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Mixed number

Упражнение 4. Составьте возможные словосочетания глаголов из колон­ки А и существительных из колонки В. | SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS | To be read after Text 2, 3, 4 | ТЕРМИНОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ | Упражнение 4. Составьте словосочетания глаголов из колонки А и су­ществительных из колонки В. | To be read after Text 2 | To be read after Text 3 | ТЕРМИНОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ | ОСНОВНЫЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЯ И ПРИМЕРЫ УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ НЕКОТОРЫХ ПРЕДЛОГОВ | ПРЕДЛОГИ, НАРЕЧИЯ И СОЮЗЫ, СОВПАДАЮЩИЕ ПО ФОРМЕ |

Читайте также:
  1. Choose the right ending changing the number of the noun.
  2. Choose the right ending changing the number of the noun.
  3. List and the number of high voltage equipment
  4. The number of English vowel phonemes, which are traditionally distinguished by phoneticians in this country, is
* (2 3 v nator) ^ (5 3 v nator)

common denomina- 0.06 nought point nought six (0 [eu] point 0 [au] six)

.2 point two (period two, two tenth)

.37 point thirty seven (period thirty-seven)

652.47 six hundred fifty-two point forty seven (six five two point forty-seven)

1.007 one point 0 [eu] 0 [eu] seven






raise to a power — возводить в степень

in the second power — во второй степени, в квадрате

in the third power — в третьей степени, в кубе in the n-th power — в л-ной сте­пени

З3 3 cubed (three to the third power)

3a2 three a to the second power (3 — coefficient; a — base; 2 — expo­nent)


square root (radical sign) cubic root

V4 = 2 the square root of four is






ratio H per L\ H to L

у = f(x) у is a function of x

—, —the derivative of у with dx dx

respect to x

the second derivative of


у with respect to x

1 one; a unit single; once

2 two; a pair; a couple; double; twice; twice the number; twice as much

3 three; triple; three times 12 a dozen

20 a score


Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Значения
be [bi:] was, were [woz, wa:] been [bi:n] быть
bear [bea] bore [bo:] born [bo:n] родить; производить
bear [Ьеэ] bore [bo:] borne [bo:n] носить, перевозить
beat[bi:t] beat [bi:t] beaten [bi:tn] бить, разбивать
become [bi'kAm] became [bi'keim] become [bi'kAm] делаться, становиться
begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] begun [bi'gAn] начинать
blow [bleu] blew [blu:] blown [blaun] дуть, раздувать
break [breik] broke [brauk] broken ['braukan] ломать, нарушать; прекращать
bring [brir|] brought [bro:t] brought [bro:t] приносить, приво­дить, привозить
build [bild] buHt [bilt] built [bilt] строить
burn [ba:n] burnt [baint] burnt [ba:nt] burned [ba:nd] жечь, гореть
burst [ba:st] burst [ba:st] burst [baist] взрываться, разра­зиться
buy [bai] bought [bo:t] bought [bo:t] покупать
catch [kaetf] caught [ko:t] caught [ko:t] ловить; схватить
choose [1Ju:z] chose [Ijauz] chosen ['Ijauzn] выбирать
come [клт] came [keim] come [клт] приходить, приез­жать
cost [kost] cost [kost] cost [kost] стоить
cut [kAt] cut [kAt] cut [kAt] резать, разрубать; стричь
deal [di:l] dealt [delt] dealt [delt] иметь дело; торго­вать
do [du:] did [did] done [dAn] делать, исполнять

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Значения
draw [dго:] drew [dru:] drawn [dro:n] тянуть, везти; рисо­вать, чертить
drink [drirjk] drank [draertk] drunk [drATjk] пить
drive [draiv] drove [dreuv] driven ['drivn] вести, приводить в движение; гнать
eat [i:t] ate [et] eaten ['i:tn] есть, питаться
fall [fo:l] fell [fel] fallen ['fo.ln] падать
feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] кормить, питать
feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] чувствовать
fight [fait] fought [fo:t] fought [fo:t] сражаться, бороться
find [faind] found [faund] found [faund] находить, обнаруживать
fly [flai] flew [flu:] flown [fleun] летать
forbid [fe'bid] forbade [fa'be id] forbidden [fe'bid n] запрещать
forget [fe'get] forgot [fe'got] forgotten [fe'got n] забывать
freeze [fri:z] froze [freuz] frozen ['freuz n] замораживать, мерз­нуть, застывать
get [get] got [got] got [got] получать, доставать, становиться, делаться
give [giv] gave [geiv] given f'givn] давать, предоставлять
go [дэи] went [went] gone [gon] идти, ехать
grow [дгэи] grew [gru:] grown [greun] расти, выращивать; увеличиваться; де­латься
hang [haerj] hung [hAtj] hanged [haerigd] hung [hAt|] hanged [haei^gd] вешать, подвеши­вать, висеть; казнить через повешение
have [haev] had [haed] had [haed] иметь
hear [hie] heard [herd] heard [he:d] слышать
hide [haid] hid [hid] hidden ['hidn] прятать(ся), скры­ваться)


Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Значения
hit [hit] hit [hit] hit [hit] ударять(ся), задеть
hold [hauld] held [held] held [held] держать
hurt [ha:t] hurt [ha:t] hurt [ha:t] вредить; ранить, причинять боль
keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] держать, хранить
know [nau] knew [nju:] known [naun] знать
lay [lei] laid [leid] laid [leid] класть, положить; излагать
lead [li:d] led [led] led [led] вести, управлять
learn [1э:п] learnt [la:nt] learned [la:nd] learnt [la.nt] learned [la:nd] узнавать, учить
leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] оставлять; уходить
let [let] let [let] let [let] позволять, пускать
lie [lai] lay [lei] lain [lein] лежать
light [lait] lit [lit] lit [lit] освещать, зажигать
lose [lu:z] lost [lost] lost [lost] терять
make [meik] made [meid] made [meid] делать; заставлять
mean [mi:n] meant [ment] meant [ment] означать; подразуме­вать, иметь в виду
meet [mi:t] met [met] met [met] встречать(ся)
pay [pei] paid [peid] paid [peid] платить
put [put] put [put] put [put] класть; ставить
read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать
ride [raid] rode [roud] ridden [ridn] ездить (верхом)
ring[пт|] rang [raeri] rung[ГЛТ|] звонить
rise [raiz] rose [rauz] risen ['nzn] вставать; возникать
run [глп] ran [raen] run [глп] бегать; управлять
say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] говорить, сказать
see [si:] saw [so:] seen [si:n] видеть


Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Значения
seek [si:к] sought [sort] sought [so:t] искать; стремиться
seU [sel] sold [saud] sold [saud] продавать
send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] посылать
set [set] set [set] set [set] ставить, помещать, устанавливать; захо­дить (о Солнце)
shake [Jeik] shook Цик] shaken ['Jeikn] трясти, колебать
shoot [Ju:t] shot [Jot] shot [Jot] стрелять
show [Jau] showed [Jaud] shown Цэип] показывать
shut [[At] shut [jAt] shut [JAt] закрывать
sing [sir|] sang [saer|] sung [SATj] петь
sink [sir|k] sank [ssBTik] sunk [sAT)k] опускаться, погру­жаться, тонуть
sit [sit] sat [saet] sat [saet] сидеть
sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] спать
slide [slaid] slid [slid] slid [slid] скользить
speak [spi:k] spoke [spauk] spoken ['spaukn] говорить, разговари­вать
spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] тратить; проводить (время)
spoil [spoil] spoiled [spoild] spoilt [spoilt] spoiled [spoild] spoilt [spoilt] портить
spread [spred] spread [spred] spread [spred] растягивать; распра­вить; распростра­няться)
spring [spriri] sprang[spraer)] sprung [sprAtj] прыгать; пружинить
stand [staend] stood [stud] stood [stud] стоять; держаться; поставить
steal [sti:l] stole[staul] stolen['staulan] красть, похищать; красться
strike [straik] struck [strAk] stricken['strikn]struck[strAk] ударять, поражать

