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last amendment: 26 June 2011

by © François Lareau, 2001-, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ireland (The Republic of) / Irlande (La république d')

BACIK, Ivana, " 'If It Ain't Broke?' -- A Critical View of the Law Reform Commission Consultation Paper on Homicide: The Mental Element in Murder", (2002) 12(1) Irish Criminal Law Journal 6-9; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada;

BARNES, J., "The implementation of the Corpus Juris 1997 in the Member States: National Report -- Ireland / La mise en oeuvre du Corpus Juris 1997 dans les États Membres: Rapport national -- Irlande", in Mireille Delmas-Marty & J. A. E. Vervaele, eds., La mise en oeuvre du corpus juris dans les États membres: dispositions pénales pour la protection des finances de l'Europe / Implementation of the corpus juris in the Member States: Penal provisions for the Protection of European Finances Antwerpen: Intersentia, c2000, 4 volumes, at vol. 2 at pp. 465-488, ISBN: 9050950981 (v. 1), 905095099X (v. 2), 9050951007 (v. 3), and 9050951902 (v. 4); notes: volume 1. part. 1. Synthesis -- part.2. Horizontal syntheses of comparative law; part. 3. Legal bases for the implementation; volumes 2-3. National reports of the 15 Member States; volume 4. Horizontal and vertical cooperation; French and/or English; titre noté dans mes recherches mais non consulté; ma vérification du catalogue AMICUS de la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada indique que seulement l'Université de Montréal a une copie de ces volumes, KJE7975.M57 2000 (9 mai 2004); voir http://www2.law.uu.nl/wiarda/corpus/fransdx.html pour les rensignements en français, et en anglais http://www2.law.uu.nl/wiarda/corpus/engelsdx.html;

BINCHY, W., "Mental Retardation and the Criminal Law", (1984) 2 I.L.T. 111;

BOLAND, Faye, "The Criminal Justice (Mental Disorder) Bill 1996, [1997] 4 Web of Current Legal Issues in association with Blackstone Press Ltd.; available at http://webjcli.ncl.ac.uk/1997/issue4/boland4.html;

___________Diminished responsibility as a defence in Ireland having regard to the law in England, Wales and Scotland (M.Phil., October 1992);

__________ Diminished responsibility as a defence in Ireland having regard to the law in England, Wales and Scotland, Ph.D. thesis, Leeds, 1996;

___________'Diminished Responsibility as a Defence in Irish Law: Past English Mistakes and Future Irish Directions' (1996) 5 Irish Criminal Law Journal 19 or 193;

BRIDGEMAN, Ian, "The Constabulory and the Criminal Justice System in Nineteenth-Century Ireland", (1994) 15 Criminal Justice History 95-126;

BRUGGHEN, Justinus Jacobus Leonard van der, 1804-1863, Études sur le système pénitentiaire irlandais, revu... et accompagné d'une préface et d'un appendice par Fr. de Holtzendorff, Berlin, Luederitz; [etc.], 1865, xi, 320 p. 22 cm., available at http://books.google.com/books?id=4M0TAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA248&dq=%22science+du+droit+criminel%22&lr=&as_brr=3&ei=B0wVSfauA4yGM9PdtIYM#PPR1,M1 (accessed on 8 November 2008);

BYRNE, John P., "Codification of the criminal law in Ireland", (2005) 15(2) Irish Criminal Law Journal 15-24; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada; available at http://www.johnpbyrne.ie/catalog.38.html (accessed on 3 February 2009);

CAMPBELL, Liz, Shane Kilcommins and Catherine O'Sullivan, Criminal law in Ireland: cases and commentary, Dublin: Clarus Press, c2010, lxix, 1112 p., ISBN: 9781905536252 and 1905536259;

CHARLETON, Peter, Paul Anthony McDermott and Marguerite Bolger; Criminal Law with a foreword by Mr Justice Paul Carney. - Dublin: Butterworths, c1999. - cv, 1224 p.; 25 cm.; copy at the Supreme Court of Canada Library KF9220 ZC6 C43 1999;

