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Forms of tourist travel

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  5. B) Say what types of travelling you read about.
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People travel a lot in their own country (domestic tourism) and abroad (international tourism). They may travel on business, for pleasure, in search of health or for some other reasons. Thus, according to the purpose of trip tourism may be historical, cultural, medical, ecological, educational or religious.

Historical tourism includes visits to different ancient monuments, museums, battlefields. Cultural tourism means getting acquainted with people, their lifestyles, customs, traditions, religions, clothes and food. Medical or health tourism describes the rapidly-growing practice of travelling to another country to obtain health care. Ecotourism (or ecological tourism) is a form of tourism for the ecologically conscious. It involves travel to countries where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Learning-oriented (educational) tourism includes audio and video walking tours; educational tourism for classes. Religious tourism suggests that people of faith travel individually or in groups for pilgrimage, missionary, or leisure purposes.

According to the means of transport there are such types of tourism as: on foot, by car, by bus, by train, by air or by sea. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take travelling by car. It is convenient as you are free to choose your own itinerary and stop wherever you want. You don’t have to buy tickets; you will never be late for train or bus. You are your own boss all the time. Still, it is rather expensive and when the car breaks down your trip is spoiled anyway.

Travelling by bus is cheapand good especially for those who like to see the landscape outside throughout their travel. However, it is not comfortable to sleep on your seat at night and you can stop only at the bus stop.

Travelling on foot (walking) is romantic and fun as you see the real country, feel the nature around, enjoy its sounds and spend practically no money at all! But it is not safe to walk alone – only in a group. In addition, walking is not good for home-lovers as they prefer a cozy sofa, a TV and a cup of good coffee.

For many people there is nothing like travelling by train as you have speed and comfort combined. However, dirty cabins and births make many travellers look for something else.

When you travel by sea you enjoy marine views and feel the freshness of sea breeze all the time. Still you must not forget about the sea sickness and you can not leave the ship wherever you want!

Travelling by air is fast and pleasant. You have so many advantages: you can watch TV, listen to music, eat or drink while travelling. There are many drawbacks as well. You are not allowed to use your mobile phone, you must follow instructions and rules, and you may have air sickness after all! More and more people refuse flying as there are so many air crashes every year.

The most encouraging in any situation is that it is you who decides how to travel.

Phonetic Exercises

III. Mind the letters ai + r and ei + r pronunciation:

ai + r [ ]

ei + r









IV. Read the following sentences:

· Her hair is fair.

· Their pair sits on those chairs.

· This hairdresser hurries to the airport.

· He has airy fairy ideas.

Vocabulary Exercises

V. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following:

domestic tourism; according to the purpose of trip; historical, cultural, medical, ecological, educational or religious tourism; to obtain health care; primary attractions; to travel for pilgrimage, missionary, or leisure purposes; to travel on foot, by car, by bus, by train, by air or by sea; dirty cabins and births

VI. Give English equivalents of the following:

подорожувати за кордон; старовинні пам’ятники; поля бою; познайомитися; стиль життя; швидко зростаючий; аудіо та відео подорожі; віруючі; мати свої переваги та недоліки; обирати власний маршрут; запізнитися на автобус чи потяг; бачити краєвид за вікном; поєднання швидкості і комфорту; морські пейзажі


VII. Fill in the correct word from the list, then make sentences using the completed collocations:

__________ care

learning _______


___________ stop

_________ breeze

__________ crash

air _____________

mobile __________

to follow ________

_________ heritage

air; instructions; cultural; phone; oriented; bus; sickness; health; sea; tourism

VIII. Choose synonyms for the following words and learn them:

comfortable disadvantage obtain primary

chief, get, weakness, cozy, drawback, key, convenient, major, receive, negative aspect, gain, downside, acquire, main


IX. Find words in the text to match the following definitions:

1. Relating to or happening in one particular country and not involving any other countries – d……………

2. Travelling to a foreign country in order to receive cheap or free medical treatment – h…………….

3. The business of organizing holidays to natural areas, especially areas that are far away such as the rain forest, where people can visit and learn about the area in a way that will not hurt the environment – e……………

4. Relating to or involving more than one nation – i…………….

5. The activity or sport of going for walks, especially in the countryside or mountains – w…………..


X. Fill in the gaps with the word, defining a proper type of tourism:

cultural; ecotourism; health; heritage; language; rural; sport

1. Jeff and his wife spent a week at a farmhouse in France and rode bicycles round the countryside. tourism

2. We're interested in history and art so for our last holiday we went to Vilnius. tourism

3. More and more young people spend a month in Canada to practice their English. tourism

4. Jack and Jill went skiing in Austria last winter. tourism

5. Robert has rheumatism and he needs to lose some weight, so he's going to a spa for a month. tourism

6. I thought the Railway Museum and Mining Museum were fascinating. tourism

7. Elena and her husband went on a trip to the Danube Delta to look at the flora and fauna.

XI. Put questions to the italicized words:

1. Peter likes to travel by bus.

2. His friend advised me to go to the Crimea to improve my health.

3. We were discussing our plans for the future when she called us from Hawaii.

4. They travelled to Germany by car, and then took a train to Vienna.

5. We will enjoy our trip to Moscow as we are going there by plane.

XII. Translate into English:

- Які види туризму ти знаєш?

- Існує багато класифікацій!

- Ну, наприклад, відповідно до мети подорожі…

- Відповідно до мети подорожі розрізняють історичний, культурний, оздоровчий, релігійний та багато інших видів.

- Добре, а як іще можна класифікувати туризм?

- По-перше, існує внутрішній та міжнародний туризм; по-друге, в’їзний та виїзний; по-третє, чоловічий та жіночий. Існує класифікація за засобом пересування: машиною, автобусом, літаком… А який тобі найбільше до вподоби?

- Обожнюю подорожувати літаком! Швидко і зручно, до того ж це так приємно!


Speaking Exercises

XIII. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. How is tourism classified according to the purpose of trip?

2. What is historical tourism?

3. What do you know about cultural tourism?

4. What is health tourism?

5. What are the main characteristics of ecotourism?

6. Are you an ecotourist?

7. What is religious tourism?

8. What tourism types are there according to the means of transport?

9. Why so many people prefer travelling by car?

10. Do you like travelling on foot? Why?

11. What is travelling by train?

12. What can you say about travelling by sea?

13. What is good in travelling by air?

14. What travel type is your favourite?

XIV. a) Think about all possible strong and weak points of each type of travelling and complete the following table:

  advantages disadvantages
travelling by car    
travelling on foot    
travelling by bus    
travelling by train    
travelling by sea    
travelling by air    


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Unit 4. FORMS OF TOURIST TRAVEL| b) Persuade your friend that your favourite type of travelling is the best one.

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