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The factory of the future | V. Reading and Comprehension. | The fully-automated factory. | MY FUTURE SPECIALITY | III. Oral Practice. | IV. Reading. | A role for AI | SUPPLEMENTARY READING | Automated factory update | Automation Systems |

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  1. Basic data processing operations
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What does a computer do with the information it receives? Like the human brain, it sorts information, puts it into usable form, and does calculations. This step is called processing.


Finally, the computer does something with the information it processes. It usually displays the results, often on a screen or on paper. The product of computer processing is called output. Output is the information the computer produces as a result of its work.

You are likely to see this three-step process – input, processing, output – in many day-to-day activities such as when you see a pocket calculator. In a calculator the input consists of numbers that you press on its keypad – let’s say the numbers 3 and 7. The processing occurs after you tell the calculator what you want it to do for example, multiply. The output – 21 – appears on a little screen at the top of the calculator.

The calculator can process the same information in different ways. You might have asked it to add the two numbers, in which case “10” would have appeared on the screen.


The Automatic Control System


Automatic control now appears in many fields and involves many control instruments and apparatus. Their usage embraces a great variety of machines, plants and processes.

Automatic systems take several forms and are based on several different techniques, but in each the measurement and correction of errors are performed and coordinated by electronic devices and the human operator does not take an active part in it.

First of all automatic control was widely established in such industries as chemical, petroleum, iron and steel, cement, paper, textile, printing, food and others. The overall trend now is toward a total automatic control in industry with the help of new generations of electronic devices with their rapidity, accurateness, reliability, flexibility and compactness.

Our country has many thousands of comprehensively mechanized and automated enterprises and workshops. The mechanized and automated production lines replace or lighten the work of a tremendous number of workers. All the hydropower plants in the country have been completely automated.

The present day stage of automation is based on the revolution in computer technology, in computerization of the whole national economy.

But still much research work is to be done to perfect the system. It is essential to improve the quality of automation equipment as well as the programmes of the computers. A major problem is to better automate inspection, quality control, information system. For automatic three-dimensional recognition the system (size, shape and colour) the problem still remains of greatest concern. With the increase of automation the scientist must solve the problem of complex interaction groups of sensors tied together by a single system of computer network. The development of new flexible technologies and sociological problems involves need, of course, a new approach too.


Three-dimensional recognition the system n – тривимірна пізнавальна система

Compactness n – компактність

Comprehensively adj – всебічний

Coordinate v – 1) приводити у відповідність; 2) узгоджувати

Flexibility n – (тут) універсальність

Hydropower plant n –гідроелектростанція

Inspection n – контрль

Interaction n – взаємодія

Sensor n – датчик

To better v – поліпшувати, удосконалювати


Man and Machines


Press a button on the wall and a dark room is full of light. Speak into a little instrument and people thousands of miles away will hear you instantly. Switch on your radio or TV set and you will hear music, the latest news or see a play even from remote regions of the globe.

Nowadays people move on land much faster than the speediest horses. Powerful motor drive cars, diesel and electric engines run trains from one country to another.

Under water sportsmen swim swifter than the speediest fish.

In air people fly hundred times faster than birds. Supersonic planes fly at twice the speed of sound. People enjoy these achievements thanks to the development of science and engineering.

We live in the age of machinery i.e. (that is) in the time when highly productive machines and up-to-date devices take the place of men for doing work. In industry and agriculture machines play the most important role. They lighten man’s labour and do all the hard work in mills, factories, mines and farms.

In a number of shops in up-to-date mills and plants automatic machines entirely replace the work of men.

In mining industry conveyors and remote control devices make miner’s labour safer and easier. They help to produce more ores, coal, oil and gas.

In fields tractors and harvester combines replace labour of hundreds of people and help farmers to gather rich crops.

Machines help not only factory workers and farmers in their productive labour. They do part of scientists’ and explorers’ research work as well. They enable scientists to reveal the secrets of the universe i.e. everything that exists on our globe as well as in the outer space. Satellites (sputniks) circle the earth, spaceships explore the outer space. Moon cars (Lunokhods) carry out research programmes on the Moon.

Underwater robots explore the sea bed at a depth of more than 4,000 meters. By means of remote control devices they change tools and lift weights.

Electronic instruments – radars, lasers and masers represent the latest developments of research equipments. They are of great help in all forms of scientific work.

Great and rapid changes take place in science and engineering. New branches of science appear: atomic physics, cybernetics, radio-astronomy. Big experimental research programmes are in progress in all countries. Mankind is on the eve of space flights to remote stellar worlds.

With the development of science and engineering, with the advancement of progressive ideas a new man will appear – a man who will use his hands less and less, but employ his brains more and more.

At this stage of development mankind will seek new ways that lead to better life, to general abundance. All people of the globe will win freedom and independence. The triumph of Reason and Progress will bring happiness and universal peace to the human race.


To press a button – натискати кнопку.

To speak into a little instrument – розмовляти перед невеликим апаратом.

The speediest fish – найбільш швидкоплаваючі риби.

A supersonic plane – надзвуковий літак.

To fly at twice speed of sound – літати зі швидкістю, яка у два рази перевищує швидкість звуку.

A harvest combine – збиральний комбайн.

To gather rich (heavy) crops – збирати багаті врожаї.

Sea bed – дно.

To be in progress – розвиватися.

To be help – подавати допомогу.

To be on the eve – стояти на передодні.

Stellar worlds – зоряні світи, зоряні системи.

Abundance n – достаток, безліч.

Appearance – поява.

Mankind n – людство.

By means of – за допомогою.

Mine n – рудник, шахта.


What is Automation?


Automation may be said to be a modern term signifying the use of machines to do work that formerly had to be done by people. What used to be called automation?

The machine that automatically makes, inspects and packs 1.200 cigarettes a minute can do nothing else. It is a one-purpose machine as there are many of others.

But the digital computer seems to be versatile and can be used as the brains for automating a wide variety of work where figuring, remembering and making logical choices are required. The computer proves to be only a very high speed adding and subtracting machine. It is unlikely to be the thinking machine as it is sometimes called. Everything it does other than adding and subtracting is the result of man’s ingenuity.

The design of newer equipment with greater usefulness and capabilities is said to be bringing about an ever increasing growth in the development of control equipment. The reason is twofold. Firstly automatic controls relieve man of many monotonous activities so that he can devote his abilities to other occupation. Secondly modern complex controls can perform functions which are beyond the physical abilities of man. Foe example, an elaborated automatic control system operates the engine of a modern jet airplane with only a minimum amount of the pilot’s attention, so that he is free to fly his airplane.

Mention should be made that the design and development of automatic control systems is a principal concern of an engineer. In recent years we know automatic control systems to have been rapidly advancing in importance in all fields of engineering. The applications of control system are known to cover a very wide scope, ranging from the design of precision control devices such as sensitive instrument to the design of the equipment used for controlling the manufacture of steel or other industrial processes. New applications for arranging automatic controls are continually being discovered.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 104 | Нарушение авторских прав

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