CHARLETON, Peter, Offences against the Person, Blackrock, Co., Dublin: Round Hall Press, 1998, lxxiv, 415 p.; 23 cm. (SERIES: The Irish criminal law series), NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN: 0947686851; 0947686851; 0947686894;

CHERRY,Richard R. (Richard Robert), 1859-1923, Lectures on the Growth of Criminal Law in Ancient Communities, London; New York: Macmillan, 1890, xi, 123 p., and see "Lecture II. ANCIENT IRISH LAW", at pp. 17-39; pdf completed on 17 December 2006;

COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES/COMMISSION DES COMMUNAUTÉS EUROPÉENNES, The System of administrative and penal sanctions in the member states of the European Communities / Étude sur les systèmes de sanctions administratives et pénales dans les états membres des communautés européenne s, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities; Lanham, MD: UNIPUB [distributor], c1994, 2 volumes, volume 1: national reports; volume 2: Summary reports; ISBN: 9282660176 (vol.1); 9282657698 (set); 9282660184 (v. 2);

CRIMINAL LAW CODIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, web site at http://www.criminalcode.ie/website/clcac/clcac.nsf/page/links-en (accessed on 25 October 2007);

__________ Draft Criminal Code and Commentary, 2011, available at http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/JELR/Pages/draft_criminal_code (accessed on 26 June 2011)

CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW GROUP, Balance in the Criminal Law Review Group: Final Report, 2007, 294 p.; available at http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/BalanceRpt.pdf/Files/BalanceRpt.pdf (accessed on 30 September 2007);

D'ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, H., "L'antiquité des compositions pour crime en Irlande", (1887) 11e année Nouvelle revue historique de droit français et étranger 66-69; disponible à http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?E=0&O=n015822.htm;

___________"La peine du vol en droit irlandais et en droit romain", (1888) 12e année Nouvelle revue historique de droit français et étranger 307-310; disponible à http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/ConsultationTout.exe?E=0&O=n015823.htm (visionné le 27 avril 2003);

DARESTE de la CHAVANNE, 1824-1911, Études d'histoire du droit, Paris: L. Larose et Forcel, 1889, xii, 419 p., voir le chapitre 16, "L'ancien droit celtique - L'Irlande" aux pp. 356-381; réimpression de ce livre: Amsterdam: Éditions Rodopi, 1971;

DONOGHUE, Barry, " Explaining Prosecution Decisions In Ireland", International Conference paper, International Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law, Dublin, 2008;

DORAN, Sean and John Jackson, "The judicial role in criminal cases in Ireland", in Norma Dawson, Desmond S. Greer, and P.G. (Peter G.) Ingram, eds., One hundred and fifty years of Irish law: Faculty of Law, The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast/Dublin: SLS Legal Publications/Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, at pp. 69-104; title noted in my research but article not consulted (29 April 2007);

EXPERT GROUP ON CODIFICATION, Codifying the Criminal Law, Report of the Expert Group on the Codification of the Criminal Law, Dublin: Stationary Office, November 2004, viii, 132 p., ISBN: 0755770005; available at http://www.justice.ie/80256E010039C5AF/vWeb/flJUSQ678F22-en/$File/CodifyingCrimLaw.pdf (accessed on 20 January 2006);

FENNELL, Caroline, "Criminal law and the criminal justice system: woman as accused", in Alpha Connelly, ed., Gender and the law in Ireland, with a foreword by Mella Carroll, Dublin: Oak Tree Press, c1993, x, 238 p., chapter 9, ISBN: 1872853331;

_____________"Criminal law and the criminal justice system: woman as victim", in Alpha Connelly, ed., Gender and the law in Ireland, with a foreword by Mella Carroll, Dublin: Oak Tree Press, c1993, x, 238 p., chapter 8, ISBN: 1872853331;

