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  1. Coordination of activities


Activity 1: Professional training of psychologists and social workers from the Integrated Support Centre, Territorial Centre of Social Care for Older and Disabled Persons, municipal schools and kindergartens

Emergence of large groups of IDPs with their specific needs in psychological and social support has placed municipal social service providers in a situation where they often lack knowledge and skills necessary to effectively deal with these needs as they have never been trained for the delivery of services specific for war and conflict situations, and massive population displacement.


Pursuing Specific Objective 1 of the action, Activity 1 will develop the professional knowledge and skills of psychologists and social workers from the Integrated Support Centre (ISC), Territorial Centre of Social Care for Older and Disabled Persons, 16 kindergartens (including the new one supported by the action) and 19 secondary schools of Berdyansk to better address the social and psychological needs of their clients – those related to managing stress, depression and post-conflict trauma, interpersonal conflicts, domestic and gender-based violence, tolerance promotion, psycho-social adaptation and rehabilitation. Apart from specific training to meet the emerging needs of IDPs and due to the fact that the opportunities for professional retraining are rather limited in Berdyansk, these psychologists and social workers they will also be trained in modern approaches and methodologies of providing social and psychological care, including prevention of occupational burnout that is very common among social service providers working in stressful environments and under increased workloads. Training will be delivered through educational events for specific audiences as follows. In total, 180 participants will be trained.


Training course "Enhancing Social Work in Humanitarian Settings" for social workers from the ISC and Territorial Centre of Social Care for Older and Disabled Persons aims at improving the quality of municipal social services for IDPs and local disadvantaged populations. The training programme will cover modern approaches to social work, addressing social needs of IDPs, current legislation regulating social support for IDPs, conflict prevention and management, addressing domestic and gender-based violence, social adaptation and rehabilitation, prevention of occupational burnout. Such a complex programme requires a qualified trainers' team comprising a social work educator, psychologist and lawyer, and will be delivered through a 4-day seminar combining 50% interactive presentations by trainers and 50% small group work, including practical exercises. This training will cover up to 50 social workers via 2 seminars for 25 trainees each. The expected short-term result of this type of training is better and more focused response to the social needs of IDPs, while in the longer-term all eligible recipients of social assistance and services in Berdyansk will benefit from the improved organizational capacity of municipal social services covered by the action to deliver social care.


Training course "Improving Psychological Support to Adults in Post-Conflict Situations" will target psychologists from the ISC and Territorial Centre of Social Care for Older and Disabled Persons and is required to more effectively deal with the psychological consequences of the armed conflict and humanitarian crisis, both among IDPs and local residents. The course will include modern methods of psychological assistance in crisis-affected settings, management of stress and post-trauma syndrome, psychological tolerance and conflict prevention, psychosocial rehabilitation, psychology of gender relations, harmonization of family relationships and prevention of occupational burnout. Training will be provided by a team of two psychologists who have strong theoretical knowledge and practical experience of delivering psychological counselling and support in conflict and post-conflict environments, as well as good training skills. The audience will count up to 20 adult psychologists, to be trained at one 4-day seminar combining plenary presentations (up to 30% of time) and working in small groups and practical exercises (up to 70% of time). It is expected that improved professional capacity of the trainees will result in remediation of psychological issues among IDPs, and thereby there will be less grounds for social tensions and conflicts in Berdyansk.


Training course "Improving Psychological Care of Children and Adolescents in Post-Conflict Situations" is planned for psychologists and social educators from 16 municipal kindergartens and 19 schools of Berdyansk who work with children and their parents. Currently they lack specific skills required to effectively address peculiar psychological issues of children (and their families) related to their experience of witnessing the armed conflict and displacement, and resettlement in the new environment. So the course will train child psychologists in modern methods of psychological assistance to children in crisis-affected settings, management of post-trauma syndrome in children (including working with parents), psychosocial rehabilitation of children, and creating conducive psychological atmosphere in families. Training will be delivered by a team of two psychologists who have good educational skills and excellent knowledge and skills of providing psychological care to children in conflict and post-conflict settings. The course will target 16 psychologists from municipal kindergartens, 19 social educators and 18 psychologists from secondary schools. Training will be organized as three 3-day seminars combining plenary presentations (up to 30% of time) and working in small groups and practical exercises (up to 70% of time). This course will eventually result in better opportunities for psychosocial rehabilitation of children, adolescents and their families, which will increase their coping capacity, help them overcome stress and fears, and generally will improve psychological care at kindergartens and schools of Berdyansk.


