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Basic Characteristics of Energy Chakras

Female, 20 years of age, student. | Female, 30 years of age. A businesswoman. | Female, 55 years of age. | Female, 65 years of age. |

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  3. II СЕМЕСТР. Management Basics
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  5. II СЕМЕСТР. Management Basics.
  6. II СЕМЕСТР. Management Basics.
Name of chakra, location   Colour Organs or senses under check Disturbances caused by pathology in functioning of chakras
1. Muladhara Between the coccyx and the solar plexus Red 1. Smell, secretory and genital systems. 2. Positive and negative manifestations in psychic state. 3. Psychological stability and self-confidence. Excess weight or dystrophy, subdued vitality, disturbances in the central nervous system, fatigue and swelling of the legs, problems with the joints, disturbances in the genital sphere and in the intestine, depression and animal fear
2. Swadhistana 3 cm below the navel Orange 1. Urogenital system, large and small intestines. 2. Sexuality. 3. Reproductive function. Male sexual weakness, impotence, frigidity, lack of sexual attractiveness for the opposite sex, sexual neuroses, infertility, frustration, loss of hair, problems in urogenital system, decline in creative ability
3. Manipura 2 cm above the navel (solar plexus) Yellow 1. Stomach, liver, gall bladder. 2. Social manifestations. 3. Function of the vegetative nervous system. Local discomfort in the zone of the solar plexus, sense of alarm. Lack or outflow of money, credits, “money hole”. No carrier ahead
4. Anahata 2 cm above the xiphoid (at the level of the nipples) Green 1. Heart, blood circulation system. 2. Higher moral aspects. 3. Positive emotional background. Depressive reactions, pathologies of the cardio-vascular system. Problems in the man –woman relations, no mutual love, unsatisfactory marriage, frequently repeated marriages, inability to create the family,

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Name of chakra, location   Colour Organs or senses under check Disturbances caused by pathology in functioning of chakras
      unattractiveness to the opposite sex.
5. Wishudha The jugular notch near the base of the neck (level 7 of the cervical vertebrae) Blue 1. The bronchial and vocal apparatuses, the throat, the esophagus, the thyroid and parathyroid glands. 2. Creative and social manifestations. 3. Ability to esthetic perception and creative ability. Lower immunity, disturbances in the hormonal area, tickling in the throat, pains in the cervical zone of the spine, higher emotional instability. Inability to correctly construct your speech (to correctly express your thoughts). Not always you can say “no” when it is necessary to say (though in the back of your mind you understand that you must refuse somebody something), incapability to realize your creative abilities or talents. While accomplishing some of your plans, or doing some work, all your efforts turn out to be futile, you come across obstacles and unsolvable problems.
6. Adjna 1. cm above the bridge of the nose (“third eye”) Blue 1. The lower crust of the brain, the left eye, the nose. 2. The intellect. 3. Thinking and volitional manifestations. The functional disturbances of the central nervous system and various psychic diseases. Depressive state, no interest to the life, “lose heart”, inability to concentrate and analyze the situation, inadequate assessment of the situation, it is hard to take firm decision.

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Name of chakra, location   Colour Organs or senses under check Disturbances caused by pathology in functioning of chakras
7. Sahasrara The top of the head, the center of the cranial vault Violet 1. The upper crust of the brain, the right eye. 2. The higher mental functions. 3. The highest spiritual and intuitive manifestations. The loss of memory, the primitive perception and primitive social manifestations. The complaints on headache and dizziness, the tinnitus and the noise in the head, the pressure jumps, disturbances in the eyesight, the chronic sinusitis, the thoughts on suicide: “There is no point in living when …”



Statistical data on the examples presented in the text

which follows are obtained by means of computer-aided

testing of human aura

(following the method of information energy adaptometry)


This testing is intended for the assessment of the aural electromagnetic field of a person and makes it possible on the basis of the electropuncture measurements to obtain the graphic picture of the person’s field.


Computer-aided testing of human aura makes it possible:

– to determine the original cause of the person’s problems in his (her) health, business and other spheres of human activity;

– to detect the distortions in the person’s informational field long before the person reveals the first clinic symptoms of diseases;

­­­–­ to show the causes of those ailments or their symptoms that cannot be detected by the methods of the traditional medicine;

– to determine the integrity and the strength of the human aura, as well as to show what happens with the person’s aura when the person is exposed from outside to such alien effects as torsional radiation, zombying, hypnosis, occult practices, etc.).

This method also makes it possible to detect the disturbances and anomalies in the organism long before the sick person exhibits the initial clinical symptoms of the disease. In addition, this is essentially the pre-clinical method, and the only one which allows persons to conduct the testing by themselves, without anyone’s aid.