GABBETT, Joseph, A treatise on the criminal law. In two volumes. Vol.1: of crimes and indictable misdemeanors, Dublin: J. Cumming, 1835, xxxii, 960 p.; copie à la Bibliothèque du Barreau à Montréal, Québec, - Rayon 97, 343(417) G112t;

GARNHAM, Neal, The courts, crime and the criminal law in Ireland, 1692-1760, Dublin; Portland, OR: Irish Academic Press, c1996, viii, 309 p., ISBN: 0716526085; note: with the same title, Ulster D.Phil. 1995;

GIBBONS, P., N. Mulryan, and A. Connor, "Guilty but Insane: The insanity defence in Ireland, 1850-1995", (1997) 170 British Journal of Psycchiatry 467-472;

GOODE, M., "Codification of the Criminal Law", (2004) 28(4) Criminal Law Journal 226-236;

HANLY, Conor, An introduction to Irish criminal law, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1999, xxv, [3], 378 p., ISBN: 0717128369;

___________An introduction to Irish criminal law, 2nd ed., Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2006, xxxvii, 425 p., ISBN: 0717134938; "Contents: 1. Introductory Matters 2. Overview of Liability 3. The Actus Reus 4. The Mens Rea 5. Coincidence 6. Participation 7. Lawful Use of Force 8. Insanity 9. Intoxication 10. Duress 11. Necessity 12. Infancy 13. Mistake 14. Entrapment 15. Attempts 16. Conspiracy 17. Incitement 18. Homicide 19. Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person 20. Sexual Offences 21. Abortion 22. Theft 23. Robbery 24. Burglary 25. Handling Stolen Property 26. Theft-Related Offences 27. Criminal Damage 28. Public Order Offences 29. Prostitution" (COPAC catalogue);

HAYES, Edmund, 1804-1867, Crimes and punishments: or, An analytical digest of The criminal statute law of Ireland, Dublin: Published by Hodges and Smith, 1837, xii, 646, [32], 28 p.; available at at http://books.google.com/books?id=O4UDAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA1&dq=intitle:criminal+law&as_brr=1 (accessed on 1 May 2007);

HEALY, Deirdre and Ian O'Donnell, "Probation in the Republic of Ireland", (March 2005) 52(1) Probation Journal 55-68;

HEFFERNAN, Liz, "The Vagaries of Accomplice Evidence", (2003) 38 The Irish Jurish 369-382; copy at Ottawa University, KDK 87.I735 Location: FTX Periodicals;

HUMPHREYS, Henry, The justice of the peace for Ireland: giving, in an abridged and alphabetical form and order, the several offences and other causes of complaint... an epitome of the crimes and offences triable by indictment: and as an appendix, "The Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851," with notes pointing out to what extent it is applicable to or affected by prior and subsequent legislation: abstracts of other useful and important statutes... / by Henry Humphreys, 3rd ed., Dublin: Hodges, Smith, 1867, x, 428 p.;

"Ireland" in Council of Europe, Judicial organisation in Europe, Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2000, 348 p. at pp. 185-194, ISBN: 9287142459; also published in French / aussi publié en français: "Irlande" dans Conseil de L'Europe, L'Europe judiciaire, Strasbourg: Éditions du Conseil de l'Europe, 2000, 352 p. aux pp. 169-178, ISBN: 9287142440;

Irish criminal law journal, Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1991)-, Dublin: Round Hall Press, c1991-, ISSN: 0791-539X;

IRLII Irish Legal Periodical Index -- available at http://www.periodicals.irlii.org/ (accessed on 18 January 2003); the IRLII Periodical Index is the first available compilation of fifteen secondary legal sources from 1997 to date. The index was compiled at UCC (University College, Cork) Law Faculty by Michelle Anders and Conor O’Mahony, under the supervision of Dr. John Mee and Dr. Darius Whelan;

JACKSON, John D. and others, "The Jury system in contemporary Ireland: in the shadow of a troubled past", (1999) 62 Law and Contemporary Problems 203-232;

KILCOMMINS, Shaneet et al., Crime, punishment and the search for order in Ireland, Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 2004, ix, 348 p., ISBN: 1904541135;

