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Вестминстерский мост

Тауэр бридж | Мост Ватерлоо | Мост Милленниум |

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  1. Большой Вестминстерский Катехизис

В настоящее время Вестминстерский мост (Westminster bridge) - это старейший мост центрального Лондона. Ему полтора века. По виду - это обычный арочный мост, похожий на Саутворкский мост, мост Ламбет и мосты Блэкфрайерз. Его отличие от них в том, что у него самое большое среди современных лондонских мостов количество арок - 7 (у перечисленных мостов их всего 5).Вестминстерский мост был построен в 1862 году на месте старого Вестминстерского моста. Причиной постройки нового моста стало плохое состояние старого, который был построен из камня и постоянно проседал, вследствие чего на его ремонт уходило слишком много денег и времени. Вестминстерский мост построен по проекту Томаса Пейджа. Вестминстерский мост стал вторым мостом через Темзу в Лондоне. До постройки первого Вестминстерского моста в Лондоне через Темзу можно было переправиться только через Старый Лондонский мост, который был построен за полторы тысяч лет до строительства Вестминстерского моста. И именно после постройки Вестминстерского моста началось значительное расширение столицы Великобритании на северо-запад, а именно в конце XVIII века произошло сильнейшее развитие Лондонского района Уэст-Энд. По своей архитектуре Вестминстерский мост гармонично вписывается в неоготический стиль окружающих его построек, а именно с Вестминстерским дворцом, который находится на западном берегу Темзы. Помимо этого, с Вестминстерского моста прекрасно видно Лондонский глаз, с которого можно рассмотреть Лондон и его окрестности.



London Bridges
Tower Bridge

In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the area of ​​London's East End has led to the need for the construction of a new crossing over the river downstream, immediately after the London Bridge. A traditional fixed bridge could not be built because it would block access to the port facilities in the pool of London, between London Bridge and the Tower of London.
Special Committee on the Bridge and the Metro was formed in 1876 under the chairmanship of A. J. Altman, the task of the committee was to find a solution to cross the river at this place. Committee opened a tender for the project for the construction of the crossing. More than 50 designs were submitted, including one from an engineer - builder Sir Joseph Bazalgett. Evaluation of the projects has been surrounded by controversy, and only in 1884, the project submitted by Horace Jones (Horace Jones), was approved by the City Architect (who was also one of the judges).
Engineer Jones, Sir John Wolfe Barry (John Wolfe Barry) developed the idea of ​​a 800-foot bascule bridge (244 m long) with two towers, each 213 feet (65 meters) high, which should have been placed on the pier. The central span of 200 feet (61 m) between the towers was split into two equal moving farm or sheet, which could be raised to an angle of 83 degrees to allow river traffic to operate as before. Bascule, weigh more than 1,000 tons each, were balanced to minimize the force required and allow raising them for five minutes.
These two intervals are suspension bridges, each 270 feet (82 meters) long, with rods stop, anchored in the border bridge and through rods contained within the upper walkways of the bridge. Pedestrian walkways located on 143 feet (44 meters) above the river at high tide.
Construction of the bridge began in 1886 and took eight years for which were involved in the construction of five major contractors - Sir John Jackson (the base of the bridge), Baron Armstrong (hydraulics), William Webster, Sir HH Bartlett, and Sir William Errol - as well as the construction of 432 workers were involved - builders. IV Kratvell was a regular engineer throughout the construction.
Two massive piers, containing over 70,000 tons of concrete, were sunk into the river bed to support the construction of the bridge. More than 11,000 tons of steel provided the framework for the towers and walkways. Then the bridge was "dressed" in Cornish granite and Portland stone, to protect the underlying steelwork and to give the bridge a pleasing appearance.
In 1887, Jones died and George D. Stevenson took the project. Stevenson has replaced the original brick facade Jones more ornate Victorian Gothic style, which makes the bridge a landmark of London, and was designed to fit the bridge in one track with the next to the Tower of London.
The bridge was officially opened on 30 June 1894 the Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VII, and his wife, Alexandra Danish.
The bridge connected the iron gate on the north bank of the river, with Horsleydaun Lane, in the south - now known as the approach to Tower Bridge and the Tower of the highway, respectively. The total construction cost was 1,184 000f.

