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Topic 19. Pathophysiology of cardiovascular system.

Topic 12. Pathophysiology of tissue growth. Tumors. | Diabetes mellitus. | Topic 14. Pathophysiology of water-salt metabolism. | Topic 15. Pathophysiology of acid-base balance and phosphate-calcium metabolism. | Topic 16. Pathophysiology of endocrine system. | Topic. 17. Pathophysiology of blood and hemopoietic organs. | A. Microcytes | D. Thalassemia | B. Iron deficiency anemia | A. Hyper regenerative to the left |

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  1. A) Draw a family tree for yourself and using the topical vocabulary explain the relationship between your immediate ancestors and any interesting facts about them.
  2. Conversational topics
  3. Digestive System. Introduction
  4. Ex. 38. Be ready to speak on the Respiratory System.
  5. I. Learn the topical vocabulary.
  6. I. Learn the topical vocabulary.
  7. Learn the topical vocabulary.


1. Thrombosis of coronary artery caused the development of myocardial infarction. What mechanism of the impairment will be dominating in this disease?

A. Electrolyte-osmotic;

B. Asidotic;

C. Protein;

D. Lipid;

E. Calcic.


2. Acute cardiac insufficiency appeared in a patient with arterial hypertension due to hypertensive crisis. What mechanism of cardiac insufficiency is the main in this case?

A. Overload of heart by resistance;

B. Absolute coronary insufficiency;

C. Relative incompetence;

D. Overload of heart by rush of blood;

E. Myocardial impairment.


3. A patient aged 59 was hospitalised at cardiological department in a severe state with the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction of the posterior wall of the left ventricle and septum, and starting pulmonary edema. What is primary mechanism which causes the development of pulmonary oedema in the patient?


A. Pulmonary arterial hypertension;

B. Left ventricular failure;

C. Pulmonary venous hypertension;

D. Hypoxemia;

E. Decrease of alveolocapillary diffusion of oxygen.


4. A female patient aged 18, complains of general weakness, quick fatigability, depressed mood. She has asthenic type of constitution. Pulse 68 per min., AP-90/60mm Hg. Primary neurociculatory arterial hypertension was diagnosed. What is the main factor of decreasing of arterial pressure in a patient?

A. Decrease of minute volume of the blood;

B. Decrease of cardiac output;

C. Decrease of the tension of resistant vessels;

D. Hypovolemia;

E. Deposition of the blood in the vines of systemic circulation.


5. A patient has stable and marked increase of arterial pressure, increased extracellular fluid volume, increased content of Na+ and decrease of K+ in the blood, positive effect of saluretic treatment. What is the mechanism of development of hypertension in the patient?

A. Mineralocorticoid

B. Renin-angiotensine

C. Renovascular

D. Reflexogenic

E. Cento-ischemic


6. While climbing upstairs on the 5th floor a patient has got an increased arterial pressure. The cause is the increase of:

A. Minute volume of the blood

B. The number of functioning capillaries

C. Content of ions in blood plasma

D. Viscosity of the blood

E. Circulating volume of the blood


7. On the diagnosis of myocardial infarction the main role belongs to enzymodiagnosis. The definition of content level in the blood of what enzyme is the most important during the first 2-4 hours after infarction?

A. Aldolase

B. Lipoprotein lipase

C. Alanine aminotranspherase

D. Creatin phosphokinase

E. Acetylcholinesterase


8. On analysis ECG it was determined: sinus rhythm, correct, interval RR is 0.58 sec, location and duration of other intervals, waves and segments are not changed. Call the type of arrhythmia:

A. Sinus tachycardia

B. Sinus bradycardia

C. Indioventricular rhythm

D. Sinus arrhythmia

E. Ciliary arrhythmia

9. One of the most dangerous moments in pathogenesis of myocardial necrosis is the further increase of the zones of necrosis, dystrophy and ischemia. The important role in this belongs to the increase of the use of the oxygen by myocardium. What substance contributes to this process?

A. Chlorine ion

B. Cholesterol

C. Catecholamine

D. Acetylcholine

E. Adenosine


10. The functioning of certain structures is stopped on the isolated heart by means of cooling. What structure is cooled if due to this the contractions stopped at first, but then they began with a rate 2 times slower than initial one?

A. Sinoatrial node

B. Purkinje’s fibres

C. Limbs of His’ bundle

D. Atrioventricular node

E. His’ bundle


11. A patient with chronic glomerulonephritis has edema, BP is 210/100 mmHg; the rate of heartbeat is 85 per minute; the borders of the heart are dilated. What is the leading mechanism in the development of arterial hypertension?

A. Increase of the activity of sympathetic adrenal system

B. Hyperfunction of the heart

C. Activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

D. Increase of circulating volume of the blood

E. Increase of vasopressin output


12. The patient’s ECG shows that interval RR=1.5 sec, heart rate - 40 per min. What is the pacemaker of the heart?

A. Left limb of His’ bundle

B. Sinus node

C. His’ bundle

D. Right limb of the His bundle

E. Atrioventricular node


13. Pulmonary edema developed in a patient with hypertonic crisis. What is the main factor in the pathogenesis of his state?

A. Increase of arterial pressure

B. Permeability increase of the vessels of pulmonary circulation

C. Increase of hydrostatic pressure in the capillary of the lungs.

D. Resistibility increase of the lung vessels

E. Decrease of oncotic pressure of blood plasma.


14. During the examination of blood for activity of AsAT and AlAT in the patient who complained of pain in the chest and in upper part of the abdomen, the following results were received: activity of AsAT 2 times higher than AlAT activity. What disease does the patient have?

A. Acute infectious hepatitis

B. Acute pancreatitis

C. Myocardial infarction

D. Chronic hepatitis

E. Cirrhosis of the liver


15. Redistribution of organ blood supply took place in a young man, aged 20 during the load. What organ did the blood flow increase in most of all?

A. Brain

B. Kidneys

C. Liver

D. Skeletal muscles

E. Heart


16. Clinical signs of developing pulmonary edema appeared in a patient with cardiac insufficiency of left ventricular type. Which of the pointed pathogenic mechanism is the primary in such pathology?

A. Hydrodynamic

B. Congestive

C. Colloid-osmotic

D. Lymphogenous

E. Membranogenous


17. A patient has cyanosis, increase of the liver, oedema of the lower extremities due to the right ventricular insufficiency. What is the cause of the development of right ventricular failure?

A. Cardiogenic cirrhosis of the liver.

B. Functional shunting in lungs

C. Hypercatecholaminemia

D. Increase of venous pressure

E. Hypotension of pulmonary circulation


18. A woman, aged 25, complains of constant pain in the heart area, breathlessness on movement, and general malaise. She has pale and cold skin, acrocyanosis. Her pulse is 96/min and her BP is 105/70 mmHg. Heart border in her shifted 2 cm left. The first sound is weakened over the apex of heart; there is systolic murmur over the apex. Diagnosis is insufficiency of the mitral valve of the heart. What is the cause of the blood circulation failure?

