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Re: Ancient History

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  1. Ancient History
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Spock on Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:32 pm


Vril is an esoteric matriarchal society which is said to be the occult empowerer of Nazi Germany. Allegedly, they channeled from Pleiadian sources technology which aided the German war machine, and later the Americans who incorporated Nazi scientists and technology via Operation Paperclip. They were concerned with the works of Madame Blavatsky and others, and the Thule Society was their political arm. Thule medium Maria Orsic, the Austrian daughter of a Croatian immigrant, was said to have been taken away by the Pleiadians. Apparently, there are (allegedly) three branches of the Pleiadians, of which the Aldebaren Pleidians are the racist and warlike group, dedicated to the dominance of the Nordic Peoples, and perhaps corresponding to the (alleged) presence of the Nordic Aliens. If the Pleiadians actually exist, they may have marked their presence on earth by the Swastika, which has been found among the Indians, Persians, Native Americans, and others.

(Note: it might be the better part of wisdom to consider the superficial benevolence of the self-entitled Pleiadians---on Youtube and elsewhere---to be a ploy for hypnotizing their enemies into inaction, in the manner of the 'sirens sweetly singing' encountered by Odysseus in the Iliad.)

The Vril also concerned themselves with Hindu Mysticism and the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola, who was Basque. For what it's worth, Zecharia Sitchin and others claim a linguistic link between the Basques and the Sumerians, though this is disputed by others. The Vril are also concerned with living in an underground world centered with a black sun. There are perhaps most accurately perceived as a Germanic manifestation of the "Cult of the Black Virgin," which has ties to Isis, similar in name to the German mountian goddess Isais recognized by the Vril.

However, there are some indicators that the Vril were an agent of the Illuminati concerned with executing the blueprint of the Palladian Rite. The second stage of this plan calls for the destruction of the force we call Nazism. Therefore, one interpretation of the Vril is to view them as the hand leading Nazism to the gallows, by 'setting up' the National Socialists to overplay their hand.

Here are some indicators that the concerns of the Vril were not in line with Nazism:

1) The Vril were behind the attempt to assassinate Hitler in July of 1944 and replace him with the non-Nazi Rommel. Some sources also claim they were behind the Kennedy assassination, which would demonstrate their influence had migrated to the America. This could also link them to the interests of the international bankers, since Kennedy had issued new money (silver certificates) and was agitating against the Federal Reserve (notice the similarity with Abraham Lincoln). If they are under the influence of the internationalists, it is very doubtful that they are truly Anti-Semetic.

2) The 'go between' for the Matriarchal Vril and the Patriarchal Nazis was a German naval officer named Wilhelm Canaris. He discretely supported many attempts to undermine Hitler's authority, and was very disappointed when Chamberlain 'caved in' to Hitler.

3) The Vril apparently viewed themselves in the tradition of Mary Magdalene, who---if she existed---was undeniably Jewish. They even grew their hair long in the manner of Mary Magdalene, ostensibly to serve as an antenna for spiritual signals. The occult center of WW2 Germany, the Kasteel Wewelsberg, was laid out with the same "sacred" pentagonal geometry as the Rennes-le-Chateau in France, i.e., the "Grail Castle." Therefore, we can conclude that the Vril were concerned with the Merovingian issue and no doubt viewed themselves as enablers of this tradition. Of course, Christ, like Magdalene, would have been of Jewish blood, and if his bloodline formed the biological bedrock of the European ruling elites, so would they be!

4) The matriarchal Vril may well have considered ALL Patriarchal institutions---be they Nazi, Jewish, Christian, etc...--to be the true enemy, and may have been more than willing to help them destroy each other. This seems to be the Modus Operandi of those we call the Illuminati----the pitting against one another of the tyrannical powers of hubris that have ruled humanity via their harsh patriarchal dogmas and doctrines, taking first one side and then the other like the God of War, Mars. Since Mars and Venus are always found in each others company, Perhaps the Vril are the Venus to the Illuminatic Mars.

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