Training course "Organizing Outreach Social Services for IDPs" will address capacity gaps of the local social service providers in delivering outreach services to IDPs in their settlements. The course is aimed at social workers, psychologists and lawyers of the ISC (a total of 20 persons) who will be working as outreach teams for IDPs living in larger Berdyansk area. The training programme will include concepts and methods of outreach social work, teambuilding, understanding the needs of IDPs, working in demanding environments, communication skills, counselling techniques, and conflict resolution skills. The course will be delivered as a 5-day workshop that will combine 3 days of theoretical classes with 2 days of practical exercises in the field with in-situ supervision and guidance from trainers. Four social work educators having knowledge and experience of outreach social work will be engaged as trainers for this course and they will be able to provide supervision to four sub-groups of trainees at different IDP settlements for practical lessons. This training will have a long-term effect of diminishing the number of IDPs who cannot receive required social and psychological support at the municipal service providers as their needs become satisfactorily addressed through outreach work.


Training course "Organizing Extracurricular Work at Schools for Dignity, Peace and Social Consensus" will target school psychologists and social educators from Berdyansk. Functional duties of these specialists include cultural education and extracurricular tutorial work for the promotion of humanistic values, social cohesion, fostering certain life skills, as well as prevention and resolution of conflicts. Given the emergence of children from IDP families in schools of Berdyansk, there is a need to help such children and adolescents get easily integrated in the new communities, and to prevent possible tensions and conflicts that could be based on misconceptions and stereotypes related to IDPs. Eighteen school psychologists and 19 social educators will be trained in behavior change communications and organizing extracurricular work with schoolchildren for promoting peace, human values, dignity, mutual respect between IDPs and host communities. Training will be delivered by a team of two psychologists with respective background and experience during two 4-day seminars combining plenary presentations (up to 30% of time) and working in small groups and practical exercises (up to 70% of time). Later on, the trainees will organize school events of various kinds for social consensus and peace building. These events will also receive some limited support from the proposed action under Activity 9. In the long run, this training is expected to influence the cultural values of young people of Berdyansk so that they respect human diversity and dignity and are able to prevent conflicts and build peace.


Trainers for all training courses will be hired as independent experts through an open and transparent competitive procedure. Before commencing training, trainers will be expected to develop respective training programmes and plans (through adapting the existing training programmes to the project needs and circumstances), as well training materials and participants' hand-outs if necessary. Candidates for training will be selected and nominated by the applicant through concerned institutions, with respective official orders signed. Each workshop will be preceded by a baseline knowledge assessment of each trainee, and completed with a conclusive knowledge assessment and feedback collection, so that capacity development progress could be demonstrated and lessons learned analysed for improving the forthcoming workshops if pertinent. The applicant will also be responsible for following up with the trainees to verify how training would have contributed to improving the quality and scope of services provided by the municipal institutions. Training events will be hosted by the central office of the applicant in Rooms 60 and 70; audiovisual equipment for training purposes will also be provided by the applicant as an in-kind contribution.


Activity 1 will commence in the first month of the action from the development of terms of reference for trainers. The co-applicant will be responsible for the organizational arrangements and implementation of this activity with important inputs from the applicant as described in the above paragraph.

Activity 2: Integrated provision of social services and information to IDPs and local residents


The proposed action envisages integration of social services provided by the Centre of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth, the Children's Protection Service, and the Department for Family, Youth and Sport of the Municipal Council through co-locating these services in one building (as an Integrated Support Centre) for easier accessibility, and through using a "single window" approach to expedite and simplify the exchange of information, requesting and receiving social services. As a result, social services by the ISC in Berdyansk will become more convenient and less time-consuming to use. In terms of coverage, these services will be mostly targeted at IDPs, because they have more social needs than host communities, and their needs are more urgent. People who left the anti-terrorist operation zone in Donbas have already suffered a lot of pain and distress, lost their nearest, property or health. The majority of them have no idea of how to live on. Such people are in a dire need of psycho-social relief and rehabilitation to be able resume normal living, as well as of new skills for resettlement and adaptation in the new environment. Social workers and psychologists from various municipal institutions, after being trained under Activity 1, will have the knowledge and skills needed to better address these needs. Therefore, with support from the proposed action which besides professional training also includes premises renovation and provision of equipment, the municipal public service providers, including the ISC, the Territorial Centre of Social Care for Older and Disabled Persons, kindergartens and schools, will deliver services of better quality and make them more easily accessible and more comfortable for clients.


