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FILE: kayak.txt
Watersport and Kayaking Resources
Swenn's links обалденный указатель по whitewater и смежным темам ¦ http://www.gfi.uib.no/~svenn/padling/norway/world.html
The Poly's Kayak Page - куча фото и гиперотчеты о походах ¦ http://star-www.maps.susx.ac.uk/~frp/kayak/kayak.html
WWW.Kayaker.com ¦ http://www.kayaker.com/perception/
Halycon WWater page ¦ http://www.halcyon.com/wtr/Watersports/Resources.html
Trade Association of Sea Kayaking, TASK. ¦ http://www.halcyon.com/wtr/TASK.html
Prestons Kayak Page ¦ http://salk.edu/~preston/kayak/
California Kayak Friends. ¦ http://www.intelenet.com/clubs/ckf
Wave~Length Paddling Magazine ¦ http://www.intelenet.com/clubs/ckf/wavelength/
Jack Doyles home page. ¦ http://www.csos.orst.edu/~doylej/
He has links related to kayaking and the environment.
American WhiteWater Affiliation ¦ http://www.awa.org
Коллекция kayaking линков на www.sportsgate.com ¦ http://www.sportsgate.com/Kayaking.html
http://www.nowr.org/tech/ ¦ http://www.nowr.org/tech/
http://www.sharplink.com/kayak/people.html ¦ http://www.sharplink.com/kayak/people.html
http://www.gfi.uib.no/~sven/padling/norway/nindex.html ¦ http://www.gfi.uib.no/~sven/padling/norway/nindex.html
http://www-bokstore.ucdavis.edu/CR/watersites.html ¦ http://www-bokstore.ucdavis.edu/CR/watersites.html
Тhese links are broken or not exists
Army's list of river levels. (-) ¦ http://www.npp.usace.army.mil
Nick Schades home page. (-) ¦ http://guillemot.nl.nuwc.navy.mil/NICK/Kayak.html
The Paddling WWW Server (-) ¦ http://www.recreation.com/paddling/
FILE: wwoutfitter.txt
Whitewater outfitter/dealer address list
From: rsk@itw.com (Rich Kulawiec)
Newsgroups: rec.boats.paddle,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: Whitewater outfitter/dealer address list
Date: 29 Jul 1997 08:16:45 GMT
Expires: 11 Sep 1997 08:15:25 GMT
X-Last-Updated: 1997/01/20
Archive-name: whitewater-addr
Version: $Header: ww.addr,v 1.23 1997/01/20 17:53:44 rsk Exp $
Copyright 1997 by Rich Kulawiec.
Here's the latest version of the whitewater address list.
Many folks have suggested adding Internet addresses/URLs
(where known) for the various dealers and vendors, so if you
have them, please send them along. I'm especially interested
in contact points for paddling clubs and whitewater racing events.
I receive an average of hundreds of mail messages per day. If you
want to make sure that your update/correction/reply to this
article comes to my attention when I'm working on the next
version, please send your message as a reply to this article,
i.e. make absolutely certain that you preserve the "Subject:"
line. If you don't do this, your reply may sit in one of my
numerous mail queues for months or even years.
Please don't send an update more than once -- doing so only
adds to the queue that I have to process when doing updates.
If you want to make certain that I've received something, then
make a note of the information on the "Version:" line above.
If it has changed when you next see this article, and your
information isn't included, then I've missed it. Otherwise,
it's safe to presume I've got it and it queued for inclusion.
The FAQ may be reproduced and propagated via http, ftp, gopher
or other common Internet protocols by anyone provided that (1)
it is reproduced in its entirety (2) no fee is charged for access
to it and (3) it's kept up-to-date. This latter is probably best
accomplished by mirroring one of the FAQ archives -- that way
you'll get a new copy everytime I update it, which is
approximately monthly. (If you do put it up on the web, I'd
like to know the URL, but that's not a requirement. It just
would be nice.)
Reproduction of this FAQ on paper, CDROM or other media which
are sold is permissible only with the express written consent
of its author.
If you are reading a copy of this document which appears to be
out-of-date, there are a variety of methods that you can use to
retrieve the most current method. If you are familiar with access
to the FAQ archives via mail, ftp, and www, then you already know how.
If not, then send email to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the command
"send usenet/news.answers/news-answers/introduction" in the message,
and a complete guide to FAQ retrieval will be mailed to you.
