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Рассмотрено на заседании кафедры__

Lecture 2. Main concepts and definitions | Non-realistic fiction | Lecture 4 Stylistics and other fields of study | Lecture 5 Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices | Lecture 6 Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices. Intentional Mixing of the Stylistic Aspect of Words. | Stylistic Devices Based on Polysemantic Effect, Zeugma and Pun. | Lecture 7 Intensification of a certain feature of a thing or phenomenon | Supra-Phrasal Units | Stylistic Inversion | Parallel Constructions |

Читайте также:
  2. Несколько советов, как сделать сюжет об официальном заседании, совещании, пресс-конференции интересным и понятным
  3. Программа одобрена на заседании выпускающей кафедры
  4. Утверждаю: Рассмотрено на заседании
  5. Утверждаю: Рассмотрено на заседании

протокол № ______ от «______» __________20__ г.



Glossary on the discipline and methodological recommendations on activities with notional apparatus:


  1. Students should learn the terms deal with Stylistics by rote.
  2. Students should use them during the stylistic analysis of various fictions.
  3. It should be better to comprehend deeply Stylistic devices and Expressive means while preparing analysis.


1. Discourse- speech, lecture, report, discussion, text

2. Genre

3. Interpretation, interpretative skills

4. Concept, linguistic concept- notion, general idea

5. Crucial-very important

6. Tendency- aspiration, drive

7. Rhetoric, rhetorical question

8. To be relevant

9. Approach

10. Luminous – clear, a luminous writer (speaker)- a brilliant writer

11. Stylistic traits- peculiarities, characteristic features

12. Collocation –expression

13. To indicate- to depict, to delineate, to illustrate,

14. To intersect with- to cross

15. Informative text

16. In disguise – hidden

17. Interface

18. Currents

19. Contemporary- modern

20. Intentional –intention

21. To implement – to make, to provide, to supply

22. To decode- to explicate

23. Recipient –a person who receives information

24. Turgid style

25. Ornate style

26. Deviant

27. Refutation

28. Rigorous- strict, exact

29. To correlate with- to connect with

30. Eclectically- the derivative from “eclectics”(means the combination of several styles)

31. Overtone- subtext, hint

32. Trivial- ordinary, common, limited

33. Dichotomy- consecutive division of the whole into 2 parts

34. Parole –promise, obligation

35. To devise- to invent

36. Stimuli (pl)- stimulus- motive, influence

37. To equate – to make equal

38. Contextual meanings - may acquire additional lexical meanings not fixed in dictionaries.

39. Transferred meaning - practically the interrelation between two lexical meanings: dictionary and contextual.

40. Contextual metonymy - is genuine metonymy.

41. The epithet is a weaker but still forceful means.The epithet is subtle and delicate in character. It’s so direct as the interjection.

42. The epithet is a stylistic device based on the interpray of emotive and logical meaning in an attributive word, phrase or even sentence used to characterize an object and pointing out to the reader and friquently imposing on him some of the properties or features of the object with the aim of giving an individual perseption and evaluation of these features or properities.

43. The epithet makes a strong impact on the reader, so much so, that he unwittingly begins to see and evaluate thihgs as the writer wants to him to.

44. Oxymoron is a combination of two words (mostly an adjective and a noun or an adverb with an adjective) in which the meaning of two clash, being opposite in sense, for ex:’sweet sorrow’,’nice rascal’ etc.

45. Simile is the intensification of some one feature of the concept in question. Simile has formal elements in their structure:

46. Connective words such as like, as, such as, as if, seem.

47. Periphrasis is a device, which, according to Webster’s dictionary, denotes the use of a longer phrasing in place of a possible shorter and plainer form of expression.

48. Euphemisms, as is known, is a word or phrase used to replace an unpleasant word or expression by a conventionally more acceptable one.

49. Hyperbole is another stylistic device, which also has the function of intensifying one certain property of the object.

50. Hyperbole is a device, which sharpens the reader’s ability to make a logical assessment of the utterance.

51. The supra-phrasal unit (SPU) is used to denote a larger unit than a sentences

52. It generally comprises a number of sentences interdependent structurally (usually by means of pronouns, connectives,tense-forms) and semantically (one thought is dealt with).

53. A paragraph is a graphical term used to name a group of sentences marked off by indentation at the beginning and a break in the line at the end.

54. Asyndeton that is connection between parts of a sentence or between sentences without any formal sign, becomes a stylistic device if there is a deliberate omission of the connective where it is generally expected to be according to the norms of the literary language.

55. Gap- sentence link is the connection, which is not immediately apparent, and it requires a certain mental effort to grasp the interrelation between the parts of the utterance, in other words, to bridge the semantic gap.

56. Polysendenton is the stylistic device of connecting sentences or phrases or syntagms or words by using connectives (mostly conjunctions and prepositions) before each component part.

57. Ellipsis is a typical phenomenon in conversation arisin out of the situation.

58. Aposiopesis is a device, which dictionaries define as “a stopping short for rhetorical effect”. This is true. But this definition is too general to disclose the stylistic functions of the device.

59. In the written variety, a break in the narrative is always a stylistic device used for some stylistic effect.

60. Question-in-the-narrative changes the eral nature of a question and turns it into a stylistic device. Aquestion in the narrative is asked and answered by one and the same person, usually the author.

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