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Electronics Helps Man

VI. Reading. | VII. Supplementary reading. | I. Vocabulary. | Operating Systems | III. Language. | Windows 98 | VIII. Supplementary reading. | Electronics | Electronics | The World of Microelectronics |

Читайте также:
  1. Electronics
  2. Electronics
  3. III. Say what you will be able to do if your friend helps you.
  4. The World of Microelectronics
  5. Моделирование электрических схем в среде Electronics Workbench.


Our age has been called a variety of things: the Space Age, the Electronic Age, the Atomic Age, etc. One of them, however, is very exact and that is the Age of Automation.

Automation is considered to be the highest stage in the development of technology. It has made the development of rocket production and nuclear industry possible. Automation is known to be very effective in continuous cycle production rolled stock production and operation of thermal and hydropower plants. Automation of production processes is impossible without automatic control; the required machines based on electronic computation. Electronic computing techniques find broad applications in many spheres and are a basis for the development of modern programme-controlled machine tools and the controlling of spaceship flights. The following can be given as examples of how electronics helps man.

The letters at the General Post Office are now handled by electronic automats. Not long ago hundreds of women sorted letters arriving from all the world by hand. Now, one girl sits at a control panel watching a screen which is like that of a television set. The address appears on the screen and the girl having read the number o the post office to which the letter is addressed presses the necessary button and the envelope is conveyed to the mail bag which is then taken to the post office indicated on the envelope.

A number of higher learning establishments are installing electronic data processing systems for the counting of educational data. Automatic control machines, computer-based teaching devices and other different applications of computer technology are the things which help people in their life, work and study.

Unit 4



Ι. Vocabulary.


Exercise 1. Remember the following words and word-combinations:

1. to perform – виконувати

2. previously – попередньо, раніше

3. sequence – послідовність

4. assembly – комплекс

5. step – крок

6. environment – навколишнє середовище

7. dangerous – небезпечний

8. to transfer – передавати

9. to manipulate – маніпулювати, обробляти; manual - ручний

10. to position – ставити, розставляти

11. workpieces – деталі

12. to give rise – підвищувати

13. numerically controlled machines – станки з числовим програмним управлінням

14. motion – рух

15. punched paper tape – перфострічка

16. magnetic tape – магнітна стрічка

17. machine tools – станки

18. machining centres – центри обробки

19. computer-aided design (CAD) – автоматизоване проектування

20. computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) – автоматизоване виробництво

21. a part – деталь

22. to indicate – вказувати

23. dimensions – розміри

24. input device – блок вводу

25. to complete – завершувати

26. to direct – направляти

27. flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) – гнучкі виробничі системи

28. certain – певний

29. heavy – важкий

30. application – застосування

31. processing – обробка

32. feedback device – пристрій зворотного зв'язку


Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the following international words and word-combinations:

Machines, familiar, automobiles, complex, mechanization, industrial robots, design, human, to manipulate, position, function, paper, magnetic, system, to indicate, instruction.


Exercise 3. Define the part of speech of the words given below according to the suffixes given in the table and translate them.

Іменник Прикметник Дієслово Прислівник
-ment -tion (-sion) -er (-or) -ture -ing -ence (-ance) -ible (-able) -al -ic -ous -ant   -ize -ate   -ly  


Development, flexible, direction, previously, dimension, drawing, designer, recently, numerical, magnetic, sequence, widely, dangerous, originally, highly, environment, computerize, manufacture, important, facilitate, programmable.


Exercise 4. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

– system of manufacture;

– certain tasks;

– sequence of operations;

– assembly plant;

– reprogramming of equipment;

– dangerous environment;

– to perform various operations;

– automated control system;

– automatic devices;

– highly automated system.


Exercise 5. Match the following words and word-combinations with their definitions on the right:

a) automation 1) designed to perform all the functions of a transfer machine.

b) industrial robots 2) method, used in manufacture or industry.

c) mechanization 3) the sequence of machines assembling product.

d) fixed automation 4) was the first step necessary in the development of automation.

e) processing 5) is performing certain tasks by machines only.

f) assembly line 6) refers to automated machines in which the equipment

configuration allows fixed sequence of processing operations.


Exercise 6. Illustrate the models with the statements from the text:

a) Present Indefinite Active Voice V1 (0, es)

b) Present Indefinite Passive Voice is/are + V3 (-ed)

c) Past Indefinite Active Voice V2 (-ed)

d) Past Indefinite Passive Voice was/were + V3 (-ed)

e) Present Perfect Active Voice have/has + V3 (-ed)

f) Present Perfect Passive Voice have/has + been + V3 (-ed)


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