Credits and salutations for typing in this stuff should go to:
6600raft%ucsbuxa@hub.ucsb.edu (Michael Wise)
andyh@microsoft.com (Andy HELD)
billd@informix.com (William Daul)
brennan@hal.com (Dave Brennan)
cbwierda@ar14darlrk.er.usgs.gov (Clark B. Wierda)
cdaf (Charles Daffinger)
chris@chinook.atd.ucar.edu (Chris Webster)
cphilpot@esunix.UUCP (Cathy Philpot)
dan%octelc.uucp@mathcs.emory.edu (Dan Agar)
davek@raftaman.capalo.ingr.com (Dave Kerby)
dlucy@sandr.com (Douglas Lucy)
Ed_Travis@aprdlgtr.sps.mot.com (Ed Travis)
Environmental Studies School <ensp@igc.apc.org>
GAJ2@psuvm.psu.edu (Gordon)
hinz@picard.med.ge.com (David Hinz)
jblatt@wsuaix.csc.wsu.edu (Jeff Blatt - Forest Service)
jel@corp.portal.com (John Little)
Judy Zachariesen <judyz@seismo.gps.caltech.edu>
lee@wang.com (Lee Story)
libby@protocol.zycad.com (John Libby)
Michael Giddings <giddings@cs.wisc.edu>
Mr. D. Gardner <gardner@utcc.utoronto.ca>
mwong@eng.sun.com (M Wong)
pjs@euclid.jpl.nasa.gov (Peter J. Scott)
prouty@hpdmd48.boi.hp.com (Dave Prouty)
rmuller@hamp.hampshire.edu (Rich Muller)
rupe@rtsg.mot.com (Bernard Rupe)
shelby@cast.uark.edu (Shelby Johnson)
Tom Menten <tomm@hpspdra.spd.hp.com>
tomp@vicom.com (Tom Pohorsky)
fal@sol.asl.hitachi.com (Frank Lane)
bell@unca.edu (Chris Bell)
dschultz@admin.ogi.edu (Dennis Schultz)
rducey@nab.org (Rick Ducey)
dkm1@cornell.edu (Dave Mellinger)
4jgo@qlink.queensu.ca (Owen J Gregory)
aphrodit@chaos.aerojet.com (kuiken)
dave@aha.com (Dave Gilbert)
X075BB@tamvm1.tamu.edu (Bob Brooks)
canoe_va@rockbridge.net (Glenn Rose)
broraft@intrepid.net (Blue Ridge Outfitters)
missinaibi@lynx.maple.net (David Morin)
jacks@frontier.net (jack kloepfer)
snel@tpd.TNO.NL (Rob Snel)
jules@u.washington.edu (J. Pheasant-Albright)
richard.grayson@why.net (richard.grayson)
cascada@ibm.net (Yerko Ivelic)
tchap@i-link.net (Thomas Chapmond)
icewater@ptialaska.net (Paul Hansen)
jross@iquest.net (Jordan Ross)
mikel@intercon.com (Michael W. Wellman)
dmoffitt@cyberport.net (David Moffitt)
wgmj@america.net (Grady)
9000@as.khabarovsk.su (Herman N. Kim)
larry@i1.net (Larry Laba)
kayakrn@frii.com (James Johnson)
rogerb@seanet.com (Roger Boutell)
advchal@erols.com (Buzz Kraft)
FNRG51A@prodigy.com (John Kobak)
kf7fo@cdsnet.net (Chris Maitrejean)
Chuck.Cooper@hrb.com (Charles E. Cooper)
bherring@comp.uark.edu (Billy Herring)
polk@inforis.nnov.su (Michael Poliakov)
Pbrook@s2.sonnet.com (Mike Doyle)
tomm@grolen.com (Tom McIntire)
ARTA River Trips
Star Route 73
Groveland, California 95351
(800) 323-2782
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Nov 93
Access to Adventure
P.O. Box 500
Lotus, California 95651
(916) 626-5042
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Ace Whitewater
P.O. Box 1168
Oak Hill, West Virginia 25901
(800) SURF-WVA
(304) 469-3651
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 95
Action Adventures Wet 'n' Wild
P.O. Box 1500
Woodland, California 95695
(916) 662-5431
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Action Whitewater Adventures
PO Box 1634
Provo Utah 84603
(800) 453-1482
Comments: outfitter - Middle Fork, Main Salmon, Grand Canyon, American, Tuolumne, Rogue
Last-update: Jun 91
Adirondack River Outfitters
Box 649
Old Forge, New York 13420
(315) 369-3536
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Adirondack Rock & River Guide Service, Inc.