A. Myocardial overload by the increased blood volume

B. Myocardial overload by the increased of resistance of blood outflow

C. Myocardial failure

D. Volume decreased of circulating blood

E. Volume increased of vascular bed


19. A patient with acute myocardial infarction was being given 1500ml of different solutions intravenously during 8 hours, oxygen intranasally. Death occurs due to pulmonary edema. What was the cause of the pulmonary edema?

A. Overload of the left ventricle by the volume

B. Decrease of oncotic pressure due to hemodilution

C. Allergic reaction

D. Neurogenic reaction

E. Oxygen inhalation


20. Functional hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart developed in a sportsman, aged 20, due to constant physical load. What morphofunctional process do these changes result from?

A. Increase of cell size and number of contractile organelles

B. Increase of fibroblast number

C. Increase of the number of conductive cardiomyocytes

D. Increase of the amount of connective tissue

E. Increase of the amount of fat tissue


21. A patient with renal disease accompanied by parenchyma ischemia has a high arterial pressure. What leading factor is the cause of the increase of AP in this patient?

A. Excess of angiotensin II

B. Excess of antidiuretic hormone

C. Increase of heart output

D. Increase of sympathetic nervous system tonus

E. Hypercatecholaminemia


22. During the operation reflex increased of vagus nerve influence on the heart happened. What may occur in this case?

A. Cardiac arrest

B. Increase of atrioventricular node conduction

C. Increase of myocardium conduction

D. Intensification of myocardium contractions

E. Increase of heart rate

23. Decrease of R-R interval was revealed on ECG of a man. What changes in the heart work are observed in this case?

A. Increase of heart rate

B. Decrease of heart rate

C. Increase of force of contractions

D. Decrease of force contraction

E. Decrease of force and rate of contractions

24. Large amount of isoenzymes of creatine kinase of MV-form was revealed in the blood of the patient with destructive changes in the muscular tissue. What is the most possible diagnosis?

A. Myocardial infarction

B. Muscular atrophy

C. Muscular dystrophy

D. Polymyositis

E. Myopathy


25. Patient’s attack of tachycardia was stopped by pressing on the eyeballs (Danini-Ashner reflex). In the decrease of the heart rate there is intensification of the influence on the sinoatrial node of:

A. Vagus nerves

B. Sympathetic nerves

C. Autonomic nervous system

D. Sympathoadrenal system

E. Catecholamines


26. Considerable increase of PQ interval was found out on ECG. It means that conduction of stimulation is delayed by:

A. AV node

B. Atria

C. His’ bundle

D. Purkinje’s fibres

E. Ventricles


27. Sharp marked pains in the substernal area that radiate to the left arm cannot be controled by nitro-glycerine for 30 minutes. What changes developed in the patient’s hearts?

A. Myocardial ischemia

B. Pathological myocardial hypertrophy

C. Sharp increase of coronary blood flow

D. Mitral incompetence

E. Inflammation of pericardium


28. The activity of what enzymes is it necessary to determine in pathology of cardiac muscle with diagnostic and prognostic aim?

A. Arginase, peptidase, phosphatase

B. Decarboxylase, decanidase, lactate dehydrogenase

C. Creatin kinase, transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase

D. Lysozyme, citrate synthatase, succinate dehydrogenase

E. Neuroaminase, aldolase, hexakinase.


29. A severe stress was caused in an experimental animal. Necrotic injuries of myocardium developed in this stage. What is the main cause in the pathogenesis of these injuries?

A. Increase of calcium content in cardiomyocytes

B. Decrease of adenosine triphosphoric acid synthesis in mitochondria

C. Changes in the work of Na+-K+ pump

D. Insufficiency of coronary circulation

E. Decrease of adenosine triphosphoric acid activity of myosin


30. A patient male has had a chronic disease of kidneys for 12 years. AP - 200/130mmHg. Pulse –75 beats per min. The main factor that causes the increase of pressure in this case is the increase of:

A. Minute volume of the heart

B. Heart rate

C. Circulating volume of the blood

D. Systemic peripheral resistance

E. Venous recurrence.


31. During the attack of heartbeat a patient with thyrotoxicosis has an irregular pulse of different filling, pulse deficiency is observed. Waves P are absent; small in amplitude, disorderly undulations (P waves), and irregular ventricular complexes of ordinary configuration are noted. What kind of rhythm impairment is observed in a patient?

A. Sinus tachycardia

B. Sinoatrial block

C. Ciliary arrhythmia

D. Paroxysmal tachycardia

E. Ventricular extrasystole


32. At examination of a patient strengthening of a second pulmonic sound, hypertrophy of the right ventricle wall are determined. What changes of hemodynamic take place in pulmonary circulation?

A. Hyperperfusion of the lungs

B. Hypoperfusion of the lungs

C. Manifestation of Hering-Breuer reflex

D. Development of broncho-alveolar vascular anastomosis

E. Spasm of resistant vessels in the lungs.


33. A patient with mitral failure has an enlargement of the liver, edema of lower limbs. What is the leading mechanism of the development of cardiac edema?

A. Increase of venous recurrence

B. Increase of tissue drainage

C. Participation of renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system

D. Decrease of oncotic pressure

E. Decrease of transudation.


34. At examination a patient’s arterial pressure is 190/100 hg. What factors leads to increase of arterial pressure?

A. Spasm of resistance vessels

B. Increase of venous recurrence

C. toxygenic dilation of cardiac muscle

D. Aler-Lilestrand reflex

E. Kitaevs reflex.


35. A patient with myocardial infarction has a mark paleness of skin, oliguria, AP 100/90 mm Hg, and pulse 100 beats/min. What compensative mechanism maintains relative high level of AP?

A. Hypokalemia

B. Hypoperfusion of the lungs

C. Centralization of blood circulation

D. Increase of the level of vasodilators in blood

E. Secondary aldosteronism


36. Marked frequency of the patients pulse was determined during the examination, what is sinus tachycardia due to?

A. Hypothyrosis

B. Hypokalemia

C. Tonus increase of vagus nerve

D. Increase of speed of slow diastolic depolarisation

E. Excess of acetylcholine


37. Considerably slow pulse was determined in a patient at examination. What is sinus bradycardia due to?

A. Decrease of speed of slow diastolic depolarisation

B. Hypercatecholaminemia

C. Decrease of circulating blood volume

D. Hyperkalemia

E. Haemic hypoxia


38. In cardiac pathology homeometric mechanism of compensation in the work of the left ventricle takes place in:

A. Stenosis of atrioventricular foramen

B. Mitral incompetence

C. Aortic incompetence

D. Hypertension of pulmonary circulation

E. Hypertension of systemic circulation.


39. In cardiac pathology heterometric mechanism of compensation connected with overloading of left ventricle volume takes place in:

A. Stenosis of atrioventricular foramen

B. Stenosis of aortic osteum

C. Aortic incompetence

D. Hyper tension of pulmonary circulation

E. Hypertension of systemic circulation.


40. Sharp increase of AsAT activity was determined in the blood serum of a patient 12 hrs later after an acute attack of pain in the substernal area. Which of the pathogenesis is the most possible?