Many IDPs who moved to the Berdyansk area are settled in the city's outskirts and surrounding villages – at children's health and leisure resort "Fakel", health resort "Parus", sanatorium "Berdyansk", christian church "Vifleyem", christian community "Misto-Skhovische", sanatorium "Lazurniy". The estimated number of IDPs in these settlements is close to 2,000 people, and many of them have difficulties visiting the municipal service providers to receive required services – due to lack of information, poor transportation options, necessity to provide continuous care for children and older persons etc. The proposed action will address their information, social and psychosocial needs through supporting the outreach social work by the ISC – for the convenience of IDPs services will be delivered right where they live. The outreach services will be provided by the following specialists: head of children's protection service, head of sector for social protection of children and juvenile crime prevention, head of sector for care, guardianship and adoption, social work specialists, educator, lawyer and psychologists. Twenty specialists will be trained in outreach social work under Activity 1 and they will work in teams of 4 persons per each outreach visit. Outreach services will include information on the rights and benefits of IDPs, information on the available social services, psychological and legal counselling. Outreach visits will be organized on-demand but not less frequently than four times per week (by shifting teams, i.e. 8 specialists will do outreach work each month) for two working hours excluding commuting time. One specialist will be able to provide individual information and counselling services to 4 persons during one visit, so in total 16 persons will be covered by each visit, and also group lectures will be organized to provide information on hot topics. The most frequent destinations for outreach work will be villages Novovasylivka, Roza and Shovkove, locality of Dalnia Kosa, with average distance from the ISC of about 15 km. Regular outreach work requires a vehicle (economy class) to carry personnel, equipment and information and education materials. The action will provide the ISC with such a vehicle and fuel supplies covering the outreach work needs (16 visits per month at average distance of 30 km both ways). As road conditions are poor around Berdyansk, preference will be given to vehicles with higher ground clearance and reinforced suspension (e.g. Renault Duster). Salaries of outreach workers (2 hours x 2 times per week = 4 hours per week or 10% of a standard 40-hour working week) will be covered by the municipal budget. Upon completion of the action, the vehicle will be maintained by the ISC at the cost of the Berdyansk municipal budget.


In the course of the action, the ISC will develop information and promotion leaflets for IDPs describing the public social services available in Berdyansk, explaining where and how to get them and what benefits they can bring. Apart from these, individual educational leaflets with practical advices on stress management, tolerance and conflict prevention, and social integration will be developed and printed by the ISC. These will be distributed free-of-charge in the IDP communities by outreach workers, as well as at public institutions of Berdyansk attended by IDPs (local authorities, social service institutions, pension fund offices, polyclinics and hospitals, banks, pharmacies etc.). The ISC and Territorial Centre will also be supplied with office expendables and stationery (printer cartridges, paper, flipchart markers etc.) necessary for performing their functions.


The applicant will be responsible for the delivery of services by the municipal social service institutions, including outreach work, and development and publication of information leaflets. The co-applicant will be responsible for the procurement of outreach work vehicle.


Activity 3: Renovation of the building at 68A Kirova St. for the kindergarten and Centre for Social Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities


The proposed action will provide for the reconstruction of a two-storeyed detached building at 68A Kirova St. consisting of three separate blocks interconnected with one-storeyed passages. It is planned to reconstruct two blocks as a kindergarten and one block as a Centre for Social Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities. According to the applicable norms, the planned maximum occupancy of the building is 220 children, including 60 children with disabilities.


The building has a public ownership and belongs to the communal institution "Territorial Centre of Social Services" of the Berdyansk City Council. It is situated on a land plot of 0.9085 hectares. The total floor area of the building is 2,081 m2, the ceiling height is 3.00 m, and the total structural volume of the building is 7,800 m3. Upon renovation, the building, including its interior spacing and facilities, must conform to the State Construction Norms DBN B.2.2-4-97 "Buildings and structures of children's pre-schooling institutions" and DBN B.2.6-31:2006 "Thermal insulation of buildings", as well as sanitary norms and regulations.


