Накладная на выдачу товара со склада / распоряжение о выдаче товара |
Delivery period | Срок поставки |
Delivery terms | Условия поставки |
Demurrage (rail-road) | Простой вагона |
Demurrage (sea) | Простой судна |
Description of goods | Описание товара |
Destination | Назначение, пункт назначения |
Discharge | Выгрузка, разгрузка, оплаты, выплата |
Dispatch | Отправка |
Dispatch documents | Отгрузочные документы |
Dispatch note | Спецификация на отправленный груз |
Distribution | Рассылка, распределение |
Documentary credit | документарный аккредитив |
Documents against acceptance | документы против акцепта |
Domestic transport | Внутренние перевозки |
Door-to-door | От двери до двери (поставка) |
Endorsement | Передаточная надпись, коносамент |
Estimate of transport costs | Оценка, калькуляция транспортных расходов |
Ex Works (EXW) | Франко завод (EXW) |
Examination by customs officers | Таможенный досмотр |
Exchange rate | Обменный курс валюты |
Export declaration | Экспортная декларация |
Export documents | Экспортные документы |
Export figures | Экспортная статистика, данные |
Exporter | Экспортер |
FAK (Freight all Kind) | Фрахт для всех грузов, единый тариф |
Fast freight | Скоростной груз, доставка большой скоростью |
Feeder | Фидер, порт загрузки |
Feeder port | Фидерный порт, порт загрузки |
Ferry | Паром |
First carrier | Первый перевозчик |
Flat-rate tariff | Единообразная, единая ставка |
Force majeure | Обстоятельства непреодолимой силы |
Foreign currency | Иностранная валюта |
Forwarder | Экспедитор |
Forwarders certificate of receipt (FCR) | Экспедиторская расписка ФИАТА |
Forwarders certificate of transport (FCT) | Транспортный сертификат ФИАТА |
Forwarding | Экспедирование |
Forwarding agent | Экспедитор |
Forwarding instructions | Экспедиторское поручение |
Franco / Free domicile | Франко дверь получателя |
Free alongside ship (FAS) | Свободно вдоль борта судна (FAS) |
Free border / frontier | Франко граница |
Free carrier (FCA) | Франко перевозчик (FCA) |
Free domicile Duty paid | Франко дверь получателя с оплатой таможенной пошлины |
Free in | Свободно от расходов по погрузке |
Free in and out | Свободно от расходов по погрузке и разгрузке |
Free of charge | Свободно, безвозмездно |
Free on board (FOB) | Франко борт, свободно на борту (FOB) |
Free on rail / free on truck (FOR — FOT) | Франко вагон, франко борт (FOR — FOT) |
Free on truck / lorry | Франко автомобиль |
Free out | Свободно от расходов по выгрузке |
Free port | Свободно порт, франко порт |
Freight | Фрахт, расходы по фрахтованию |
Freight and duties paid | Стоимость перевозки и пошлины оплачены |
Freight charges | Расходы по перевозке, транспортные расходы |
Freight collect | Фрахт оплачивается по доставке |
Freight forwarder | Экспедитор |
Freight paid | Фрахт оплачен |
Freight paid to | Фрахт оплачен до |
Freight payable at destination | Фрахт оплачивается по доставке |
Freight prepaid | Фрахт оплачен авансом |
Freight rate | Ставка фрахта |
Freight rebate | Скидка с фрахта |
Frontier | Граница |
Frontier railway station | Пограничная железнодорожная станция |
Full Container Load (FCL) | Груз, достаточный для полной загрузки контейнера |
Full load | Полная загрузка, полный груз |
Full set of bills of lading | Полный комплект коносамента |
General cargo | Тарно-упаковочный груз (генеральный груз) |
General terms of delivery and payment | Общие условия поставки и платежа |
General terms of sale and delivery | Общие условия продажи и поставки |
Goods | Товар, груз |
Ground handling charges | Основные расходы по перевалке груза |
Groupage | Комплектация мелких отправок в сборные |
Groupage operator | Экспедитор, занимающийся сборными отправками |