Today, the method of the information energy adaptometry, which is covered by the patent and has no analogs in the world, is essentially the most accurate and objective system for the rapid assessment of the state of the human matrix and the person’s adaptation to the environment surrounding him (her).



1. Nina (12 years of age). August 12, 2008

The primary diagnosis has revealed the following:

The Nina’s aura is deformed, her psycho-emotional state is the state of the internal tension and hyperexitability.

The puncture in the zone of chakra No. 2 causes the problems in the urogenital sphere and may provoke the inflammatory processes.

The minor block in the zone of chakra No. 3 – the disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

The puncture in the zone of chakra No. 4 causes the problems in the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems and may cause pains in the chest (thorax).

The block in the zone of chakra No. 5 – the disturbances in the immune system and deficiency in energy may cause some problems in school.

The excess amount of energy in the zone of chakra No. 6 causes the inflammatory processes in the otolaryngologic organs and produce negative effect on the intellectual activity.

The effect of hypnosis is found.

The girl’s mother confirms that Nina is a very unbalanced girl. Any, even minor, reprimands or limitations provoke in her the stormy tears. The girl has the problems with the urine bladder – frequent recurrences of cystitis. As for the gastrointestinal tract, there are no serious problems, but sometimes the girl complains of nausea, which has caused the problems with the school meals. For this reason she was examined by physicians who did not find somewhat serious deviations from the norm. Nina’s adenoids are often inflamed, she suffers from chronic bronchitis and sometimes complains that after physical loads (or, more exactly, after jogging) she feels the pain in the chest. The obtained cardiogram did not reveal any problems with the heart.

Nina is struggles to express her thoughts and has the problems with oral answers. She cannot concentrate on any particular theme, and there is the impression that her thoughts are “racing apart”.

As for the possible effect of the hypnosis, Nina’s mother said that nothing of the kind could happen to Nina, but then suddenly remembered that her daughter had some time before watched on the DVD the Kashperovsky’s shows.

Nina was recommended to use the FSC.


Repeated testing on September 4, 2008

At the repeated testing we see the Nina’s biofield has almost resumed its normal shape. We also see the disappearance of the “hyper” state and the removal of the aura blocks.

Says the Nina’s mother: ”I am pleasantly surprised that my daughter has become much calmer. When I started to give her water processed by FSC No. 1, the first two days there were frequent stools with lots of phlegm. Besides, at some moment I thought that the daughter suffered from another acute aggravation of her bronchitis, but this time the disease manifested itself in the way quite unfamiliar for me: no temperature, the fits of coughing with copious production of sputum, this time very viscous with the presence of lumps. I noticed the considerable changes in the Nina’s attitude to her studies in school. Before the FSC treatment she used to come from school very tired. In the evening she used to do her home work very unwillingly leaving a lot of the work till the next morning. Now, she tells me what they studied in the school and tries to sit to her homework as soon as possible without leaving even part of it till the next morning. She no longer complains of nausea. In the daytime I placed my daughter’s photo on the FSC. I also noticed that Nina became much kinder: she often tenderly cuddles up to me, embraces and even kisses me. Never before did I notice such Nina’s manifestations of tenderness. The changes are visible not only in Nina’ behaviour. Now the atmosphere of peacefulness is prevailing in the family as a whole. Before, when the daughter asked her father to answer a lot of her questions, she was a kind of nuisance for him. Now, the father began to pay much more attention to his daughter, and I am so happy looking at them.


2. Vladimir Petrovich (55 years of age)

First visit on August 15, 2008

The initial testing has revealed the following disturbances in the normal functioning of the patient’s organism:

In the zone of chakra No. 1 – the excess amount of energy, which usually results in the diseases of the lower extremities: edema, swellings, varicose veins, cramps, etc.

In the zone of chakra No. 2 – the double program, block (supposedly “tie-down”) and the powerful energy breakdown (outflow of the sexual energy) leading to problems in the urogenital system.

The minor deformation at the level of chakra No. 3, on the side of the pancreas the excess amount of energy (energy surplus).

The block and the minor puncture across chakra No. 4 leading to the functional disturbances in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and to the deterioration of the relations with other people.

In the zone of chakra No. 5 – the block and the insufficient amount of energy (deficiency in energy) with the resultant lowered immunity, disturbances in the endocrine system, the inability to realize his creative potential, obstacles preventing the promotion at work.

The deficiency in energy in chakra No. 6 causes the impairment of memory and eyesight, and other disturbances (whose manifestations and symptoms are listed in the table).

