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The main methods of bussiness communications.



Read the following text about communication modes. It can help you to understand the TABLE below better.


The first major communication mode is the written word. In writing,

the prime rule is to keep everything short and simple: the words, the

sentences, and the ideas. It is never right to impress.

The other main communication mode is the spoken word. Most of us

find little difficulty in talking to each other. It is only when talking becomes

“speaking” that it becomes difficult.

But written and spoken words are not the only ones. A newspaper picture

can often speak louder than any commentary. And what about diagrams,

numbers and different visual aids?


Look at the TABLE below. Try to describe all the forms of written and spoken communication in the table.


COMMUNICATIONS External Advertising 1. TV
2. radio
3. newspapers
4. posters, leaflets, brochures
Internal and External Verbal (spoken word) 5.personal contacts
6.telephone/mobile phones
7. negotiations
8. meetings
9. interviews
10. presentations
Verbal (written word) 11. memos
12. minutes
13. notices
14. reports
15. letters
External Telecommunications and Post Office Services 16. telephone
17. telex
18. computers
19. letters
20. postal services



Unit 1


A. Discuss these questions

1. What forms of written and spoken communication can you think of?

2. Which of the above (mentioned in the table) do you like using? Why?

3. What problems can people have with them?

4. How can these problems be solved?




B. What makes a good communicator? Choose the three most important factors.

1. fluency in the language 5. a sense of humour

2. an extensive vocabulary 6. grammatical accuracy

3. being a good listener 7. not being afraid of making mistakes

4. physical appearance 8. an awareness of body language


C. Which words below apply to good communicators? Which apply to bad ones? Use a dictionary to know the meaning of the words.


articulate coherent hesitant eloquent fluent
focused inhibited extrovert persuasive rambling
  responsible sensitive succinct reserved  


D. Which of the words in Ex. C have the same meanings?

1. coincide 5. clear and easy to understand

2. reluctant to speak 6. good at influencing people

3. talking in a confused way 7. outgoing

4. able to express ideas well 8. reacting in a positive way


E. Complete this talk by a communication expert with the verbs from the box.


listen digress interrupt explain engage
  clarify confuse ramble  


Good communicators really …(1)… to people and take in what is said.

They maintain eye contact and have a relaxed body language, but they seldom …(2)… and stop people talking. If they don’t understand and want to …(3)….

something they wait for s suitable opportunity.

When speaking, effective communicators are good at giving information.

They do not …(4)… their listener. They make their points clearly. They will avoid technical terms, abbreviations or jargon, if they do need to use unfamiliar terminology they …(5)… by giving an easy to understand example. Furthermore,

although they may …(6)… and leave the main point to give additional information

and details where appropriate, they will not …(7)… and lose sight of their main


Unit 1


message. Really effective communicators who have the ability to …(8)… with colleagues, employees, customers and suppliers are a valuable asset for any business.


Task 1. For a good communicator the following characteristics might be important.

Read the following word combinations and give their translation. The definitions below can help you do the task.


1. articulate speech a ………………………………………………………

2. coherent answer b ……………………………….………………….…..

3. eloquent silence c ………………………………..………...……………

4. fluent language d ………………..…………………………...…………

5. focused person e..………………………………………………...……

6. hesitant voice f..………………………………………………………

7. inhibited person g.……………………………………………………….

8. lucid mind h...……………………………………………….……..

9. persuasive document i...……………………………………………...………

10. rambling monologue j..…………………………………..………….……….

11. responsive person k...……………………………………………………..

12. sensitive person l. ……………………….………………………………

13. succinct style m ………………………………………………………

14. tongue-tied person n ………...……………………………………………..


1. articulate (adj) a. able to talk easily, clearly and effectively about things, especially difficult subjects
b. writing or speech that is articulate is very clear and easy to understand even if the subject is difficult
2. coherent (adj) easy to understand because the information is presented in an orderly and reasonable way.
3. eloquent (adj) a. able to express your ideas and opinions well, especially in a way that influences people
b. showing a feeling or meaning without words; e.g. an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war
4. fluent (adj) able to speak a language very well
5. focused (adj) paying careful attention to what you are doing in a way that shows you are determined to succeed
6. hesitant (adj) uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or unwilling
7. inhibited (adj) not confident or relaxed enough to do or say what you want to; e.g. to feel inhibited
8. lucid (adj) expressed in a way that is clear and easy to understand
9. persuasive (adj) good at influencing other people to believe or do what you want

Unit 1


10. rambling (adj) a. a building that is rambling has an irregular shape and covers a large area
b. speech or writing that is rambling is very long and does not seem to have any clear organization or purpose
11. responsive (adj) a. ready to react in a useful or helpful way
b. willing to give answers or show your feelings about something
12. sensitive (adj) a. able to understand other people’s feelings and problems
b. easily hurt, upset or offended by things that people say
c. able to understand or express yourself through art, music, literature etc
d. a situation or subject that is sensitive needs to be dealt with very carefully because it may offend people or make them angry.
13. succint (adj) clearly expressed in a few words
14. tongue-tied (adj) unable to speak easily to other people, especially because you feel embarrassed


Task 2. After suggesting your own ideas, compare your translation with the one in the Skills Checklist below and decide whether they are:


a) different ---- partially different ---- more different ---- absolutely different

b) the same ---- partially alike ----- more alike ---- absolutely the same


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