Half height container | Полуконтейнер |
Handling | Перевалка, обработка грузов |
Haulier | Автоперевозчик |
Hazardous cargo | Опасный груз |
Heavy lift | Тяжеловесный груз |
House air waybill (HAWB) | домашняя авианакладная |
House bill of lading | домашний (внутренний коносамент) |
House to House | От дома до дома (поставка) |
Hub | Транспортный узел |
Import duty | Импортная пошлина |
Importer | Импортер |
Inflammable | Огнеопасный, легковоспламеняющийся |
Inland haulage | Внутренняя перевозка |
Inland navigation | Плавание по внутренним водным путям |
Inland transport | Внутренний транспорт |
Insulated container | Изотермический контейнер |
Integrator | Интегратор |
Invoice | Счет, счет-фактура |
Irrevocable letter of credit | Безотзывный кредит |
Just in time | Точно вовремя, как раз |
Land carriage | Сухопутная, наземная перевозка |
Landing charges | Сбор за выгрузку или высадку |
Less than Container Load (LCL) | Мелкая отправка, недостаточная для полной загрузки |
Liner terms | Линейные условия |
Load (vb.) | Грузить |
Loading expenses | Стоимость погрузочных работ |
Logistics | Логистика |
Loose (bulk) goods | Неупакованный навалочный груз |
Lorry | Грузовой автомобиль |
Lumpsum rate | Твердая аккордная ставка, ставка лумпсум» |
Master Air Waybill (MAWB) | Международная авианакладная |
Mate’s receipt | Штурманская расписка |
Means of transportation | Транспортное средство |
Merchant | Купец, коммерсант, торговец |
Mixed consignment | Смешанная отправка, смешанный груз |
Multimodal transport | Смешанная перевозка |
Non-negotiable bills of lading | Необоротный коносамент |
Notify party | Уведомить сторону |
Ocean bill of lading | Морской коносамент |
Ocean freight charges | Морской фрахт |
On board | На борту |
On carriage | дальнейшая перевозка |
One-way packing | Одноразовая упаковка |
Out of gauge | Негабаритный |
Out of profile | Негабаритный груз |
Overweight | Перевес, излишек веса |
Package | Грузовое место, упаковка |
Packaging charges | Расходы по упаковке |
Packing | Упаковка |
Packing included | Включая упаковку |
Packing list | Упаковочный лист |
Pallet | Поддон, паллет |
Parcel service | Почтово-посылочные услуги |
Part load | Частичная загрузка |
Part load consignment | Частичная отправка |
Perishables | Скоропортящиеся продукты |
Pick-up and delivery | Сбор грузов у клиентов и их доставка перевозчику |
Pick-up date | Установленная для доставки дата |
Piggy-back traffic | Контрейлерные перевозки |
Place of destination | Место назначения |
Place of dispatch | Место отправки |
Place of entry | Место входа, место ввоза |
Place of receipt | Место получения |
Point of shipment | Место отгрузки |
Port | Порт |
Pre-carriage | доперевозочные операции |
Profile | Габарит |
Pro-forma invoice | Счет-проформа |
Prohibited goods | Запрещенные товары |
Railway-station | Железнодорожная станция |
Receipt | Получение, расписка |
Receiver | Получатель, грузополучатель |
Receptacle | Контейнер |
Recipient | Получатель, получающий |
Redelivery | Перепоставка |
Reefer container | Рефрижераторный контейнер |
Reexportation | Реэкспорт |
Reimportation | Реимпорт |
Returnable packing | Возвратная упаковка |
Revocable letter of credit | Отзывный кредит |
Road haulage | Грузовые автоперевозки |
Road haulage agent | Посредник (агент) по грузовой автоперевозке |
Road haulier | Грузовой автоперевозчик |
Roll on—roll off (ro-ro) | «Ро-ро»; перевозка грузов на судах с горизонтальной системой погрузки |
Rummaging | Таможенный досмотр, обыск; перекладывание грузов |
Sea transport | Морские перевозки |
Seals | Печать, пломба |
Semi-trailer | Полуприцеп |
Sender | Отправитель |
Settlement | Урегулирование, платеж |
Ship’s papers | Судовые документы |
Shipment | Отгрузка, отправка |
