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As from 1 December 2009, the date on which the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force, the European Union has legal personality and has acquired the competences previously conferred on the European Community. Community law has therefore become European Union law. In the following presentation, the term ‘Community law' will nevertheless be used where the earlier case-law of the General Court is being cited.
![]() | The General Court is made up of at least one Judge from each Member State (27 in 2007). The Judges are appointed by common accord of the governments of the Member States after consultation of a panel responsible for giving an opinion on candidates' suitability. They are appointed for a term of office of six years, which is renewable. They appoint their President, for a period of three years, from amongst themselves. They appoint a Registrar for a term of office of six years. |
The Judges perform their duties in a totally impartial and independent manner.
Unlike the Court of Justice, the General Court does not have permanent Advocates General. However, that task may, in exceptional circumstances, be carried out by a Judge.
The General Court sits in Chambers of five or three Judges or, in some cases, as a single Judge. It may also sit as a Grand Chamber (thirteen Judges) or as a full court when this is justified by the legal complexity or importance of the case. More than 80% of the cases brought before the General Court are heard by a Chamber of three Judges.
The Presidents of the Chambers of five Judges are elected from amongst the Judges for a period of three years.
The General Court has its own Registry, but uses the services of the Court of Justice for its other administrative and linguistic requirements.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-25; просмотров: 95 | Нарушение авторских прав
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