On the date of application to the doctor the man’s health was in a critical state, which was confirmed by the testing. Sais Vladimir Petrovich: “Yes, there are problems with my feet which manifest themselves in frequent cramps. Sometimes, the leg muscles become so much contracted that in order to relieve the spasm I have to prickle them with a needle. Of much concern is also the state of my pancreas, but in this respect I have not as yet consulted a doctor. I have put on weight (considerably in excess of my normal one), sometimes I suffer from the shortness of breath. Of late I began to suffer from the feeling of heaviness and squeezing in the chest. The relations with my wife are rather strained, I would say that we live now like “the dog with the cat”. Often, we quarrel over mere trifles. At such moments sometimes I even wish to leave the home, though only not very long ago, even when the life was much harder, our relations were very friendly. Now that the children have grown up and we can spend much more time together, we have become like strangers, almost indifferent to each other, and annoyed over mere trifles. However, my major problem is different: I will have to undergo the already scheduled operation for the tumour that was found in the area of the prostate. I fear even to think that so on I will have to go “under the knife”, but the tumour have already blocked the urinary canal, and I feel severe pain when urinating”.

From the talk with Vladimir Petrovich it has become clear that in the past 5 years he had love affairs with women some of whom insisted on his divorce, but he did not want to destroy the family. Most probably, the women used here the methods named by people as “privyazka” (tie-down) or “prisushka” (fusion) (the spells cast by many women to bind the man to themselves and intended to force the man to leave his family). As a consequence, – the problem with the health.

Recommended is the use of the FSC.


Repeated visit on September 9, 2008

The repeated testing shows that the aura tends to restore its normal shape in the places where it was severely deformed. In other words, we see that the chakras become refilled with energy.

Vladimir Petrovich himself explains the changes that have occurred with him as follows: “Hardly had I started to use the FSC then the pain I felt in urination began to subside in the very first day of use of this device. Prior to use of the FSC I suffered from abnormally frequent urination with some lumps accompanied by strong itching. At first, I did not know how to relieve the itching, but then decided to take the water bath all the while holding the FSC on the water supply tap. After such bath the itching has passed. The shortness of breath and the sense of heaviness have also passed. On the second day I badly quarreled with my wife and even thought that the use of the device still further aggravated relations with my wife. But I tried not to pay much attention to the relations with the wife, because of primary importance for me was my health problems. Within six days the tumor considerably reduced in size, it has almost left no traces at all and the operation was cancelled. I feel that serious changes have also occurred in the place of my work – some colleagues began to avoid me (I have long felt that they do not wish me well). But, in place of these ill-wishing colleagues I managed not only to establish new ties (I hope with the people who wish me well), but even to improve my relations with my bosses. I myself have become much calmer and self-confident.”


3. Svetlana Vasilyevna. Born in 1953.

First visit on August 17, 2008

The aurogram shows multiple distortions.

The live energy chakra is full, but multiple blocks and energy outflow create the state by chronic fatigue (paradox: the life energy is plentiful, but there is no strength).

Within the zone of chakra No. 2 – the minor block, which leads to a weaker sexual and hormonal activity.

The block across chakra No. 3 may be the cause of the health problems relating to the gastro-intestinal tract, as well as a cause of the monetary lock (problems with money).

Chakra No. 5 – the block (the results of the disturbances in the normal operation of this chakra are presented in the table on page).

Chakra No. 6 – the breakdown (see the table on page).

Chakra No. 7 – the block (see the table on page).

Sais Svetlana Vasilyevna “Not all in our life goes on as well as we would like, and the diagnostics confirms many problems in our life. Many years I have been living alone after the divorce with my husband. And the reasons why we divorced are not very much clear for me even now. We have two grown-up daughters, the beautiful girls, who just like me, however, cannot arrange their personal lives. At my work, not all went on well, so I resigned. Now, I am really a baby-seater with my grandchildren. I have become almost indifferent to many things surrounding me. If in the past I wanted to go out of the home, to go out of the town to breathe fresh air, to dress up, to make a hairdo, then now I want nothing. Days pass and I do not even notice it. Sometimes even think that the faster the day have passed the better. And, this is an absurdity, even the grandchildren bring no longer pleasure to me. I have become tired of them. My daughters began to be offended, saying: “Mom, You do not like us”. I know that something is wrong. My girlfriends say: “Let us introduce you to a man, because it is no good being every time all alone.” But I want nothing, I am tired of everything. Money really ignore me: I often lose it, I am constantly in debt. No sooner do I return the borrowed money than I again in debt. I have long had the problems with my stomach and heart. The diagnosis – angina was made as long as 10 years ago. I often suffer from headaches. Not long ago doctors found the nodes in the thyroid gland. It’s easier to say what does not bother me than to say what bothers.”

The woman is recommended to use the FSC following the method described in the instructions.


The repeated visit on September 22, 2008

The aura began to restore its normal egg-shaped contours. As for filling with energy, not all chakras have recovered fully. Nonetheless, the considerable improvement in health is noticeable, which has encouraged us to recommend the further use of the FSC.

