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The University's Academic Board is an elected representative body performing general governance of the University. The University Rector and Vice-Rectors are members of the Board, with the Rector holding the chairperson's position. Other Board members are elected from a list of candidates put forward by the University units. Election takes place at a University Conference, its participants representing teaching and research staff and other categories of University employees and students. The Board's term of office is 5 years.


The Academic Board takes decisions on all organizational issues pertaining to areas of education, research, upbringing, personnel development, finances, economic activities and international relations. Other issues within the Board's responsibility include:

Hearing and considering annual reports by the Rector;

Discussing and establishing principles of financial distribution between the faculties, research institutes and other University units;

Establishing the University structure; introducing structural changes; adopting regulations on the structural units;

Convening the University Conference for (i) introducing changes and additions into the University Statutes; (ii) electing the Rector; (iii) electing the Board members; (iv) endorsing internal rules of procedure;

Adopting an annual thematic plan of University research works and hearing a report on scientific activities of the University;

Endorsing the University logo, regalia etc.;

Awarding the title "Doctor honoris causa of St. Petersburg State University";

Putting forward the names of candidates for honorary titles and state awards of the Russian Federation;

Awarding prizes to University employees for scientific and pedagogical merits.


The Academic Board forms the Senate. The Senate is the Board's instrument, accountable to the latter in all its activities, which include:

Hearing and considering reports by heads of general University departments and offices of central administration;

Controlling the implementation of the Academic Board's decisions;

Considering issues of the practical management of the University; coordinating work of the faculties and other structural units;

Considering draft documents of inter-university co-operation;

Preparing proposals for discussion at Academic Board's sittings.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-03; просмотров: 46 | Нарушение авторских прав

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