A. Collagenosis

B. Diabetes mellitus

C. Myocardial infarction

D. Virus hepatitis

E. Diabetes insipidus


41. Pressing pain in the heart area with irradiation to the left arm, neck and under the left shoulder blade suddenly appeared in a male patient aged 45, after considerable psycho-emotional exertion. His face became pale and covered with cold perspiration. Nitro-glycerin relieved the attack of pain. What process in the patient?

A. Angina pectoris

B. Perforation of stomach ulcer

C. Psychogenetic shock

D. Myocardial infarction

E. Insult


42. In recreation of the arterial hypertension in a dog a thickness in the left ventricle wall increased 1.7 times in a month, but the circulating blood volume was not changed in comparison with the initial data. What stage of myocardial hypertrophy is observed in the animal?

A. Initial

B. Repair

C. Complete hypertrophy

D. Decompensation

E. Progressive cardiosclerosis


43. The rate of spread of pulse wave turned out to be considerably higher in a man aged 70, than in a man aged 25. The cause of this is decrease of:

A. Arterial pressure

B. Cardiac output

C. Elasticity of vascular wall

D. Rate of cardiac contractions

E. Circulation rate


44. On recording ECG of a patient with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland increase of rate of cardiac contractions was registered. Shortening of what ECG element indicates this?

A. Interval R-R

B. Interval P-Q

C. Interval P-T

D. Segment P-Q

E. Complex QRS


45. A patient excretes water from the organism less than he uses it for 24 hours. What disease may lead to this state?

A. Cardiac insufficiency

B. Pancreatitis

C. Cystitis

D. Hepatitis

E. Infectious diseases


46. A man has got an electro trauma. Current went through the cardiac muscle. What dangerous impairment in the work of the heart demanding urgent measures may appear in this situation?

A. Bradycardia

B. Extrasystole

C. Atrial fibrillation

D. Ventricular fibrillation

E. Tachycardia


47. A patient who underwent myocardial infarction a month and a half ago had Dressler’s syndrome with typical triad: pericarditis, pleurisy, and pneumonia. The cause of its development is:

A. Sensibilization of the organism by myocardial antigens

B. Decrease of resistance to infectious agents

C. Activation of saprophytic micro flora

D. Intoxication of the organism by necrotic products

E. Injection of myocardial enzymes in the blood.


48 A patient with rheumatism had incompetence of the left atrioventricular foramen and decompensation of cardiac activity. The characteristic hemodynamic index of this state is:

A. Decrease of cardiac output

B. Slowing down of blood flow

C. Decrease of arterial pressure

D. Increase of venous pressure

E. Widening of microcirculatory bed


49. A patient with rheumatic myocarditis began to feel intermissions in the work of heart. By means of auscultation of the heart, feeling the pulse and ECG investigation it was determined that this was connected with the appearance of ventricular extra systoles the characteristic feature of which is compensatory pause. Its appearance is due to:

A. Refractivity of ventricular myocardium to the next impulse

B. Retention of stimulation in atrioventricular node

C. Retrograde conduction of stimulation to atria

D. Inhibition of function of sinoatrial node

E. Impairment of contraction of ventricular myocardium


50. Considerable increase of myocardial mass of left ventricle was determined in a patient with hypertension. It was due to:

A. Increase of cardiomyocyte volume

B. Increase in amount of cardiomyocytes

C. Enlargement of connective tissue

D. Retention of water in myocardium

E. Fat infiltration of myocardium


51. A patient with aortic atherosclerosis has left ventricular hypertrophy as a compensatory phenomenon. Compensatory role of hypertrophy comes to:

A. Normalization of load on each cardiomyocyte

B. Improvement of delivery of oxygen to myocardium

C. Activation of synthesis of macroergs in myocardium

D. Economical use of energy by cardiomyocytes

E. Increase of stroke volume of the blood


52. A patient who is treated for myocardial infarction at the in-patient department has lost suddenly his consciousness several times a day. During the attack pulse is absent, heart sounds are not heard, face is cyanotic, and convulsions appear, arterial pressure is not determined. The diagnosis is Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome. It appears due to:

A. Development of full atrioventricular blockade

B. Weakness of sinoatrial node

C. Attack of ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia

D. Impairment of excitability of ventricular myocardium

E. Cardiosclerotic changes in the heart


53. Electrocardiography examination of a patient with hypertension showed such results: right sinus rhythm, rate of cardiac constrictions is 92 per min; duration of PQ - 0.2 sec, QRS without change, a patient has disturbance of:

A. Refractivity

B. Conduction

C. Automatism

D. Stimulation

E. Contractility


54. By electrocardiogram investigation the following data were determined in a patient who had suffered the grippe; the rate of heart is 140 beats per min, sinus rhythm, the range of R-R is not more than 0.15 c; duration of PQ-0.2 c; QRS is not changed. These indicate of the development of:

A. Sinus tachyarrhythmia

B. Sinus tachycardia

C. Nonparoxysmal tachycardia

D. Paroxysmal tachycardia

E. Ventricular fibrillation


55. The signs of heart failure appeared in a man aged 56, during carrying out hard work, feelings of air shortage, heart beating, and general weakness. Objectively heart borders are dilated, the heart rate is 92 beats per min and arterial pressure is 180/110 mm hg. These signs are due to:

A. Increase of peripheral resistance

B. General hypoxia of an organism

C. Insufficiency of coronary circulation

D. Increase of diastolic filling

E. Neurotrophic disturbances


56. A patient aged 47 with mitral incompetence has the symptoms of cardiac insufficiency: breathlessness, cyanosis, oedema of lower limbs. Objectively: the borders of the heart are dilated, the heart rate is 104 beats per min, and arterial pressure is 125/85 mm hg. These symptoms are due to:

A. Increase of peripheral resistance

B. Autoallergic changes of myocardium

C. Increase of diastolic filling

D. Insufficiency of coronary circulation

E. Neurotrophic disturbances


57. Dilation of the heart, AP-155/100 mm hg, the heart rate 95 beats per min, was revealed in a patient aged 63 with hypertension during the examination. The most effective mechanism, which will contribute to the normalization of AP, is:

A. Inhibition of aldosteron synthesis

B. Blocking of angiotensin synthesis

C. Inhibition of catecholamine action

D. Blocking of vasopressin action

E. Administration of salt low diet


58. After suffered rheumatism a patient had aortic stenosis. Point out what mechanism of compensation takes place in the left ventricle:

A. Homeometric

B. Heterometric

C. Systolic

D. Diastolic

E. Coronary


59. After suffered rheumatism a patient had aortic incompetence. Indicate what mechanism of compensation takes place in the left ventricle in this case:

A. Homeometric

B. Heterometric

C. Systolic

D. Diastolic

E. Coronary

60. Acute myocardial infarction of a patient includes three areas: zone of necrosis, dystrophy and ischemia. The changes of what ECG wave characterises the place of necrosis in this case?

