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Lesson-15 | Complete the sentences with Tim, Gabriela, or Kelly | The Library of Congress. | Lesson-18 | SPEAKING | GRAMMAR | TELEVISION SYSTEM | Television | Lesson-24, 25 | Lesson-26 |

1. Grammar: The Participle.


Participle 1 Participle 2
В функции определения
A lot of students from developing countries (из развивающихся стран) study in this country. An electric car developing the speed of 50 km\h (развивающий скорость 50 км\ч) is being designed. The device being developed (разра-батываемый, который разрабатывается) will be tested at the plant. Some American countries get help from developed countries (развитых стран) The mechanism developed in our laboratory (разработанный в нашей лаборатории) is mass-produced. The method developed (разработанный метод) provided good results.
В функции обстоятельства
(While, when) developing (Разрабатывая, Когда Белл разрабатывал) transmitter for deaf people Bell invented the telephone. Being developed (Когда будет разработан), a new supercomputer will be very powerful. (When, if) developed (когда, если) будут разработаны. При удачной разработке) successfully space platforms may be very useful for national economy.

2. Tasks:

Translate the next world combinations Participle I, Participle II.

Developing industry, developed industry;

Changing distances, changed distances;

A controlling device, a controlled device;

An increasing speed, an increased speed;

A transmitting signal, a transmitted signal;

A reducing noise, a reduced noise;

A moving object; a moved object;

Heating parts, heated parts.

3. Translate these sentences from Russian into English.

1.Читая книгу, он обычно делает заметки. (make notes). 2.Прочитав текст, мы обсудим его. 3. Отвечая на вопросы, он сделал несколько ошибок. 4.Ответив на вопросы преподавателя, мы начали переводить новый текст. 5.Являясь хорошим проводником электричества, медь широко используется в промышленности. 6.Увидев зеленый свет, мы перешли улицу. 7.Покупая газету, он потерял деньги. 8.Купив газету, он пошёл к метро.

4. Find the participles and translate the sentences.

1. The room being dark, we couldn’t see anything. 2. The book being translated into many languages, everybody will be able to read it. 3. Peter having passed his exams, we decided to have a rest in the country. 4. We went for a walk our dog running in front of us. 5. The test work having been written, he gave it to the teacher and left the room. 6. They having arrived at the station early, all of us went to the cafй. 7. My friend decided to go to the park, the weather being warm and sunny. 8. Our library buying all the new books, we needn’t buy them ourselves. 9. The fuel burnt out, the engine stopped. 10. Many scientists worked in the field of mechanics before Newton, the most outstanding being Galileo.

5. Text: Transport for Tomorrow.

One thing is certain about the public transport of the future: it must be more efficient than it is today. The time is coming when it will be quicker to fly across the Atlantic to New York then to travel from home to office. The two main problems are: what vehicle shall we use and how can we plan our use of it?

There are already some modern vehicles which are not yet in common use, but which may become a usual means of transport in the future. One of these is the small electric ear: we go out into the street; find and empty ear get into it, drive to our destination, get out and leave the car for the next person who comes along. In fact there may be no need to drive these cars. With an automatic guidance system for cars being developed, it will be possible for us to select a telephone number, and our car will move automatically to the address we want.

For a long journeys in private cars one can also use an automatic guidance system. Arriving at the motorway a driver will select the lane he wishes to use switch over to automatic driving, and then relax – dream rework newspaper, have a meal, flirt with his pavement while the car does the work for him.

A Japanese company is designing a car of a new generation. When completed, the new model will have a lot of unusual characteristics. The car’s four – wheel control system will ensure movement diagonally and even sideways like a crab, at right angels to the longitudinal axis. This is especially important when leaving the car in parking places. To help the driver get information while concentrating on the road, the most important data will be projected on the wind screen. A tourist traveling in such a car will not lose his way even in Sarah with its impassable roads a navigation Earth satellite will indicate the route.

A new ceramic engine has been developed in Japan. Many important parts as pistons, pressure rings, valve some other have been made of various ceramic materials, piston rings made of materials being in many respects better than those of steel.

They withstand temperatures up 1.000 o C. Therefore The engine does not need a cooling system.


Notes to the text.

1. Lane – ряд

2. Gasoline – powered – с бензиновым двигателем

3. Fuel intake – впрыск

4. Аmong other things – кроме всего прочего

5. What speed be has averaged – какова была его средним скорость

6. Pressure – уплотнительное кольцо

7. Piston ring – поршневое кольцо

6. Answer these questions.

1. What is the text about?

2. What kind of car my be in common use in the near future?

3. How will a public electric car operate?

4. How will it operate on a motorway?

5. What electric devices are there in a modern car?

7. Glossary:

English language Қазақ тілінде Русский язык
Adjust Лайықтау, бейімдеу Регулировать
Angle Бүрыш Угол
Apply Қолдану Применять
Avoid Қашқатау, құтылу Избегать
Axis Білік, белдік Ось
Current Қазіргі, күнделікті Современный, текущий
Destination Талгайындалған орын Пункт назначения
Detect Габу Обнаруживать
Guidance Басшылық ету, нұсқау Управление, наведение
Ignition Гұтану, от алу Зажигание
Indicate Көрсету, сілтеу Указывать, показывать
Mount Монтаждау, құрастыру Монтировать, устанавливать
Exhaust Әлсіреген Выхлоп
Valve Қақпақша, бұранда Клапан
Withstand Қарсы тұрұ, қасарысу Выдерживать
Warn Секерту Предупреждать


8. I.W.S.

Make up project work about the near in your dream.

Learn new worlds and word combinations.

9. I.W.S.T. Literature:

1. «English учебник английского языка» (Для технических университетов и вузов)

2. English – Russian – Russian – English dictionary


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