That is what the woman says about the changes in her state of health and her way of life: “You know, my life has entirely changed: as if a veil has gone from my eyes and I began to look anew at the world. I cannot but share my feelings. I have acquired the FSCs Nos 1, 2 and 3. My elder daughter began to carry FSC No. 1, the younger daughter – FSC No. 2, and I “charged” water by means of FSC No. 3 that I carried with myself. As a result, I began to feel the desire to live and a surge of strength, energy and joy in my soul. I began to feel calm and confident. I have remembered the long-forgotten feeling when you want to play the fool with your grandchildren. Somehow, I quietly forgot about my sores, because nothing disturbed me. After about two-week-long use of the FSC the miracles began to occur in my life. Men began to pay attention to me, and even had a date with the man with whom I worked at the same enterprise a few years ago. Even then we had felt the mutual sympathy, but, nonetheless, our paths diverged. We both were delighted by meeting each other again. He said that he had always loved me, but had been afraid to say this because he thought that he was unworthy of such a beautiful woman. You know, after such words, it was as if I spread my wings. Since then, the smile has never left my face and my soul has been singing. Sometimes, there are the moments when no sooner do I think about something than this “something” occurs in reality, as if someone reads your thoughts. I even began to find money on the street. The life of my daughters has also changed. An interesting story has occurred with one of them: the daughter went to the store where she was “spotted” by a mature man who came up to her and said directly that he liked her and that if he likes her then his son will surely like her as well. His son had no time to find himself a good woman because he was spending most of his time at work and, therefore, the father had to look for a woman that would be a match for his son. With the use of the FSC we “charge” water, beverages and foodstuffs. Now, the grandson is two-and-a-half years of age. When at night I put the FSC near his bed, he sleeps calmly.



4. Yevgeniya Nikolaevna, born in 1956

First testing on July 18, 2008, 11h.57 m. a.m.

The general state of the aura is close to critical, the sharp energy decline.

The clearly-defined effects of the ritual-magic character in the zones of chakras Nos 3, 4 and 5.

The blocks across chakras Nos 1 and 2, the energy breakdown across chakra No. 6, the powerful impact at the level of chakra No. 7.

The testing was conducted at the moment of the critical state of health. An hour before the examination the woman felt good. Suddenly, she felt the sharp “stabbing” pain in the zone of the heart. According to her, “the feeling was as if someone stuck a knife in my heart and several times turn it there”, and she felt sharp headache. The woman began to feel the weakness and retardation in speech (she is a doctor by profession, and she assessed her state as the “pre-infarction or pre-hemorrhage-of-the brain”). At the time of application for help, the woman did not have the FSC devices, so at this critical moment there was no other choice but to suggest that she should use FSC No. 1.


Second testing on July 18, 2008. 13 h. 03 m. p.m.

This testing was conducted at the same day, practically one hour following the first testing.

On the diagram we see that the aura tends to assume its regular shape. The chakras have replenished the energy supplies. According to the woman, her state of health has considerably improved: the pain in the heart has gone away, she has began to breath easier, it has become “lighter” in the head, she has become more vigorous. Says Yevgeniya Nikolaevna: ”I was already in the similar situations. More than once I was taken to the hospital by an emergency aid car because I fainted on the street. For many years I studied psychology and attended various workshops on cause-effect relations, so I know that what is happening to me is not so simple as that: for instance, helping other people to go out of difficult situations I myself became “bogged” in them. Now, I work in one of the network companies and has reached “certain heights”. I know that many people do not like this, they envy me. But almost all my free time I devote to the work, forgetting about the family, grandchildren, holidays. But there are some people who want to get money at other people’s expense. All the time I feel by “my guts” the attempts to assault me. Even though I use certain methods of protection I am unable to safeguard myself against the negative effects of these assaults. Of course, having got such a powerful positive result from using the FSC (really, I have avoided the necessity to go to the hospital), I realized that this device is a powerful source of my protection in many situations in which I may find myself.


The third testing on August 16, 2008. Nearly a month after the beginning of use of the FSC.

The aura is in good condition. The woman is satisfied with the results, and says that she feels great, that she is full of energy, that she has managed to do much more things than earlier and that she has got rid of the fussiness. Yevgeniya Nikolaevna ceased to measure the blood pressure that earlier had the tendency to increase, particularly in the situations where she became nervous. Her clothes hang loosely, though she used only FSC No. 1. Using the FSC on her friends she has obtained very good results by relieving many kinds of pains.


5. Andrey Il’ich. Born in 1960.

First visit on September 21, 2008.

The first testing has revealed:

The numerous blocks and punctures that cannot be compensated for by the sick field.

There is direct evidence of the chronic fatigue syndrome which on the auragramme looks like “dinosaur”. The displacement of the field within the zone of chakra No. 1 affects the spine and the legs.

The energy surplus across chakra No. 2 may cause the inflammatory problems in the urogenital system.