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Значения
swim[swim] swam [swaem] swum[swAm] плавать
swing[swit|] swung[swaerj] swung [SWAT|] качаться, колебаться
take [teik] took [tuk] taken ['teikn] брать; принимать
teach [ti:tf] taught [to:t] taught [to:t] учить; преподавать
tear [tea] tore [to:] torn [torn] разрывать
tell [tel] told [tould] told [tould] сказать, сообщать, рассказывать
think [9iT|k] thought [8o:t] thought [9o:t] думать, полагать
throw[бгэи] threw [6ru:] thrown [Groun] бросить, кидать
wake [weik] woke [wduk] woken ['woukn] waken ['weikn] просыпаться; будить
wear [wea] wore [wo:] worn [wo:n] носить
weep [wi:p] wept [wept] wept [wept] плакать
win [win] won [wAn] won [wAn] выигрывать (одержи­вать победу)
write [rait] wrote [reut] written ['ritn] писать; сочинять



Предисловие к 1-му изданию............................................................ 3

Предисловие к 3-му изданию............................................................ 4

Lesson 1................................................................................................. 5

Lesson 2.................................................................................................. 23

Lesson 3.................................................................................................. 42

Revision of Lessons 1-3........................................................................ 60

Lesson 4................................................................................................ 62

Lesson 5.................................................................................................. 82

Lesson 6............................................................................................... 102

Revision of Lessons 4—6................................................................... 122

Lesson 7............................................................................................... 126

Lesson 8............................................................................................... 150

Lesson 9............................................................................................... 171

Revision of Lessons 7—9................................................................... 191

Lesson 10............................................................................................. 194

Lesson 11............................................................................................. 214

Lesson 12............................................................................................. 233

Revision of Lessons 10-12................................................................. 254

Supplementary Texts.......................................................................... 257

Краткий поурочный грамматический справочник... 280 Lesson 1

§ 1. Глагол to be (280). § 2. Глагол to have (280). § 3. Обо­рот There + be в Simple Active (281). § 4. Личные и при­тяжательные местоимения (Personal and Possessive Pronouns) (282). § 5. Времена группы Simple Active (283). § 6. Порядок слов в утвердительном, вопросительном и отрицательном предложениях (286). § 7. Основные фор­мы глаголов (287). § 8. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice) (287). § 9. Особенности перевода пассивной кон­струкции (288). § 10. Предлог (The Preposition) (288).

Lesson 2

§11. Времена группы Continuous (290). § 12. Функции и перевод it (292). § 13. Функции и перевод one (293). § 14. Функции и перевод that (293). § 15. Степени срав­нения прилагательных и наречий (Comparison Degrees of Adjective and Adverbs) (295). Lesson 3

§ 16. Времена группы Perfect (296). § 17. Соответствие английских временных форм временным формам гла­гола в русском языке (299). § 18. Сводная таблица образования и употребления времен (изъявительное на­клонение) (300). Lesson 4

§ 19. Согласование времен (Sequence of Tenses) (301). § 20. Согласование времен (302). § 21. Дополнение (The Object) (303). Lesson 5

§ 22. Определение (The Attribute) (303). § 23. Неопреде­ленные местоимения some, any, no, every и их производ­ные (306). Lesson 6

§ 24. Модальные глаголы (The Modal Verbs) (306). § 25. Функции глагола to be (309). § 26. Функции глагола to have (310). Lesson 7

§ 27. Причастие (The Participle) (310). § 28. Функции причастия в предложении. Основные способы перевода (311). § 29. Независимый причастный оборот (314). Lesson 8

§ 30. Герундий (The Gerund) (315). Lesson 9

§ 31. Условные придаточные предложения (Conditional Sentences) (318). Lesson 10

§ 32. Инфинитив (The Infinitive) (320). § 33. Инфини­тивный оборот с предлогом for (322). Lesson 11

§ 34. Инфинитив как часть сложного дополнения (The Complex Object) (323). § 35. Инфинитив как часть слож­ного подлежащего (The Complex Subject) (324). Lesson 12

§ 36. Сослагательное наклонение (The Subjunctive Mood) (325). § 37. Употребление различных форм сосла­гательного наклонения (326). § 38. Особенности страда­тельного залога (328).