KIMBER, Cliona J. M., Criminal justice systems in Europe, Ireland, Helsinki, Finland: HEUNI, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control affiliated with the United Nations, 1995, 54 p., Notes: Bibliography: p. 53-54, ISBN: 9515304024;

THE LAW REFORM COMMISSION, web site at http://www.lawreform.ie/ (accessed on 17 August 2003);

__________ Consultation Paper: Involuntary Manslaughter, Dublin: Law Reform Commission, 2007, xiv, 247 p.; available at http://www.lawreform.ie/Involunray%20Manslaughter%20Final%20D.pdf (accessed on 9 September 2007);

___________Consultation paper on homicide: the mental element in murder
, Dublin, 2001, xv, 127 p. (series; consultation paper; number 17), ISSN: 1393-3132; available at http://www.lawreform.ie/publications/data/lrc114/lrc_114.html (accessed on 17 August 2003);

___________ Inchoate Offences, Dublin: Law Reform Commission, 2008, xvii, 125 p. (series; LRC CP -- 2008); available athttp://www.lawreform.ie/publications/InchoateCP%20online.pdf (accessed on 29 February 2008); part deals with incitement;

_____________ Report. Homicide: Murder and Involuntary Manslaughter, Dublin: Law Reform Commission, 2008 (series; LRC 87); available at http://www.lawreform.ie/publications/Homicide%20Report%20ONLINE.pdf (accessed on 2 February 2008);

___________"Summary of Irish Law -- Irish Law Reform Commission: Provocation, Diminished Responsibility and Excessive [Self-] Defence", being Appendix C in The Law Commission, Overseas Studies, which is part of the Appendices to the consultation paper, Partial Defences to Murder, 31 October 2003, xiii, 249 p. (series; consultation paper; number 173); this study of the Irish Law Reform Commission, at pp. 98-124, is available at http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/files/cp173apps.pdf (accessed on 28 April 2005); see also Appendix G, "Relevant Statutory Provisions and Proposed Provisions";

LEVINGE, Edward Parkyns, The justice of the peace for Ireland; comprising the practice in the indictable offences, and the proceedings preliminary and subsequent to convictions; with an appendix of the most useful statutes, and an alphabetical catalog of offenses, Dublin, Hodges, Smith, 1862, xxix, 762 p.; available at http://books.google.com/books?id=GhseAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=%22indictable+offences)%22&lr=&as_brr=0&ei=g7oSSYWuOJbyMu_s_fMC (accessed on 6 November 2008);

LOTZ-HEUMANN, Ute, "Social control and church discipline in Ireland in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries" in Institutionen, Instrumente und Akteure sozialer Kontrolle und Disziplinierung im frühneuzeitliche Europa = Institutions, instruments and agents of social control and discipline in early modern Europe / herausgegeben von Heinz Schilling; unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit von Lars Behrisch, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1999, viii, 360 p., (Series; Ius commune. Sonderhefte; 127), ISBN: 3465030486;

McAULEY, Finbarr, "Criminal Law Codification in Ireland", paper submitted at the 20th Anniversary Conference of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law held in Vancouver, Canada from June 22 – June 26, 2007, available at http://www.isrcl.org/ (accessed on 9 September 2007);

___________ Insanity, psychiatry, and criminal responsibility, Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Round Hall Press, c1993, xiv, 248 p.; 24 cm., bibliography at pp. 225-235, ISBN: 1858000114; copy at the Library of the Department of Justice Canada, Ottawa;

McAULEY, Finbarr and J. Paul MacCutcheon, The Grammar of Criminal Liability, Dublin: Round Hall Press, 1995, 340 p., ISBN: 1858000580;

___________ Criminal liability: a grammar, Dublin: Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, lxxvi, 950 p., ISBN: 1858001552 (pbk.) and 1858000580 (hbk); copy at Laval University, Province of Quebec;