A. R

B. S

C. Q

D. T

E. P

61. A patient with acute myocardial infarction, which was caused by thrombosis of coronary arteries, was treated with fibrinolytc preparation urkinase that led to the development of reperfusion syndrome. Which of the mentioned syndromes is associated with reperfusion?

A. Dressler’s

B. Chediak-Higashi

C. Morgagni-Adams-Stokes

D. No-reflow

E. Wolff-Parkinson-White


62. Which of the factors is the most frequent cause of formation of acquired valvular heart disease?

A. Septic endocarditis

B. Syphilis

C. Atherosclerosis

D. Mechanical factor

E. Rheumatism


63. Acute pain in the heart area, marked skin paleness and loss of consciousness developed in a patient after short intensive physical excretion. What heart failure may be suspected in this patient?

A. Mitral incompetence

B. Stenosis of aortic osteum

C. Stenosis of mitral orifice

D. Aortic incompetence

E. Stenosis of the right atrioventricular opening

64. A patient aged 40, complains of increased fatigue, appearance of pain in the heart area on physical exertion. Objectively: cyanotic skin (especially on the fingers of the hands and legs, lobule of the ear), pulse rate 96 beats/min, AP-110/85 mm of hg. There are oedemas in the lower and middle third of the cruses. The edge of the liver projects 3 cm from under the costal arch. Which form of circulatory insufficiency may be suspected in this patient?

A. Acute left ventricular failure

B. Acute vascular insufficiency

C. Chronic left ventricular failure

D. Chronic right ventricular failure

E. Acute right ventricular failure

65. A patient complains of breathlessness that appears even on slight physical exertion, cough with sputum, which recently has obtained bloody character. Objectively: the skin of the face and mucous membrane of the lips particularly are cyanotic. Which impairment of the heart work may be suspected in this patient?

A. Stenosis of mitral orifice

B. Mitral incompetence

C. Stenosis of aortic osteum

D. Aortic incompetence

E. Stenosis of the right atrioventricular opening

66. A patient has constant high arterial pressure - 160/110 mm of hg. Periodically it may rise up to 220-240/120-130 mm of hg. What type of hypertension has this patient?

A. Psycho emotional

B. Cerebral

C. Renal

D. Adrenal

E. Essential


67. A patient, female, aged 48 complains of breathlessness on slight physical exertion, pains of pressing character in substernal area, appearance of syncope on exertion. According to a case history the patient suffered rheumatism. Heart failure was diagnosed - stenosis of aortic osteum, myocardial hypertrophy. What is the main mechanism of the development of myocardial hypertrophy?

A. Hypertrophy of myocardiocytes

B. Diffuse oedema of interstice

C. Synthesis increase of contractile proteins in myocardium

D. Hyperplasia of intermediate tissue of myocardium

E. Accumulation of water and electrolytes in myocardiocytes


68. A patient 45 complains of breathlessness on slight physical exertion, oedema of the legs, frequent quinsies are pointed out in case history, she is being ill for 2 years. Rheumocarditis, combined mitral incompetence, insufficiency of blood circulation were diagnosed. What is hemodynamic mechanism of decompensation?

A. Decrease of circulating blood volume

B. Decrease of venous pressure

C. Increase of arterial pressure

D. Decrease of minute volume of the heart

E. Tachycardia


69. A patient with ischemic heart disease had a sudden severe attack of angina pectoris: the face is pale, cold, damp skin, AP-70/50 mm Hg, extrasystolia. Myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock were diagnosed. Name the leading link of pathogenesis?

A. Hypotension

B. Pain syndrome

C. Toxaemia

D. Extrasystolia

E. Decrease of minute blood volume

70. Mitral incompetence without impairment of blood circulation was revealed in a patient aged 25. What mechanism provided the state of the heart compensation?

A. Heterometric mechanism

B. Homeometric mechanism

C. Inotropic action of catecholamines

D. Increase of the heart mass

E. Strengthening of protein synthesis


71. Aortic stenosis was revealed in a girl aged 15, but without impairments of blood circulation. What the mechanism provided the condition of heart compensation?

A. Homeometric mechanism

B. Inotropic action of catecholamines

C. Heterometric mechanism

D. Decrease of heart mass

E. Strengthening of protein synthesis


72. ECG of a child aged 5 shows the impairment of action of cardiac rhythm. On holding breathing the cardiac rhythm becomes normal. What kind of impairment was found out on ECG?

A. Sinus extrasystole

B. Ciliary arrhythmia

C. Respiratory arrhythmia

D. Atrial extrasystole

E. Transversal heart block


73. Strong palpitation, pain in the heart, sharp weakness, increase of AP, irregular pulse with deficiency developed suddenly in a man aged 50. ECG showed absence of wave P and different R-R intervals. What impairment of cardiac rhythm has a patient?

A. Transversal heart block

B. Paroxysmal tachycardia

C. Respiratory arrhythmia

D. Ciliary arrhythmia

E. Sinus extrasystole


74. ECG show that wave P overlaps the wave T what is observed in case of atrial obstruction. At what rate of the heart contractions will it occur?

A. 150 beats per minute

B. 160 beats per minute

C. 170 beats pr minute

D. 140 beats per minute

E. 130 beats per minute


75. During the experiment a white rat was given intraperitoneal injection of 0.1% adrenalin solution at 1 mg/100g of body mass. 30 minutes later respiration become hurried and shallow, then sharp and convulsive, foamy fluid appeared from the nasal cavity, there was acrocyanosis. The animal died when acute pulmonary edema developed. What pathogenetic mechanism is the leading in this case?

A. Toxic

B. Membranogenous

C. Lymphogenous

D. Hydrodynamic

E. Colloid-osmotic


76. Patient V., aged 67 suffers from atherosclerosis of heart vessels and brain vessels. Hyperlipidemia was revealed on examination. What class of lipoproteins of blood serum is of greatest importance in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis?

