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Low awareness on protection of human rights can lead them to harmful consequences

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For many ages, keeping every individual informed about human rights has brought to

collective cultural consciousness, which has been essential for any country to have a law-abiding and socially well-structured society. Mostly, insufficient knowledge about human rights is the result of violation of human rights. Therefore, it is indispensable for the government to inform citizens about their rights through mass media, entertainments and by educational institutions such as schools. All over the world, the human rights violation problems are now getting the scope of one of the biggest problems. Thus, there were created various organizations throughout the world for a better protection of people’s rights. These organizations mission are focused on struggle with such problems as ethnic genocide, discrimination, child labor, human trafficking and similar global problems. However, in every day life people encounter various cases of infringements of human rights. Therefore, it is very important for people to be aware of their rights, and thus could protect them. Due to the different cases and unpredictable moments that people face during the life time, as a rule, the poor knowledge on personal protection based on human rights leads to destructive consequences, the government should take into consideration and provide with schools and institutions guarantying a strong law attainment to progress this irretrievable part and feel them more confident than ever.

Human rights can exist at national level as well as on international level, constitution and universal declaration of human rights. In the universal declaration of human rights there are listed articles containing rights of people that are inherent to them. Any citizens can equally possess these rights. These are norms and rules that exist to protect people from any kinds of abuses and violations. These rules demonstrate the respectful treatment of people from the side of government and among people. In this sense, requirement for a government is to protect human rights from abuses and infringements.

Social institutions like family, government, educational system and other institutions carry mainly the educational function of each society. Social institutions help to experience, gain knowledge, and learn the society and roles and positions that are taken by an individual within the society, by explaining the social norms and restrictions. Whereas the function of a judicial law is explained in educational institutions which explain how should live, it lets people know well-defined rights they can use in a particular society, explaining their responsibilities before a government as well as in a coexistence with other people. It is important for a person to know precisely rights in order to equally use the conditions that society creates, to have equal access to all resources, to live in equal and free atmosphere. Moreover, it is significant for people to know their responsibilities towards governments, as ignorance or lack of knowledge do not release from criminal penalty. Thus, people should know more about their rights and to strive to develop their knowledge to be able to protect their rights and realize a frame of legal structure (“What are Human Rights and Why are They Important?”2010).

As a classic example of human rights violations can be ethnic genocide in North Ossetia and just recently in neighboring Kyrgyzstan. When the bombing of North Ossetia by Georgia’s military forces started, regardless the territorial rights of North Ossetia, foreign countries did not intend to involve in this conflict though there were mass killings of innocent citizens. So, this shows how still countries are implementing poor jurisdictions. For this reason, there is to be special organizations that could regulate similar situations correctly. Another case with Kyrgyzstan that demonstrates a global problem where was ethnic killings and these innocent people were not correctly defended by the government. (“Kyrgyz Government Must Protect its Population”,2010). Cases where people need to stand for their rights are very different now. A huge diversity of cases is observed in everyday life where people deal with human right issues. However, nowadays there are many cases where we obviously see that the lack of knowledge on human rights brings to destructive consequences for people. Let’s consider the exemplary cases of violation of human rights as physical violence, property damage and damage on authority abuse that will demonstrate the damage people obtain. According to human rights, people are not allowed to use the physical violation towards each other or the violation act should be followed by criminal liability. The person that committed a physical violation, by the law, supposed to be penalized. However, the following case is a frequent example when people face physical violence and they cannot deal with it and their human rights are hardly infringed. It is frequently faced situation now, when an investigator or a policeman, uses violence, torture while interrogating the detainee. They use tortures in order to attain confession of guilt or make to tell the truth about the committed act. Of course, it must be considered as a good method for the investigator to clear the situation and make to confess the guilty fast. However, the human rights are damaged; an investigator doesn’t have a right to use the physical violence towards the detainee, the criminal responsibility is what a detainee supposed to face when the judge approves his guilt.

The illegal property break-in is a type of human right violation that is also widespread nowadays. The following case is an ordinary case of such type of violation. It is the search of a house or a car without sanctions or documental permissions. Usually, people do not pay much attention to such kind of cases; however these are the human right infringements. Car, house or any kind of property, is a property of an individual, which cannot be encroached by

investigators, except cases according to the law.