McAULEY, Finbarr and J. O'Dowd, "Ireland", in C. van den Wyngaert, C. Gane, H. Kühne and F. McAuleys, eds., Criminal Procedure Systems in the European Community, London/Brussels/Dublin/Edinburgh: Butterworths, 1993, xxix, 428 p., at pp.185 to approx. 222, ISBN: 0406022763;

McCUTCHEON, J. Paul and Katie Quinn, "Codifying Criminal Law in Ireland", (1998) 19 Statute Law Review 131-154;

McCUTCHEON, P., The Larceny Act 1916, Dublin, 1988;

McDERMOTT, Paul Anthony, "The Impact of the ECHR on Irish Criminal Law", (2000) 9(1) Irish Journal of European Law 23;

McDERMOTT, P.A., Res Judicata and Double Jeopardy, Dublin, 1999;

McEDOWNEY, J., "Criminal Law and the Development of Labour Relations in Nineteenth-Century Ireland", in K.D. Ewing, C.A. Gearty and B.A. Hepple, eds., Human rights and labour law: essays for Paul O'Higgins, New York, N.Y.: Mansell, 1994, xii, 367 p., at pp., 267 to approx. 293 (series; Studies in labour and social law), ISBN: 0720121485;

McINTYRE, T. J. and Sinéad McMullan, Criminal Law, Dublin: Round Hall, 2001, xxx, 230 p., ISBN: 1858002524;

O'DONNELL, Ian, "Crime and Justice in the Republic of Ireland", (January 2005) 2(1) European Journal of Criminology 99-131;

____________"Imprisonment and Penal Policy in Ireland", (July 2004) 43(3) Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 253-266;

O'DONNELL, Ian and Finbarr McAuley, eds., Criminal justice history: themes and controversies from pre-independence Ireland, Dublin: Four Courts, 2003, 256 p., ISBN: 1851827684;

O'MALLEY, Thomas, ed., Criminal Justice in Ireland/ edited with seven introductory essays by Paul O'Mahony, Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 2002, xx, 818 p., ISBN: 1902448715 and 1902448677 (pbk.); limited preview available at http://books.google.com/books?id=zx422jZOYfkC&printsec=frontcover&dq=self-defence+mistake+excessive&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0and http://books.google.com/books?id=zx422jZOYfkC&dq=self-defence+mistake+excessive&lr=&as_brr=3&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 (accessed on 25 May 2008);

___________ Sentencing law and practice, Dublin: Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, c2000, l, 535 p., ISBN: 189973899; copy at the library of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa; KF 9685 043 2000;

__________"Sentencing Murderers: The Case for Relocating Discretion", (1995) 5 I.C.L.J. 31;

__________ Sexual Offences: Law, Policy and Punishment, Dublin, 1996;

___________"The System in the Republic of Ireland" in Paul Cavadino, ed., Children who kill: an examination of the treatment of juveniles who kill in different European countries, Winchester: Waterside Press in association with the British Juvenile and Family Courts Society, 1996, viii, 224 p., Chapter 10 at pp. 94-1017, ISBN: 1872870295; copy at the Library of the Supreme Court of Canada, HV 9067 H6 C55 1996;

ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD), Country Reports on the Implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the 1997 Revised Recommendation; see the list of reports available at http://www.oecd.org/document/24/0,2340,en_2649_34855_1933144_1_1_1_1,00.html and the report on Ireland at http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/26/39/2495019.pdf (accessed on 5 January 2004); also published in French / aussi publié en français: Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OECD), Rapports par pays sur la mise en oeuvre de la convention sur la lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales et la recommendation révisée de 1997, voir la liste des rapports disponibles àhttp://www.oecd.org/document/24/0,2340,fr_2649_34855_2759409_1_1_1_1,00.html et le rapport sur l'Irlande à http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/26/40/2495011.pdf (visionnés le 5 janvier 2004);