A. Lipoproteins of low density

B. Chylomicrones

C. Beta lipoproteins

D. Lipoproteins of high density

E. Complex of fat acids with albumins


77. The planned investigation of cardiohemodinamics readings of patient M. with chronic cardiac insufficiency was carried out. Which of the named readings is the main sign of the development of cardiac decompensation?

A. Development of tachycardia

B. Decrease of stroke volume

C. Tonogenic dilatation

D. Increase of peripheral vascular resistance

E. Increase of central venous pressure


78. While analyzing the ECG of the patient with myocardial infarction attention was paid to absence of wave P, presence of wavy isoelectric line with plenty of small waves, frequent and irregular location of QRS complex. What impairment of rhythm does the described picture of ECG correspond to?

A. Ventricular fibrillation

B. Idioventricular fibrillation

C. Atrial fibrillation

D. Paroxysmal tachycardia

E. Ventricular extrasystole

79. Periodical appearance of ventricular extrasystole was revealed during ECG investigation of patient P. It was determined that wave P was absent before extrasystole. What is the cause of its disappearance?

A. Appearance if refractory period in atria

B. Impulse block in sinus node

C. Appearance of refractory period in ventricles

D. Block of impulse conduction round the atria

E. Impossibility of retrograde conduction through A-V node

80. During ultra-sound investigation dilation of heart cavities was revealed in patient S. who suffered from hypertension. Which of the below mentioned signs are evidence of development of tonogenic dilation?

A. Dilation of heart cavities with increase if stroke volume

B. Dilation of cavities without change if stroke volume

C. Dilation of cavities with change of stroke volume

D. Uniform dilations of heart borders

E. Irregular dilations of heart borders


81. Quick fatigue, breathlessness on physical exertion, feeling of “sink” and momentary cardiac arrest appeared in a patient D, aged 13, 2 weeks later after secondary suffered tonsillitis. ECG showed decrease of voltage of waves periodical prolapse of some cardiac cycles PQRST, RCC-55 beats/minute. What is the most possible mechanism of the impairment of heart functions?

A. Toxic impairment of sinus node

B. Impairment of sinus node by immune complexes

C. Sclerotic changes in sinus node

D. Ischemic impairment of sinus node

E. Parasympathetic irritation of sinus node


82. During ECG investigation irregular atrioventricular extrasystoles were determined in a patient aged 38. The impairment of what properties of myocardium composes the base of extra systole pathogenesis?

A. Excitability

B. Automatism

C. Conduction

D. Contractility

E. Tonicity


83. Patient Y, aged 40, is treated for pulmonary tuberculosis, acrocyanosis, breathlessness, extension of heart borders, increase of AP and number of erythrocytes, pachyemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis are marked on examination. Which of the below mentioned symptoms of chronic hypoxia are regarded as lasting compensatory mechanisms of organism.

A. Pachyemia

B. Dilation of the cavities and myocardial hypertrophy

C. Leucocytosis

D. Increase of AP

E. Increase of respiratory rate.


84. Increase of blood viscosity was revealed in a patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency, the damage of the walls of vessels of microcirculatory channel was found out on capillaroscopy. Which of the impairments of peripheral circulation are possible in this case?

A. Slage phenomenon

B. Thrombosis

C. Arterial hyperemia

D. Embolism

E. Venous hyperaemia.


85. Changes that testify to the impairment of cardiomyocytes were recorded on the ECG of an experimental animal after the injection of uabain (substance which blockades K+/Na+-depending ATP). What molecular mechanisms had decisive significance in this case?

A. Electrono-osmotic

B. Lipid

C. Acidotic

D. Calcic

E. Protein


86. Patient, aged 44, complains of strangulation, palpitation, pains in the right costal interspace, and edemas on the legs. Pulsation of cervical veins, enlargement of the liver, edemas of the lower extremities were found out on examination. ECG shows the signs of hypertrophy of both ventricles and right auricle. Tricuspid incompetence was diagnosed. What is pathophysiological variant of this incompetence?

A. Overloading of the heart by exertion

B. Primary myocardial insufficiency

C. Overloading of the heart by volume

D. Coronary insufficiency

E. Cardiac tamponade.


87. Acceleration of the heartbeat during breathing in and deceleration during breathing out were revealed in a youth, aged 16, on examination. ESG showed shortening of RR interval during inspiration and its lengthening during expiration. Name the kind of arrhythmia.

A. Ciliary arrhythmia

B. Sinus tachycardia

C. Idioventricular rhythm

D. Sinus arrhythmia

E. Sinus bradycardia


88. Choose in what form below mentioned states that cause of cardiac insufficiency heterometric mechanism of compensation (Frank-Starling) takes place:

A. Hypertension of systemic circulation

B. Hypertension of pulmonary circulation

C. Stenosis of mitral orifice

D. Stenosis of aortic osteum

E. Aortic incompetence


89. A patient, aged 58, was hospitalised with complaints of unpleasant feelings in the heart area; there was myocardial infarction in anamnesis. ECG shows registration of fibrillation waves (F) instead of P-waves; QRST complexes are widened and deformed. Ventricular rhythm is right; the rate of contractions of ventricles is 48 per minute. What is the most possible impairment of the rhythm in this case?

A. Frederic’s syndrome

B. Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome

C. Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome

D. Atrioventricular block of II stage. Mobits’ type I

E. Atrioventricular block of II stage. Mobits’ type II


90. Name the condition, which accompanied by pressure overload of left ventricle.

A. Stenosis of mitral orifice

B. Stenosis of aortic orifice

C. Incompetence of mitral valve

D. Incompetence of aortic valve

E. Pulmonary hypertension


91. A 24-year-old female patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of headache, pain in kidney area, and general weakness. She was suffered from tonsillitis one month before. At examination patient has BP of 180/110 mmHg; in patient’s blood analysis erythrocytes – 3.1x10^12/L, leucocytes – 12.6x10^9/L, ESR – 28 mm/hour; in patient’s urinalysis – marked proteinuria, hematuria, leukocyturia. What is the mechanism of hypertension development?

A. Renovascular

B. Reflexogenic

C. Aldosteron-induced

D. Renal

E. Mineralocorticoid-induced


92. In a patient with hypertension the pulse rate dropped from 72 to 52 bpm during hypertonic crisis and maintained at this level for 10 days. Intramuscular injection of 1 mg of atropine led to increasing of pulse rate at 16 bpm. What group of arrhythmias does described disorder of cardiac rhythm belong to?

A. Ventricular fibrillation

B. Atrial palpitation

C. Disturbance of rhythm formation

D. Disturbance of rhythm conduction

E. Disturbance of automatism


93. Decrease in pulse rate down to 50 bpm was observed in a patient with cerebral hemorrhage. His pulse was rhythmic. What is the mechanism of this disorder of cardiac rhythm?

