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Self-access Grammar Guide 10 страница

10. where

11.... works in.../ in which...

12....whose mother...

Self-access Grammar Guide

for 3rd Year Students

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Издательство “ИСТОКИ”

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1. Suppose/ otherwise you buy a lottery ticket and then win a big prize. The moment you hear that you have won, you feel ecstatic.

2. Does what I do scare you? If so/ if not I will stop.

3. Just if not/ suppose that Daniel and I were ever to get married. Would you come to the wedding?

4. Now supposing/ if so there were only one of those stamps, and supposing it was worth a million dollars. And otherwise/ supposing the man who owned it suddenly came into possession of a second stamp, its duplicate What do you think would be the value of each of those two stamps?

5. Your secretary told me that you would be coming over. Suppose/ Other­wise I should have felt compelled to call you at home.

6. You may as well go ahead with the wedding. Think of all the telephoning you’d have to do if so/ otherwise.

The link between CAUSE and EFFECT can be indicated by means of verbs, noun, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions and logical connectors.

1. She spoke so fast that I could not understand.

He's such a nice man that I'd do anything for him.

Exercise 3. Join the beginnings and ends using what

• Have you ever been in any of these situations? Explain why.

Example: I was stopped by the police once because I was speeding.

1. Have you ever been stopped by the police?

2. Have you ever fallen asleep in a cinema?

3. Have you ever failed your exams?

4. Have you ever played truant?

5. Have you ever told a lie?

6. Have you ever eavesdropped on anyone?

7. Have you ever ignored your alarm clock in the morning?

8. Have you ever written an unpleasant letter and then wished you hadn’t done it?


• Can you answer these questions without using the word “because”!

1. Why do we have night and day?

2. Why do we have seasons?

3. Why do the rivers flow down from the mountains to the sea?

4. Why is it dangerous to stand under a tree when there is thunder and lightning?

5. Why do oceans have tides?

6. Why can’t we see across the Atlantic Ocean even with a powerful telescope? j

7. Why do we have to carry passports or identity cards when we go abroad?

8. Why are animals put into quarantine when taken abroad?

1.... teenage pupils who have problems at school themselves are tutoring younger children.

2. The younger children read to their tutors (who are supervised by university students of education)...

1....... were built between 1840 and 1857.,.

2.... she ate greedily...

3....I’ve never met before...

4....1 took on my last holiday...

5....I’ve wanted to introduce you to for ages...

6....he eats...

1. This is Ann Hargreaves,_______ _runs the bookshop.

2. I lave you heard about the problems ____ ____ Joe's having at work?

3. Never buy yourself anything _________ eats.

4. I don't like people________ can’t laugh at themselves.

5. We took the M4 motorway, goes straight to Bristol,

6. I'll never forget the first film I saw.

7. Harry Potter,________ writes detective stories, lives in our street.

8. I think this is the best holiday we've ever had.

1 It's the tallest building which I’ve ever seen.

3 He was arrested for speeding, which unfortunately was reported in the local newspaper.

• crisis, difficulty, problem, dilemma is what can be seen an unfortunate situation, or at any rate one requiring a difficult decision. Dilemma empha­sizes the idea of a difficult choice, in which none of the alternative solu­tions is completely satisfactory.

• Solution. Problems, whether described as such or not, need solutions.

• Incident. A difficult or unpleasant event, or perhaps simply an unusual One, can be referred to as an incident.

• pronouns

he, it, them, this, etc.

• articles

• names/titles

• contrasts

• parallel expressions,


1) Even today, when it has been widely filmed and photographed, Tibetan-style debating remains an astonishing spectacle, with its stamping, posturing and hand-clapping. No outsider since Desideri had regularly taken part in this act/acttion/activity,

2) If something won't go right in a painting, the solution is to return to the Original subject and try to see with greater clarity what you are aiming to recre­ate in paint. Sometimes in these circumstances /this context/this position/this experience it can be helpful to put down your brushes and make a separate ill awing of the subject.

3) Inform air-traffic control that your aircraft has been taken over by terrorists Miu! that you are changing course and proceeding to Cyprus. When you have Нине that, tell the passengers of this development/ effect/result and warn them not to make any stupid moves.

l. ’There hasn't been a baker in the village since the big supermarkets opened in town 10 years ago. People like the service and especially the old-fashioned bread.'

I didn’t speak English. Little things like that made me feel unhappy and insecure, (10) I did not want to go back to my own ethnic community. (11)____________ I came to realize that I was not living in

my country anymore. (12)____________________ I was living in a new

country, (13)______________________ I had to do things for myself. I had to

learn a different culture, a different language, and different customs.

Living with my ethnic group was very comfortable, (14)

_______ ______________, at the same time, in my opinion, it was harmful

(15)_____________________ I didn’t learn some of the essentials for survival

[1] Actually is used especially in speech, (a) when we want to ADD EXACT DE­TAILS to something we've just said, (b) to SOFTEN A REPLY, when we disagree _ with someone, correct someone, or admit

[1] It is very wrong if parents encourage young children to go out, demand what they want and threaten violence if their demands are not met. If adults behaved like this they would be arrested, and rightly so.

2) Scotland is justly proud of its magnificent scenery and famous heritage.

3) The retreat also taught him, rightly or wrongly, how unreliable were his allies.

4) Generously, he gave part of the money to his spokesman and the rest to his bodyguards.

5) Reluctantly, but with no real choice, John Kempton made up his mind.

6) He put the list away, and then took it out and studied it again. Thoughts fully, he added another item.

7) Shrewdly, he offered to provide financial backing on condition he became an equal partner.

8) Desperately, he tried to think clearly.

9) Proudly, he shows off the array of weaving and knitting machines.

10) The majority of the population was against the Communists but pru dently avoided making a public stand.

_______________, the probability of disaster is extremely high.

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