OSNER, Nigel, 1948-, Anne Quinn and Giles Crown, eds., Criminal justice systems in other jurisdictions, London: HMSO, c1993, iv, 232 p., see Part 8, "The Republic of Ireland" at pp. 105-114, ISBN: 0113410824; note: At head of title: "The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice"; study covers in different parts of the book: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, The Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, The United States of America; based on answers to a questionnaire; areas covered for most of the countries and generally are: police investigations, evidence, prosecution, disclosure, expert evidence, pre-trial procedures, detention pre-trial (or statistics for detention in custody), juries, trial, previous convictions, appeals,training, recet changes/reforms;

O'SIOCHAIN, P.A. The Criminal Law of Ireland, Dublin; Foilsiuchain Dli, 1988;

PEASE, Ken and Gemma Cox, "World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems -- Ireland", U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, circa 1992, available at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/ascii/wfbcjire.txt (accessed on 10 April 2004);

QUINN, Katie, "Jury Trial in Republic of Ireland", (2001) 72 (1-2) Revue internationale de droit pénal 197-214; available athttp://www.cairn.info/sommaire.php?ID_REVUE=RIDP&ID_NUMPUBLIE=RIDP_721 (accessed on 15 July 2007);

QUINN, Sean E., Criminal Law in Ireland, 3rd ed., Bray, Co., Wicklow, Ireland: Irish Pub., 1998, li, 587 p., 24 cm., ISBN: 1871509246 (hardback); 1871509297 (paperback);

SCANNELL, Yvonne, "Environmental criminal law in Ireland", in Michael G. Faure and Günther Heine, coordinated by, Final Report: Criminal Penalties in EU Member States' Environmental Law, Maastricht (The Netherlands): Maastricht European Institute for Transnational Legal Research Faculty of Law, Maastricht University and Berne, Switzerland: Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Berne, October 2002, 352 p., at pp. 196-201; available at http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/crime/criminal_penalties1.pdf (accessed on 18 June 2004);

SCHUSTER, Ernest, "XII. La Grande-Bretagne. 1. L'Angleterre et l'Irlande" dans Franz von Liszt et l'Association internationale de droit pénal, [sous la direction de], La législation pénale comparée, 1er volume: Le droit criminel des États européens, Berlin: Otto Liebmann, Paris: Pedone; Rome: Loescher et Lisbonne: Ferin, 1894, xxvi, 706 p. aux pp. 631-691; un seul volume publié; livre rare; copie à l'Université d'Ottawa; disponible à ma bibliothèque digitale sur le droit pénal comparé, sous Liszt, à http://www.lareau-law.ca/DigitalLibraryTwo.html; aussi disponible à http://www.archive.org/details/lalgislationpna00liszgoog (vérifié le 31 octobre 2008);

STAUNTON, M. (Michael), The illustrated story of Christian Ireland: from St Patrick to the peace process, Dublin: Emerald Press, 2001, vi, 204 p., ISBN: 1903582059;

THOMAS, Terry, “Supervising Child Sex Offenders in the Community: Some Observations on Law and Practice in England and Wales, the Republic of Ireland and Sweden”, (2001) 9 (1) European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law & Criminal Justice 69-90?;

TOMLINSON, Mike, "Imprisoned Ireland" in Vincenzo Ruggiero, Mick Ryan, and Joe Sim, eds., Western European penal systems: a critical anatomy,London; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications, 1995, x, 241 p., at pp. 194-227, ISBN: 0803975627, 0803975635 (pbk.); copy at the Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Library and Reference Centre, Ottawa;

TRAGER, P, "The Insanity Defence Revisited", (1998) 4 Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 15-19;

UCC (University College, Cork) "Irish Criminal Law" (bibliography), available at http://www.ucc.ie/law/irishlaw/subjects/criminal.html (accessed on 18 January 2003);

WALSH, Dermot, "Parliamentary scrutiny of EU criminal law in Ireland", (February 2006) 31(1) European Law Review 48 to 68 approx.;

ZALKIND, Paola, 1981- and Rita James Simon, Global perspectives on social issues: juvenile justice systems, Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, c2004, vii, 197 p., see "Ireland" at pp. 44-49 and 64-64, ISBN: 0739107305; copy at Ottawa University, MRT General: HV 9069.Z35 2004;

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