According to a pre-design assessment, the following engineering works should be performed as part of the renovation process: installation of an induced supply-and-exhaust ventilation system, replacement of water supply communications linked to municipal water supply network, replacement of sewerage communications linked to municipal sewerage network, replacement of internal electric network and equipment with installation of autonomous power supply source, lighting automation system, replacement of internal heating and hot water supply network, installation of the lightning protection, installation of a fire alarm system. The construction design project will include replacement of all external windows and doors, installation of heaters and an automated heating control system, installation of energy-saving illumination and household appliances, which will help reduce running costs. The planned reconstruction also envisages zoning and landscape gardening of the adjacent territory. The design project will include provisions for organizing roofed playgrounds, sports grounds, a place for basic natural sciences teaching, and a utility area.


Based on the available space, the kindergarten building should have the capacity to simultaneously host 8 groups of children for day care (150 children in total). Although the kindergarten will be open to all children of Berdyansk, priority in the enrolment will be given to children from IDP families, based on the case-by-case analysis of life circumstances of families.


The design project for the reconstruction works complete with cost estimates will be developed as part of the proposed action in its initial stage. The renovation will be implemented in full by the applicant through subcontracting of design, engineering and reconstruction/renovation works and provision of required materials and supplies. The estimated timeline for a complete renovation of the building is 9 months. However, two rooms of the building will be renovated in the first two and a half months since project launch, and the kindergarten will accommodate 20 children there while the rest of the building will continue being renovated.


Activity 4: Renovation of the building at 38 Chervona St. for the Integrated Support Centre and Territorial Centre of Social Care for Older and Disabled Persons


Under this activity, a two-storeyed detached building at 38 Chervona (Krasnaya) St. will be partially renovated. Upon renovation, the ground floor will be used by the Territorial Centre of Social Care for Older and Disabled Children, while the premises on the first floor will be provided for the Integrated Support Centre that will deliver social, psychological, legal and other types of services to IDPs and local communities, organize and implement information and education activities, and provide referrals to other services for clients if needed. The Integrated Support Centre will co-locate at the same premises the Berdyansk Municipal Centre of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth, the Department for Family Youth and Sport of the Berdyansk Municipal Council and the Berdyansk Municipal Children's Protection Service. The estimated occupancy of the building is 76 persons, including 34 older persons and persons with disabilities attending day care services.


The building is in a public ownership. The premises in the right wing of the ground floor of the building and all premises on the first floor belong to the communal institution "Territorial Centre of Social Services" of the Berdyansk City Council. The premises in the left wing of the ground floor of the building belong to the communal enterprise "Berdyanskecotrans" of the Berdyansk City Council. The total floor area of the building is 661 m2, the ceiling height is 3.85 m, and the total structural volume of the building is 2,546 m3. The floor area of the building subject to reconstruction is 466 m2, and the structural volume subject to reconstruction is 1,792 m3. After the renovation, the building should meet the requirements of the State Construction Norms DBN 360-92 "Urban development, planning and construction of urban and rural buildings" and DBN B.2.6-31:2006 "Thermal insulation of buildings".


A pre-design assessment has established the need for the following external works: replacement of the roofing and installation of a roof drain system, façade renovation with filling of cracks, partial plastering and façade paintworks, installation of external water supply and sewerage networks, leading-in an electric power cable, installation of a furnace unit and solar collectors for water heating (Berdyansk has no central water heating). The internal engineering works should provide for installation of an induced supply-and-exhaust ventilation system, water supply and sewerage piping for sanitary rooms, replacement of internal electric networks and devices, autonomous heating system installation linked to the furnace unit with replacement of internal heating networks. Provisions should be also made for installing the lightning protection and a fire alarm system. Additionally, the design project will include roof thermal insulation, replacement of all existing external window and door units, installation of illumination and household appliances, as well as interior design works.


The design project for the reconstruction works complete with cost estimates will be developed as part of the proposed action in its initial stage. The renovation works will be implemented in full by the applicant through subcontracting of design, engineering and reconstruction/renovation works and provision of required materials and supplies. The estimated timeline for a complete renovation of the building is 9 months.


[1]ВВВ For restricted procedures only; when the Contracting Authority has evaluated the Concept Note it informs the applicant of the outcome and allocates a proposal number.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-20; просмотров: 37 | Нарушение авторских прав

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