London Bridge
London Bridge has rather simple and even, one might say, somewhat austere in appearance. His whole appearance stands in stark contrast to the rather interesting and eventful history of this bridge. Modern London Bridge (used to be another London Bridge) is not functioning very long time. Just something a little more than thirty years. He (the modern London Bridge) is the latest in a series of bridges that were built and operated at about the same place for a very long time. History of London Bridge stretches back to the Roman period. It is noteworthy that all erected there at different times bridges were of the same name "London Bridge." For a long period of history of London Bridge was not that the first (up to the 18th century), and the only bridge, located in the city of London. This is what led to such a simple name it. If you go up to the bridge and turn towards its northern end, on the right you can see some of the sights of London. Among them: the Tower Bridge, the cruiser Belfast, Tower. In front of him you can see another London landmark - the Great Monument fire.
Waterloo Bridge

Waterloo Bridge - one of the many magnificent bridges built to go across the river Thames. Pedestrian and traffic, it is between Blekfriarskim Gangerfordskim and bridges of London.
History is replete with built very interesting facts.
The first version of it was designed by John Rennie, and was not too successful. Completed in 1817, already by 1878 require significant repairs. By decision of the Government of the bridge was nationalized and transferred MBW for reconstruction and care. MBW has conducted the necessary work and opened it for free use.
However, their efforts to keep the design in order to come down there after a failed architectural solutions.
Therefore, in the 1920s the board of London has decided to destroy the existing bridge and replace it with the project architect sulfur Gil Gilbert Scott (who won in 1903, a competition for the best project of the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool).
This time the bridge turned out not only beautiful but also very functional. Beginning in 1942, the building was completed in 1945 - just three years - despite the serious difficulties of the war period.

Millennium Bridge
If you do not take into account the Hungerford footbridges, which at the time were built to replace the pedestrian walkway that existed before around Hungerford railway bridge, then it can be said that the Millennium Bridge is the newest bridge central London. This bridge was the first bridge built in central London a century. The previous bridge was the Tower Bridge.
This bridge has a peculiar structure. It is a suspension bridge. Millennium Bridge is easily recognizable and memorable appearance. This refers to two prominent river Y-bearing. Between the tops of the poles and at the same time between them and the two banks are arranged tensioned steel ropes. Such ropes have four pieces on each side. They are suspended from the transverse beams, which function to support the bridge deck.
In the English translation of the Millennium Bridge means "Millennium Bridge". It was erected as a mark of the new millennium. He became really massive structure, which was built to celebrate the Millennium. Officially called the Millennium Bridge London Millennium Footbridge, which stands for the London Millennium Footbridge.

Cannon Street Railway Bridge
Construction of Cannon Street Railway Bridge was started in 1863. In 1866, the construction work has been completed. The new bridge had toe rail spans, which were attached to the cast-iron Doric columns. In the bridge itself included ten rail tracks and pedestrian gallery. And for the audience there were separate pedestrian gallery, and for the staff of their station.
This bridge is listed as "London Bridges". Among other bridges that bridge central London stands that support it are a series of six circular columns which are spaced from one another at a distance.
This was the name of the bridge by name the train station, from which they opened in one year. The railway station is located on the north bank of the River Thames. The bridge also contributes to the mix station with the southern bank of the river.
Originally the bridge was called the Alexandra Bridge (in honor of the wife of Edward Prince of Wales). It was a year when the construction of the bridge was the son who ruled at the time of Queen Victoria, the Crown Prince of the British throne, the future King Edward VII has married a Danish Alexandra.
Since 1886. by 1893. Bridge was somewhat enlarged. Updating the bridge has undergone in the twentieth century, since 1979. by 1982. then the bulk of their ornaments he had lost.

Westminster Bridge
Currently Westminster Bridge (Westminster bridge) - this is the oldest bridge of central London. He half-century. By type - this is the usual arch bridge, similar to the Sautvorksky Bridge, Lambeth Bridge and Blackfriars bridges. It differs from them in that it is the largest among modern arches of London Bridge - 7 (from the listed bridges are 5). Westminster Bridge was built in 1862 on the site of the old Westminster Bridge. The reason for building a new bridge was the poor condition of the old one, which was built of stone and constantly sags, resulting in his repair took too much time and money. Westminster Bridge, designed by Thomas Page. Westminster Bridge is the second bridge over the River Thames in London. Prior to the construction of the first Westminster Bridge in London on the Thames could only cross through the Old London Bridge, which was built for one and a half thousand years before the construction of Westminster Bridge. And that after the construction of Westminster Bridge began a significant expansion of the British capital in the north-west, namely at the end of XVIII century there was the strongest growth of London's West End. The architecture of Westminster Bridge blends harmoniously with the neo-Gothic style of the surrounding buildings, namely the Palace of Westminster, which is located on the west bank of the Thames. In addition, with Westminster Bridge London Eye is perfectly visible from where you can see London and its surroundings.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 112 | Нарушение авторских прав

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