A. Irritation of nervus vagus

B. Reduction of rate of free diastolic repolarization

C. Influence of sympathetic mediator

D. Extension of site of sinoatrial node

E. Elevation of rate of free diastolic repolarization


94. A patient died from myocardial infarction, which was proved by data of clinical and electrocardiographical examinations. No changes of coronary vessels were found at autopsy of this patient. What evokes myocardial infarction in this patient?

A. Increase in tonus of sympathetic nervous system

B. Enhanced secretion of catecholamines

C. Obstruction of vessel with embolus

D. Thrombosis of coronary vessels

E. Rheumatic coronaritis


95. A patient with neuro-circulatory distony has heartbeat rate increased up to 130 bpm. Clinical symptoms of organic heart injury were not found in this patient. At pressing on carotid sinus heart rate decreased, but after returned to previous frequency. What is the origin of this disorder of heart rhythm?

A. Fluctuations of parasympathetic tonus

B. Inflammatory lesion of myocardium

C. Enhanced influence of sympathetic nervous system

D. Ischemic injury of myocardium

E. Toxic injury of myocardium


96. Thrombosis of anterior intraventricular coronary artery developed after coronarography in a patient with ischemic heart disease and atherosclerosis of coronary arteries. What mechanism is the most significant for development of this complication?

A. Slowing of blood flow

B. Injury of endothelium of vessel wall

C. Increase in blood coagulant concentrations

D. Decrease in blood anticoagulant concentrations

E. Reduction of fibrinolytic system activity


97. Under hypertrophy of myocardium mass of heart increases due to:

A. Enlargement of each muscular fiber

B. Growth of connective tissue

C. Increase in number of myocardiocytes

D. Growth of adipose tissue

E. Enhancement of blood supply of heart muscle


98. Changes in ECG was shown at first by lengthening of P-Q interval, after that by falling out of single QRS complexes, later by increasing in number of fallen out ventricle complexes, and at last atriums constrict with frequency of 70 bpm and ventricles constrict with frequency of 35 bpm. Described changes are characteristic for:

A. Intraatrial block

B. Cross-sectional block

C. Intraventricular block

D. Arrhythmia due to disturbances of automatism

E. Arrhythmia due to disturbances of conduction


99. The first link in atherosclerosis development is:

A. Slowing of blood flow

B. Degenerative-proliferative changes of internal layer of arteries

C. Excessive depositions of blood plasma lipoproteins in internal layer of arteries

D. Formation of fibrous plaque on internal layer of arteries

E. Disorders of intactness of arterial wall


100. A patient suddenly lost consciousness and develop cramps. At his ECG followings were revealed: 2 to 3 P cogs related to 1 QRST complex. What property of heart conductive system is impaired?

A. Automatism

B. Excitability

C. Conduction

D. Constriction

E. Reproduction of frequency of excitement


ANSWERS: 1.-E. 2.-A. 3.-B. 4.-C. 5.-A. 6.-A. 7.-D. 8.-A. 9.-C. 10.-A. 11.-C. 12.-B. 13.-C. 14.-C. 15.-D. 16.-B. 17.-E. 18.-A. 19.-A. 20.-A. 21.-A. 22.-A. 23.-A. 24.-A. 25.-A. 26.-A. 27.-A. 28.-C. 29.-D. 30.-D. 31.-C. 32.-E. 33.-C. 34.-A. 35.-C. 36.-D. 37.-A. 38.-E. 39.-C. 40.-C. 41.-A. 42.-C. 43.-C. 44.-A. 45.-A. 46.-D. 47.-A. 48.-A. 49.-A. 50.-A. 51.-A. 52.-A. 53.-C. 54.-B. 55.-A. 56.-C. 57.-C. 58.-A. 59.-B. 60.-C. 61.-D. 62.-E. 63.-B. 64.-D. 65.-A. 66.-D. 67.-C. 68.-D. 69.-E. 70.-A. 71.-A. 72.-C. 73.-D. 74.-C. 75.-D. 76.-A. 77.-B. 78.-C. 79.-E. 80.-A. 81.-B. 82.-A. 83.-A. 84.-A. 85.-A. 86.-C. 87.-D. 88.-E. 89.-A. 90.-B. 91.-D. 92.-E. 93.-A. 94.-B. 95.-C. 96.-B. 97.-A. 98.-B. 99.-E. 100.-C.

Topic 20. Pathophysiology of respiratory system.


1. A young man with suspicion on narcotic poisoning was admitted into neurological department. Which of the disorders of external respiration can be expected?

A. Asphyxia

B. Alveolar hyperventilation

C. Kussmal respiration

D. Biot’s Respiration

E. Alveolar hypoventilation


2. In pathogenesis of which types of respiration the main link is the fall of excitability of respiratory centre to carbon dioxide due to oxygen starvation of this centre?

A. Accelerated and deep breathing

B. Expiratory dyspnoea

C. Periodic respiration

D. Inspiratory dyspnoea

E. Combined dyspnoea


3. As a result of casualty the obturation of the lung trachea occurred. Which stage of respiration will be impaired first?

A. Tissue respiration

B. Lung ventilation

C. Exchange of gases in the lungs

D. Exchange of gases in tissues

E. Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide


4. The functional state of respiratory system was examined in a patient with emphysema. What is more characteristic for this state?

A. Increase of tidal volume

B. Increase of vital volume of the lungs

C. Increase of inspiratory reserve volume

D. Decrease of total volume of the lungs

E. Decrease of inspiratory reserve volume


5. The syndrome of respiratory insufficiency is often observed in premature born children. What is the main cause of this?

A. Swallowing of amniotic water

B. Immaturity of lung alveoli due to deficiency of surfactant

C. Intrauterine hypercapnia

D. Imperfection of the nervous regulation of the respiratory act

E. Intrauterine asphyxia


6. Paleness of the skin, accelerated superficial respiration is observed in a newborn. Numerous diffused atelectasis are revealed at X-ray examination. What is the most possible cause of this condition?

A. Pneumothorax

B. Hydrothorax

C. Tuberculosis

D. Bronchial asthma

E. Surfactant deficiency


7. A patient who was at a resuscitation department with skull injury suddenly developed convulsions on the background of regaining consciousness, and short arrest of breathing was changed by solitary sighs with calming down character. What types of respiration appeared in the patient?

A. Gasping respiration

B. Cheyne-Stokes respiration

C. Biot’s respiration

D. Kussmaul respiration

E. Apnoeystic respiration

8. During meal a child breathe in a seed. What respiratory changes will develop in the child?

A. First expiratory dyspnoea, then inspiratory one

B. At first inspiratory dyspnoea, then expiratory one

C. At first arrest of breathing, then expiratory dyspnoea

D. Expiratory dyspnoea, then Cheyne-Stokes respiration

E. Inspiratory dyspnoea, then Biot’s respiration


9. A partial respiratory insufficiency developed in a patient due to a chronic impairment of the organs of respiratory system. What is a characteristic sign of partial respiratory insufficiency?