P.O. Box 219
Keene, New York 12942
(518) 576-2041
Comments: outfitter, kayak school
Last-update: Jun 94
Advanced Composites
55 W. Louise Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah 84115
(801) 467-1204
Comments: lightweight paddles and oars - Filament wound graphite, carbon fiber,
Comments: fiberglass, kevlar...
Last-update: Sep 90
Adventure Challenge
E-Mail: advchal@erols.com
8225 Oxer Road
Richmond, Virginia 23235
(804) 276-7600
Comments: School for Whitewater Kayak & Canoe, Sea Kayak
Last-update: Oct 96
Adventure Connection
P.O. Box 475
Coloma, California 95613
(916) 626-7385
Comments: Outfitters
Last-update: Feb 94
Adventure River Expeditions
PO Box 2133
Salt Lake City, Utah 84110
(801) 943-0320
(800) 331-3324
Comments: outfitters for raft/horse/mtn bike trips on Green & Colorado
Comments: head guy is Skip Bell
Last-update: Oct 92
Adventure Schools
E-Mail: adventure@worldkayak.com
315 7th Street, S.E.
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 546-9211
(800) 51-KAYAK
Fax: (202) 546-3106
Comments: Whitewater School; Eric Jackson is the president
Web: http://worldkayak.com/pages/adven.html
Last-update: Aug 96
Adventure Travel Company Team Gorky
E-Mail: adv@team-gorky.nnov.ru
40-Letiya Oktyabrya Street 1-a
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 603062
7 (8312) 651-999
Fax: 7 (8312) 691-875
Web: http://www.inforis.ru/team-gorky/
Comments: whitewater and fishing trips in Russia, Siberia and Middle Asia
Last-update: Nov 96
Alaska Rainbow Adventures
P.O. Box 456
Anchor Point, Alaska 99556
(907) 235-2647
Comments: outfitters, Alaska float fishing
Last-update: Aug 96
Albright, Jerry
226 Gilbret Drive
Santa Rosa, California 95405
(707) 523-0793
Comments: Russian River Slalom/Downriver
Comments: Truckee River Slalom/Downriver
Last-update: Mar 94
All Outdoors Adventure Trips
2151 San Miguel Drive
Walnut Creek, California 94596
(415) 932-8993
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
American Canadian Expeditions, Ltd.
Box 27
Thurmond, West Virginia 25936
(304) 469-2651
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
American Canoe Association
Abbrev: ACA
7432 Alban Station Blvd.
Suite B-226
Springfield, Virginia 22150
(703) 451-0141
Comments: Jim Seymour handles some racing info
Last-update: Jan 95
American Rivers
Washington, DC
(202) 547-6900
Comments: conservation organization
Last-update: Nov 94
American Whitewater Affiliation
E-Mail: 76435.731@compuserve.com
Comments: Rich Hoffman is River Access Coordinator
Last-update: Mar 95
American Whitewater Tours, Inc.
P.O. Box 101
Albright, West Virginia 26519
(304) 329-2623
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Appalachian Wildwater
P.O. Box 59
Oak Hill, West Virginia 25901
(800) 624-8060
(304) 574-2413
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 95
Appomattox River Company, Inc. (Bob Taylor)
P.O. Box 68
610 North Main Street
Farmville, Virginia 23901
(804) 392-6645
Comments: whitewater speciality company
Last-update: Aug 92
Arizona Raft Adventures
P.O. Box 697-N
Flagstaff, Arizona 86002
(602) 526-8200
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Arkatents USA/US Floaters
E-Mail: 74353.2767@compuserve.com
3856 AR 88 E
Mena (Ink), Arkansas 71953
(501) 394-7893 call for hours & directions
Web: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/arkatents/
Comments: Camping & paddlesports retailer in Ouachita River country,
Comments: 5 hours from DFW, 2 from Little Rock, 5 from Memphis.
Last-update: Sep 96
Asmussen, Laurie
292 W. Meadow Drive
Vail, Colorado 81657
(303) 479-2279
Comments: Champion race at Vail
Last-update: Jun 92
(West) 1851 McGaw Avenue
Irvine, California 92714
(West) (714) 250-0880
(East) 30 Samuel Barnett Boulevard
New Bedford, Massachusetts 02745
(East) (508) 990-2700
Comments: raft mfgr
Last-update: Jun 91
Backeddy Boating/Stocking, Jerry
(719) 687-6280
Comments: Dealer - Canoes Rafts, Kayaks, etc.
Comments: Backeddy has gone out of business as of 8/92, but Jerry Stocking
Comments: still has some stuff. You should be able to reach him at the
Comments: number above. (Unfortunately, most of their stock was stolen
Comments: during the winter of 1993.)