Problems with the organs of the gastro-intestinal tract, the money lock.

Within the zone of chakra No. 4 we have both the block and the excess energy, which is the evidence that the man “keeps everything in himself”: a high emotional stress that sometimes may cause the infarction, especially in males. It may give the feeling of the constricted chest, pains behind the sternum, tensions in relations with people. The heart is “closed” for love.

The strong block across chakra No. 5: problems with immune and endocrine systems, stresses in the professional sphere.

The minor block across chakra No. 7.

We can “feel” here the presence of the program of ancestral curse on the mother’s side, which may attract the life–threatening situations.

During our talk with Andrey Il’ich he says: ”Of late, I began to feel the heaviness in my legs. About three years ago I began to rapidly gain weight. I have never overcooled myself, but feel that there are problems with my prostate and stomach. I went to the hospital with the complaints about the chest pains and palpitation (there are the moments when the heart beats like a stone), but my cardiogramme was normal. My private life leaves much to be desired. This is my third marriage, but nothing has changed as compared with the first two.” To the question about the private life of his parents Andrey Il’ich said that his mother had also divorced and spent her entire life alone. This suggests that the program “spoiled love” invoked on his parents by some ill-wisher has been inherited by Andrey Il’ich. Andrey Il’ich continues: “I am tired of the life. I tried a few times to organize my own small-scale business, but after 1 – 3 years the businesses collapsed. I do not feel like doing something in the house. My wife grumbles that I, the healthy and strong man, do not help her and, instead of doing something, lie on the couch. And even when sometimes I really have the desire to do something (I have read a lot of books) and begin, like a madman, to work nearly twenty four hours a day, all the same – the result is close to zero. Several times I met automobile accidents, fell from a height, broke my leg, there is almost no sad story which did not happen to me. Earlier I did not believe any men of wisdom or healers, but of despair I had to turn to a witch doctor. But after two weeks of some sort of energy uplift my life returned to that which it used to be.

The use of the FSC is recommended.


Second visit on October 16, 2008.

On the auragramme we can see that the chakras have become more harmonized, the field has almost recovered its normal shape and the locks within the zone of chakras Nos 3 and 4 have decreased.

Says Andrey Il’ich: “When I acquired the FSC, I began at once to use it as an “emergency aid”: I felt strong heaviness in my legs and under the load I began to feel pain in the place of my old leg fracture. I filled a bowl with water, placed the bowl on FSC No. 1 and hold my feet in water for 40 – 50 min while watching the TV. The feeling was unforgettable: at first it was as if somebody is prickling your soles with needles, then a kind of shiver ran up my legs and then up my spine towards the head crown. I even forgot about the TV, so much unusual and pleasant the feeling was. I just sat, listened to myself and enjoyed. It was something like meditation. Not only pain and heaviness, but even the fatigue relieved. I “felt” the device and this restored my self-confidence. I began to strictly follow all the recommendations on use of the device that were given to me at my first testing and even recommended to my wife to follow my example. After a short time my sleep has recovered: now I fall asleep almost immediately, though only not long ago I could not fall asleep for a long time, some thoughts were spinning in my head. For me it has become clear: we expect the certain result, but we get an unexpected result somewhere else, i.e. our brains and consciousness wish one result, but our subconsciousness knows better what must be corrected. That is why I have decided not to think about the final result, leaving it to the “God’s will”. During the first week I felt pains in various parts of my body. I felt pain even there where the pain had not worried me for a few years. I realized that this was the reaction of my organism to the effect of the FSC. For almost a week there was bad cough and a lot of phlegm came out with coughing. My old business partners started to call me with various suggestions. But my neighbours have suddenly stopped bothering me: earlier, nearly every evening they dropped in at us either to chat or to borrow money or just to drink a cup of tea. It began to bother not only me, but my wife as well. We noticed that earlier after the visit of one of our neighbours we had begun to quarrel even over trifles. Now, this neighbour no longer comes to us, and in our family there is peace and harmony.


6. Lyudmila Nikolaevna. Born in 1953.

First visit on October 02, 2008.

The first testing shows the powerful blocks across chakras Nos 1 and 7, the breakdown across chakra No. 3, the block and breakdown across chakra No. 3 and the block across chakra No. 5, I will not repeat that this leads to the disturbances in the corresponding organs and systems of the organism and also manifests itself in the situations that may occur in life (see the table).

This is the Lyudmila Nikolaevna’s story: “For me it is simpler to say where I have no pain than where I have it. Particularly in the last five years my organism began to literally “fall apart”, the endless applications to various hospitals, but so far I have felt no changes whatsoever. Then, I myself began to look for the methods that would help restore my good health, but so far all my “searches” have been in vain. Not long ago I discovered the nodes in the thyroid gland. A few year ago I had my gall bladder removed. I am tired of everything and have no strength even to desire something. I think the state of my aura corresponds to what really happens to me.”