From the early stages of social institutes as kindergartens and schools, colleges and universities, each person gets the basic knowledge on life basic skills, sciences, professions, and other. As social institutes are responsible for educational provision of knowledge, therefore, education is one of the important systems, which should start working on explaining the laws and rights to every member of society. In this purpose, all countries make it obliged for everyone to get education. As a result, it is more helpful to include the “Law” subject in an educational system. It will give a basic knowledge of what individual’s responsibilities, what is role of government towards each individual.

The twenty-first century is the age of information technology. This phenomenon indicates how much it can be important to use tool to achieve some unprecedented results in fighting human rights abuse. Government agencies and other social institutions should understand the importance of providing the necessary information for people, especially young generation to be able to further stand for their rights. It is highly important to take some of the proportion of advertising section on mass media tools to provide some educational and informative guidance and tips on their actions. Moreover, there should be some competitions for young people on government scholarship and grants broadcasted on TV, which will further develop their interest in the subject of law, providing them more room to think over the problem and take responsible actions. In addition, newspaper, radio, and magazines should be required by government to cover stories in which human rights were abused by police and other authorities, and the successful solutions at the end of each stories found, so people should see and learn the cases from life situations. This further demonstrates the idea of a man who avoids the problem rather than the one who is facing and going afterwards court-by-court trying to solve it.

As it was mentioned above people, being informed of the physical violence, property break-in and abuse of authority, could then find a better solution for them. Physical violence can be avoided by strong government regulation during interrogation of suspects, for instance, by setting cameras so that innocent people are not jailed just for nothing. As to property break-in, people have a right not open doors for police who do not have sanction for house checking, though some people are not aware of this right and mostly are infringed. Therefore, it is a task of government to inform about this right. It is very popular when workers are dismissed without any reason or in most cases because of negative relations with manager. It is unfair if people are dismissed without reason and there should be certain reason to discharge the workers. Consequently, government has to set institutions that could control workers’ dismissal. These few discussed cases are good examples to demonstrate the violations and there are much more cases that reflect the prevalence of human rights violation nowadays. These cases may be caused by poor knowledge about human rights, not knowing laws, lack of information about each position responsibilities that could cause people to suffer more from such cases. The expansion on human rights violations makes this problem significant for both government and society. People, should realize that they are the victims and requiring their rights is the only solution of the problem. In order to prevent these problems people should be well informed about their rights, whereas, the government has to create the conditions for efficient ways of informing people about their rights.

The base for any current democratic country is giving dominance to the right for “freedom of speech”. This right lets every individual to be listened and included for any issue as well as it gives an opportunity for people to express their opinion. Therefore, nowadays, we have many different useful sources by which we can inform about laws and human rights, through mass media, printed educational sources like books, magazines, academic works, internet, public centers of judicial information, propaganda, providing law based professional consultations and other ways providing more information about their rights. For example, it is very famous now, that Russian TV channels constantly show the court sessions, where fictitious people, play a particular lawsuit. These programs are more and more frequently running programs, as government poses it as a way to inform people of their rights and giving a chance to more interesting and entertaining way of education.

Government is the main source of knowledge about law, which is an essential part for human right protection. Therefore, the main task of a government is to inform individuals about human rights and create educational institutions to efficiently provide knowledge about the law. The problem of human rights violations is in scope of global problems and it takes the beginning from these minor every day life problems. Consequently, it is rather important to pay attention and strive for preventing these minor problems so that they could not increase to big ones. Furthermore, it is highly important to point out the role of mass media in challenging this problem and providing remedies and solutions for it. The way of using the mass media in finding more effective solutions is believed to be much stronger and less expensive than others. When every single man knows his rights, believes and relies on the government, as well as the government treats the man the same way makes the society one of the most advanced and peaceful in the world. The society, which has the lowest level of crime, will finally flourish and prosper in achieving outstanding results in a number of its sectors as the human sector is considered to be the main trigger for the rest of them.




James, N. (n.d.). HumanRights. In StanfordEncyclopediaofPhilosophy. Retrieved from http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2013/entries/rights-human/

Kyrgyzgovernmentmustprotectitspopulation. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/kyrgyz-government-must-protect-its-population-2010-06-14

OfficeofTheSpecialAdviseronThePreventionofGenocide. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.un.org/preventgenocide/adviser/genocide.shtml

Smith, L. (2013, March 31). YourBasicHumanRights. Retrieved from http://www.protectingyourself.co.uk/your-basic-human-rights.html

TheUniversalDeclarationofHumanRights. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/#atop


Дата добавления: 2015-09-01; просмотров: 63 | Нарушение авторских прав

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