Last-update: Apr 93
Baker, Kirk
P.O. Box 1520
Aspen, Colorado 81611
(303 925-6248
Comments: Aspen Slalom
Last-update: Jun 92
Baltimore Kayak Club
3934 Old Columbia Park
Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
Bark Eater Lodge
Alstead Mill Road
Keene, New York 12942
(518) 576-2221
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
P.O. Box 1243
Jackson, Wyoming 83001
(307) 733-3410
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Beacon Lodge Canoe & Kayak Team
c/o Arcona
RD 1, Box 315
Mount Union, Pennsylvania 17066
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
Beauty Mountain Whitewater Trippers, Inc.
General Delivery
Edmond, West Virginia 25837
(304) 574-0211
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Bellhaven Canoe
Green Bank, New Jersey
(609) 965-2205
Comments: Canoeing outfitter for the Delaware River
Last-update: Aug 94
Best in the West
(213) 306-0197
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Bethesda Center of Excellence
(301) 229-2269
Last-update: Jun 93
Beyond Limits Adventures, Inc.
E-Mail: bla@rivertrip.com
PO Box 215
Riverbank, California 95367
(209) 869-6060
(800) 234-RAFT (7238) reservations
Fax: (209) 869-4730
Web: http://www.rivertrip.com
Comments: Outfitter- raft,canoe,kayak,
Comments: Retail- sales of kayaks and canoes
Comments: Instruction - on Stanislaus and South Fork American Rivers
Last-update: Nov 96
Bill Dvorak's Kayaking and Rafting
17921 Highway 285
Nathrop, Colorado 81236
(303) 539-6851; 800-582-3624, #4111799 out of state; 800-539-6851 in CO
Last-update: Jul 86
Bistline, Bruce
P.O. Box 1442
Boise, Idaho 83701
(208) 345-3654
Comments: Payette Whitewater Roundup
Last-update: Apr 92
Blue Ridge Outfitters
E-Mail: broraft@intrepid.net
PO Box 750, Route 340
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia 25425
(304) 725-3444
Web: http://www.BRORAFT.Com
Comments: Outfitter; rafting, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, retail.
Last-update: Feb 96
Blue Ridge River Runners
P.O. Box 10243
Lynchburg, Virginia 24506
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
Blue Ridge Voyagers
c/o Patch
1610 Woodmoor Lane
McLean, Virginia 22101
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
BoTo Kayak Locks
E-Mail: tchap@i-link.net
551 Blue Creek Drive
Dripping Springs, Texas 78620
(512) 894-0936
Comments: Inexpensive locking system for kayaks
Last-update: Aug 96
Bornhurst, Rebecca & Phillips, Tom
P.O. Box 762
Salida, Colorado 81201
(719) 539-4289, (719) 539-6193
Comments: Also Tom Ewing, 402 West First, Salida, CO 81201
Comments: Also Tom Ewing, (719) 539-3521, (719) 539-7269
Comments: Fibark Slalom and downriver
Last-update: Apr 92
Boston Chapter, Appalachian Mountain Club
5 Joy Street
Boston, MassachusettsHPCharlene Oelfke (508) 448-3646,
Web: http://www.awa.org/awa/affil_clubs/boston.html
Comments: Paddling club
Last-update: Aug 96
Boulder Outdoor Center
2510 N. 47th Street
Boulder, Colorado 80301
(800) 364-9376
(303) 444-8420
Comments: Instruction, rentals, equipment
Last-update: Oct 93
Bowman, Scott
P.O. Box 195
Gasquet, Califorrnia 95543
(707) 457-3019
Comments: State of Jefferson slalom/downriver
Last-update: Feb 93
Boyle, Tim
Boyle Engineering
143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390
Vail, Colorado 81657
(303 476-2170
Comments: Wildwater races
Last-update: Jun 92
Brunton, Ken
525 Bonnie View Court
Morgan Hill, California 95037
(408) 779-2867
Comments: Mokelumne River Races, Merced Slalom
Last-update: Jun 93
Buck County Whitewater Club
c/o Curran
3142 Lower Mountain Road
Furlong, Pennsylvania 18925
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
Buck Ridge Ski Club
c/o Thomas
1805 Westfield Court
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
Bucknell Outing Club
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
California Canoe and Kayak
Oakland, California
(510) 893-7833
Comments: Outfitter, rents canoes and whitewater kayaks.