A. Hypoxemia and hypercapnia

B. Hypoxemia and decrease of alveolar ventilation

C. Decrease of alveolar ventilation and hypercapnia

D. Hypoxemia and gas acidosis

E. Hypoxemia without hyperapnia


10. When developing of pulmonary emphysema in a patient the following is notified:

A. Increase of functional “dead space”.

B. Inspiratory dyspnoea

C. Cardiac insufficiency (left ventricular type)

D. Decrease of resistance to the airflow in the respiratory tract

E. Decrease of functional “dead space”


11. Decrease of the passage at the level of middle and small bronchi is observed in a patient. What process will be the leading in the development of respiratory insufficiency?

A. Disturbance of diffusion

B. Hyperperfusion

C. Hypoventilation

D. Hypoperfusion

E. Hyperventilation


12. In the decrease of the middle and small bronchial passages in a patient the following is observed:

A. Development of gas alkalosis

B. Decrease of pressure in pulmonary circulation

C. Development of inspiratory dyspnoea

D. Hypocapnia

E. Decrease of pO2 and increase of pCO2 in the alveolar air


13. In obstructive type of respiratory disturbances in a patient it will be determined

A. Increase in forced vital volume of the lungs

B. Expiratory dyspnoea

C. Increase in vital volume of the lungs

D. Decrease of the tidal volume

E. Decrease of the total volume of the lungs

14. In restrictive type of respiratory disturbances in a patient the following is revealed

A. Decrease of rate and increase of depth of respiration

B. Expiratory dyspnoea

C. Increase of vital capacity of the lungs

D. Increase of tidal volume of the lungs

E. Decrease of tidal volume of the lungs


15. Gas alkolosis is revealed in the patient is blood. What process impairment is connected with this development?


A. Impairment of diffusion

B. Hyperventilation

C. Hyperperfusion

D. Hypoventilation

E. Hypoperfusion


16. The application of oxygen did not eliminate hypoxemia in a patient with partial respiratory insufficiency. What is the mechanism of respiratory insufficiency?

A. Disturbance of diffusion

B. Hyperperfusion (functional shunt)

C. Hypoventilation

D. Hyperperfusion (anatomical shunt)

E. Hyperventilation


17. Patient aged 62 was admitted into neurological department due to cerebral haemorrhage. Grave condition. Increase of depth and rate of respiration and then its decrease and apnoea is observed. After that the cycle of respiratory movements start again. What type of respiration appeared in the patient?

A. Apneustic respiration

B. Kussmaul respiration

C. Gasping respiration

D. Cheyne-Stokes respiration

E. Biot’s respiration


18. After Typhno’s test index decreased to 30% in the patient. The development of what pathological process in the organs of respiratory systems does it indicate?

A. Lobular pneumonia

B. Pneumothorax

C. Obstructive bronchitis

D. Tuberculous pleurisy

E. Pneumosclerosis


19. A patient has developed athelectasis, which was accompanied by alveolar collapse. What contributes to this?

A. Hyperventilation

B. Spasm of lung vessels

C. Arterial hypertension

D. Surfactant deficiency

E. Respiratory acidosis


20. A patient has the pathology of the lung with the disturbance of external respiration and development of hypercapnia and hypoxia. How many times is the ability of CO2 to diffusion through alveolar-capillary membrane higher than the same one of oxygen?

A. 5

B. 10

C. 15

D. 20

E. 25


21. Patient’s respiratory rate is 10 per min, respiratory volume - 1.1 l whistling rals are heard over the lungs on auscultation. Which of pathogenetic forms of external respiratory disturbance has this patient:

A. Diffuse-pneumonia

B. Diffuse-restrictive

C. Ventilative-restrictive

D. Primary-dyskinetic

E. Obstructive


22. Which of the pathogenetic forms of external respiratory disturbance may develop in traumatic costal fracture?

A. Primary-dyskinetic

B. Ventilative-restrictive.

C. Obstructive

D. Diffuse-restrictive

E. Diffuse pneumonia


23. Which of pathogenetic forms of external respiratory disturbance may appear in cerebrospinal trauma of the level of cervico-thoracic part of the spine?

A. Obstructive

B. Primary-dyskinetic

C. Ventilative-restrictive

D. Diffuse-restrictive

E. Diffuse pneumonic


24. In which of pathologic processes does obstructive form of disturbance of external respiration appear?

A. Pulmonary edema

B. Pneumonia

C. Pleurisy

D. Bronchial asthma

E. Open pneumothorax

25. In which of pathologic processes does ventilative-restrictive form of external respiratory disturbance develop?

A. Pulmonary edema

B. Bronchial asthma

C. Poliomyelitis

D. Syringomyelitis

E. Bronchitis


26. In what form of dyspnea develops in insufficiency of surfactant system of the lungs?


A. Rare shallow respiration

B. Fast deep respiration

C. Fast shallow respiration

D. Expiratory dyspnea

E. Rare deep respiration


27. Which of pathogenetic forms of external respiratory disturbance may develop in craniocerebral trauma?

A. Diffuse-pneumonic

B. Diffuse-restrictive

C. Ventilative-restrictive

D. Primary dyskinetic

E. Obstructive


28. A patient aged 23 was admitted to the hospital with a craniocerebral injury in a poor condition. Respiration is characterised by spasmatic effort of inspiration which does not stop and sometimes is broken by expiration. What type of respiration is this typical for?

A. Apneustic respiration

B. Gasping respiration

C. Kussmal’s respiration

D. Cheyne-Stokes’ respiration

E. Biot’s respiration


29. A patient aged 64 was admitted to the hospital with complaints of cough with sputum, marred dyspnea. Objectively forced position, respiratory rate - 32 per min: additional muscles take part in the act of respiration. X-ray examination: the lungs have increased transparency. What is the main link in the pathogenesis of respiratory insufficiency of this patient?