Then Lyudmila Nikolaevna said that she has the friend of her – the specialist in bioenergetics to whom she wants to apply for help.


The second testing on October 03, 2008.

Luydmila Nikolaevna noted that she came to the repeated testing after the session with her healer that had taken place the day before.

The state of the aerogramme and chakras shows the reduced energy potential.

In this case, either the help has really been rendered by the healer, but since the woman had not her own protective shell, this “help” has resulted in the still further outflow of the energy, or there has been no help whatsoever because the help was rendered by a so–called “healer”.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna asked us to allow her to use the FSC and after a few minutes we conducted another test.


The third testing was conducted on October 03, 2008, 30 minutes following the use of the FSC.

We see that the woman’s field has considerably recovered and that her chakras have become filled with energy. Lyudmila Nikolaevna said that she felt the surge-like inflow of energy, that it was as if her head became “lighter” and her eyes opened, though not long before her lids were heavy, as if made of lead. The woman’s state has considerably improved.


7. Tat’yana Igorevna. Born in 1980.

First visit on October 01, 2008.

The first testing revealed heavy disturbances in the woman’s field, namely: chakra No. 1 was closed (vitality), there were punctures in proximity of chakras Nos 3, 4 and 5, and blocks at the level of chakras Nos 4 and 7. The results of such disturbances are described in the table. First I would like to pay the readers’ attention to the state of chakra No. 1.

The reason for the closing of this chakra may be a curse. The fact of closing this chakra is most probably caused by the launched program for destruction of the person which may manifest itself either in the reluctance of the baby birth, or in the negative thoughts of the would–be mother herself and her attempts to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy, or in the purposeful influence of other people aimed at mother’s failure to give birth to a child, etc. For the person with such program it is very hard to live, he (or she) has to wage a constant struggle for survival beginning from the moment of the birth. It is as if the person is somewhere between the heaven and the earth.

The woman was not at all surprised at what she had heard from me when I decoded the diagram.

Says Tat’yana: “Indeed, my whole life reminds me of sitting on a powder keg: when a child I was saved from drowning, several times I met accidents, was attacked by hooligans, fell from a height, etc. My friends say about me that I attract all the negative things that can only be attracted by people. My mother says that my birth was very difficult. In addition, I was born prematurely. The doctors said then: “She will not survive”. But against all odds I have survived. And this has been happening to me for all my further life. No matter now difficult the situation is, I always survive. I am an optimist and, whatever happens, I never give up. The most interesting thing is that all the situations in which I happened to be are repeated by my kids. Their births were just as difficult as my birth, they had the same diseases as I had in my childhood. I am full of ideas, and usually I take up any new business with eagerness and invest in it a lot of energy, but, alas, after a short time my business falls apart. I understand that something is wrong, and that most probably this is not my fault, because I know much and know how to do some or other thing. But in my case there are some things that are out of my control, but all these obstacles must be removed in some or other way. The attendance of various courses on the development of consciousness and achievement of the goals, the application to various healers and psychics have practically given no results.” Tat’yana Igorevna has acquired the FSC devices, but first decided to go through the diagnostics in order to more clearly see the changes following the use of the devices.


Second visit on October 07, 2008.

The repeated visit demonstrates the positive changes in the shape of the aura. The aura has smoothed out.

The energy in the chakras has almost fully become recovered.

Says Tat’yana Igorevna: “This week was very hard for me. About two hours I shivered while holding the FSC in my hands, sweat literally poured down. The pains in the lower abdomen were like the fits during the childbirth process. The pain started abruptly, went on for a rather short time and just as abruptly ended. I did not want to do anything, the only thing I wanted is to fall asleep. In my sleep during the first three nights I had the dreams full of nightmares and woke up all covered with a cold sweat. In the morning, I began to take baths with the FSC and almost at once I became more vigorous. I even began to feel as fresh as if I were born anew. I noticed that my taste has changed. The desire appeared to thoroughly clean up the entire apartment. I had such feeling as if I wanted to get rid of something: I have thrown away all rubbish. Then, I sprinkled and mopped the entire apartment with the water that I had preliminarily cleaned by the FSC. Now I feel great changes. My inner state has changed. At this moment I cannot as yet express these changes in words, but I somehow feel them.


8. Yekaterina Maksimovna. Born in 1953.

First visit on August 16, 2008

The first testing revealed the unbalance throughout the entire woman’s protective shell, the total energy depletion and the program of the ancestral curse on the mother’s side. Hence, we see the problems in her private life and the problems with health.

