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Suggested activities

Читайте также:
  1. Choose 5 the most important engineering activities you would prefer to do and explain your choice.
  2. CSI activities and skills required
  3. Entry Into the Territory of the Inspected State Party, Activities at the Point of Entry and Transfer to the Inspection Area
  4. Inspection Activities and Techniques
  5. Match the following activities to the pictures
  6. Suggested activities


a Find the answers in the text:


Is the Isle of Man a part of the UK?

2 Has the Isle of Man got its own government and courts?

3 What is the role of the Privy Council?

4 Who makes recommendations to the Privy Council on Isle of Man affairs?

5 What minister bears prime responsibility for Isle of Man affairs?

6 What is the name of the government of the Isle of Man?

7 Who is the head of the government?

8 Of what two houses does it consist?

9 Who ratifies laws adopted by the government of the Isle of Man?


b Complete the sentences using the text:


The Court of Tynwald consists of........................appointed by, an Upper........................and a Lower..........


2 Tynwald legislates in.......................................................................................................................................

3 The Home Secretary is responsible for advising.............................................................................................

4 Judicial corporal punishment was abolished...................................................................................................

5 Corporal punishment remained.......................................................................................................................

6 Its application has been restricted to...............................................................................................................


с Insert the correct prepositions;


1 The UK Government has full power to pass laws applicable... the Isle of Man.

2 But,... constitutional convention, the UK Government does not legislate... the Island's domestic affairs, such as penal policy without Tynwald's consent.

3 Under various provisions corporal punishment could be imposed... males... the age of 21... a number of offences.

4 Since 1969 corporal punishment application has been restricted... offences of violence in the Isle of Man.

5 The name and address of a juvenile sentenced... corporal punishment or otherwise are not published.


d Repeat what the text said about:


• the Isle of Man as a depending territory of the UK

• the legal system of the island

• the legality of corporal punishment in the Isle of Man


Word study


e Give the families of the following words:





f Make sentences of your own with the following words and expressions:


to adopt laws............................................................................................................................................

laws applicable to....................................................................................................................................

to legislate in/on......................................................................................................................................

to legalize smth.......................................................................................................................................

legal system (affairs, offence, adviser) to take legal action against smb...............................................


g Translate into English using the following words:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 49 | Нарушение авторских прав

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