A. Decrease of elastic abilities of the lungs

B. Accumulation of sputum in the lungs

C. Thin mucus membranes of bronchi

D. Impairment of surfactant system of the lung

E. Pneumosclerosis


30. Both vagus nerves were cut during experiment on animal. How may vagus respiration be characterized?

A. Frequent and deep

B. Very rare and deep

C. Rare and shallow

D. Frequent and shallow

E. Periodic


31. A child with diphtheria developed larynx edema. What type of respiration is observed?


A. Gasping respiration

B. Apneustic respiration

C. Kussmal’s respiration

D. Dyspnea

E. Biot’s respiration

32. A female patient was admitted to the hospital with exertion of chronic bronchitis. Antibiotic treatment was administered. On the fourth day general condition became worse: the temperature persisted, dyspnea and cough increased, itching eruptions appeared on the skin, diffused dry whistles were heard on auscultation. There is eosinophilia (10%) in the blood. Aggregation of symptoms of the patient is caused by the development of:

A. Asthmatic bronchitis

B. Bronchial asthma

C. Bronchopneumonia

D. Allergic reaction

E. Drug allergic reaction


33. The deficiency of alpha-1-antitrypsine was determined in a patient with pulmonary emphysema. What is the leading mechanism of the development of emphysema in this patient?

A. Excessive discharge of elastase by lymphocytes

B. Increase of histamine discharge

C. Dilation of bronchioles

D. Activation of elastolysis

E. Decrease of elastase discharge by neutrophilic granulocytes

34. A patient with bronchial asthma has developed acute respiratory insufficiency. What type of respiratory insufficiency appears in this case?

A. Disregulative disorder of alveolar ventilation

B. Diffuse

C. Perfuse

D. Restrictive disturbance of alveolar ventilation

E. Obstructive disturbance of alveolar ventilation

35. 0.5 ml of air was introduced into a rat’s pleural cavity. What type of respiratory insufficiency appears in this case?

A. Restrictive disturbance of alveolar respiration

B. Obstructive disturbance of alveolar ventilation

C. Perfuse

D. Diffuse

E. Disregulative disturbance of alveolar ventilation

36. Acute respiratory insufficiency appeared in a patient with tetanus. What type of respiratory insufficiency develops in this case?

A. Restrictive disturbance of alveolar respiration

B. Disregulative disturbance of alveolar ventilation

C. Obstructive disturbance of alveolar ventilation

D. Perfuse

E. Diffuse


37. Increased content of carbon dioxide is in a room. How does respiration change (its depth and rate) in a man entered this room?

A. Depth of respiration increases

B. Rate of respiration increases

C. Depth and rate of respiration increase

D. Depth of respiration decreases

E. Rate of respiration decreases


38. When eating a child aspired some food. Strong cough, cyanosis of skin and mucous membranes, increase in pulse rate, rare respiration, and lengthening of inspiration developed in him. What kind of disorder of external respiration developed in this child?

A. Stenotic respiration

B. Expiratory dyspnea stage in asphyxia

C. Inpiratory dyspnea stage in asphyxia

D. Biot’s respiration

E. Alternative respiration


39. A 56-year-old patient, who is fitter by occupation, has been suffering form fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis of lungs for 10 years. During later 3 weeks cough and weakness intensify, amount of purulent-mucous phlegm with blood increases in him. What is the reason for developed ventilation insufficiency in this case?

A. Decrease in number of functioning alveoli

B. Disturbances of functions of respiratory center

C. Disturbances of functions of neuro-muscular apparatus

D. Disturbances of agility of the thorax

E. Disturbances of airways passage


40. A 50-year-old unconscious patient was admitted to the endocrinology department. It is known that patient has been suffering from diabetes mellitus for many years. What kind of disorders of external respiration will be present in this patient?

A. Kussmaul’s respiration

B. Asphyxia

C. Biot’s respiration

D. Stenotic respiration

E. Chain-Stocks respiration


41. Attack of suffocation developed in a 45-year-old woman suffered from bronchial asthma for a long time. What pathogenetic mechanism does this phenomenon have?

A. Expiratory narrowing of small bronchi

B. Loose of elasticity of lung tissue

C. Decrease in sensitivity of respiratory center

D. Disorders of agility of the thorax

E. Impairment of perfusion of lung tissue


42. Edema of larynx developed in a child on the background of allergic reaction. What kind of respiratory failure has developed in this case?


A. Obstructive

B Restrictive

C. Disregulative

D. Parenchimatous

E. -


43. A patient with both-sided lung edema was in the emergency department. What kind of dyspnea is observed in this case?

A Shallow frequent respiration

B. Deep frequent respiration

C. Shallow rare respiration

D. Shallow respiration

E. Asphyxic respiration


44. Lung fibrosis with disorders of alveolar ventilation developed in a miner. What is the leading mechanism in this disorder development?

A. Restriction of respiratory surface of lungs

B. Narrowing of upper airways

C. Disorders of neural regulation of respiration

D. Restriction of agility of the thorax

E. Spasm of bronchi


45. A 60-year-old male patient in severe condition was admitted to the hospital. The patient has been suffering from diabetes mellitus for 10 years. At second day of his stay at the in-patient department his condition sharply worsened: coma developed, noisy respiration appeared, which was accompanied by deep inspirations with forced expirations and participation of expiratory muscles. What kind of disorders of respiration is observed in the patient?

A. Kussmaul’s respiration

B. Stenotic respiration

C. Tachipnea

D. Chain-Stocks’ respiration

E. Biot’s respiration


46. A patient with craniocerebral trauma has respiration, which is characterized by respiratory movements becoming deeper and then becoming shallower and after that short pause in respiration occurs. What periodical respiration is this type characteristic for?

A. Chain-Stocks’ respiration

B. Biot’s respiration

C. Kussmaul’s respiration

D. Gasping respiration

E. Apneastic respiration

47. A female patient N., aged 16, with asphyxia was admitted to the emergency department. She has expiratory dyspnea with respiration rate of 8 per minute, BP of 80/50 mmHg, heartbeat rate of 40 bpm, and narrowed pupils. What phase of asphyxia does this patient have?

A. II phase

B. I phase

C. II phase

D. IV phase

E. -


48. A boy was admitted to resuscitation department. He has inspiratory dyspnea, general excitation, widened pupils, tachycardia, and BP of 160/100 mmHg. What phase of asphyxia does this patient have?

A. I phase

B. II phase

C. III phase

D. IV phase

E. -


49. A 15-year-old girl has been suffering from bronchial asthma for 5 years. What kind of hypoxia does this patient have?

A. Respiratory

B. Circulatory

C. Hemic

D. Tissue

E. Mixed


ANSWERS. 1.-E.2.-A.3.-B.4.-A.5.-B.6.-E.7.-A.8.-B.9.-E.10.-A.11.-C.12.-E.13.-B.14.-E. 15.-B.16.-D.17.-D.18.-C.19.-D.20.-E.21.-E.22.-B.23.-B.24.-D.25.-A.26.-C. 27.-D.28.-A.29.-A.30.-B.31.-D.32.-E.33.-D.34.-E.35.-A.36.-B.37.-C.38.-B.39.-A. 40.-A. 41.-A. 42.-A. 43.-A. 44.-A. 45.-A. 46.-A. 47.-A. 48.-A. 49.-A.


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