Says Yekaterina Maksimovna: “Since my childhood I did not see anything good in my life. I often fell sick, my mother died when I was a child. My first marriage was happy. At that time my marriage aroused envy in many people. But, alas, my life has not turned out to be happy. There were a few more marriages, but unlike the first one, all of them were not so happy. Now I understand why it has happened to me. Now I has been left with nothing: I have lost the family, the home. My husband was burned to death together with the house, any my only daughter also died later. My life has become meaningless. In desperation, I started to drink to drown my pain. I have lost both the job and the health. On my legs and hands, and in the zone of my armpits there appeared tumours as big in size as a hen’s egg. I am afraid to go to the hospital. All the same, I have long ago lost any hope. My legs fail to move, my heart aches, my whole body is sick. Once an old woman told me that someone had put a curse upon me, but up to the present day I did not believe in such things. But now I have seen with my own eyes that the state of my aura fully matches all the happenings in my life, and I happened to go through so many hardships and severe tests. Now, my sister supports me.”

The use of the FSC is recommended.


The second visit after two days on August 18, 2008

Can we say about the real changes after the use of the FSC?

The woman has come to us to go through the repeated diagnostics in order to see with her own eyes the visual confirmation of the results that have been obtained after so short time of the use of the FSC.

Says Yekaterina Maksimovna: “I am now in a state of unutterable shock and cannot explain or even understand what is happening to me. The most important thing is that the tumours on my legs and hands have resolved and those under my armpits have become twice as small in size. My legs began to run, while not so long ago I literally “crept” on the second floor. I feel now filled with energy. During these days I lost 3-4 kg of my weight (I noticed it by how loose my clothing has become). My eyes have opened. For the first time in many years I slept quietly, though earlier at nighttime I had the feeling of dryness and a lump in the throat. I felt as if something was choking me and hence, I had to get up a few times at night to drink water. This feeling has disappeared. At work all the salesmen look askance at me, as if they have seen an inhabitant of the other planet. I sell vegetables on the market. At the very first day after I had bought the FSC I charged on it the water, washed with that water my counter and from then on I have been keeping the device with myself. The buyers literally began to form a line to my counter. I think that many my rivals envy me, it is seen. For the first time I have sold all the goods that were on my counter. The woman with whom we quarreled three years ago (she is also a saleswoman) came to me, asked me to forgive her and I made it up with her. The acquaintances whom I meet points out that I have changed. Of course, my daughter and my husband will not come back, but I realized that I still have my nieces and my granddaughters, and as compensation for all the misfortunes that I was destined to suffer in my life, for the first time in many years I realized that I want to live.


9. Galina Sergeevna. Born in 1968.

First visit on August 27, 2008.

The state of the biofield is critical. What we have here is the explicit program for destruction. The mental and emotional state is on the verge of collapse, which may lead to mental disorders.

The significant functional disturbances. The woman was brought to us for testing by her friend who saw in what state Galina Sergeevna was. As the friend explained, she became literally scared because she knew that some time before Galina had already attempted suicide.

After tests, Galina burst into tears, explaining to us that she was tired of the persistent problems and insecurity in her private life (though Galina is very attractive and nice-looking woman). In addition, there were the problems with her son and, finally, she was said at the work that she was dismissed on grounds of redundancy, though she had worked at the enterprise for more than a few years, had a higher education and was in good standing with her department head. Galina guesses into whose hands her dismissal is playing. In her department the woman works (this woman is in intimate relations with the department head) who wishes her son, who has just graduated from the institute to be employed in our department. Many Galina’s co-workers are in fear of this woman because have already suffered from her intrigues.

At that moment, Galina Stepanovna was not in a position to acquire the FSC, but, given such a critical situation, she needed an urgent assistance. We asked her to bring her photograph, placed it on FSC No. 1 and asked Galina Stepanovna to monitor her state and feelings. We also asked the Galina’s friend to monitor the situation and not leave Galina alone, since Galina said that at that day she again thought about suicide: “It does not make sense to live any longer, when all is that bad.”


Second visit on August 29, 2008.

At the second testing we see that the Galina’s aura has considerably approached its normal shape. Her chakras have become filled with energy. Her state has considerably improved as compared with that which we saw during her previous visit: a smile on her face, as if before us there is a completely different person.

Galina Stepanovna says what she began to feel after the in flow of energy: my head cleared up, but a bit later I felt nausea and began to vomit, and at last I felt much easier. Suddenly, I wanted to eat. I prepared the supper with the pleasure that I had not have experienced for a long time. Next morning I switched on music, just as I had done it in my youth, and began to clean up my flat. But what happened next was a complete surprise for her: the department head phoned her and asked her to come to work the following day. Next day, coming to work, Galina discovered that the woman who she considered to be a source of all her misfortunes, had been transferred to another department. It should be emphasized that these results have been obtained when we worked not only with the woman, but even with her photo.


10. Irina Sergeevna. Born in 1958.

First visit on July 30, 2008.

The initial testing has revealed the powerful information energy effect (“witchcraft”). Blocks across chakras Nos 3, 4 and 7.

