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Выпишите из всего текста предложения с модальными глаголами или эквивалентами, переведите предложения, подчеркните модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты двумя чертами.

Читайте также:
  1. I) Найдитев тексте все придаточные предложения, которые вводятся союзом que,и выполняют функцию дополнения.
  2. I) Найдитев тексте глаголы в infinitifи объясните их употребление.
  3. I) Объяснитероль слова choseв следующих предложениях (существительное
  4. I) Перепишитевыделенный отрывок текста, исправивдопущенные ошибки.
  5. I) Перепишитеследующий отрывок текста (от слов: «Comme chaque année...» до конца), поставив глаголы: ( 1) в passé composé; (2)в passé simple.
  6. I) Составьте пять фраз,содержащих два придаточных предложения цели, соединенных союзом ... et que.
  7. II) Найдитев тексте и выпишитев две колонки: наречия времении наречия места.

1. They may include some large thermal and hydroelectric power plants.

Они могут включать большие тепловые станции и гидроэлектростанции.

8. Выпишите из текста 3 предложения, где сказуемое стоит в Пассивном залоге. Перепишите предложения и поставьте сказуемое в прошедшее (PastSimplePassive) и будущее время (FutureSimplePassive).

1. All electric power consumers are divided into groups with common load characteristics.

All electric power consumers were divided into groups with common load characteristics.

All electric power consumers will be divided into groups with common load characteristics.


2. The operating load conditions of each group are determined by the load graph.

The operating load conditions of each group were determined by the load graph

The operating load conditions of each group will be determined by the load graph


3. On the load graph the time of the maximum load and minimum loads is given.

On the load graph the time of the maximum load and minimum loads was given.

On the load graph the time of the maximum load and minimum loads will be given.


4. Large industrial areas with cities are supplied from electric networks fed by electric power plants.

Large industrial areas with cities were supplied from electric networks fed by electric power plants.

Large industrial areas with cities will be supplied from electric networks fed by electric power plants.


5.These plants are interconnected for operation in parallel and located in different parts of the given area.

These plants were interconnected for operation in parallel and located in different parts of the given area.

These plants will be interconnected for operation in parallel and located in different parts of the given area.


6. The sum total of the electric power plants, the networks that interconnect them and the power utilizing devices of the consumers, is called a power system.

The sum total of the electric power plants, the networks that interconnect them and the power utilizing devices of the consumers, was called a power system.

The sum total of the electric power plants, the networks that interconnect them and the power utilizing devices of the consumers, will be called a power system.

7.All the components of a power system are interrelated by the common processes of protection, distribution, and consumption of both electric and heat power.

All the components of a power system were interrelated by the common processes of protection, distribution, and consumption of both electric and heat power.

All the components of a power system will be interrelated by the common processes of protection, distribution, and consumption of both electric and heat power.


8. An economical utilization of the power plant installations and of the sources of power is achieved by interconnected operation of a series of power plants in a common power distribution system.

An economical utilization of the power plant installations and of the sources of power was achieved by interconnected operation of a series of power plants in a common power distribution system.

An economical utilization of the power plant installations and of the sources of power will be achieved by interconnected operation of a series of power plants in a common power distribution system.





Дата добавления: 2015-08-02; просмотров: 65 | Нарушение авторских прав

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