Shipment (on board) | Отгрузка (на борту судна) |
Shipment unit | Отгрузочная единица, место |
Shipped on board bill of lading | Отправлено по бортовому коносаменту |
Shipper | Грузоотправитель, экспортер |
Shipping agent | Судовой агент, экспедитор |
Shipping company / Shipping line | Судоходная компания / судоходная линия |
Shipping documents | Грузовые, погрузочные документы |
Shipping point | Место отгрузки, отправки |
Stock | Запас, инвентарь, наличный товар |
Storage | Хранение, складирование |
Stuffing | Загрузка контейнера |
Surface transport | Сухопутные перевозки, наземный транспорт |
Survey | Осмотр, освидетельствование |
Swap body | Сменный кузов (разновидность контейнера) |
Tank container | Танк-контейнер |
Tank wagon | Цистерна-вагон |
Tare | Тара, упаковка |
Tare weight | Вес тары |
Tariff | Тариф, расценка, пошлина |
Tariff regulations | Тарифное регулирование |
Terminal | Терминал, конечный пункт |
Terms of payment | Условия платежа |
Through bill of lading | Сквозной коносамент |
Through rate | Сквозная ставка фрахта |
Time charter | Тайм-чартер, аренда судна на время |
Trailer | Тягач |
Trailer truck (road train) | Грузовой автопоезд |
Transit | Транзит |
Transit time | Транзитное время |
Transport chain | Транспортная цепь |
Transport charges | Транспортные расходы |
Transport medium | Транспортное средство |
Transport users | Пользователи транспортных средств |
Transshipment | Перегрузка, перевалка |
Trip | Рейс, поездка, плавание |
Truck | Грузовик, товарный вагон |
Twenty Equivalent Unit (TEU) | 20-футовый эквивалент |
Unit load | Укрупненное, объединенное грузовое место |
Unloading | Разгрузка, выгрузка |
Unloading point | Место выгрузки |
Unit Load Device (ULD) | Приспособление для укрепления грузового места |
Volumetric | Объемный |
Wagon | Вагон, грузовой вагон |
Warehouse | Склад |
Warehouse keeper | Владелец склада |
Warehouse receipt | Складская расписка |
Warehouse-warrant | Складское свидетельство |
Warehousing charges | Складские расходы |
Way bill | Транспортная накладная |
Weight | Вес тары |
№ 3. Линейный коносамент (LINER BILL OF LADING)
Notify address
Pre-carriage by Place of receipt by pre-carrier
Vessel Port of loading
Port of discharge Place of delivery by on-carrier
Marks and Nos. Number and kind of packages; description of goods Gross weight Measurement
Particulars furnished by the Merchant | |
Freight details, charges etc. | SHIPPEDon board in apparent good order and condition, weight, measure, marks, numbers, quality. contents and value unknown, for carriage to the Port of Discharge or so near thereinto as the Vessel may safely get and lie always afloat, to be delivered in the like good order and condition at the aforeside Port unto Consignees or their Assignes, they paying freight as indicated to the left plus other charges incurred in accordance with the provisions contained in this Bill of Lading. In accepting this Bill of Lading the Merchant expressly accepts and agrees to all its stipulations on both pages, whether written, printed, stamped or otherwise incorporated, as fully as if they were all signed by the Merchant. One original Bill of Lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or delivery order. IN WITNESS whereof the Master of the said Vessel has signed the number of original Bills of Lading stated below, all of this tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the others to stand void. |
Daily demurrage rate (additional Clause A) |
№ 4. Термины, применяемые в рейсовых чартерах при согласовании сталийного времени (VOYLAYRULES 93)
Дата добавления: 2015-07-12; просмотров: 189 | Нарушение авторских прав
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