Англо-русский словарь.......................................................................... 329

Приложение 1. Дополнительные материалы для

факультета «Инженерный бизнес и менеджмент».. 383 Приложение 2. Дополнительные материалы для

специальности «Юриспруденция»............................................. 405

Приложение 3. Основные значения и примеры

употребления некоторых предлогов.......................................... 428

Приложение 4. Наиболее употребительные союзы... 430 Приложение 5. Предлоги, наречия и союзы,

совпадающие по форме................................................................ 431

Приложение 6. Наиболее употребительные

суффиксы........................................................................................ 433

Приложение 7. Наиболее употребительные

префиксы......................................................................................... 435

Приложение 8. Список сокращений, встречающихся

в технической литературе............................................................ 436

Приложение 9. Список наиболее употребительных

математических знаков................................................................. 437

Приложение 10. Таблица нестандартных глаголов

(List of Non-Standard Verbs)......................................................... 440

Учебное издание

Ирина Валентиновна Орловская Лидия Сергеевна Самсонова Алла Ивановна Скубриева


Редактор Е.Н. Ставицкая

Художник С. С. Водчиц Корректор О.Ю. Соколова Компьютерная верстка М.В. Самохиной

Оригинал-макет подготовлен в Издательстве МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение №Д.005683.09.04 от 13.09.2004 г.

Подписано в печать 06.07.2006. Формат 60x90/16. Печать офсетная. Бумага офсетная. Печ. л. 28. Уч.-изд. л. 27,7. Тираж 5000 экз.

Заказ № 729.

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. 105005, Москва, 2-я Бауманская, 5.

Отпечатано с готовых диапозитивов Издательской группой "Логос" на базе ООО "Печатный Дом "Современник". 105318, г. Москва, Измайловское шоссе, 4. 445043, г. Тольятти, Южное шоссе, 30.

ISBN 5-7038-2599-7

1. The students studying at the institutes passed entrance exams in summer. 2. The subjects studied in the first two years are very important for future engineers. 3. The lecture delivered by our dean

1. has, buildings, our, several, institute. 2. subjects, students, many, the first-year, study. 3. the third-year, had, last, students, training, industrial, summer. 4. carry out, students, practical, work, in, laboratories, well-equipped. 5. problems, many, scien-

1. The problem that has become the most important one is the problem of pollution. 2. One can easily understand why the profes­sion of an engineer requires a special college training 3. The new technologies that are being developed must be connected with tra­ditional ones. 4. That air and water pollution by industrialization is reaching dangerous levels is realized by everyone. 5. It is the inven­tion of an engine that started the first industrial revolution. 6. The main purpose of education is that graduates must be able to work

3. That purifying air, water and soil is changing from a national to a global problem

1. This is a very good book, I have just read it with pleasure. 2. He has been absent this week. He has been ill. 3.1 haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been all this time? 4. We haven't heard about her since 1989. 5. By the beginning of the lecture the laboratory assistant had brought all the necessary diagrams. 6. Be­fore we came to the next lecture we had studied the material of the first one. 7. Have you already finished your diploma work? No, I shall have finished it by the end of June. 8. They will not have passed their exams by the time you return. 9. Many students have been enroled into universities this year. 10. The translation has not been finished yet. It will have been finished by the end of the month. 11. Have you brought these journals with you? No, these journals had been brought by my sister before I returned from St.Petersburg. Don't you know that?

Упражнение 2. А. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого.

1. Не (has graduated, graduated) from MSTU named after Bauman this year. He (graduated, will have graduated) from MSTU

[1] Students asked the lecturer many questions. The lecturer was asked many questions. 2. The monitor told the first-year students to come to the laboratory. The first-year students were told to come to the laboratory. 3. Usually a lab assistant shows the equipment to the students. Usually the equipment is shown to the students by a lab assistant. Usually students are shown the equipment by a lab as­sistant. 4. Students watched the process with great attention. The process was watched with great attention. 5. Tomorrow our teacher

[2] Cambridge University was formed in the 12th century. 2. The solution of ecological problems may be achieved only by joint efforts of all countries. 3. Great changes in people's lives and work were brought about by the scientific and technological progress. 4. The theory of interaction of atmospheric and oceanic processes is being developed to determine the weather of the planet. 5. The teachers at Cambridge are called «dons» or «tutors». 6. Computers and la-

[3] That electricity is clean and easily-regulated is its great ad­vantage. 2. The important fact is that electricity offers improved service at reduced cost. 3. That the two scientists Lodygyn and Yablochkov were the first in Russia to work in the field of electrical engineering is well-known. 4. One of the main advantages of elec­tricity is that it does not pollute the environment. 5. The indicator of nation development is how much electricity is consumed per ca­pita. 6. What has been and is being done in environment protection cannot be measured by yesterday's standards.

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