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Fill in the gaps with the necessary words from the text.

Читайте также:
  1. A few explanations to the text.
  2. A few explanations to the text.
  3. A. Match English and Russian words and expressions.
  4. B Complete the sentences using the words from exercise 3a.
  5. B Read the text. Complete each sentence (A-E) with one of the endings (1-5).
  6. B) Strengthening of Form Words
  7. Before you read the article, check the meaning of these words and phrases and memorize them.

1. Now Ukraine is a ______ state.

2. Ukraine ______ an area of 603, 700 sq. km.

3. Its ______ is 48,400,000.

4. The territory of the country is largely ______.

5. Kyiv is the ______ of Ukraine.

6. Ukraine is ______ in iron ore, coal, gas, etc.

7. Ukraine ______ planes, ocean liners, cars and many other goods.

8. Ukraine has a ______ transport system.

9. Soil and climate conditions in the country are very favourable for ______.

10. ______ and ______ are the main industrial crops.

11. The Ukrainian scientists ______ the world ______ with important discoveries.

12. The Ukrainian literature and art are ______ developing.

13. "Prometheus Prestige" are ______ Ukrainian's awards for outstanding professional and public ______.

14. ______ is the second largest city in Ukraine.

15. The Ukrainian national ______ is the hryvnia.

Make up sentences with the following words and expressions.

trident, supreme power, civil law-system, to intersect, a highly developed industrial country, are exported, iron ore, machine building, pipe line, black rich soil, animal husbandry, nuclear physics, professional state theatres, the United Nations Organization, national currency.

Finish the following sentences.

1. Ukraine was... 6. The Ukrainian scientists...

2. Now Ukraine is... 7. The Ukrainian literature...

3. Ukraine is rich in... 8. Ukraine is a member of...

4. Ukraine produces... 9. Ukraine develops...

5. The main agricultural products are...

Complete the sentences.

1.Ukraine is the largest country in... (Europe)

2.The village of Dilove is considered to be the... (geographical centre of Europe)

3.Ukraine's largest river is... (the Dnipro)

4.The Dnipro divides the country into... (right-bank and left-bank Ukraine)

5.Ukraine has a temperate.... (continentalclimate)

6. It has cold.... (winters with snow and warm summers)

7. Mount Hoverla in the Carpathians is.... (the highest peak in the country)

S. There are many treeless summits which are called... (polonynas)

9. Ukraine has 5 % of the world's.... (mineral resources)

10. Ukraine is famous for its.... (forests)

11. Ukraine has more than.... (3,000lakes)

12. In the Crimean Mountains we can find rare birds and.... (animals)

Answer the questions.

1.Where is Ukraine situated?

2.What place is considered to be the geographical centre of Europe?

3.What is the largest river of Ukraine?

4.What does the Dnipro divide the country into?

5.What is the climate of Ukraine?

6.What is the highest peak in the country?

7.What are polonynas?

8.What mineral resources are there in Ukraine?

9.What is Ukraine famous for?

10.Where are most forests?

11.How many lakes does Ukraine have?

12.What rare birds and animals can we find in Ukraine?

Make up sentences using the given words.

1) largest; 7) highest peak;

2) geographical centre; 8) 5%;

3) the Dnipro; 9) famous;

4) divides; 10) lakes;

5) continental; 11) fish;

6) cold winters; 12) rare birds.


1.The largest country in Europe. (Ukraine)

2. The geographical centre of Europe, (village of Dilove)

3.The largest river of Ukraine, (the Dnipro)

4.The climate of Ukraine, (temperate continental)

5.The highest peak in the country. (Mount Hoverla)

6.Per cent of the world's mineral resources in Ukraine. (5%)

7.Ukraine is famous for them, (forests)

8. Number of lakes in Ukraine. (3,000)


9. Translate into English.

1. Впродовж століть український народ боровся за незалежність країни.

2. У 1991 році Україна стала незалежною.

3. Зараз Україна має гарні можливості для розвитку народного господарства.

4. Україна багата на корисні копалини.

5. Серед найбільш розвинених галузей промисловості є машинобудування.

6. Українські вчені здобули визнання (to be acknowledged) в усьому світі.

7. Зараз вчені продовжують дослідження в біології, медицині, ядерній фізиці та в інших галузях науки.

8. В Україні багато театрів, танцювальних колективів, співаків і акторів, які здобули визнання в усьому світі.

9. Україна є одним з членів-засновників (founder members) Організації Об’єднаних Націй і бере участь в роботі багатьох міжнародних організацій.

10. В умовах переходу до ринкових відносин (market relations) Україна поширює ділові, наукові та культурні зв’язки з іноземними країнами.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 134 | Нарушение авторских прав

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