Last-update: Sep 94
Campbell, Bob
1493 CR 106
Carbondale, Colorado 81623
(303) 963-3286
Comments: Crystal River Races
Last-update: Apr 92
Cannon Paddles
c/o Lee's Value Right, Inc.
PO Box 19346
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55419
Comments: paddles
Last-update: Jul 90
Canoe Club of Greater Harrisburg
600 Kalla Drive
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109
c/o Klaue
RD 1 Box 421
Middleburg, Pennsylvania 17842
Comments: Runs the Fiddler's Elbow Slalom each fall
Comments: John Gephart was race chair in 91
Last-update: Oct 91
Canoe Cruisers Association of Washington, D.C.
PO Box 15747
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20825
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
Canyon Explorations
PO Box 310
Flagstaff Arizona 86002
(602) 774-4559
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 90
Canyoneers, Inc.
Box 2997
Flagstaff, Arizona 86003
(800) 525-0924
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Canyonland Tours
P.O. Box 460, Dept. STI
Flagstaff, Arizona 86002
(800) 841-3717 (not in AZ, AK, HI)
(602) 774-7343
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Canyons, Inc.
McCall, Idaho
Comments: Owned by Les and Susan Bechdel (author of "River Rescue")
Comments: Outfitter on Main Salmon and Middle Fork of the Salmon.
Last-update: Oct 93
PO Box 488
Grayling, Michigan 49738
(517) 348-9886
Comments: paddles
Last-update: Jul 90
Carlson Designs
Bob Carlson
143 Tewksbury
Point Richmond, California 94801
(415) 232-8491
Comments: mfgr of 4" and 6" raft inflation pumps, oar stirrups,
Comments: whitewater bodyboards and miscellaneous rafting gear.
Last-update: Jul 91
Carolina Wilderness Adventures, Inc.
P.O. Box 488
Hot Springs, North Carolina 28743
(704) 622-3535
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Cascada Expediciones
Contact: Yerko Ivelic
Orrego Luco 054, 2є Piso
Providencia, Santiago
(562) 234-2274
(562) 232-7214
(562) 251-9223
Fax: (562) 233-9768
Comments: Cascada is a whitewater outfitter here Chile, which runs
Comments: raft and kayak trips and also have kayak instruction.
Comments: Also rents kayaks and gear and can arrange airport transfers,
Comments: hotels (cheap and expensive) and help with the best itineraries.
Comments: Rivers run: Maipo, Teno, Lontue, Nuble, BioBio, Trancura, Palguin, Fui, Futaleufu.
Last-update: Aug 96
Cascade Outfitters
145 Pioneer Parkway E
Springfield, Oregon 97477
(503) 747-2272
(800) 223-7328 (orders only)
Comments: general gear
Last-update: Jun 91
Champagne Canoeing (Ann & Keech LeClair)
E-Mail: keech@gnn.com
P.O. Box 173
Scarborough, New York 10510-0673
(914) 762-5121
Comments: Run the Webatuck slalom/Farmington Slalom
Comments: Whitewater open canoe instruction, solo and tandem
Comments: ACA Chief Instructors for the area
Comments: Two-time national open boat slalom champions
Last-update: Jul 96
Cheat River Outfitters, Inc.
Box 196, Albright
WV 26519
Box 134
Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
(304) 329-2024HP(301) 461-2554
Comments: WV (April-June) MD (July-March)
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Cherokee Adventures, Inc.
P.O. Box E 779
Erwin, Tennessee 37650
(615) 743-8666
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Chesapeake Paddlers Association
PO Box 3873
Fairfax, Virginia 22038
Comments: paddling club
Last-update: Nov 93
Chicagoland Canoe Base
4019 Narragansett Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60634
(312) 777-1489
Fax: (312) 777-4943
Comments: dealer
Last-update: Jun 91
Chuck Richards
P.O. Box W. W. Whitewater
Lake Isabella, California 93240
(619) 379-4685
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Class VI River Runners
Ames Heights Road, PO Box 78
Lansing, West Virginia 25862
(800) CLASS-VI
(304) 574-0704
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 95
Class VI Whitewater
Box 1794
McCall, Idaho 83638
(208) 634-4353
Comments: outfitter
Last-update: Jul 86
Clavey River Equipment
PO Box 180
141 H Street, Suite G
Petaluma, California 94953
(800) 832-4226
Comments: Sales/Rental of Inflatable Rafts,Kayaks and Accessories.
Last-update: Jul 96
Clement's Canoes
Crawfordsville, Indiana
(317) 362-9864 (Crawfordsville)
(317) 435-7285 (Woods Mill)
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