In this case, this effect manifests itself in the suppression of the woman’s will and the attempts to bring her behaviour under control making most of the fact that the woman does not adequately evaluate the events and suffers from subconscious fears.

Together with Irina, her mother came to us too. It was her mother who advised her to go through such diagnostics, because she realized that there was something wrong with her daughter. The mother’s guesses were fully confirmed by the results of the diagnostics.

Says the Irina Sergeevna’s mother: “When my daughter was 19 years old I happened to spend my holidays far from my home, while the daughter remained at home. When I returned from my holidays I was literally thunderstruck – my daughter got married. I was at a loss: she was a nice-looking girl, a student, and she rejected the courts of all the fellows who tried to pay their addresses to her. She married the man (she simply left home to live with him) who was far from good-looking, finished only 8 classes, liked to drink and lived with his mother. All of her friends were shocked by her choice. I could not do anything. My admonishments and the persuasions of her friends and acquaintances had no effect on her whatsoever. Eventually, I resigned. Before long, Irina gave birth to my grandchildren. From then birth up to this day I have been helping them. The Irina’s husband has no permanent work, drinks. Irina “pulls the cart” alone, she has turned into an “old woman”, her children are almost always sick. Doctors has put the younger granddaughter the diagnosis of epilepsy. But I see that the symptoms show something else. Naturally, like any mother I began to look for the way how to help my daughter. I went to old women-fortunetellers and most of them told me that there was nothing else than witchcraft and that spell over my daughter was cast by my daughter’s mother-in-law in order that her dissolute son should find for himself a good wife behind whom he would be like behind a stone wall. Many people practicing witchcraft refused even to try to lift the spell speaking that the spell was too strong to be lifted. One old woman said that she could lift the spell, but not for a long time. Then, the changes came. It was as if my daughter woke up. She began to adequately assess the family situation, to show indignation over the behaviour of her husband and filed for divorce. Before long, my daughter completely changed, became younger and prettier and found a better job. Her mother-in-law began to visit her with gifts and presents, though earlier she had done it very rarely. On the day of the court hearing, i.e. the day of divorce, my daughter in the morning came out of the apartment to go to court, but, all of a sudden, turned back, entered the apartment and said that she had changed her mind as to divorce, that she had felt sorry for her husband because he would be lost without her, and that the children must not live without the father. She found a thousand reasons. But, as it turned out later, the croup was poured near the door of her apartment and she could not step over it. Everything became clear. And this “everything” is very much of my concern now. Naturally, there are problems with the daughter’s health: complaints to hurts in the heart (the doctors diagnosed the angina), permanent headaches.

Irina Sergeevna herself confirms the mother’s story: “Yes, it all really all happened to me as my mother said. There are the moments when I realize that the life I live leads to no other than a deadlock. But I am in no power to change anything, and, more than that, I do not believe that I can change anything. It is as if I live in a dream. No energy. There are the days when I simply sleep, but still the energy is not added.”


The second visit on September 28, 2008.

At the second testing we see that the woman’s aura has almost restored its natural shape. The chakras’ energy potential has practically re-established its normal value.

Says Irina Sergeevna: “I felt improvement from the very first day when I began to carry FSC No. 1. I began to feel energy, the feeling that was long forgotten by me. On that day, I have done so much as I failed to do for a month. For the first time I looked at myself in the mirror I felt that it was as if the reflection in the mirror is not me but some other person. I do not know, but for some reason, I became so sorry for myself that I sobbed for a few minutes. My daughter ceased to jump at nights and cry. Earlier, she was afraid to sleep alone. She said, that some terrible creature stood at nights in her room. I feel now that even my mood has changed, I have felt happiness, I have become affectionate with my children, though only not so long ago there was no other feeling but indifference. I have grown bolder and more determined. Now, I am giving rebuff to my husband, I am no longer afraid of him. Now, I feel that it is as if some invisible creature protects me. When the mother-in-law came to us, I could not stay in the same room with her and quickly came out.”





The corrector of the functional state of human organism (FSC) is the outstanding invention of Russian scientists, the invention that is based on innovative technologies. The team of scientists led by S.V. Kol’tsov have created the device where the regulatory factor is the scalar component of the magnetic field and the accompanying longitudinal electromagnetic waves that constitute the foundation of the life for all protein systems. So far no where in the world there exist the analogs of these devices.

As for their effect on the organism, these devices replicate the natural systems intended to sustain the vital activity of man, normalize his biorhythms and regulate the operation of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, immune, digestive and excretory systems.

The curative effect of the functional state correctors is achieved due to the information blocks and polarization of medicinal and other herbs and plants recorded on magnetic carriers of the FSCs, as well as the images of Massaru Emoto water crystals.


Scientists have developed several types of the FSCs.


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